23 MARCH 2020
Flying Operations
ACCESSIBILITY: Publications and forms are available for downloading or ordering on the
e-publishing website at
RELEASABILITY: There are no releasability restrictions on this publication.
Supersedes: AFMAN11-421,
12 September 2018
Certified by: AF/A3T
(Maj Gen James A. Jacobson)
Pages: 57
This manual implements Air Force Policy Directive (AFPD) 11-4, Aviation Service, and
establishes objectives, responsibilities, training, and guidance for the Regular Air Force (RegAF)
and Air Reserve Components (ARC) 1C0X2 Aviation Resource Management career field. This
is a specialized publication intended for use by Airmen who have graduated from technical training
related to this publication. This manual sets procedures and standards on updating, auditing, and
monitoring aviation, Missile Combat Crew Members (MCCM) and parachutist service data in
Aviation Resource Management System (ARMS). The RegAF and ARC must comply with the
requirements outlined in this publication. This publication may be supplemented at any level, but
all direct supplements must be routed for coordination prior to certification and approval to the
Office of Primary Responsibility (OPR) of this publication, AF/A3TM. AF/A3TM is used
throughout the text and denotes the office of the Air Force 1C0X2 Career Field Manager (CFM).
Refer recommended changes and questions about this publication to the Office of Primary
Responsibility (OPR) using the AF Form 847, Recommendation for Change of Publication; route
AF Forms 847 from the field through the appropriate functional chain of command to AF/A3TM,
1480 USAF Pentagon, Washington DC 20330-1480. Ensure all records created as a result of
processes prescribed in this publication are maintained in accordance with AFMAN 33-363,
Management of Records, and disposed of in accordance with Air Force Records Information
Management System Record (AFRIMS) Disposition Schedule. The authorities to waive wing/unit
level requirements in this publication are identified with a Tier (“T-0, T-1, T-2, T-3”) number
following the compliance statement. See AFI 33-360 for a description of the authorities associated
with the Tier numbers. Submit requests for waivers through the chain of command to the
2 AFMAN11-421 23 MARCH 2020
appropriate Tier waiver approval authority, or alternately, to the requestors commander for non-
tiered compliance items. The use of the name or mark of any specific manufacturer, commercial
product, commodity, or service in this publication does not imply endorsement by the Air Force.
This publication requires the collection and or maintenance of information protected by the Privacy
Act (5 U.S.C. § 552a) and Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. § 552), as amended;
Departmental Regulations; 37 United States Code; and Executive Order 9397, Numbering System
for Federal Accounts Relating to Individual Persons, as amended. Vigilance must be taken to
protect Personally Identifiable Information when submitting or sending nominations, applications
or other documents to Department of Defense (DoD) agencies through government Internet,
software applications, systems, e-mail, postal, faxing or scanning. Refer to the following policies
for additional guidance: AFI 33-332, Air Force Privacy and Civil Liberties Program. Forms
containing Personally Identifiable Information require Privacy Act Statements. The Privacy Act
System of Records Notice F011 AF XO A, Aviation Resource Management Systems (ARMS)
covers required information
This document has been substantially revised and must be completely reviewed. The revision
addresses the following: 1) Incorporates guidance changes outlined in AFMAN11-
421_AFGM2019-02; 2) Clarifies guidance related to aviation service of rated officers, CEAs, non-
rated aircrew members, and parachutists; 3) Removes guidance on the management of flight record
folders, and (4) Provides additional guidance on management of ARMS records. 1C0X2
procedural guides, ARMS code sets, and templates are located in the AFMAN 11-421 Procedural
Guidance Folder under the Field Guidance link on the Air Force Aviation Resource Management
SharePoint® site (Website address:
1.1. Purpose. ................................................................................................................... 5
1.2. Career Field Manager (CFM) Position Responsibilities. ......................................... 5
1.3. MAJCOM Functional Manager (MFM) Position Responsibilities. ......................... 5
1.4. FM (Installation and Tenant Level) Position Responsibilities. ................................ 7
1.5. CHARM Position Responsibilities. ......................................................................... 8
1.6. HARM Office Responsibilities. ............................................................................... 9
1.7. SARM or Tenant Aviation Resource Management (TARM) Office NCOIC
Position Responsibilities. ......................................................................................... 10
1.8. SARM and TARM Office Responsibilities. ............................................................ 10
1.9. Scheduling/Current Operations Responsibilities. ................................................... 11
1.10. Flying Squadron Operations Center (Duty Desk) Responsibilities. ....................... 11
1.11. Aircrew Training Office Responsibilities. .............................................................. 11
AFMAN11-421 23 MARCH 2020 3
1.12. Standardization and Evaluation Office Responsibilities. ........................................ 12
1.13. Air Force 1C0X2 ASG Responsibilities. ................................................................. 12
1.14. Air Force and MAJCOM ARMS Working Group (AWG) Responsibilities. ......... 12
2.1. Purpose. ................................................................................................................... 13
2.2. ARMS Record Management Administration. .......................................................... 13
2.3. Jump Record Folder (JRF) Construction. ................................................................ 13
2.4. JRF Documents. ...................................................................................................... 14
2.5. ARMS Record Review. ........................................................................................... 14
2.6. ARMS Record In-Processing. .................................................................................. 15
2.7. ARMS Record Out-Processing. ............................................................................... 16
2.8. Release and Retrieval of Aviation and Parachutist Service Data. ........................... 17
2.9. Updating Medical Information in ARMS. .............................................................. 18
2.10. Physiological and Centrifuge Training. .................................................................. 19
2.11. Aircraft/Jump Mishap Procedures. ........................................................................ 19
2.12. EOM Reports. ......................................................................................................... 19
2.13. Establish SSN for Non-US Citizens, GS Civilian Employees, and Contractors. .... 20
3.1. Purpose. ................................................................................................................... 21
3.2. Aeronautical Orders and Active ASCs. ................................................................... 21
3.3. AO General Instructions. ......................................................................................... 21
3.4. In-Flight/Parachute Duty Requirement Validation. ................................................. 23
4.1. Purpose. ................................................................................................................... 27
4.2. Aviation Training Management Folders (ATMF). .................................................. 27
4.3. Use of Source Documents/Alternative Data Source. ............................................... 27
4.4. Flight Authorizations (FAs). ................................................................................... 28
4.5. Pre-Mission Review. ............................................................................................... 28
4.6. Post-Mission Review. ............................................................................................. 28
4 AFMAN11-421 23 MARCH 2020
4.7. Aircraft Flying Hour Program. ............................................................................... 28
4.8. Formal In-Flight/Parachute/Missile Duty TDY. ..................................................... 29
4.9. Aircraft and/or Jump Mishap. .................................................................................. 29
4.10. ARMS Training Profiles. ........................................................................................ 29
4.11. Triangle Audit. ........................................................................................................ 29
4.12. ARMS Training Profile Rollover Procedures. ......................................................... 30
4.13. Aircrew/Parachutist/MCCM In-/Out-processing. ................................................... 30
4.14. Deployment/TDY Operations. ................................................................................ 31
5.1. Purpose. ................................................................................................................... 32
5.2. 5-/7-Skill Level Upgrade Training. ......................................................................... 32
5.3. SEI(s). ..................................................................................................................... 33
5.4. Deliberate Development. ........................................................................................ 33
6.1. Purpose. ................................................................................................................... 34
6.2. Types of Flight Pay. ................................................................................................. 34
6.3. Eligibility Requirements for Conditional Flight Pay (AvIP and HDIP). ................. 36
6.4. Order of Application for Entitlement to Conditional Flight Pay. ............................ 38
6.5. Grace Period. .......................................................................................................... 38
6.6. Application of Flight Time. ................................................................................... 39
6.7. Air Reserve Component (ARC) Flight Pay. ............................................................ 40
6.8. HDIP (Parachute Duty). ........................................................................................... 42
7.1. Military Pay Order (MPO). ...................................................................................... 48
7.2. MPO Preparation. ................................................................................................... 48
7.3. MPO Pay Actions. ................................................................................................... 48
7.4. Validating Monthly Flight/Jump Pay Entitlement. ................................................. 49
7.5. Entitlement Status Letter/120-Day Notification Letter/Conditional Pay Briefing. . 49
AFMAN11-421 23 MARCH 2020 5
Chapter 1
1.1. Purpose. This chapter establishes roles and responsibilities for key leadership positions and
1C0X2 functional areas at the Air Staff, Major Command (MAJCOM), Wing, Group, and
Squadron level. The use of the term “flight pay” denotes Aviation Incentive Pay (AvIP), Critical
Skills Incentive Pay (CSIP), or Hazardous Duty Incentive Pay (HDIP) entitlement for the
performance of in-flight duties or ground-based radar Air Battle Manager (ABM) duties. The use
of the term “jump pay” denotes HDIP for the performance of parachute duties.
1.2. Career Field Manager (CFM) Position Responsibilities.
1.2.1. Serve as the Headquarters Air Force (HAF) authority for 1C0X2 functional areas and
Aviation Resource Management System (ARMS).
1.2.2. Standardize 1C0X2 functional area processes and procedures.
1.2.3. Manage career field development in accordance with AFI 36-2651, Air Force Training
Program, and this manual.
1.2.4. Administer the Air Force Aviation Resource Management (ARM) awards program.
1.2.5. Serve as HAF OPR for AFMAN 11-402, Aviation and Parachutist Service, 1C0X2
Career Field Education and Training Plan (CFETP), and this manual.
1.2.6. Serve as HAF OPR for flight and jump pay, Air Force Board for Correction of Military
Records (AFBCMR), and congressional inquiries pertaining to aviation and parachutist service
1.2.7. Disseminate correspondence regarding manning, CMSgt and SMSgt prioritization
listings, and training course curriculum changes.
1.2.8. Participate in MAJCOM ARM workshops and training events.
1.2.9. Serve as the HAF OPR for the ARMS program, Automated Aircrew Management
System (AAMS), ARMS interface agreements, and ARMS operating budget.
1.2.10. Biennially convene a Special Experience Identifier (SEI) 066 Training and
Certification Workshop to address trends, implement process improvement, and satisfy 1C0X2
Continuation Professional Education and Development (CPED) program requirements.
1.2.11. Manage Enlisted Development Teams (EDT) in accordance with AFI 36-2640,
Executing Total Force Development, 1C0X2 EDT charter, and this manual. Note: The 1C0X2
EDT Charter is not applicable to the Air Reserve Component (ARC).
1.2.12. Develop a consolidated list of 1C0X2 key leadership positions based on input from the
MAJCOM Functional Managers. Forward the list of key leadership positions to Air Force
Personnel Center (AFPC) for use during the assignment selection process. The 1C0X2 key
leadership positions are not applicable to ARC.
1.3. MAJCOM Functional Manager (MFM) Position Responsibilities.
6 AFMAN11-421 23 MARCH 2020
1.3.1. Coordinate with their MAJCOM/A1 to ensure the newly assigned MFM meets the
following requirements: 1) Air Force Specialty Code (AFSC) 1C092 or 1C000; 2) At least five
years of experience as a 1C0X2; and 3) SEI 066/271.
1.3.2. Execute career field development responsibilities in accordance with AFI 36-2651 and
this manual. Manage 1C0X2 SEI program for their Command. Recommend award and removal of 1C0X2 SEI(s). Track 1C0X2 CPED program requirements for 1C0X2 personnel assigned
to their command or area of responsibility. Schedule 1C0X2 personnel for ARM courses.
1.3.3. Conduct Staff Assistance Visits (SAVs) and other training assistance, as requested by
1.3.4. Ensure Host Aviation Resource Management (HARM) offices manage flight and jump
pay in accordance with DoDI 7730.67, Aviator Incentive Pays and Bonus Program, DoDI
1340.09, Hazardous Duty Pay, DoD Financial Management Regulation (DoDFMR) 7000.14R,
Volume 7A, AFMAN 11-402, Aviation and Parachutist Service, and this manual. (T-0) Note:
ARC 1C0X2 personnel are responsible for processing pay for ARC members.
1.3.5. Convene and chair MAJCOM ARM workshops biannually to review and improve
aviation, MCCM, and parachutist service management policies and procedures.
1.3.6. Coordinate on all aviation and parachutist service related AFI(s) and AFMAN(s) Tier
1 or Tier 2 waivers, exception-to-policy, and flying status requests which require MAJCOM
coordination or approval. If the request is approved, forward the approval documentation to
the applicable HARM office.
1.3.7. Administer the MAJCOM annual awards program in accordance with the Annual Air
Force Outstanding Aviation Resource Management Awards announcement message.
1.3.8. Ensure HAF and MAJCOM guidance and training course curriculum changes are
disseminated to the servicing HARM office that manages the respective Command’s ARMS
records. At a minimum, conduct quarterly conference calls to discuss negative trends, career-
field changes, and Command issues. Exception: ARC personnel follow ARC and Office of
Personnel Management manpower policies.
1.3.9. Conduct initial feedback with newly assigned Chief Host Aviation Resource Manager
(CHARM) and Functional Manager (FM). At a minimum, the following items are covered: 1)
Air and Space Expeditionary Force tasking; 2) 1C0X2 SEI eligibility process; 3) scheduling
formal courses; 4) 1C0X2 EDT vectoring process; 5) 1C0X2 CPED program requirements;
and 6) Permanent change of assignment (PCA) requirements on installations with more than
1.3.10. Serve as the MAJCOM OPR for ARMS.
1.3.11. Review unit manpower document grades to ensure required grades for duties
associated with each authorization are correct.
AFMAN11-421 23 MARCH 2020 7
1.3.12. Ensure CHARM and FM meet the following position requirements: 1) Hold a primary
AFSC: 1C072, 1C092, or 1C000; 2) Obtained at least three years’ experience in the 1C0X2
career field; 3) Awarded the SEI 066; and 4) Current on their 1C0X2 CPED program
1.3.13. Coordinate manning for key duty position (for example: Stabilized Tours, Manning
Points, Special Category, etc.) vacancies with AFPC. When required, advise the applicable
hiring authority on the most qualified local candidate for the CHARM and FM position.
1.3.14. Review ARM Working and Advisory Council (AWAC) meeting minutes, consolidate
high interest items within MAJCOM, and forward MAJCOM issues and recommendations to
the CFM on a quarterly basis.
1.3.15. Represent their command at ARM Steering Group (ASG) meetings, 1C0X2
workshops, and 1C0X2 EDT board sessions.
1.4. FM (Installation and Tenant Level) Position Responsibilities.
1.4.1. Notify MFM of PCS and PCA selection for key duty positions (for example: Stabilized
Tours, Manning Point, Special Category, etc.). (T-2) For vacancy fills not requiring PCS action
for a replacement, advise the hiring authority to ensure candidates meet all position
requirements (specifically: 1C0X2 SEI and EDT vector). (T-2) When the CHARM and FM
are not the same, the FM should meet the same criteria required for the CHARM and be the
most qualified person with a primary AFSC of 1C072, 1C092, or 1C000. (T-2) For installations with 1C0X2 personnel assigned to more than one MAJCOM,
each MAJCOM may have their own FM. Ensure the FM meets the following position
requirements: 1) SNCO with a Primary AFSC of 1C072, 1C092, or 1C000; 2) Minimum
of three years’ experience in the 1C0X2 career field; and 3) Awarded the SEI 066. (T-2) Submit waiver requests for CHARM and FM qualification requirements to the
MFM. (T-2) Include the member’s qualification (copy of 1C0X2 training record
documenting task completion) and an expected get-well date.
1.4.2. Review unit manpower document grades to ensure required grades for duties associated
with each authorization are correct. Address discrepancies with the MFM. (T-2)
1.4.3. Ensure 1C0X2 functional areas (as applicable) perform accurate and timely validation
for daily inputs and audits of data entered into ARMS. (T-2)
1.4.4. Annually brief the Operations Group Commander on ARM manning issues to include
job rotations, deployments, ARM formal school allocations, and any critical items from the
commander’s guide (for example: Aviation Service Code (ASC) “04” over 180 days, double
billeting, etc.). (T-2)
1.4.5. Ensure newly assigned flying/jump squadron commanders, First Sergeants,
Group/Squadron Superintendents, and Senior Enlisted Leaders are briefed on 1C0X2
personnel issues, policies, and procedures using the minimum subjects identified in the
commander’s guide. (T-2) Note: When FM and CHARM are not the same, the CHARM
should accompany the FM during the briefing. (T-2) Additionally, the SARM NCOIC should
attend to get an understanding of the briefing process and prepare themselves for this future
responsibility. (T-2) Refer to paragraph 2.2 for the storage location of the commander’s
8 AFMAN11-421 23 MARCH 2020
1.4.6. Conduct a SAV on the HARM office at least semi-annually. (T-2)
1.4.7. Conduct a SAV on the SARM offices at least annually. (T-2)
1.4.8. Ensure all information pertaining to ARMS and the career field is distributed to all
1C0X2 personnel assigned to the base (regardless of MAJCOM). (T-2)
1.4.9. Establish an AWAC official charter. RegAF and ARC AWACs should include all
1C0X2 personnel on the installation (regardless of assigned MAJCOM). (T-2) The
responsibility for establishment of the AWAC and performing requirements falls on the host
installation servicing HARM office. Conduct quarterly training meetings. (T-2) Note: In order to accommodate Total
Force participation, at least half of the meetings should be held on Unit Training Assembly
weekends where ARC units are present on the installation. (T-2) Discuss, document, and collect ideas that pertain to Air Force guidance, career
field development, or ARMS capabilities to send to their respective MAJCOM AWG. (T-
2) Appoint a recorder to document and send meeting minutes to assigned 1C0X2
personnel, respective MFM, and MAJCOM AWG representatives. (T-2)
1.4.10. For Total Force Integration units, ensure a memorandum of agreement (MOA) is
established to define roles and responsibilities for 1C0X2 functional area requirements. (T-2)
1.4.11. Execute career field development responsibilities in accordance with AFI 36-2651 and
this manual. (T-2)
1.4.12. Lead ARMS training program/profile review meetings to ensure SARM offices track
continuation and additional (ground) training requirements in ARMS in accordance with the
current Ready Aircrew Program Tasking Memorandum, AFMAN 11-202 Vol 1, Aircrew
Training, AFI 11-410, Personnel Parachute Operations, AFI 16-1301, Survival, Evasion,
Resistance, and Escape (SERE) Program, and AFI 10-3502, Pararescue and Combat Rescue
Officer Training. (T-2)
1.5. CHARM Position Responsibilities.
1.5.1. Serve as the wing (installation) focal point for aviation and parachutist service actions.
The FM and CHARM may be the same individual. The leadership hierarchy at the Wing level
is FM then CHARM (if not the same individual). (T-2)
1.5.2. Execute career field development responsibilities in accordance with AFI 36-2651 and
this manual. (T-2)
1.5.3. Complete a HARM office self-inspection within 60 days of assignment to the position.
Document discrepancies and submit inspection results to the unit commander and MFM. (T-
1.5.4. Appoint an ARMS database administrator, if other than the FM or CHARM, to manage
ARMS access and module permissions. (T-2) The ARMS database manager responsibilities
include: Create and assign ARMS roles necessary to carry out 1C0X2 duty position
requirements. (T-2)
AFMAN11-421 23 MARCH 2020 9 Ensure all users submit a DD Form 2875, System Authorization Access Request.
(T-2) Validate duty requirements for ARMS access. (T-2) The applicable MFM
approves requests for non-1C0X2 personnel and government contractors. An ARMS
access requirement expiration date for non-1C0X2 personnel and government contracts are
established prior to the MFM approval. Remove ARMS access no later than two duty days after departure based on PCS,
separation, or retirement of 1C0X2 personnel. (T-2) Note: Non-1C0X2 personnel and
government contractor’s ARMS access is removed no later than (NLT) the date established
in the ARMS access request approved by the MFM.
1.5.5. Submit an appointment letter or a DD Form 577, Appoint/Termination Record
Authorized Signature, to the unit commander for the certifying official designation for Military
Pay Order (MPO) and HARM user role access to Case Management System (CMS). (T-3) The
MFM approves all HARM user role access to CMS and forwards the request to HAF for
processing with AFPC.
1.5.6. Ensure the servicing HARM office performs required aviation and parachutist service
actions in accordance with AFI 11-401, Aviation Management, AFMAN 11-402, and this
manual. (T-2)
1.5.7. Coordinate ARMS training rollover with all SARM offices. (T-2)
1.5.8. Administer HAF guidance for flight/jump pay entitlement along with auditing and
reconciliation in accordance with DoDI 7730.67, DoDI 1340.09, DoDFMR 7000.14R, Volume
7A, and this manual. (T-2) As required, provide Aviation Service Dates (ASDs) to Defense
Finance Accounting Service (DFAS), Finance Service Office (FSO), and Reserve Pay Office
(RPO). (T-0)
1.5.9. Ensure 1C0X2 personnel have access to the systems outlined in paragraph and
paragraph to perform HARM and SARM office functional duties. (T-2) Upon re-
assignment to a 1C0X2 functional area that does not require the system access, the FM or
CHARM takes appropriate action to have the system access removed no later than the day of
departure. (T-2) Aeromedical Services Information Management System (ASIMS). HARM
and SARM office personnel require ASIMS access to track medical clearance requirements
in accordance with AFMAN 11-402 and this manual. (T-2) AAMS. HARM and SARM office personnel require AAMS access to track letter
of flying/jump attachments, retrieve individual flight time history, and manage aircrew and
parachutist readiness requirements. (T-2)
1.6. HARM Office Responsibilities.
1.6.1. The host command of the installation designates within the operations group a HARM
office function to be the base OPR for ARMS, flight/jump pay and Jump Record Folders
(JRFs). (T-2) Installations with a RegAF and ARC HARM function are identified in the
HARM locator database. Refer to paragraph 2.2 for the link on the Air Force Aviation
Resource Management SharePoint® site.
10 AFMAN11-421 23 MARCH 2020
1.6.2. Monitor appropriate web pages (for example: HAF/MAJCOM SharePoint® sites,
ARMS Program Management Office (PMO) SharePoint® site, etc.), as required, for system
status, problem reports, workarounds, ad hoc queries, and other information necessary for the
operation of ARMS.
1.6.3. Create and maintain written procedures (hard copy or electronic) for HARM office
functions (example: AO publication). (T-2)
1.6.4. The servicing HARM office (or assigned SARM office) will track active ASCs, console
time, and medical qualification requirements for ABMs assigned to ground-based radar duties
to be eligible for Operational Flying Duty Accumulator (OFDA) credit. (T-1) Refer to
paragraph 2.2 for storage location of ground-based radar ABM guide.
1.6.5. Serve as the approval authority at each installation for entitlement to flight and jump
pay in accordance with DoDI 7730.67, DoDI 1340.09, DoDFMR 7000.14R, Volume 7A, and
this manual. (T-0)
1.7. SARM or Tenant Aviation Resource Management (TARM) Office NCOIC Position
1.7.1. Serve as the unit focal point for aviation, MCCM, and parachutist service actions.
Disseminate information pertaining to ARMS and the career field (for example: manning, job
assignments, promotion, awards, etc.) to all 1C0X2 personnel.
1.7.2. Notify the FM or CHARM regarding vacancies, manning requirements, training issues,
and Temporary Duty (TDY) concerns (if applicable).
1.7.3. Coordinate aviation and parachutist service actions through the member’s servicing
HARM office. The servicing HARM office should contact the appropriate MAJCOM when
further assistance is needed.
1.7.4. Ensure source documents are submitted to the HARM office when aircrew and
parachutists are selected for a non-flying or jumping TDY or to attend non-flying or jumping
formal training classes at home station that would affect their in-flight or parachute duty status.
1.7.5. Conduct a self-inspection on the SARM office within 60 days of assignment to the
position and semi-annually. (T-2) Document discrepancies and submit results to the unit
commander and FM/CHARM. (T-2) Note: Cross-SARMs self-inspections are encouraged and
1.7.6. Manage Aircrew/parachutist/MCCM continuation and additional (ground) training
events/profiles in ARMS in accordance with the Ready Intercontinental Ballistic Missile
Program, Ready Aircrew Program Tasking Memorandum, AFMAN 11-202 Vol 1, AFI 11-
410, AFI 16-1301, and AFI 10-3502.
1.8. SARM and TARM Office Responsibilities.
1.8.1. Update flight time, jump activity, MCCM data, and aircrew training in ARMS for
members assigned or attached to their unit. (T-2)
1.8.2. Provide unit aircrew Status of Resources and Training System training level (Combat
Mission Readiness Status) and aircrew/parachutist/MCCM availability, if required.
AFMAN11-421 23 MARCH 2020 11
1.8.3. Ensure proper recording and processing of sonic boom activity, as required. Ensure
information is documented and maintained in accordance with AFI 13-201, Airspace
1.8.4. Assist leadership with validation of member’s eligibility for Rule 3 and Rule 4 jump
waiver letters prior to submission to the HARM office.
1.8.5. Create and maintain written procedures (hard copy or electronic) for SARM office
functions (Example: Go/No Go procedures). (T-2)
1.8.6. Monitor appropriate web pages (for example: HAF and MAJCOM SharePoint® sites,
ARMS PMO SharePoint® site, etc.) for system status, problem reports, workarounds, ad hoc
queries, and other information necessary for the operation of ARMS.
1.9. Scheduling/Current Operations Responsibilities. Only applicable in instances where
funded 1C0X2 billets exist on the Unit Manpower Document (UMD) or the MFM has approved,
in writing, the use of 1C0X2 personnel to perform assigned duties when there are no funded 1C0X2
1.9.1. Prepare and coordinate mission documents.
1.9.2. Perform mission planning functions.
1.9.3. Receive and process taskings.
1.9.4. Determine and assign required resource requirements.
1.9.5. Develop and de-conflict schedules.
1.9.6. Manage flying hour program.
1.10. Flying Squadron Operations Center (Duty Desk) Responsibilities. Only applicable in
instances where funded 1C0X2 billets exist on the UMD or the MFM has approved, in writing, the
use of 1C0X2 personnel to perform assigned duties when there are no funded 1C0X2
1.10.1. Perform Go-/No-Go procedures for all aircrew members and parachutists.
1.10.2. Maintain the daily flight schedule and flight authorization.
1.10.3. Coordinate mission requirements with base agencies (example: airfield management,
maintenance, weather, etc.).
1.10.4. Perform radio operations with tower, base operations, aircraft, and maintenance.
1.10.5. Perform emergency procedure checklists.
1.11. Aircrew Training Office Responsibilities. Only applicable in instances where funded
1C0X2 billets exist on the UMD or the MFM has approved, in writing, the use of 1C0X2 personnel
to perform assigned duties when there are no funded 1C0X2 authorizations.
1.11.1. Identify and track the following training requirements (as applicable): initial
qualification, upgrade, requalification, and continuation training.
1.11.2. Manage training schedules.
1.11.3. Ensure proper completion and routing of the AF Form 4324, Aircraft
Assignment/Aircrew Qualification Worksheets to the applicable SARM office.
12 AFMAN11-421 23 MARCH 2020
1.12. Standardization and Evaluation Office Responsibilities. Only applicable in instances
where funded 1C0X2 billets exist on the UMD or the MFM has approved, in writing, the use of
1C0X2 personnel to perform assigned duties when there are no funded 1C0X2 authorizations.
1.12.1. Implement Flight Evaluation Folder (FEF) maintenance and review guidance.
1.12.2. Coordinate and process applicable AF Forms 847, Recommendation for Change of
Publication, through Stan/Eval channels for MAJCOM/HAF approval.
1.12.3. Ensure compliance with the Flight Crew Information File program.
1.12.4. Ensure proper completion, routing, and filing of AF Form 8, Certificate of Aircrew
Qualification, and AF Form 8A, Certificate of Aircrew Qualification (Multiple Aircraft).
1.12.5. Advise squadron leadership of aircrew progression toward completion of aircrew
evaluations and requisites.
1.12.6. Ensure proper completion and routing of the AF Form 4324 to the applicable SARM
1.13. Air Force 1C0X2 ASG Responsibilities.
1.13.1. Develop strategic plans and initiatives that positively impact the growth and
development of 1C0X2 personnel.
1.13.2. Ensure ARMS capabilities development projects meet MAJCOM mission
requirements. (T-1)
1.13.3. Conduct quarterly ASG meetings to evaluate process improvement initiatives, align
MAJCOM mission requirements with ARMS capability development priorities, and assess
career-field effectiveness in the management of the Air Force flight/jump pay programs. (T-1)
1.14. Air Force and MAJCOM ARMS Working Group (AWG) Responsibilities. The Air
Force AWG concentrates on issues affecting ARMS functional capabilities and requirements.
1.14.1. The Air Force AWG duties include the following: Advise the CFM on development of ARMS workarounds for emerging mission
requirements. Oversee and participate in testing of new ARMS capabilities. Notify the MFMs and MAJCOM AWGs of new ARMS operating procedures
and ARMS release dates.
1.14.2. The MAJCOM AWG duties include the following: Advise the MFM on development of ARMS workarounds for emerging mission
requirements. Participate in testing of new ARMS capabilities. Notify the CHARMs of new ARMS operating procedures and ARMS release
AFMAN11-421 23 MARCH 2020 13
Chapter 2
2.1. Purpose. This chapter establishes HARM office procedural guidance. The use of the term
“flight” pay denotes AvIP, CSIP, or HDIP entitlement for the performance of in-flight duties or
ground-based radar ABM duties. The use of the term “jump pay” denotes HDIP for the
performance of parachute duties.
2.2. ARMS Record Management Administration.
2.2.1. Refer to the AFMAN 11-421 Procedural Guidance Folder under the Field Guidance link
on the Air Force Aviation Resource Management SharePoint® site for additional info on the
items listed in paragraph through paragraph ARMS Record Management. ARMS Record Custodial Responsibility. ARMS Physical Status Code Set. ARMS Physical Availability Code Set. ARMS Record Review Code Set. ARMS Categorical Flying Waiver Code Set. Non-US Identity Code (NUSIC) Code Set. HARM Locator Database. ARMS Aircrew Summary Access Instructions. ARMS Record In-/Out-Processing Checklist Template. Commander’s Briefing Guide. Ground-based ABM Guide. Accessing ARMS Aircrew Summary Data (Aircrew members only). Accessing AOs in CMS (1C0X2 personnel access only). Retrieval of flight time in AAMS (1C0X2 personnel access only).
2.2.2. The following is the website link for any reference to the Air Force Aviation Resource
Management SharePoint®:
2.3. Jump Record Folder (JRF) Construction.
2.3.1. JRF Requirements: The JRF will consist of a green pressboard folder, legal or letter size, unless
otherwise specified to storage equipment. (T-1) Labels. Type the member’s last name, first name, and middle initial in capital
letters and the last four of the SSN on the label. The label will be placed on the inside left
corner. (T-3) Note: If previously created records contain the full SSN, the servicing HARM
office is authorized to redact all but the last four of the SSN.
14 AFMAN11-421 23 MARCH 2020
2.4. JRF Documents. The documents outlined in paragraph 2.4.1 through paragraph 2.4.6
shall be filed in the JRF chronologically within each section and with the latest effective date on
top. (T-1) Note: The servicing HARM office will maintain a JRF for an aircrew member who is
dual-qualified as a parachutist. (T-1)
2.4.1. (Left Side of the JRF) - Copy of Aeronautical Orders (AOs) and MPOs published to
initiate, terminate, disqualify, requalify, and revalidate parachutist service in chronological
order by the effective date. (T-1) Additionally, a copy of the basic parachutist badge.
2.4.2. (Left side of the JRF) - AF Form 1521, ARMS Individual Jump Pay Entitlement
Worksheet and Jump Pay Entitlement Briefing. Note: HARM office personnel may keep the
current form in a suspense file to manage monthly jump pay processes. Ensure all forms are
filed in member’s JRF prior to PCS. (T-2)
2.4.3. (Left side of the JRF) - Approved Jump Rule 2, 3, and 4 Letter(s).
2.4.4. (Right side of the JRF) - Annual, PCS, disqualification Jump History Report (JHR).
2.4.5. (Right side of the JRF) - Annual, PCS, disqualification Individual Jump Report (IJR).
2.4.6. (Right side of the JRF) - AF Form 922, Individual Jump Record and AF Form 4323,
ARMS Multi-Crew Jump Record.
2.5. ARMS Record Review.
2.5.1. Record reviews are conducted at the request of the aircrew member, parachutist, or
MCCM. At a minimum, 1C0X2 personnel will retrieve the applicable ARMS reports (IDS,
FHR/JHR, and IFR/IJR) and review the items listed in paragraphs through paragraph with the member face-to-face, over the phone, or through email correspondence. (T-1) OFDA gate system (Rated Officers Only): 12-year/18-year OFDA gate requirements. Correlation between active/inactive ASCs and months of OFDA accrual. Months of OFDA needed for continuous AvIP at the next gate. OFDA waiver eligibility. Eligibility for next aeronautical rating, airman aircrew member badge, or
parachutist badge. Conditional AvIP and HDIP eligibility requirements. Flying class/Special Warfare Airman (SWA) physical due date. Physiological training due date.
2.5.2. Updating Record Review in ARMS. The member may contest flight management data, personal data, or both. If
contesting data, 1C0X2 personnel must be able to validate the incorrect information before
taking corrective actions in ARMS. (T-2) Note: See paragraph for additional info
on ARMS record review code sets. Once ARMS is updated with the correct information,
1C0X2 personnel will provide an updated Individual Data Summary (IDS) or FHR/JHR
(as applicable) to the member. (T-2)
AFMAN11-421 23 MARCH 2020 15 The date that the member completes the ARMS record or JRF review will be used
to update the record review completion date in ARMS. (T-2) The ARMS record review
date in ARMS will not be updated unless the member completes an ARMS records or JRF
review (face-to-face, email, or telephone). (T-2) 1C0X2 personnel are not required to
maintain the signed IDS as validation of completed record reviews.
2.6. ARMS Record In-Processing.
2.6.1. HARM offices shall monitor inbound ARMS records using the Aviation Management
Suspense List (AMSL) Part 5 or ad hoc reports. (T-3)
2.6.2. The gaining HARM office shall contact the member to turn in their JRF within 10 duty
days. (T-2) If the JRF is not received, the gaining HARM office shall assign ASC “04” and
suspend jump pay. (T-2) Note: Assignment of ASC “04” will not supersede a previous
disqualification ASC. Upon receipt of member’s JRF, the gaining HARM office shall revoke
the suspension AO and retroactively restore jump pay to date of original suspension, if
otherwise qualified. (T-2) Note: If the JRF was mailed by the losing HARM office, the gaining
HARM office will not suspend jump pay. (T-2)
2.6.3. Initiate and complete an in-processing checklist. At a minimum, the in-processing
checklist will cover the requirements listed in paragraph through paragraph
(T-2) Validate receipt of the following documents via email from the losing HARM
office: Individual Training Summary (ITS). If the member is an active flyer, send
the ITS to the gaining SARM office. If the member is an inactive flyer, maintain the
ITS in a HARM office suspense file. AF Form 1520, ARMS Individual Flight Pay Entitlement Worksheet and AF
Form 1520A, ARC ARMS Individual Flight Pay Entitlement Worksheet. DOWN status DD Form 2992, Medical Recommendation for Flying or
Special Operational Duty. Note: The gaining HARM/SARM office does not have
access in ASIMS to DOWN status DD Form 2992 generated at the losing installation. Conditional pay briefings (specifically: entitlement status letter and
conditional pay briefing) generated at the losing HARM office that requires notification
action or pay action by the gaining HARM office. Verify receipt of all JRF content in accordance with paragraph 2.4.1 through
paragraph 2.4.6 In-process the ARMS record into the servicing HARM office’s ARMS database. If a member in-processes and their ARMS record is not available, the servicing
HARM office should contact the losing HARM office to have the ARMS record
transferred. If the member previously separated from the Air Force and the ARMS record was
transferred to HARM Code: “FGWD”, contact the applicable MFM to have the record
transferred to the servicing HARM office’s ARMS database.
16 AFMAN11-421 23 MARCH 2020
2.7. ARMS Record Out-Processing.
2.7.1. The servicing HARM office shall monitor projected PCS, separation, or retirements
using the AMSL, ad hoc query, virtual Military Personnel Flight, and any other reliable source.
2.7.2. Initiate and complete an out-processing checklist upon notification of PCS, PCA, TDY,
separation, or retirement. At a minimum, the out-processing checklist will cover the
requirements listed in paragraph through paragraph (T-2) Obtain a copy of member’s PCS, separation, retirement orders, and applicable
amendments. If the member fails to out-process the servicing HARM office before
departing the installation, the servicing HARM office will use MilPDS or an ARMS report
(for example: AMSL) in lieu of orders. (T-3) Ensure the JHR, IJR, and ITS are filed in the JRF when assigning an inactive ASC
that does not include a PCS. The servicing HARM office shall line out the title “Inquiry
and write “Inactive” on the top of the ARMS report(s). (T-3) Establish a JRF pick-up date. Contact the SARM office to ensure all flight time/jump activity/MCCM duty time
and training data is updated in ARMS. Note: If the member is not assigned to a SARM
office, the member’s servicing HARM office is responsible for updating flight time/jump
activity/MCCM duty time and training. If the member’s Special Warfare Airman (SWA) or flying class DD Form 2992
will expire before the separation (FSC “P”) or retirement (FSC “R”) effective date, publish
an AO to assign ASC “07” effective one calendar day after the SWA or flying class
physical will expire and terminate flight/jump pay one calendar day prior to ASC effective
date. (T-1) Once the ASC is changed, out-process the ARMS record. Note: Do not publish
a separation (FSC “P”) or retirement (FSC “R”) AO for a disqualified member. If the member is separating or retiring, complete all necessary administrative
actions before the effective date of separation or retirement. (T-2) Note 1: Do not publish
FSC “P” AO for members, who are separating RegAF and transferring directly to the ARC
or vice versa, without a break in service. (T-2) Note 2: Do not publish FSC “R” AO for
members approved for the Voluntary Retired Return to Active Duty (VRRAD) program
without a break in service. (T-2) Revalidation is not required for members who do not incur
a break in service. The losing HARM office will email the documents outlined in paragraph through paragraph to the gaining HARM office. (T-1) The losing
HARM office will maintain an electronic copy of the ARMS record transfer email with
attachments for 60 days. (T-2) ITS (All aircrew members). AF Form 1520/1520A. DOWN status DD Form 2992. Note: The gaining HARM/SARM office
does not have access in ASIMS to DOWN status DD Form 2992 generated at the losing
AFMAN11-421 23 MARCH 2020 17 Conditional pay briefings (specifically: entitlement status letter and
conditional pay briefing) generated at the losing HARM office that requires notification
action or pay action by the gaining HARM office to upload into CMS along with the
pay change action request. Prior to transferring the ARMS record, the HARM office will email a copy of the
Flying History Report (FHR) and Individual Flight Record (IFR) report (ARMS or AAMS)
to rated officers, CEAs, non-rated officers, and non-CEA aircrew. (T-2) Note: Since
transferred JRF contains the PCS JHR and IJR, the servicing HARM office is not required
to email a copy of the JHR and IJR to the parachutist. Once the FHR and IFR have been
emailed to the member, the servicing HARM office will transfer the ARMS record to the
gaining HARM code. (T-2) The JRF package, at a minimum, shall include the PCS orders, JFR, DOWN status
DD Form 2992 (if applicable), and copy of the AF Form 1521. (T-2) Advise parachutist of
the requirement to turn in their JRF within 10 duty days after arrival at the new station. If
the parachutist PCS prior to picking up their JRF, the losing HARM office will mail the
JRF to the gaining HARM office. (T-2) JRFs must be sent via first class mail per DoDM
4525.8_AFMAN 33-306, DoD Official Mail Manual. (T-0) Maintain a logbook for all out-processed ARMS records and JRFs to include
name of ARMS record/JRF, date record left the losing HARM office custody, projected
duty location, printed name and signature of the parachutist (for JRFs). Note: The 1C0X2
member who transferred the ARMS record/mailed the JRF will include their printed name
and signature in the logbook. (T-2)
2.8. Release and Retrieval of Aviation and Parachutist Service Data.
2.8.1. Release of Aviation, Parachutist, and MCCM Service Data. Information maintained
in the ARMS database is subject to the provisions of the Privacy Act of 1974. HARM/SARM
offices have a legal obligation to safeguard ARMS data from unlawful disclosure. ARMS
reports and/or ad hoc queries which contain personal data will have the statement “For Official
Use Onlyin the report title and the statement “The information herein is For Official Use
Only (FOUO) which must be protected under the Freedom of Information Act of 1966 and
Privacy Act of 1974, as amended. Unauthorized disclosure or misuse of this personal
information may result in criminal and/or civil penalties” in the footer in accordance with AFI
33-332. (T-0)
2.8.2. Except where allowed by law, do not disclose data to agencies outside the DoD in
accordance with AFI 33-332. Maintain a record of each disclosure to include name and address
of the person or agency receiving the data, date, nature, and purpose of each disclosure.
2.8.3. Retrieval of Aviation and Parachutist Service Data. An aircrew member or parachutist may retrieve a copy of their published AOs in
the Personnel Records Display Application (PRDA) on the Air Force Portal. The servicing HARM office may retrieve published AOs in CMS (after AO record
set retention period). For historical AOs published prior to 1 June 2019 (Publication date
of AFMAN11-421_AFGM2019-02), send a request to AFPC ([email protected])
18 AFMAN11-421 23 MARCH 2020
or fax to DSN 665-4021 or call DSN: 665-2450/2451/2242/0102, AFPC/DP1ORM 550 C
St W Suite 21, JBSA Randolph, TX 78150-4723. Medical qualification and certification documentation can be retrieved from
ASIMS. Aircrew members may request 1C0X2 personnel retrieve line-by-line individual
flight time from AAMS. Exception: Aircrew members assigned to datamasked units. The ARMS Aircrew Summary on the Air Force Portal provides aircrew members
and parachutist a self-service online means to view individual reports displaying aircrew
training, flying hour, and jump activities.
2.9. Updating Medical Information in ARMS. Reference AFI 44-170, Preventive Health
Assessment and AFI 48-123, Medical Examinations and Standards, for guidance on medical
qualification/certification requirement for aircrew members, parachutists, and MCCM.
2.9.1. The following steps are used to update the DD Form 2992 in ARMS: 1C0X2 personnel will use the date of action (DD Form 2992 block 11b, and 12b)
to update medical information in ARMS unless the flight surgeon annotates an effective
date in the remarks section (block 13) that is different than the effective date of block 11b
and 12b. (T-1) For Special Operations Duty or Flying Class physical DD Form 2992, 1C0X2
personnel will use block 11b to update the effective date for physical and physical
availability in ARMS. (T-1) For the physical expiration date, 1C0X2 personnel will
override the system-generated date to match the date listed in block 11c. (T-1) If the
remarks section (block 13) is used to provide an effective date for a SWA or flying class
physical, the expiration date must also be included in the remarks section. (T-1) 1C0X2
personnel may be required to contact the Flight Medicine Element (FME) to get a pen-and-
ink update on the DD Form 2992. If the DD Form 2992 places the member in a DOWN status, place the DOWN
status DD Form 2992 in a suspense file after updating ARMS until receipt of a new DD
Form 2992 that 1) changes the member to an UP status or 2) documents medical
disqualification. If the DOWN status remains valid for 180 days (non-rated officers, non-
CEA aircrew, and students)/365 days (rated officers and CEAs), the DD Form 2992 in the
suspense file is used to process medical disqualification action. HARM and SARM offices will establish a central suspense file for DOWN
DD Form 2992. (T-1) HARM and SARM offices will establish an installation level management
process to track DOWN status and perform required medical disqualification actions.
2.9.2. When the member is recertified for in-flight/parachute/missile duty, change the physical
availability code effective the date listed in block 11b on the DD Form 2992.
2.9.3. Categorical Flying Waivers. 1C0X2 personnel shall input categorical flying waiver
codes into ARMS when noted on a DD Form 2992. (T-2)
AFMAN11-421 23 MARCH 2020 19
2.10. Physiological and Centrifuge Training. 1C0X2 personnel shall validate physiological
training in accordance with AFI 11-403, Aerospace Physiological Training Program and
centrifuge training in accordance with AFMAN 11-404, Fighter Aircrew Acceleration Training
Program. (T-1)
2.10.1. The member shall provide a copy of the AF Form 1274, Physiological Training, to
either the servicing HARM or SARM office. (T-1) 1C0X2 personnel will update physiological
information data fields in the ARMS flyer availability window. (T-1)
2.10.2. 1C0X2 personnel shall update aerospace physiological training (to include centrifuge
training) in the ARMS formal training window using Aerospace Physiology (AP) training
codes in accordance with AFI 11-403. (T-1) Example: Course Name: S-O-B/A-APH-I,
Course Name: Initial Physio Hypoxia Tng, Completion Date: 7 Jan 2020.
2.11. Aircraft/Jump Mishap Procedures. Refer to AFI 91-204, Safety Investigations and
Hazard Reporting, for more information. HARM/SARM offices shall treat all aircraft mishap
information as need to know and shall ensure information is transmitted in a secure manner. (T-3)
2.11.1. The servicing HARM office or equivalent is responsible for the following: Impound the JRF and secure it from unauthorized access. Contact the SARM office to ensure all outstanding AFTO Forms 781, ARMS
Aircrew/Mission Flight Data Document, AF Forms 3520, ARMS Aircrew/Mission Flight
Data Extract, AF Form 922, AF Form 4323, and training accomplishment reports for the
members involved have been updated in ARMS. Ensure the following ARMS reports are printed: Aircraft Mishap Report. IDS. FHR or JHR. IFR or IJR. ITS (If not provided by the SARM office).
2.11.2. Accomplish SARM office duties if the office performs HARM and SARM office
duties simultaneously. See Chapter 4 for required SARM office actions.
2.11.3. The servicing HARM office will ensure all required documentation, FEF, and JRF are
collected and released only to the Aircraft or Jump Mishap Investigation Board president or
interim board president. (T-3)
2.12. EOM Reports. The HARM office maintains the following EOM reports in accordance
with AFRIMS. Note: For requested record reviews, 1C0X2 personnel will print the IDS,
FHR/JHR, and IFR/IJR. (T-1)
2.12.1. Consolidated Headquarters Aviation Resource Management System Report Audit
2.12.2. ASC Conditional Flying Hours, if applicable.
2.12.3. Aviation Service Period Suspense List.
20 AFMAN11-421 23 MARCH 2020
2.12.4. Entitlement Status Letters.
2.12.5. AMSL (All parts).
2.12.6. Flying Pay Control Document.
2.12.7. Jump Pay Control Document.
2.12.8. 120-Day Notification
2.13. Establish SSN for Non-US Citizens, GS Civilian Employees, and Contractors. When
creating an ARMS record for non-US citizens, GS civilian employees and contractors, use a
NUSIC in lieu of a Social Security Number (SSN).
2.13.1. The first three digits indicate the command of the unit (Air Combat Command (ACC)-
870, Air Mobility Command (AMC)-871, Air Force Materiel Command (AFMC)-872, Air
Force Special Operations Command (AFSOC)-873, United States Air Force in Europe
(USAFE) -874, Pacific Air Force (PACAF) -875, Air Force Space Command (AFSPC)-876,
Air National Guard (ANG)-877, Air Force Reserve Component (AFRC)-878, Air Education
and Training Command (AETC)-879, and Air Force Global Strike Command (AFGSC)-880,
Civilians-888/887 (ANG), Contractors-889/886 (ANG)).
2.13.2. The next two digits are assigned by HAF and are located in the AFMAN 11-421
Procedural Guidance Folder under the Field Guidance link on the Air Force Aviation Resource
Management SharePoint® site. Refer to paragraph for more details.
2.13.3. The remaining four digits will be assigned by the installation sequentially starting with
0001. (T-3) When non-US citizens have been issued a SSN, identify them in ARMS using the
SSN. Do not change a NUSIC or SSN code once issued. Note: In some cases, foreign exchange
military members may already have a NUSIC assigned. In these cases, do not establish a
separate NUSIC in ARMS. Refer to the member’s invitational travel orders or other official
documentation authorizing flying with Air Force units. The HARM/SARM office shall
maintain a NUSIC log for tracking issued SSN, as required. (T-2)
AFMAN11-421 23 MARCH 2020 21
Chapter 3
3.1. Purpose. This chapter outlines duties for preparing, processing, and general instructions for
AOs. The use of the term “flight” pay denotes AvIP, CSIP, or HDIP entitlement for the
performance of in-flight duties or ground-based radar ABM duties. The use of the term “jump pay
denotes HDIP for the performance of parachute duties. Refer to the AFMAN 11-421 Procedural
Guidance Folder under the Field Guidance link on the Air Force Aviation Resource Management
SharePoint® site for additional info on the items listed in paragraph 3.1.1 through paragraph
3.1.1. Additional instructions for publishing an AF Form 1887, Aeronautical Order (PA)
Aviation Service.
3.1.2. AO distributions listing.
3.2. Aeronautical Orders and Active ASCs.
3.2.1. AOs authorize or terminate authorization to perform in-flight or parachute duties (if
otherwise qualified). In-flight/parachute duty authorization, OFDA credit accrual, and
flight/jump pay entitlement are based on the ASC effective date. Entitlement to flight and jump
pay terminates the day prior to the ASC effective of a suspension, disqualification, or
3.2.2. The publication of an AO is required for ASC changes that initiate, disqualify,
terminate, requalify, and revalidate aviation/parachutist service. Additionally, an AO is
published for the award of the basic aeronautical rating, basic airman aircrew member badge,
and basic parachutist badge. The HARM office will only revoke or amend the published AOs
that initiate, disqualify, requalify, or revalidate aviation/parachutist service. (T-1) The
following guidelines apply once an AO is published to initiate aviation/parachutist service: Rated officers, CEAs, non-rated officers, non-CEA aircrew members, and
parachutists are on competent orders from publication of an AO to initiate
aviation/parachutist service until the publication of an AO to terminate or disqualify the
member from aviation or parachutist service. Ops support flyers are on competent orders from the effective date of ASC “9C”
assignment until the effective date of the ASC “06” in ARMS. Ops support flyers are
authorized in-flight duties on a monthly basis only.
3.2.3. A current SEI 066 CHARM shall serve as the authenticating official on ARMS AOs
and AF Form 1887s. (T-1) A current SEI 066 qualified 1C0X2 Airman/GS government
civilian may sign AOs on behalf of the CHARM. Under these circumstances, a statement
“Signed for” and current SEI signature must be written or typed (in black ink) above the
CHARM’s signature block. (T-2) AOs may contain a Common Access Card signature.
Authentication stamps are not authorized for AOs.
3.3. AO General Instructions.
3.3.1. The servicing HARM office prepares AOs in accordance with AFI 11-401, AFMAN
11-402, AFI 11-410, and this manual.
22 AFMAN11-421 23 MARCH 2020
3.3.2. Should circumstances require involuntary termination of aviation/parachutist service
(other than suspension or disqualification) earlier than specified on the AO, give the member
as much advance notice as possible before termination. When the AO is no longer effective
(expires), the member’s aviation/parachutist service ends and entitlement to flight/jump
terminates in accordance with Chapter 6 and Chapter 7. Number AOs in chronological order, starting with number one for each Fiscal
Year (FY). Cite, above the heading of the first AO of the year, the number of the last AO
published the previous year. (T-1) HARM offices will use a record set to track published AOs and ASC
changes in ARMS. (T-1) A record set contains all AOs published and ASC changes in
ARMS actions performed during a FY. Refer to the AFMAN 11-421 Procedural
Guidance Folder under the Field Guidance link on the Air Force Aviation Resource
Management SharePoint® site for an example of an AO/ASC log. File amendment AOs in the record set. File revocation AO in the record set
only. If the revocation AO was used as a MPO, the servicing HARM office will cross
through the top portion of the AO using a “Z” and process the revocation AO with the
CMS case. (T-2) A separate file of background material (from official sources) which
supports each published AO must be maintained for each FY in accordance with
AFMAN 33-363 and disposed of in accordance with AFRIMS. (T-1) AOs published
in error do not require a source document on file. Annotate the background material
information (in black ink) in the lower right-hand margin (as read) to show the order
number to which it pertains. Example: Background material for AO # 0527, dated 26
Feb 2019. File background material in chronological order with most current on top. Confirm verbal orders (in writing) within three duty-days. In the AO remarks
section, include the following: 1) Date and by whom the verbal order was issued, 2)
Annotation of whether in-flight/parachute duty status or aeronautical ratings/airman
aircrew member badges were affected, and 3) Statement of why written orders were not
issued earlier. Example: "The verbal orders of the unit commander on (date) are
confirmed; circumstances prevented written orders in advance."
3.3.3. HARM offices may publish a single AO affecting several members provided the action
is exactly the same for each member. For group orders, mask information protected under the
Privacy Act of 1974 (SSNs) to prevent unauthorized disclosure. (T-0)
3.3.4. A single AO may be published directing several actions that pertain to an individual,
provided all actions have the same effective and termination dates. Exception: AOs awarding
basic aeronautical ratings, basic aviation/airman aircrew member badges, and basic parachutist
badge will not contain other actions. (T-2)
3.3.5. Use an AF Form 1887 or ARMS AO to amend or revoke a previous AO. Amend AOs to correct minor administrative errors (for example: erroneous SSN,
improper grade, termination date, misspelled name, etc.) only when the intent of the
original AO is unaffected by the correction. The amendment AO shall contain the original
effective date and only other required identifying data (for example: name, grade, SSN,
AFMAN11-421 23 MARCH 2020 23
crew position, and organization) and the amended data. (T-3) If other personal data is the
same as the AO being amended (ASD, ASC, Flying Activity Code (FAC), etc.), other
personal data may also be included on the AO. Underline amended items and reference
the amended item(s) in the AO remarks. Note: An AF Form 1887 is the recommended
form for amending an AO. ARMS AO automatically includes current information that may
not be applicable for the effective period of the AO being amended. HARM offices may use a single amendment AO to correct erroneous data
on more than one AO if the data to be changed is the same on each incorrect AO.
Example: A HARM office may generate an AO to amend the ASD and termination
date on two separate AOs after an ASD adjustment. Correct the ASD and termination
date and list each AO number that required correction in the remarks section of the
amendment AO. Do not publish an amendment order to correct information on another
amendment order. (T-1) Revoke the incorrect amendment and publish a single correct
amendment. (T-1) Amending a termination date is authorized, except on an AO published to
change a termination date. In this case, the AO intent was incorrect from the beginning.
When amending an AO, document the AO number and request date of the amendment
AO on the lower left-hand margin of the original AO that will be placed in the record
set. (T-1) Example: Amended by AO #0410, dated 27 Mar 2019. HARM offices will not amend an AO to correct an effective date. (T-1)
Revoke the AO and publish a new AO with the correct effective date and the required
aviation/parachutist service change. (T-1) HARM offices will not amend an AO to correct an erroneous OFDA total
or FAC. (T-1) HARM offices will not amend a past AO to correct an erroneous authority
paragraph reference or remark section. (T-1) Action taken on a later AO supersedes only the same item on previous AOs.
Previously awarded items on an AO maintain the same effective date. Revoke an AO when it is void and without effect from the beginning. The revoked
AO will be filed with the record set background material to support the AO being
published. (T-3) When an AO is revoked, it no longer exists as an official document. Note:
Do not revoke a revocation; instead, publish a new AO. When revoking an AO, document the following: AO number, request date,
and HARM code that revoked the AO on the lower left-hand side margin of the revoked
AO. HARM offices will send a copy of the revoking AO to the original HARM
office if the publication is within the AFRIMS timeframe. (T-1) The revoking AO will
be distributed in the same manner as the AO it revoked. (T-1)
3.4. In-Flight/Parachute Duty Requirement Validation.
24 AFMAN11-421 23 MARCH 2020
3.4.1. Assignment to an Active ASC or FAC. Prior to assigning an active or inactive ASC,
the servicing HARM office personnel shall validate the following items (as applicable):
DAFSC, Date Arrived on Station (DAS), Date Departed Last Duty Station (DDLDS) (Not
applicable for ARC), Aircrew Position Indicator (API), UMD position number, Date of
Separation (DOS), Date of Retirement, and ASD. (T-1) Assignment to an Active ASC/Flying Activity Code (FAC). If the member is
assigned to a valid UMD position or in a formal flying/jumping training course that
requires in-flight or parachute duty, the servicing HARM office will initiate
aviation/parachute service or assign an active ASC in accordance with AFMAN 11-402.
(T-1) Assignment to a valid UMD position that includes in-flight/parachute duties
or award of a jump-inherent AFS meets the intent of the unit commander’s approval
verification necessary to assign an active ASC to a member (if otherwise qualified). When MilPDS does not reflect the required data necessary for verification
of an in-flight/parachute duty requirements, any of the following documents may be
used to publish an AO and/or assign an active ASC or FAC: 1) Copy of the AF Form
2096 (with the unit commander’s signature); 2) ASC request letter/email from the unit
commander; 3) MAJCOM approval documentation; or copy of military orders. Note:
For ASC change required for (non-EAD) ARC personnel based on PCS, the servicing
HARM office will use the Estimated Date Change of Strength Accountability
(EDCSA) on the assignment order, the effective date on the AF Form 2096, or MilPDS
duty history as the effective date for the ASC change. (T-1) See paragraph
through paragraph for additional info on source documents required to
publishing active ASCs. Formal Flying/Jump Training. A class roster, Training Report on
Individual Personnel (RIP), or ASC request letter/email from the unit commander
may be used to authorize in-flight/parachute/or Military Free Fall (MFF) duties. Undergraduate RPA Training URT. For URT students without a
Federal Aviation Administration pilot license, aviation service is effective the class
start date of training at Pueblo, CO. The losing HARM office is responsible for
publishing an AO to establish FSC “U” prior to attendance, in addition to taking
the appropriate flight pay actions in accordance with Chapter 6 and Chapter 7 of
this manual. Aircrew Qualification and Certification. The servicing HARM
office will use one of the following documents and dates to change an ASC
“1U/AA” to ASC “1X/AX” and ASC “1A/1Z/AA”: 1) Date the final approval
officer signs the AF Form 8, Certificate of Aircrew Qualification, AF Form 8A,
Certificate of Aircrew Qualification (Multiple Aircraft), or AF Form 3862, Flight
Evaluation Worksheet; 2) Completion date listed on the AF Form 1256, Certificate
of Training; or 3) Date listed on the AF Form 4324. (T-1) Active ASC or FAC Effective Date. Refer to AFMAN 11-402 for the applicable
active ASC or FAC effective date. Refer to Chapter 6 and Chapter 7 for applicable
flight/jump pay actions.
AFMAN11-421 23 MARCH 2020 25
3.4.2. Assignment to an Inactive ASC or FAC. If a member meets one of the following
criteria: 1) No longer assigned to a valid UMD position that requires in-flight or parachute
duty; 2) Suspended or disqualified from aviation/parachutist service; or 3) Deployed to a non-
flying assignment the servicing HARM office will terminate aviation/parachute service or
assign an inactive ASC in accordance with AFMAN 11-402. (T-1) Refer to Chapter 6 and
Chapter 7 for applicable flight/jump pay actions. Assignment of FSC “K”. Assignment of FSC “K” (Lack of Resources). The servicing HARM
office will use the effective date identified by the OG/CC (via email or letter) to assign
FSC “K” in accordance with AFMAN 11-402. (T-1) Assignment of FSC “K” (Non-Flying Deployment). Rated officers
(assigned to an active flying position) who deploy to a non-flying position for more
than 90 days are not authorized to perform in-flight duties effective the proceed on or
about date listed on the Contingency, Exercise, and Deployment (CED) orders. For
flight pay eligibility purposes, the member will retain their current active FSC until the
member does not meet the 3-month OFDA credit requirement outlined in AFMAN 11-
402. (T-1) The servicing HARM office may use the following ARMS
workaround to ensure the deployed SARM office is able to track rated officers who
are not authorized to perform in-flight duties to a non-flying deployment. ARMS Flyer Window - Local Use Block. Include the proceed
on or about date listed on the Contingency, Exercise, and Deployment (CED)
orders and statement: ‘Member is not authorized to perform in-flight duties’. ARMS Aircraft Assignment Window. Change all aircraft to
inactive in the ARMS Aircraft Assignment window. Once the rated officer populates on the ASML for not meeting the 3-
month in-flight/ground-based ABM duty requirement for OFDA credit in
accordance with AFMAN 11-402, the servicing HARM office will assign FSC “K”
effective the date the member would have been assigned FSC “S” for non-
performance. (T-1) Example: Member performs operational flight 11 October
2019, member departs on CED orders to a non-flying deployment effective 14 Oct
2019. Effective 1 Feb 2020 assign FSC “K”) Note: Revoke FSC “K” action if
member was scheduled to deploy to a non-flying position for 90 days or more but
returned from the deployment prior to 90 days. Return from Non-Flying Deployment. The servicing HARM office
will use MiLPDS data or DD Form 1351-2, Travel Voucher or Sub voucher, to
assign an active ASC, assign applicable aircraft, and remove the data entered in
ARMS in accordance with paragraph for an aircrew member who
was assigned FSC “K” based on a non-flying deployment for more than 90 days.
(T-2) Assignment to a Different Aircraft after a Flying Evaluation Board
(FEB). The servicing HARM office will assign FSC “K” effective the date of the
26 AFMAN11-421 23 MARCH 2020
MAJCOM/A3T approval memo until the class start date of the formal flying training
course. (T-2)
3.4.3. ASC Termination Date. The servicing HARM office will use the ASC termination
date listed in paragraph through paragraph for rated officers, CEAs, non-
rated officers, non-CEA aircrew, parachutist, ops support flyers, and GS government civilians.
(T-1) If the member remains qualified for aviation/parachutist service and assigned to a
manpower billet that requires in-flight/parachute duties, the servicing HARM office will use
the guidance listed in paragraph through paragraph for the new ASC
termination date. (T-1) An AO will not be published for a change ASC termination date action.
(T-1) Non-CEA Aircrew Members and Parachutist Enlisted Airmen. The active
ASC termination date will be the DOS or HYT (whichever is earlier). (T-1) If a change
termination date action is required, the servicing HARM will change the termination date
to reflect the new DOS or HYT (whichever is earlier). (T-1) Non-Rated Officers and Parachutist Officers. The active ASC termination
date will not exceed five years. (T-1) If a change termination date action is required, the
servicing HARM will change the termination date to reflect an additional five years. (T-1)
Note: An indefinite DOS for officers is listed as “08 Aug 3888in ARMS after MilPDS
interface. Rated officers and CEAs assigned to a "J" Prefixed DAFSC Position. The
AF Form 1887 termination date will not exceed five years. (T-1) If a change termination
date action is required, the servicing HARM will change the termination date to reflect an
additional five years. (T-1) Rated officers (Except Flight Surgeons). The ASCs termination date will be
the 12-/18-/22-or 25-year anniversary of aviation service based on the member’s ASD. (T-
1) For rated officers authorized to perform in-flight duties past 25 years of aviation service,
the termination date will be the DOS, if known. (T-1) If unknown, the ASC termination
date will not exceed five years. (T-1) GS Civilian Government Employees. The ASC termination date will not
exceed five years. (T-1) If the member continues in the current flying assignment for more
than five years, the servicing HARM office will change the ASC termination date in ARMS
to reflect an additional five-year period. (T-1)
AFMAN11-421 23 MARCH 2020 27
4.1. Purpose. This chapter outlines SARM office procedures.
4.2. Aviation Training Management Folders (ATMF).
4.2.1. The SARM office will maintain the items listed in paragraphs through
paragraph in an ATMF for each assigned aircrew member. (T-2) Exception: At the
MFM discretion, MAJCOM systems with an approved ARMS data interface agreement and
electronic folders may be used to track data and store documents that would be contained on
the source documents in the ATMF or AF Form 4324 (or alternate source documentation). ITS (Previous Training Cycle). Non-mission ready letter. Proration documentation/proration letter. Current training cycle mission accomplishment reports/training accomplishment
reports. Previous training cycle mission accomplishment reports/training accomplishment
4.2.2. Crew Mission Accomplishment Reports. Units using crew mission accomplishment
reports may establish crew mission accomplishment report folders. If using crew mission
accomplishment reports, the SARM office shall maintain individual training summary each
month during the training period. (T-3)
4.3. Use of Source Documents/Alternative Data Source.
4.3.1. AF Form 4324. The Aircrew Training or Stan-Eval (or equivalent) section will initiate
an AF Form 4324 for the SARM office to update training profiles, aircrew qualification, and
certifications. (T-2) The Aircrew Training or Stan-Eval section and SARM office are
responsible for ensuring the effective dates of the crew position and aircrew
qualification/certification listed on AF Form 8 match the applicable blocks on the AF Form
4324 (or alternate source documentation) prior to updating training profiles in ARMS. The SARM office will maintain AF Form 4324s (or alternate source
documentation, received during the quarter) in a suspense file until the completion of the
triangle audit outlined in paragraph 4.11 (T-2) Once the triangle audit has been completed, the SARM office may discard AF
Form 4324s generated to update aircrew qualifications/certifications in ARMS.
4.3.2. Update ARMS Training Profile. The SARM office will use the AF Form 4324 to
update training profiles, aircrew qualifications/certifications, assign aircraft and prorate
training requirements. (T-2) At the MFM discretion, SARM offices may use a class roster or
MAJCOM systems with a Stan-Eval function to retrieve aircrew qualification/certification data
in lieu of using an AF Form 4324 to update ARMS.
4.3.3. Proration of Training in ARMS. The SARM office may use the AF Form 4324, DD
Form 2992, non-flying TDY orders, documentation verifying emergency leave, or proration
28 AFMAN11-421 23 MARCH 2020
letter. At the MFM discretion, SARM offices may use a MAJCOM systems with a Stan-Eval
function to retrieve aircrew qualification/certification data in lieu of using an AF Form 4324
to update ARMS.
4.3.4. Updating Aircrew Training, Jump Activity, and Flight Time in ARMS. The
SARM office will use a mission/training accomplishment report, AFTO Form 781, AF Form
922, AF Form 1522, AF Form 3520, AF Form 4323, or ARMS Individual Training Summary
(PCSd ARMS records) to update aircrew training, jump activity, and flight time in ARMS. (T-
1) At the MFM discretion, SARM offices may use a MAJCOM systems to update aircrew
training, jump activity, and flight time in ARMS in lieu of a mission/training accomplishment
report, AFTO Form 781, AF Form 922, AF Form 1522, AF Form 3520, or AF Form 4323.
4.4. Flight Authorizations (FAs). Prepare, publish, and maintain FAs in accordance with AFI
11-401 and MAJCOM instructions. Maintain FAs in one file, in numerical order, and retain in
accordance with AFRIMS. Ensure all local and off-station FAs contain a flight order number
printed on the form. Issue FA numbers chronologically, beginning at the start of the FY.
Track/control FA on a log. Note 1: RPA units shall maintain/file the crew authorization with the
FAs. (T-2) Note 2: If Total Force Integration units are working in one office, Total Force
Integration units may combine FA logs into one plan. FAs are not published for missions not
controlled by the Air Force. SARM offices shall complete required Go/No-Go or TDY worksheets
(when applicable) and ensure proper documentation of authorized flight/training
accomplishments, as needed. (T-2)
4.5. Pre-Mission Review. SARM offices shall perform Go/No-Go verification of all aircrew
members/parachutists prior to the member performing in-flight/parachute duties. (T-3) At a
minimum, Go/No-Go verification will include the following: SWA or flying class physical,
DOWN status, altitude chamber (if applicable), centrifuge (if applicable), ASC, AO
effective/termination dates, aircrew/parachutist qualification dates, letters of attachment, aircraft
assignment, and flight time maximums. (T-3) SARM offices shall maintain back-up reports to
validate all assigned aircrew members and parachutist. (T-3) Note: Back-up ARMS/ad hoc reports
will be produced at least weekly. (T-3)
4.6. Post-Mission Review. Validate all flying hour and training data before manual input or
interface push to ARMS. As a minimum, compare the FA, AFTO Form 781/AF Form 3520, and
training data source (mission/training accomplishment report).
4.6.1. Validate all flight/jump activity before manual input or interface push to ARMS. As a
minimum, compare the source document and the training data source mission/training
accomplishment report. Ensure timely input of information into ARMS.
4.6.2. For aircrew/parachutist attached to multiple units, the SARM office that owns the
FA/mission is responsible for auditing mission forms and updating ARMS.
4.6.3. Pararescue SARM offices that publish their own FA are responsible for auditing mission
forms and updating ARMS accordingly.
4.7. Aircraft Flying Hour Program. Track status of the unit's flying hour program, if
applicable. (T-3) Reconcile total flying time and sortie data with maintenance daily. (T-3) As a
minimum, daily flight time/sortie reconciliation will include validation of mission symbol, flight
date, departure and arrival International Civil Aviation Organization, take-off and landing time,
number of landings, number of sorties, and total flight time. (T-3) Reference AFI 21-103,
AFMAN11-421 23 MARCH 2020 29
Equipment Inventory, Status, and Utilization Reporting for additional information. SARM offices
will use a program or develop a spreadsheet to track daily reconciliation of total flying hours and
sorties and a cumulative totals for the week and month to date, if applicable. (T-3)
4.8. Formal In-Flight/Parachute/Missile Duty TDY. For aircrew/parachutist/MCCM
scheduled to attend formal training, SARM personnel shall ensure Go/No-Go items remain valid
through entire period of TDY or formal training class. (T-3) The SARM office should notify the
member and HARM personnel immediately if any Go/No-Go items are flagged to expire during
the TDY period and AO are affected. SARM offices shall prepare and provide the member their
formal in-flight/parachute duty TDY package to include the TDY worksheet, Individual Data
Summary (IDS), and training products (as required) to their respective TDY location. (T-3)
4.9. Aircraft and/or Jump Mishap.
4.9.1. Notify the HARM office of the mishap and provide name, SSN, MDS, aircraft tail
number, and date of mishap.
4.9.2. Input all outstanding AFTO Forms 781, AF Forms 3520/922/4323, and training
accomplishment reports for the member(s) involved into ARMS. Do not input the mishap leg
of the sortie/jump in ARMS. Update all outstanding forms in ARMS when the mishap
investigation is complete.
4.9.3. Obtain a copy of the signed FA.
4.9.4. Print the ITS for all aircrew members/parachutist involved in the mishap.
4.9.5. Obtain a copy of the Flight Crew Information File cards or equivalent product if a
scheduling system is used.
4.9.6. Obtain a copy of the Go/No-Go checklist or equivalent product if a scheduling system
is used.
4.9.7. Obtain a copy of the Operational Risk Management Worksheet (if applicable).
4.9.8. All documents contained in the ATMF.
4.9.9. Any suspense items or additional pertinent training data.
4.9.10. Gather all required documentation to include FEF and deliver documentation to the
HARM office.
4.10. ARMS Training Profiles. Aircrew/parachutist/MCCM continuation and additional
(ground) training events/profiles are maintained in ARMS and are managed in accordance with
the Ready Aircrew Program Tasking Memorandum, AFMAN 11-202 Vol 1, AFI 11-410, AFI 16-
1301, Survival, Evasion, Resistance, and Escape (SERE) Program, and AFI 10-3502, Pararescue
and Combat Rescue Officer Training. (T-2) Ad hoc queries will contain the same data elements
as the standard audit reports to meet validation standards. (T-3) Note: The use of the restriction
code “G” in ARMS is required for grounding items. Use Air Force, MAJCOM and Numbered Air
Force standardized program codes, descriptions, and task identifiers.
4.11. Triangle Audit. On a quarterly basis, SARM offices will compare (as applicable) each
aircrew members and parachutist assigned aircraft assignments, crew positions, qualifications,
certifications, and training levels listed in ARMS against the unit’s Letter of ‘X.’ (T-1)
30 AFMAN11-421 23 MARCH 2020
4.11.1. If the SARM office uses AF Form 4324s as the source document to update ARMS, the
SARM office will use the AF 4324s (received during the quarter), ARMS Training Profile
Assignment List, and Letter of ‘X’ to conduct the triangle audit. (T-1)
4.11.2. If the MFM has approved the use of a MAJCOM system to update ARMS, the SARM
office will use the ARMS Training Profile Assignment List and Letter of ‘X’ to conduct the
Triangle audit. (T-1)
4.11.3. Any discrepancies identified and recommended corrective action will be coordinated
with the Training Manager or Stan-Eval rep prior to making changes in ARMS. (T-1)
4.12. ARMS Training Profile Rollover Procedures.
4.12.1. Once all training is updated and prior to ARMS rollover, the SARM maintains the
following reports (at a minimum): ITS. Training Profile Assignment List. Training Profile Master Listing.
4.12.2. The SARM office shall contact the HARM office when all training has been updated
and all required ARMS reports have been saved. (T-3)
4.12.3. Proration letters or AF Forms 4324 will be generated by the training officer. (T-2)
Proration letters with multiple aircrew/parachutist/MCCM may be filed in a separate file.
4.12.4. End of training cycle (non-mission ready shortfall) letters will be generated by the
training officer and approved in accordance with AFMAN 11-202 Vol 1. (T-1) SARM will
maintain in the member’s ATMF. (T-3)End of training cycle letters with multiple
aircrew/parachutist/MCCM may be filed in a separate file. (T-3)
4.13. Aircrew/Parachutist/MCCM In-/Out-processing. For an example of an in-/out-
processing checklist, refer to the AFMAN 11-421 Procedural Guidance Folder under the Field
Guidance link on the Air Force Aviation Resource Management SharePoint® site.
4.13.1. The SARM office will complete an in-processing checklist that covers the
requirements listed in paragraph through paragraph (T-3) Validate receipt of an ITS. Note: The ITS is used as a source document to update
training accomplishment dates in ARMS for newly assigned aircrew members and
parachutists. Obtain a signed AF Form 4324 or alternate source document to update ARMS. Validate completion of required training requirements prior to performing in-
flight or parachute duty.
4.13.2. The SARM office will complete an out-processing checklist that covers the
requirements listed in paragraph through paragraph (T-3) Ensure individuals on flying/jump/MCCM duty status departing for PCS,
flying/jump duty TDYs, separation, or retirement notify the HARM office no later than
five workdays prior to the date the member desires out-processing date. (T-2)
AFMAN11-421 23 MARCH 2020 31 Input all flight time/jump activity/MCCM duty and training accomplishments
into ARMS before the PCA/PCS/separation/retirement date. Note: If all data cannot be
input before member’s departure, prepare certified extracts in accordance with AFI 11-401,
AF Form 4323/AF Form 922, and provide to the gaining HARM office via email. Provide remaining content of the ATMF to the member.
4.14. Deployment/TDY Operations. Deployed SARM office personnel supporting flying or
jump units shall perform SARM office duties (for example: Go/No-Go, establishing written
procedures, etc.) as outlined in paragraph 1.11 and Chapter 4 unless waived by the Combatant
Commander or delegated approval authority. (T-2)
4.14.1. Flight hours/jump activity and mission events accomplished in a deployed/TDY
location shall be entered into ARMS at the deployed location, except when circumstances
(connectivity) do not allow for timely updates. (T-3)
4.14.2. If Air Force Portal/ARMS issues arise, email post mission paperwork to the home-
station for processing.
4.14.3. If mailing is required, mail all flight/jump activity documents to home-station weekly.
Make every reasonable attempt to ensure documentation arrives at home station prior to the
end of month for report purposes. Ensure original documents are forwarded to the base that
owns the aircraft.
4.14.4. For deployments/TDY with no 1C0X2 personnel support, the SARM office shall
ensure aircrew/parachutists members make every attempt to send flight/jump activity
documents back to home station weekly. (T-3)
4.14.5. FA(s) will be prepared for each deployed/TDY mission in accordance with AF 11-
401. (T-1) Under unusual circumstances, (for example: rainbow deployments/TDY when more
than one unit is temporarily assigned to the same wing during the deployment, etc.) SARM
offices may be required to create a new FA log for the provisional unit. Note: If this situation
occurs, seek lead MAJCOM guidance.
4.14.6. Installation or tenant FM/CHARM shall ensure deploying 1C0X2 personnel meet
minimum skill-level required to accomplish deployment responsibilities. (T-3) Note: No other
AFSC shall be used to substitute for an ARM deployment tasking, unless waived by the MFM.
4.14.7. Deploying 1C0X2 personnel shall provide the deployed SARM office and supporting
HARM office location with an AF Form 2875 at least two weeks prior to arrival at deployed
location. (T-3)
32 AFMAN11-421 23 MARCH 2020
Chapter 5
5.1. Purpose. The 1C0X2 deliberate training program is the cornerstone for the development of
the career field. Deliberate development is realized through the guidance, direction and execution
of the Air Force 1C0X2 ASG. Progression planning is the responsibility of the CFM and applies
to all personnel in the career field. The CFM utilizes input from the ASG to develop and adjust the
career field progression plan, as needed. Refer to the AFMAN 11-421 Procedural Guidance Folder
under the Field Guidance link on the Air Force Aviation Resource Management SharePoint® site
for additional info on the items listed below:
5.1.1. 5-/7-skill level Interactive Courseware (ICW) guide.
5.1.2. CPED program guide.
5.1.3. EDT Charter.
5.2. 5-/7-Skill Level Upgrade Training. The 5-/7-skill level ICW is an interactive upgrade
training program that consists of journal entries, peer responses, activities, and end-of-module
evaluations. Refer to paragraph 5.1.2 for the location of the 5-/7-skill level ICW guide to see
course enrollment requirements.
5.2.1. Cross-Functional Area Training for 5-/7-Skill Level Upgrade. In addition to the 5-
/7-skill level upgrade requirements outlined in AFI 36-2651, Airmen in upgrade training will
complete the requirements outlined in paragraph and paragraph prior to being
awarded the applicable skill-level. (T-1) Cross-functional area training provides Airmen in
upgrade training the opportunity to develop skills in the core task items outside of their
assigned functional area. A trainer or certified from the applicable functional area will sign off
all core tasks that are not performed in the 1C0X2 trainees’ assigned functional area. (T-2)
Exceptions: MFM may waive the 5-/7-skill level cross-functional area training requirement
for any of the following reasons: 1) Operations tempo; 2) Trainee availability; 3) Functional
area setup on the installation; or 4) SEI 066 Airman in the trainee’s unit is authorized to sign
off/certify all core task items. 5-Skill Level Cross-Functional Area Upgrade Training. In addition to the
requirements in AFI 36-2651, Airmen in upgrade training will complete 15 consecutive
duty days of cross-functional area training in the HARM or SARM office based on the
trainee’s assigned functional area. A trainer or certifier in the cross-functional area office
will sign off/certify the applicable core task. (T-3) Exception: ARC 1C0X2 MFM
establishes 5-skill level cross-functional area upgrade requirements for ARC Airmen. 7-Skill Level Cross-Functional Area Upgrade Training. In addition to the
requirements in AFI 36-2651, Airmen in upgrade training will complete 10 consecutive
duty days of cross-functional area training in the HARM or SARM office based on the
trainee’s assigned functional area. A trainer or certifier in the cross-functional area office
will sign off/certify the applicable core task. (T-3) Exception: ARC 1C0X2 MFM
establishes 7-skill level cross-functional area upgrade requirements for ARC Airmen.
AFMAN11-421 23 MARCH 2020 33
5.3. SEI(s). The HARM Superintendent, Advanced Aviation Resource Management, and
Functional Manager SEI(s) identify special experience and training required for authenticating
AOs, managing flight/jump pay eligibility, and overseeing 1C0X2 functional area programs.
5.3.1. Once a member meets all eligibility requirements, the MFM written concurrence (if
applicable) is required prior to obtaining the unit commander approval of the AF Form 2096
to update the member’s MilPDS records.
5.3.2. The MFM may recommend removal of a SEI to the unit commander based on
documented failure in the performance of FM/CHARM duties. The unit commander is the
approval authority for removal of any SEI.
5.3.3. SEI Eligibility Requirements. HARM Superintendent - SEI 271. To obtain the SEI 271, the individual will
hold the rank of MSgt or above, possess SEI 066, accrued 12 months of experience in the
HARM Superintendent position, and receive MFM’s recommendation (in writing). (T-1)
TSgts that have performed in this capacity may be eligible for award of the HARM
Superintendent once attaining the rank of MSgt and meeting the requisites required for
award of SEI. Advanced Aviation Resource Management (AARM) - SEI 066. To obtain the
AARM SEI, the individual must successfully complete the AARM course. (T-1) Selection
of TSgts to attend the AARM course is at the discretion of the 1C0X2 MFM. FM - SEI 063. To obtain the 1C0X2 FM SEI, the individual will hold the rank of
MSgt or above, possess SEI 066 and successfully complete the 1C0X2 FM course. (T-1)
5.4. Deliberate Development. The 1C0X2 EDT charter and CPED program guide is filed in the
AFMAN 11-421 Procedural Guidance Folder under the Field Guidance link on the Air Force
Aviation Resource Management SharePoint® site.
5.4.1. EDT Charter. The 1C0X2 EDT charter outlines roles and responsibilities of the EDT
board members, 1C0X2 Key Leadership Positions (KLPs) and Key Duty Positions (KDPs),
and the EDT vectoring process. In order to be considered for an EDT vector, a SNCO must be
awarded a SEI 066. Note: The EDT Vector program is not applicable for ARC Airmen.
5.4.2. CPED Program. The objective of the 1C0X2 CPED program is to improve the skill
and knowledge of every 1C0X2 professional, who has been awarded the SEI 066, through a
continuum of learning process.
34 AFMAN11-421 23 MARCH 2020
Chapter 6
6.1. Purpose. This chapter outlines Air Force guidance for flight and jump pay entitlement in
accordance with DoDI 7730.67, DoDI 1340.09, and DoD FMR 7000.14R, Volume 7A. The use
of the term “flight” pay denotes AvIP, CSIP, or HDIP entitlement for the performance of in-flight
duties or ground-based radar ABM duties. (T-0) The use of the term “jump pay denotes HDIP
for the performance of parachute duties. (T-0) Refer to the AFMAN 11-421 Procedural Guidance
Folder under the Field Guidance link on the Air Force Aviation Resource Management
SharePoint® site for additional info on the items listed in paragraph 6.1.1 through paragraph
6.1.1. Examples of order of application for conditional flight pay rules (RegAF only).
6.1.2. Examples of order of application for conditional flight pay rules (ARC only).
6.1.3. Examples of order of application for jump pay rules.
6.2. Types of Flight Pay.
6.2.1. AvIP. Rated officers must be entitled to basic pay, hold a current aeronautical rating
or be enrolled in training leading to an aeronautical rating, and be qualified for aviation service
in accordance with AFI 11-401 and AFMAN 11-402 to receive continuous or conditional
AvIP. (T-0) Note: Pilot-Physicians will receive conditional AvIP only. (T-0)
6.2.2. CSIP. CEAs must be entitled to basic pay, hold a 1AXXX/1UXXX AFSC or be
enrolled in formal flying training leading to a designation as a CEA, and be qualified for
aviation service in accordance with AFI 11-401 and AFMAN 11-402 to receive CSIP. (T-0)
6.2.3. HDIP. Non-rated officers, non-CEA aircrew, and ops support flyers must meet flying
hour requirements in accordance with DoD FMR 7000.14R to be entitled to HDIP. (T-0) Note:
Rated officers or CEAs not already receiving AvIP or CSIP are authorized to receive HDIP
when the member meets flying hour requirements in accordance with DoD FMR 7000.14R.
6.2.4. Flight Pay Limitations and Restrictions. A rated officer and CEA will not receive more than one type of flight pay (for
example: AvIP, CSIP, or HDIP) for the same activity, skill, or period of service. (T-0)
Exception: Rated officers who are dual qualified may receive both AvIP and HDIP. Rated officers are not authorized CSIP. (T-0) CEAs are not authorized AvIP. (T-0) A rated officer/CEA permanently disqualified from aviation service or otherwise
determined no longer eligible for aviation service is ineligible for AvIP/CSIP. (T-0) Rated officers (except flight surgeons) on active AOs may continue to receive
AvIP while assigned to the following assignments: A joint assignment or position on the joint duty assignment list. Attending resident professional military education or a fully funded graduate
education program authorized by the Secretary of the Air Force.
AFMAN11-421 23 MARCH 2020 35 Non-flying positions that require rated expertise. Career-enhancing assignments outside of aviation service that does not
require rated expertise or performance of in-flight duties for a period not to exceed 48-
consecutive months. If a member is in a career-enhancing assignment for more than
48-consecutive months in accordance with DoDI 7730.67, HARM offices must assign
ASC ‘04’ until the member is assigned to a position that either requires rated expertise
or performance of in-flight duties. (T-0) The flight pay start date will be the effective
date of assignment to a rated position. (T-0) The following criteria outlines a career-enhancing assignment: 1)
Assignment to an API “0” billet in a non-aviation related AFSC; 2) Rated DAFSC
changes to a non-rated DAFSC; 3) Member is not disqualified from aviation
service; 4) Member continues to receive continuous AvIP (if otherwise qualified);
5) Member is not assigned a rated AFSC prefix (“P” or “N”), and 6) Member is not
assigned to a Special Duty Identifier or Reporting Identifier listed in the Officer
Classification Directory that requires rated expertise. Assignments listed under
paragraphs through paragraph are not considered career-
enhancing assignment. For rated officers in a career-enhancing assignment before 12
September 2018, the 48-consecutive month window started on 12 September 2018
(publication date of AFMAN 11-421 which incorporated the 48-month flight pay
limitation). Upon in-processing of the ARMS record, the gaining HARM office
will validate the PCS orders of rated officers that have been relocated to a non-
aviation related assignment (API “0”). (T-1) If a member is assigned to a career-
enhancing assignment (based on the criteria outlined in paragraph, the
servicing HARM office will assign FSC “V” effective the date of assignment to
API “0” or DAFSC change, whichever is the earliest date. (T-1) The servicing
HARM office will utilize ARMS and ad hoc reports to track a member assigned
FSC “V” to ensure continuous AvIP is stopped when the member exceeds 48-
consecutive months in the FSC “V” status. (T-1) When a rated officer or CEA is suspended from aviation service, entitlement to
continuous AvIP or CSIP will stop effective the day prior to the date of suspension in
accordance with AFMAN 11-402 (T-1) Once the suspension is removed and the member
is returned to aviation service, entitlement to AvIP or CSIP will be effective the date of the
original suspension. (T-1)
6.2.5. Aviation Bonus (AvB). For all stop pay actions based on suspension and
disqualification of aviation service, the servicing HARM office will include the following
remark in the note section of the CMS case: Suspension and disqualification of aviation service
makes a member ineligible for the Aviation Bonus in accordance with AFI 36-3004, Aviation
Bonus (AvB) Program. (T-1)
6.2.6. Medical Qualification. If a rated officer or CEA is in a DOWN status for more than
365 days, the servicing HARM office will stop AvIP and CSIP entitlement on the 365th day.
(T-0) If a non-rated officer, non-CEA aircrew, or member in student status are in DOWN status
36 AFMAN11-421 23 MARCH 2020
for more than 180-days, the servicing HARM office will stop HDIP one day prior to the
effective date. (T-0)
6.3. Eligibility Requirements for Conditional Flight Pay (AvIP and HDIP).
6.3.1. Minimum Flight Hour Requirement. In accordance with the DoDFMR 7000.14-R,
aircrew must accrue 4.0 flight hours per month or a prorated amount for members on active
flying status for a fraction of the month. (T-0)
6.3.2. Logging Flight Time. Refer to AFI 11-401 for guidance on logging of flight time for
flight pay.
6.3.3. Fractions of a Calendar Month Flight Hour Requirements. Flight hour
requirements may be prorated when the member is placed on flying status for part of the month
or removed from flying status before the end of the month. Use the AO effective date and/or
AO termination date to determine the number of days the member was on flying status for a
fraction of a month. (T-0) Refer to the Fractions of a Calendar Month table in DoDFMR
7000.14-R. Calculate the number of days from the AO effective date to the end of the month,
the number of days from the first of the month to the AO termination date, or from the AO
effective date until the AO termination date for members placed on flying status for a fraction
of a single month. (T-0) Example: A member is placed on flying status effective 3 February
(AO effective date). Calculate the number of days the member was on flying status starting
with the effective date of the AO. The member is available for 26 days of the 28 days in
February. The flight hour requirement for February is 3.5 flight hours.
6.3.4. Insufficient Flight Time. Insufficient flight time is flight time accrued in a particular
month that does not meet the minimum monthly flight hour requirement for that month. The
flight time logged in any particular month which is insufficient for meeting the minimum
monthly flight hour requirement for that month may be used up to five months forward.
6.3.5. Excess Flight Time. Hours flown in excess of the monthly or fraction of a calendar
month flight hour requirement. Excess flight time may be banked for application of up to 5
subsequent months where there may be insufficient flight hours. Example: Member is placed
on flying status for the entire month of June and must perform in-flight duties for at least 4.0
flight hours to qualify for conditional flight pay for the month. The member accrued 6.0 flight
hours in June. The additional 2.0 flight hours flown are banked as excess flight time.
6.3.6. Banked Flight Time. (Not applicable for operational support flyers) Banked flight
time is excess flight time (including both excess and insufficient flight time) available to satisfy
later months’ (current month plus 5 succeeding months’) flight hour requirements. Rated
officers who are assigned FSC “K” are able to carry forward banked flight hours while assigned
FSC “K”.
6.3.7. Continuous to Conditional Flight Pay Status. When continuous flight pay
entitlement changes to conditional flight pay entitlement, flight time logged under continuous
flight pay status shall not be applied to the conditional flight hour requirements. (T-0) Flight
pay will restart when the member qualifies for entitlement to conditional flight pay using only
those flight hours flown from the effective date of the AO (authorizing conditional flight pay)
forward based on fraction of a calendar month requirements in accordance with paragraph
6.3.3 (T-0) Additionally, this provision applies to aircrew members returning from aviation
service disqualification status (for example: ASC “07”).
AFMAN11-421 23 MARCH 2020 37
6.3.8. Suspension. When a member in a conditional flight pay status is removed from flying
status as a result of suspension, the servicing HARM office must wait until action is completed
to determine if the member qualified for a proportionate rate of flight pay during the month.
(T-0) If flight hour requirements were met, flight pay will terminate the last day of the
month prior to the month of suspension. (T-0) Do not use banked flight time towards flight
pay entitlement for any portion of a month a member was suspended until the suspension
action is resolved. (T-0) If disqualification is approved, the disqualification AO will have the same
effective date as the original suspension AO. (T-1) Flight pay may be authorized for the
portion of the month that the member was not suspended, if otherwise qualified. If the suspension is revoked with no disqualification, the flight hour requirements
reverts to 4.0 flight hours (a full month's flight hour requirement). (T-1) If the suspension
is revoked in the month in which aviation service is initiated, the fraction of a calendar
month flight requirements would be applicable based on the effective date of the ASC. Example: Member was suspended from aviation service effective 19 July 2018
with 3.4 banked flight hours. HARM personnel submitted a MPO to terminate HDIP
effective 30 June 2018 and must wait for final disqualification action. If the member is
ultimately disqualified, the effective date of disqualification will be 19 July 2018 (effective
date of original suspension). In this case, HARM personnel would submit a MPO to pay
the member for 1-18 Jul 2018 using the banked flight hours.
6.3.9. Disqualification. For members in a conditional flight pay status, excess flight time
logged prior to the disqualification is considered lost and may not be applied if the member is
requalified for aviation service. Flight pay will restart when the member qualifies for
entitlement to conditional flight pay using flight hours flown from the effective date of the
requalification AO, forward (if otherwise qualified). (T-0)
6.3.10. Aviation Accident. A member in conditional flight pay status (including students in
a formal flying training course) injured or otherwise incapacitated while performing in-flight
duties, shall be considered to have met flight hour requirements for no longer than six months
while incapacitated. (T-0) Note: A member who is on active AOs for both in-flight/parachute
duties is entitled to both flight/jump pay for up to six months when the member is injured while
performing in-flight duties. If the member satisfied flight hour requirements for the month in which the injury
occurred, flight pay (under the provision of paragraph 6.3.10) begins the first day of the
month following the month in which the injury occurred. Flight time logged in excess of
the required flight hours used to qualify the member for flight pay may be banked up to
five months and used in accordance with paragraph 6.4 If the member had not met the flight hour requirements for the month in which
the injury occurred, flight pay entitlement (under the provision of paragraph 6.3.10)
begins the first day of the month in which the injury occurred. The insufficient flight time
logged during the month the injury occurred may be banked and carried forward up to five
months in accordance with paragraph 6.4
38 AFMAN11-421 23 MARCH 2020 Entitlement to flight pay continues (under the provision of paragraph 6.3.10)
until the recovery date as determined by the medical authority as defined by AFI 48-123,
Medical Examinations and Standards, 5 Nov 2013 (for example: DD Form 2992 is
received placing the member in UP status), or until the last day of the sixth month following
the month in which entitlement to flight pay under the “aviation accident” provision began
(whichever occurs first). Under no circumstances may HDIP or conditional AvIP continue
beyond 12 months from the date of injury or illness except for the circumstance listed in
paragraph (T-0) If the injury or illness occurred while serving in a combat zone, hostile fire area,
or imminent danger area, the member may continue to receive HDIP or conditional AvIP
during their hospitalization and rehabilitation. HDIP or conditional AvIP may continue
until one of the following dates (whichever is earliest): The date on which the member is returned for assignment to other than a
medical or patient unit for duty. The date on which the member is discharged, separated, or retired
(including temporary disability retirement). One year after the date on which the member is first hospitalized for the
treatment of the wound, injury, or illness, except that the Manpower & Reserve Affairs
(M&RA) may extend the termination date in 6-month increments under extraordinary
6.4. Order of Application for Entitlement to Conditional Flight Pay.
6.4.1. Rule 1. Apply flight time accrued in the current month to that month’s flight hour
6.4.2. Rule 2. If the member is in a three-month grace period, apply excess flight time
accrued during the month to the previous month or months to satisfy flight hour requirements.
If the full three-month grace period flight hour requirement is not satisfied, excess flight hours
apply only to months in which in-flight duty was performed.
6.4.3. Rule 3. Apply banked flight time to the first, second, third, fourth, and fifth succeeding
months only to the extent the member fails to satisfy flight hour requirements during each
month. Note: Apply the oldest flight hours first.
6.5. Grace Period. (Not applicable for operational support flyers) A grace period is a maximum
three-month period for a member to accrue sufficient flight hours to satisfy flight hour
requirements for a previous month(s) when a shortfall occurred.
6.5.1. Start/Stop Three-Month Grace Periods. Regardless of the effective date of an AO,
a three-month grace period begins with the first month a member has flight hour requirements
and does not satisfy flight hour requirements and sufficient banked flight hours are not
available to cover the shortfall. A new three-month grace period may begin after the member
satisfies flight hour requirements for the previous month. If the previous month was part of a
three-month grace period, flight time satisfies the entire three-month grace period flight hour
requirement. Do not begin a new three-month grace period until the member satisfies flight
hour requirements for one month following a failed three-month grace period. (T-0)
AFMAN11-421 23 MARCH 2020 39
6.5.2. No Flight Time in the First Month. If a member does not accrue flight time during
the first month of a grace period and accrues at least 4.0 flight hours but less than 8.0 flight
hours (including banked flight hours) in the second-month, the member is entitled to flight pay
for the second month only.
6.5.3. No Flight Time in the First and Second Month. If a member does not accrue flight
hours during the first two months of a three-month grace period, the member must accrue at
least 12.0 flight hours (including banked flight hours) by the end of the third month to be
entitled to flight pay for all three months. (T-0) If the member accrues 4.0 or more flight hours,
but less than 12.0 flight hours (including banked flight hours), the member is entitled to flight
pay for the third month only. (T-0)
6.6. Application of Flight Time. (Not applicable for operational support flyers).
6.6.1. Banked Flight Time. Banked flight time is flight time not previously used to satisfy a
month’s flight hour requirement. Banked flight time may be used up to five months forward.
Banked time accrued prior to a grace period may be used to satisfy flight hour requirements
within the grace period.
6.6.2. Using Excess Flight Time Backward and Forward. If the member is in a grace
period, excess flight time may be used up to two months backward and up to five months
forward from the month in which the excess flight time were accrued.
6.6.3. Moving Flight Time into a Grace Period. Banked flight time accrued prior to a grace
period may be used within the grace period to satisfy flight hour requirements.
6.6.4. Moving Flight Time out of a Grace Period. Flight time accrued during a grace period
but not used to satisfy flight hour requirements during the grace period may be banked and
carried forward.
6.6.5. Military Operations or Non-availability of Aircraft. If a member does not satisfy
flight hour requirements due to military operations (combat or otherwise) or unavailability of
aircraft (all aircraft are deployed or fleet is grounded for a three-calendar month period), the
member may satisfy minimum flight hour requirements by performing 24 flight hours over a
period of six consecutive calendar months. If the member is in a three-calendar-month grace period when military operations
or aircraft non-availability prevents fulfillment of flight requirements, the six-calendar-
month period for meeting the 24 flight hour requirement begins on the first day of the grace
period. If the member is not in a three-calendar-month grace period, the first month in
which military operations or aircraft non-availability prevents fulfillment of flight
requirements is the beginning of the six-calendar-month period for meeting the 24 flight
hour requirement. The servicing HARM office must receive authorization from the unit commander
NLT 15 duty days after the three-consecutive month period to apply the military operations
or non-availability of aircraft flight hour provision to the member. (T-0) Note 1: For ARC
personnel, this rule applies only to members who are on six or more consecutive months
and all Active Guard Reserve (AGR) personnel. Note 2: Rule does not apply to rated
officers assigned to FSC “K” for non-flying deployments.
40 AFMAN11-421 23 MARCH 2020 During the six-calendar-month period, HDIP for flying may be paid for any
single month, or for multiple months, when minimum requirements have been met. At the end of the six-calendar-month period, flight pay is authorized for
missed months in the period to the extent that the remaining hours flown are applicable.
Note: Excess flight hours may be carried forward up to five months.
6.7. Air Reserve Component (ARC) Flight Pay.
6.7.1. Terms. Active Duty (AD). AD is defined as full-time duty in the active service of a
uniformed service, including full-time training duty, annual training duty, full-time
National Guard duty, and attendance, while in the active service, at a school designated as
a Military Service school by law, or by the Secretary of the Air Force. Extended Active Duty (EAD). EAD is defined as AD performed by a member
of a Reserve Component when strength accountability passes from the Reserve Component
to the active military establishment. Inactive Duty (IAD). IAD includes the following flight pay categories: training
period, unit training assembly, equivalent training, additional flying training period,
additional ground training period, and readiness management period. Duty Status Codes (DSC). DSC indicate the status of flying duty performed by
the aircrew member. DSC 1 = Active Duty; DSC 2 = Unit Training Assembly (Inactive
Duty); DSC 3 = Flying Training Period (Inactive Period); DSC 4 = GS civilian
employees/Technician; and DSC 5 = Contractor.
6.7.2. Flight Pay Entitlement. If serving under active AOs and meeting flight hour
requirements, aircrew members of the Reserve Components are entitled to flight pay during
periods of military duty. Members entitled to flight pay will be compensated for one-thirtieth
of the monthly rate for each day/period of duty (ARC members may be paid for up to two IAD
periods in a calendar day). (T-0) Every calendar month is considered 30 days. Example:
Member performs 4 days/periods of IAD and 3 days of AD during the month; daily flight pay
rate equals $1,000/30 ($33.33); member’s flight pay entitlement for the month equals $196.
6.7.3. Determining IAD/AD status. Unless an aircrew member performs in an AD flight pay
status during the month, the member is in IAD status for the entire 30 days. For example, a
member performed 10 days of AD during the month of April. The remaining 20 days are
considered to be IAD status (30 days 10 days = 20).
6.7.4. Attendance Calendar. The individual attendance calendar is a computer generated
report provided by the RPO. It is used to determine accurately the member’s flight pay status. Flying Time Crediting Criteria. Flight time accrued while in DSC “1”, “2”, or
“3” may be used to meet flight hour requirements. Non-Crediting Criteria. Flight time accrued in a GS civilian employee,
technician, contractor, or ANG state activities pay status cannot be used to satisfy the flight
hour requirements for military flight pay. (T-0)
AFMAN11-421 23 MARCH 2020 41
6.7.5. Minimum Flight Hour Requirement. ARC minimum flight hour requirements are
one-half of those prescribed for a member on AD. When a member performs AD during the
month, the member incurs an AD flight hour requirement.
6.7.6. Fractions of a Calendar Month. Prorate flight hour requirements when the member
is placed on flying status for part of a month or removed from flying status before the end of
the month. When starting an aircrew member’s flight pay, prorate flight hour requirements
based on the number of days the member was on flying status.
6.7.7. Banking AD and IAD Flight Hours. AD flight hours may be banked only when the
member is on continuous orders for more than 30 days or if the AD period extends unbroken
over parts of two months. Banked IAD time may be used in the five succeeding months.
6.7.8. Combined Flight Hour Requirements. Apply flight time in the AD or IAD category
earned first. (T-0) When a member performs both AD and IAD in the same month, all flight
time earned may be combined to satisfy both AD and IAD monthly flight hour requirements.
Flight time accrued in excess of the monthly flight hour requirement is applied in the order of
application for the category in which the flight time was earned. (T-0)
6.7.9. IAD Flight Hours Application Rules. First, IAD flight time must be applied to the IAD flight hour requirement in the
current month. (T-0) Second, if insufficient flight time was accrued to satisfy the IAD flight hour
requirement, apply insufficient IAD flight time to the current month’s AD flight hour
requirement. (T-0) Third, apply the insufficient IAD flight time and insufficient AD flight hours to
the current month’s IAD flight hour requirement. (T-0) Fourth, apply the current month’s insufficient IAD flight time and insufficient AD
flight time plus the IAD banked flight time to the current month’s IAD flight hour
requirement. (T-0)
6.7.10. AD Flight Hours Application Rules. First, apply AD flight time to the AD flight hour requirement in the month
earned. (T-0) Second, apply the current month’s insufficient/excess AD flight time to the
current month’s IAD flight hour requirement. (T-0) Third, apply the current month’s insufficient AD flight time and
excess/insufficient IAD flight time to the current month’s AD flight hour requirement. (T-
0) Note: The AD flight hour requirement is always satisfied before the IAD flight hour
requirement if the IAD flight hour requirement is not met. Fourth, apply the current month’s insufficient AD flight time plus the insufficient
IAD flight time to the current month’s IAD flight hour requirement. (T-0) Fifth, apply the insufficient AD flight time plus any AD banked flight time to the
AD flight hour requirement. (T-0) AD flight time may be banked only if the member is on
42 AFMAN11-421 23 MARCH 2020
continuous orders for more than 30 days or if the AD period extends unbroken over parts
of two months.
6.7.11. Three-Month Grace Periods. New Three-Month Grace Period. When a member fails a three-month grace
period, a new three-month grace period cannot begin until flight hour requirements have
been satisfied for one month after the failed three-month grace period. (T-0) No Flight Time Performed in the First or Second Month. When a member
does not accrue flight time during the first two months of a three-month grace period, the
member must satisfy the total flight hour requirement by the end of the third month
(including banked flight time prior to grace period) to be entitled to flight pay for all three
months. (T-0) When no in-flight duty is performed during the first two months of a three-
month grace period, banked flight time (prior to grace period) may be used only if the entire
three-month grace period requirement is satisfied. Example: If the member accrues 2.0 or
more flight hours, but less than the total flight hour requirement (including banked flight
time), the member is entitled to flight pay for the third month only, because the member
did not perform in-flight duty in the first and second months.
6.7.12. AD Banking Rules. AD flight time can be banked only when a member is on
continuous orders for more than 30 days or if the AD period extends unbroken over parts of
two months. (T-0)
6.7.13. AD of Less Than One Calendar Month Covering Parts of Two Calendar Months
with Banked and Excess Flight Time. When AD of less than one month covers parts of two
consecutive calendar months, flight time accrued on IAD training may be combined to satisfy
flight hour requirements for the entire AD period when the IAD flight hour requirements for
both months have been satisfied.
6.8. HDIP (Parachute Duty).
6.8.1. In order to receive jump pay, qualified parachutists must have a current AO authorizing
performance of parachute duty. (T-0) MFF pay will not start until the member performs a MFF
jump. (T-0) Once the member performs a MFF jump, MFF pay is authorized from effective
date of the AF Form 1887 (class start date) forward (if otherwise qualified). Note: If the
member does not complete the course, MFF pay terminates on the day the member is
disenrolled from class. A new AF Form 1887 must be published effective the day after
disenrollment to reinstate Static Line HDIP (if member returns to previous parachute duty) or
previous ASC held (prior to the class). (T-1)
6.8.2. A member enrolled in a formal course of instruction leading to the award of the basic
parachutist badge in accordance with AFI 11-410 is entitled to jump pay. When member
returns from school and is assigned to a valid unit manning document authorization, 1C0X2
personnel will start the member’s jump pay (if otherwise qualified). (T-1)
6.8.3. Do not authorize jump pay for parachute duty performed while on leave or in PCS
status. (T-0) Do not authorize jump pay for jumps performed while on TDY or temporary
assignment duty and parachute duties not required as essential part of duty or formal course
education and training announcements syllabi requirements (including weekends while
enrolled in non-parachute formal training classes). (T-0) Temporary assignment duty is
AFMAN11-421 23 MARCH 2020 43
performed when the member remains on installation to perform temporary duty. TDY is
performed off-station. Dual purpose TDY orders must specify the specific date(s) jump activity
is required as essential to the TDY. (T-0)
6.8.4. Types of Jump Pay. Static line (Type 1). Static line (Type 1) is authorized for jumps from an aircraft
in aerial flight when static line procedures are utilized. MFF (Type 2). MFF (Type 2) is authorized for jumps from an aircraft in aerial
flight when parachute deployment occurs without the use of a static line. Members must
be specifically required by an AO to perform MFF duties. (T-1) HARM offices will publish
an AF Form 1887 for parachutists to attend MFF school prior to the member attending
school, effective the class start date. (T-2)
6.8.5. Jump Requirements. In order for the servicing HARM office to authorize static line
pay (Type 1 HDIP) or MFF pay (Type 2 HDIP), the member must satisfy jump requirements
in accordance with DoDI 1340.09. (T-0) The member is authorized the highest rate of jump
pay based on type of jump performed (for example: static jump for Type 1 HDIP and MFF
jump for Type 2 HDIP). The SARM office must submit certified documentation (AF Form 922/4323) of
all jumps performed in a given month to the servicing HARM office by the 5th duty day
of the following month. (T-1) SARM personnel will document periods of permissive TDY,
leave, and non-jumping TDY/TADs to ensure jumps performed during these periods do
not count toward jump pay entitlements and are not entered in ARMS. (T-1) The servicing HARM office will authorize jump pay if the criteria of any of the 5
Rules in paragraph through paragraph are met. (T-0) Rule 1. Member is entitled to jump pay for a consecutive three-month
period based on one jump performed. (T-0) Credit the member for a qualifying jump
for the month it was performed and: Two preceding months (or); (T-0) Two succeeding months (or); (T-0) One preceding month and one succeeding month. (T-0) Note: When a
member does not jump for a month and is not covered under any other rule, Rule 1
will apply. (T-0) Rule 2. To qualify for jump pay for a 3-month period, the member is
required to jump at least once during the 3-month period. (T-0) If a member is not able
to perform at least one jump in a 3-month period due to reasons beyond the member’s
control, the member may jump twice during a 6-month period, including two jumps
within the same month, to maintain jump pay eligibility for 2 consecutive 3-month
periods. (T-0) The servicing HARM office must receive a letter from the commanding
officer (Grade of O-5 and above) authorizing Rule 2 prior to the member performing
jump requirements under the Rule 2 provision. (T-0) Any qualifying jumps performed
during Rule 2 period that does not meet the Rule 2 requirement may be used to meet
any period that benefits the members and falls within the eligibility period for
application of a jump. The Rule 2 letter is filed in JRF.
44 AFMAN11-421 23 MARCH 2020 Rule 3. If a member is unable to perform a jump because of non-availability
of aircraft, attendance at military education or training less than 179 days, or inclement
weather, then the member is eligible for waiver of one jump requirement (3-month
period) within a 12-month window. (T-0) To place a member under Rule 3, a letter or email certified by the
commanding officer, in the pay grade of O-5 or above, must be submitted to the
servicing HARM office no later than 15 duty days after the three-consecutive
month period requested for waiver. (T-1) The letter or email must state the
reason(s) why the member could not perform a jump during the three-consecutive
calendar month period. (T-2) Waiver of more than one jump in a 12-month period
under Rule 3 is not authorized. Exception: When a member enters a Rule 5 for MFF
qualification, the member is authorized a Rule 3 waiver within the 12-month
timeframe based on the effective date of the Rule 5 for MFF qualification. The Rule
3 letter is filed in JRF. The member must maintain proficiency through refresher training in
accordance with AFI 11-410 in lieu of jumping in order to retain eligibility for jump
pay during waived period. (T-0) The commanding officer will provide the servicing
HARM office verification of refresher training completion. (T-0) Rule 4. If a member is unable to perform a qualifying jump by reason of
being engaged in combat operations in a hostile fire area, minimum jump requirements
may be waived. A general officer within the jump unit’s operational or administrative
chain of command must authorize a Rule 4 waiver for the period of the member’s
deployment to a hostile fire area. (T-0) For each month that Rule 4 applies, the member will be entitled to
jump pay at the highest rate of jump pay the member was qualified to receive during
the same period. (T-0) If a member is in a Rule 4 status for at least one day during
a given month, jump requirements for that month will be waived and member will
be entitled to jump pay (based on member’s qualification) for the entire month. (T-
0) Rule 4 terminates at the end of the month the member leaves the hostile fire area.
Exception: If the member performed a qualifying jump during the Rule 4 period
and as a result is under Rule 1 criteria on the date of return from the hostile fire
area, normal Rule 1 criteria apply. Do not include post deployment leave, emergency leave, ordinary
leave or additional TDY days when determining Rule 4 termination date. The
servicing HARM office must receive a Rule 4 authorization prior to applying the
Rule 4 guidelines to determine jump pay entitlement. (T-0) Upon returning from
deployment, the member must complete airborne refresher training and jump
within 3 months. (T-0) The Rule 4 authorization documentation is filed in JRF. Rule 5. The month a member enters training or reports for duty is
considered the first month of the three-consecutive month period. Note: Jump pay
entitlement for fractions of a month(s) will be prorated to coincide with the number of
days on status. (T-0)
AFMAN11-421 23 MARCH 2020 45 If a member is static line qualified and subsequently enters MFF training,
the member will receive MFF pay from date entered training forward based on
performance of MFF jumps. (T-0) Because the member was previously static line
qualified, a MFF jump may satisfy jump requirements for static pay for the period prior
to beginning MFF training.
6.8.6. Jump Pay Effective Dates. Start Dates. The effective date for jump pay is based on the ASC effective date
and no earlier than: The class start date for member placed on orders to attend a formal training
course leading to the award of the parachutist badge. Members will be entitled to MFF
(Type 2) pay effective the class start date of MFF School provided MFF jump
requirements are satisfied. (T-0) When jump requirements are satisfied within three consecutive months of
the AO effective date, the servicing HARM office will apply jumps to meet jump
requirement to the month in which parachute duty is authorized (no earlier than AO
effective date) first before applying the jump to any other month. (T-0) Note: Jump
pay is not authorized prior to the AO effective date. The first eligible month the member qualified for jump pay when the first
jump is not performed within the initial three-consecutive month period. Jump Pay Effective Dates for Rule 4 Periods. Jump pay is effective the
first day of the month of deployment to a hostile fire area. When a MFF qualified parachutist performs MFF jumps to qualify for Type
2 for a period when the member was previously authorized Type 1 HDIP (static line),
the member will be entitled to the difference between the two rates. (T-0) Termination Dates. Terminate jump pay when member fails to satisfy minimum jump
requirements. Parachutist service terminates when member is disqualified, suspended, or
removed from an active jump position assignment. The servicing HARM office will take action to terminate HDIP effective one
day prior to disqualification/suspension AO or the last day the individual is assigned to
an active jump position. (T-1) A stop jump pay action provides payment to the member through
midnight of the jump pay stop date. If a member was suspended and suspension is
later revoked, the member may be entitled to HDIP for the suspension period based
on qualifying jumps performed. If a parachutist is requalified for parachutist service after a period of
disqualification, jumps logged prior to the disqualification will not be applied past
the disqualification date. (T-0) Jump pay restarts when the member meets
requirements for jump pay entitlement (no earlier than the effective date of active
46 AFMAN11-421 23 MARCH 2020 Provide notice as soon as possible to members before removal from an active
jump position. The 120-Day notification policy prescribed in AFMAN 11-402 does not
apply to parachutists. Parachutists must maintain their eligibility for jump pay through the actual
performance of a jump unless the minimum jump requirement is waived. (T-0) If the
member does not have a waiver and fails to meet the minimum jump requirement, jump
pay discontinues and any overpayment or unearned portion of jump pay will be subject
to repayment. (T-0)
6.8.7. Incapacitation. When a member is incapacitated as a result of performing parachute
duty and minimum jump requirements have been satisfied for the month in which the
incapacitation occurred, the member is entitled to jump pay until the recovery date as deemed
by the appropriate medical authority or a six-consecutive month period beginning the month
following the month in which the incapacitation occurred, whichever occurs first. When incapacity occurs as a result of performing parachute duty and minimum
jump requirements have not been satisfied for the month, the member is entitled to jump
pay for a six-consecutive month period beginning with the month in which the
incapacitation occurred. If the injury or illness occurred while serving in a combat zone, hostile fire area,
or imminent danger area, the member may continue to receive jump pay during their
hospitalization and rehabilitation. Jump pay may continue until one of the following dates
(whichever is earliest): The date on which the member is returned for assignment to other than a
medical or patient unit for duty. The date on which the member is discharged, separated, or retired (including
temporary disability retirement) from the uniformed services. One year after the date on which the member is first hospitalized for the
treatment of the wound, injury, or illness, except that the Manpower & Reserve Affairs
(M&RA) may extend the termination date in 6-month increments under extraordinary
6.8.8. Concurrent Entitlement. Rated officers, CEAs, non-rated officers, and non-CEA
aircrew may be entitled to flight/jump pay for both parachute duty and in-flight duty. Members
must satisfy requirements for each entitlement separately. (T-0)
6.8.9. Monthly Jump Pay Entitlement Verification. ARMS Jump Pay Control Document. Use the ARMS Jump Pay Control
Document in conjunction with the AF Form 1521 to monitor monthly entitlement to jump
pay. Complete the AF Form 1521 in accordance with the instructions on the reverse
side of the form and maintain the document permanently in the JRF. (T-1) Note: The
servicing HARM office may keep all worksheets for active jump records in a suspense
binder until the member departs via PCS, is placed in inactive status, separates or retires.
AFMAN11-421 23 MARCH 2020 47 AF Form 922/4323. Parachutist members must ensure the AF Form 922/4323
are completed in accordance with AFI 11-410 and submitted to the servicing SARM office
no later than 5 workdays after a month during which a qualifying jump was performed. (T-
1) Failure to provide these forms to the servicing HARM office delays validation of jump
pay entitlement and may cause an interruption in jump pay.
48 AFMAN11-421 23 MARCH 2020
Chapter 7
7.1. Military Pay Order (MPO).
7.1.1. A MPO or DD Form 114 is used to establish or terminate individual entitlement to
AvIP, CSIP, and HDIP. HDIP for parachutists must specify static or Military Free Fall (MFF)
jump requirement and type of HDIP authorized in accordance with DoDFMR 7000.14-R. (T-
7.1.2. HARM personnel will use CMS as the primary means for submitting MPOs to the
servicing FSO/RPO. (T-1)
7.1.3. Once the servicing HARM office validates a flight/jump pay action is required, initiate
a MPO (except for non-Air Force members) no later than five duty days of identifying required
actions when: An aircrew/parachutist member initially meets or fails to meet flight/jump pay
entitlement requirements. (T-0) Exception: Do not initiate an MPO for a grace period
until the grace period is complete. An aircrew/parachutist member satisfies flight/jump entitlement requirements for
flight/jump pay following a period of failure to meet minimum flight hour/jump
requirements, a period of suspension/disqualification has been removed, or a member
otherwise regains entitlement to flight/jump pay. (T-0) An individual in conditional Entitlement Status Code (ESC) “5”, “6”, “7”, “8”, or
“9” departs PCS to an assignment that does not require in-flight/parachute duty. (T-0) The gaining HARM office will initiate a flight pay action for ARC aircrew
members who PCS to an assignment that requires in-flight duties. (T-1) Note: The Reserve
Component system (DJMS-RC) automatically stops flight/jump pay when ARC personnel
7.2. MPO Preparation. Use a DD Form 114 or the MPO section of an AO, as the source
document to direct or record changes to flight/jump pay for aircrew/parachutist members. Send a
copy of the AO and applicable support documents (120-day notification letter, Entitlement Status
Letter, or conditional flight pay briefing) to the FSO/RPO as an attachment in CMS. Ensure all
MPO transactions (dates/reason) are processed into ARMS. Use the following guidelines for
flight/jump pay actions:
7.2.1. Complete the MPO portion of an AO when the AO is published to initiate or terminate
in-flight/parachute duties. (T-0) The MPO serves as the source document to start and stop
flight/jump pay.
7.2.2. Publish a DD Form 114 for pay actions that do not require an AO. (T-0)
7.2.3. To start flight/jump pay after an AO revocation, send a copy of the previous (current
AO), and/or a DD Form 114. (T-0)
7.3. MPO Pay Actions.
AFMAN11-421 23 MARCH 2020 49
7.3.1. Start. A start action initiates flight/jump pay on the indicated effective date. Note:
Annotate F.O. (Further Orders) in the “TO” column to indicate flight/jump pay continues until
another MPO is received.
7.3.2. Stop. A stop action terminates flight/jump pay on the indicated effective date.
7.3.3. Report. A report action authorizes or collects flight/jump pay for the period indicated
on the MPO section of the AO or DD Form 114.
7.3.4. Use CMS numbers on MPOs for tracking purposes and annotate each action in the CMS
case log. As a minimum, the servicing HARM office shall ensure the CMS case file contains
the following: 1) Flight crew status code and flight/jump pay action; 2) Reason for the
flight/jump pay action, ASC, ASD; and 3) Statement : “Reference the attached file for
effective/to date”. (T-1) Exception: Flight crew member codes and flight/jump pay actions are
not applicable for ARC personnel.
7.3.5. MPO Validation. The servicing HARM office shall use CMS to validate each MPO
transaction was processed correctly. (T-1) If an MPO was not processed, processed incorrectly,
or rejected, the servicing HARM office must coordinate with the FSO/RPO for necessary
corrective action via CMS. (T-1) Verify processed transactions on the MPO as follows: Transaction No: The CMS Case File Number. Prepared Date: The date CMS case was closed by the servicing HARM office. Update CMS Case log, as applicable.
7.4. Validating Monthly Flight/Jump Pay Entitlement. The servicing HARM office performs
the following:
7.4.1. Use the Flying Pay Control Document in conjunction with the AF Form 1520 to monitor
monthly entitlement to conditional flight pay for RegAF members. Use the ASC Conditional
Entitlement Flying Hours Report in conjunction with the AF Form 1520A and the attendance
calendar from DJMS-RC to monitor monthly entitlement to conditional flight pay for ARC
members. Note: Not applicable to CEAs receiving CSIP.
7.4.2. Complete the AF Form 1520 or 1520A (ARC) in accordance with the instructions on
the reverse side of the form. If managing flight pay, AFRC SARM personnel are responsible
for providing the 1520A to the servicing HARM office once complete. The AF Form 1520 will
be used for aircrew in an AGR status. (T-1) Notify an aircrew/parachutist member when flight/jump pay entitlement status
changes. (T-1) Electronic notification via CMS is sufficient. The CHARM will sign the
entitlement status notification letters. (T-3) Notify an aircrew member in conditional flight pay status when the member enters
a flight hour requirement grace period. (T-1)
7.4.3. The gaining HARM office will terminate flight/jump pay when members receiving
conditional flight/jump pay status depart to an inactive position. (T-0)
7.5. Entitlement Status Letter/120-Day Notification Letter/Conditional Pay Briefing.
50 AFMAN11-421 23 MARCH 2020
7.5.1. The servicing HARM office will notify aircrew members (via email) of required flight
pay actions with the entitlement status letter, 120-day notification letter, or conditional pay
brief. (T-1) Maintain a suspense file the for the 120-day notification letter, entitlement status
letter, and conditional flight pay briefing. When the member enters the eligibility period
for flight pay entitlement change, send the required email notification and applicable
document to the member. If the member fails to acknowledge or sign the required
document, the servicing HARM office processes the required flight pay action in CMS and
includes the 120-day notification letter, entitlement status letter, or conditional flight pay
briefing as an attachment (signed/unsigned). (T-1) If the document is unsigned, the
servicing HARM office will annotate the email notification date on the unsigned
entitlement status letter, 120-day notification letter, or conditional pay brief. (T-1) Refer to
the AFMAN 11-421 Procedural Guidance Folder under the Field Guidance link on the Air
Force Aviation Resource Management SharePoint® site for instructions on how to retrieve
documents from CMS. If the member out-processes prior to the required pay action based on reaching an
OFDA gate anniversary, the losing HARM will email the entitlement status letter and
conditional pay briefings to the gaining HARM office in accordance with paragraph 2.7.
Deputy Chief of Staff, Operations
AFMAN11-421 23 MARCH 2020 51
Attachment 1
AFPD 11-4, Aviation Service, 12 Apr 2019
AFI 10-3502, Pararescue and Combat Rescue Officer Training, 30 Mar 2017
AFMAN 11-202 Vol 1, Aircrew Training, 27 Sep 2019
AFI 11-202 Vol 2, Aircrew Standardization and Evaluation Program, 06 December 2018
AFI 11-202 Vol 3, General Flight Rules, 10 Aug 2016
AFI 11-401, Aviation Management, 10 Dec 2010
AFMAN 11-402, Aviation and Parachutist Service, 24 January 2019
AFI 11-403, Aerospace Physiological Training Program, 30 Nov 2012
AFMAN 11-404, Fighter Aircrew Acceleration Training Program, 27 November 2019
AFI 11-410, Personnel Parachute Operations, 4 Aug 2008
AFI 13-201, Airspace Management, 21 Aug 2012
AFI 16-1301, Survival, Evasion, Resistance, and Escape (SERE) Program, 03 Aug 2017
AFI 21-103, Equipment Inventory, Status, and Utilization Reporting, 21 Jan 20
AFI 33-332, Air Force Privacy and Civil Liberties Program, 12 Jan 2015
AFI 33-360, Publications and Forms Management, 01 Dec 2015
AFMAN 33-363, Management of Records, 01 Mar 2008
AFI 36-2651, Air Force Training Program, 3 January 2019
AFI 36-2640, Executing Total Force Development, 30 Aug 2018
AFMAN 36-3004, Aviation Bonus (AvB) Program, 03 May 2019
AFI 44-170, Preventive Health Assessment, 19 Jan 2016
AFI 48-123, Medical Examinations and Standards, 5 Nov 2013
AFI 65-503, US Air Force Cost and Planning Factors, 13 Jul 2018
AFI 91-204, Safety Investigations and Hazard Reporting, 27 April 2018
DoD 7000.14R, Volume 7A DoD Financial Management Regulation, 12 Jun 2019
DoDM 4525.8_AFI 33-306, DoD Official Mail Management, 12 Oct 2006
DoDI 1340.09, Hazardous Duty Pay Program, 26 Jan 2018
DoDI 7730.67, Aviator Incentive Pays and Bonus Program, 20 Oct 2017
1C0X2 CEFTP, Career Field Education and Training Plan, 09 Feb 2017
Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. 552
52 AFMAN11-421 23 MARCH 2020
Privacy Act of 1974, 5 U.S.C. 552a
Prescribed Forms
AF Form 1256, Certificate of Training
AF Form 1520, ARMS Individual Flight Pay Entitlement Worksheet
AF Form 1520A, ARC Aircrew Incentive Pay Entitlement Worksheet
AF Form 1521, ARMS Individual Jump Pay Entitlement Worksheet
Adopted Forms
DD Form 114, Military Pay Order
DD Form 1351-2, Travel Voucher or Sub voucher
AF Form 8, Certificate of Aircrew Qualification
AF Form 8A, Certificate of Aircrew Qualification (Multiple Aircraft)
AF Form 847, Recommendation for Change of Publication
AF Form 922, Individual Jump Record
DD Form 2992, Medical Recommendation for Flying or Special Operational Duty
DD Form 577, Appoint/Termination Record Authorized Signature
AF Form 1274, Physiological Training
AF Form 1520, ARMS Individual Flight Pay Entitlement Worksheet
AF Form 1521A, ARC ARMS Individual Flight Pay Entitlement Worksheet
AF Form 1887, Aeronautical Order (PA) Aviation Service
AF Form 2096, Classification /On-the-Job-Training Action
DD Form 2875, System Authorization Access Request
AF Form 3520, ARMS Aircrew/Mission Flight Data Extract
AF Form 3862, Flight Evaluation Worksheet
AF Form 4322, Active Parachutist Justification
AF Form 4323, ARMS Multi-Crew Jump Record
AF Form 4324, Aircraft Assignment/Aircrew Qualification Worksheet
AF Form 4327, ARMS Flight Authorization
AF Form 4327A, ARMS Flight Authorization
AFTO Form 781, ARMS Aircrew/Mission Flight Data Document
Abbreviations and Acronyms
AARMAdvance Aviation Resource Management Course
AAMSAutomated Aircrew Management System
AFMAN11-421 23 MARCH 2020 53
ABMAir Battle Manager
ACCAir Combat Command
ADActive Duty
AFIAir Force Instruction
AFMANAir Force Manual
AFSAir Force Specialty
AFSCAir Force Specialty Code
AFSOCAir Force Special Operations Command
AFSPCAir Force Space Command
AMSAssignment Management System
AMSLAviation Management Suspense List
ATMFAircrew Training Management Folder
ANGAir National Guard
AOAeronautical Order
APIAircrew Position Indicator
ARCAir Reserve Components (includes both ANG and AFRC)
ARMAviation Resource Management
ARMSAviation Resource Management System
ASCAviation Service Code
ASDAviation Service Date
ASGARMS Steering Group
ASIMSAeromedical Services Information Management System
AvBAviation Bonus
AvIPAviation Incentive Pay
AWACARMS Working and Advisory Council
AWGARMS Working Group
CEACareer Enlisted Aviator
CEDContingency, Exercise, or Deployment
CFMCareer Field Manager
CHARMChief, Host Aviation Resource Management
CMSCase Management System
CPEDContinuing Professional Education and Training
54 AFMAN11-421 23 MARCH 2020
CSIPCritical Skills Incentive Pay
DAFSCDuty Air Force Specialty Code
DoDDepartment of Defense
DoDFMRDepartment of Defense Financial Management Regulation
DOSDate of Separation
DSCDuty Status Code
EADExtended Active Duty
EDTEnlisted Development Team
ESCEntitlement Status Code
FAFlight Authorization
FACFlying Activity Code
FEBFlying Evaluation Board
FHRFlying History Report
FSCFlying Status Code
FMFunctional Manager
FSOFinance Services Office
FYFiscal Year
GSGovernment Service
HARMHost Aviation Resource Management
HDIPHazardous Duty Incentive Pay
IADInactive Active Duty
IFRIndividual Flight Record
JHRJump History Report
JRFJump Record Folder
MAJCOMMajor Command
MCCMMissile Combat Crew Member
MFFMilitary Free Fall
MFMMAJCOM Functional Manager
MILPDSMilitary Personnel Data System
MPOMilitary Pay Order
NUSICNon-US Identity Code
OFDAOperational Flying Duty Accumulator
AFMAN11-421 23 MARCH 2020 55
OPROffice of Primary Responsibility
PCAPermanent Change of Assignment
PCSPermanent Change of Station
RegAFRegular Air Force
RPAReserve Personnel Appropriations / Remotely Piloted Aircraft
SARMSquadron Aviation Resource Management
SAVStaff Assistance Visit
SEISpecial Experience Identifier
SSNSocial Security Number
SWASpecial Warfare Airman
TDYTemporary Duty
TARMTenant Aviation Resource Management
URTUndergraduate Remotely Piloted Aircraft Training
UMDUnit Manpower Document
USAFEUnited States Air Forces in Europe
ARM Steering Group (ASG)The AF ASG concentrates on issues affecting innovation, policy,
and development affecting short-/long-term growth of the career field and any applicable aviation
ARMS Working Group (AWG)The AF ARMS Working Group (AF AWG) concentrates on
issues affecting ARMS implementation, technical operation, sustainment, and enhancements.
AuthenticationEvidence by proper signature or seal that a document is genuine and official.
Aviation Incentive Pay (AvIP)Flight pay authorized for rated officers (regular and reserve) in
an aviation career.
Aviation Service Date (ASD)Effective date of the first aeronautical order to perform flying
duties. For rated officers, this date is set when the member first reports, on AOs, to the aviation
activity with aircraft assigned in which the officer will receive flight training leading to an
aeronautical rating (for example: start date of Undergraduate Pilot Training, Undergraduate
Navigator Training, or Undergraduate Pilot Training-H class or Weapons Systems Training) or
date of commission, whichever is later. For flight surgeons, the ASD equals the date all
requirements for the flight surgeon rating were met, which is normally the date (Aerospace
Medicine Primary Course (AMP 101, 201, and 202 or equivalent) was completed. For Air Battle
Managers, the ASD is the date the crewmember enters training at one of five FTU sites (Tinker,
Robins, Keesler, Davis-Monthan, and Geilenkirchen AB). For CEAs, the ASD is set when the
member first reports, on AOs, to the aviation activity that has aircraft in which the member will
receive flight training leading to CEA status (normally the class start date).
Career Enlisted Aviator (CEA)Enlisted aircrew in AFSCs 1AXXX/1UXXX.
56 AFMAN11-421 23 MARCH 2020
Critical Skills Incentive Pay (CSIP)Flight pay for CEAs in an aviation career.
DOWNPreviously known as DNIF. It is when an individual has been found by medical
authority, either temporarily or permanently medically unfit, as defined in block 12 of the DD form
FlightFor the purpose of this manual, a flight is synonymous with a mission.
Effective Date of Strength AccountabilityThe effective date for changes in strength reporting
different categories of Airmen under ARC.
Frequent and Regular—“Frequent and regular” is a DoD 7000.14-R, Volume 7A, Part Two,
term which establishes the minimum monthly flight time requirements to be entitled to conditional
AvIP or HDIP. Chapters 22 and 24 set the minimum at four hours for active duty and Chapters
56 and 57 set the minimum at two hours for ARC per calendar month, or a prorated share for lesser
periods. By itself, the requirement to fly frequently and regularly is not justification to assign an
individual to aircrew or operational support flyer status.
Gate—Identifies a point in a rated officer’s aviation career at which utilization is measured
according to the Aviation Career Incentive Act of 74, the Aviation Career Incentive Act of 98, or
NDAA of FYs 96, 99, and 00. Utilization is measured at the 12th and 18th year of aviation service
for rated officers.
Hazardous Duty Incentive Pay (HDIP)Members required to perform in-flight duties on a
frequent and regular basis. Entitlement is conditional.
Letter of AttachmentAuthorization to fly or jump with a flying/jump squadron on a regular
Letter of ‘X’A list of aircrew certifications/qualifications.
Military Freefall (MFF)High altitude military parachute jump (for example: HAHO/HALO)
performed without the use of a static line.
MissionFor the purpose of this manual only, mission is defined as a primary objective for which
an aircraft is operated (see Mission Symbols in AFI 11-401) and may consist of an increment of
one or more sorties. For example, a mission may involve several sorties, or in the case of an in-
flight refueling, several missions may be accomplished in one sortie.
Operational FlyingFlying performed under AOs by rated and CEA personnel (primarily for
mission, support, or training/proficiency purposes) while serving in an assignment where basic
flying skills are usually maintained for performing assigned duties.
Ops Support FlyerAny individual whose primary, full-time duty does not require flying;
however, the Air Force may require these individuals to fly on an occasional basis in order to
perform a specific, essential in-flight duty which a regularly assigned primary or mission
crewmember cannot perform. Duties may include, but are not limited to, in-flight test, operation
or maintenance of aircraft systems or installed equipment.
Proration LetterA letter that reduces aircrew/parachutist training requirements proportionally
to the approved days lost in during a training period.
SortieAn AFTO Form 781 aircraft sortie begins when the aircraft begins to move forward on
takeoff or takes off vertically from rest at any point of support. It ends after airborne flight when
AFMAN11-421 23 MARCH 2020 57
the aircraft returns to the surface and either of the following conditions occur: a) the engines are
stopped, or the aircraft is on the surface for five minutes, whichever occurs first; or, b) a change is
made in the crew which enplanes or deplanes a crewmember. A series of practice landings is
considered one sortie; for a series of practice landings, close out the flight after five minutes on
the ground and begin a subsequent flight but do not log a sortie until the final landing. For logging
aircrew proficiency training on missions where some crewmembers deplane and the remaining
crew from the original depart again, this may be considered to be a continuation of the original
aircrew sortie. MAJCOMs may establish MDS-specific crew requirements and procedures for
aircrew continuation sorties.
Special Warfare AirmenAirmen assigned to Pararescue, Combat Rescue Officer, Combat
Control Teams, Special Tactics Officers, Special Operations Weather Teams, Tactical Air Control
Party, and Air Liaison Officer career fields.
System Change RequestDocument used to request functionality changes/additions to ARMS.
Additionally, the SCR can be used to identify functionality errors in ARMS.
Tenant Aviation Resource Management (TARM) officeA 1C0X2 function (Example:
servicing HARM office, SARM office, Current Ops, etc.) performed within a tenant organization
not associated with the host installation. A TARM office may be established by a memorandum
of agreement or memorandum of understanding between the tenant and host organization or
servicing HARM office and TARM office. A TARM office function is not limited to 1C0X2
support of jump units.
Training PeriodAny training period determined by the MAJCOM or Wing in which training
requirements are performed.
Triangle AuditAn audit that includes the verification of ARMS data, Stan-Eval documents and
daily flying/jump documents.
UPPreviously known as Return To Flying Status (RTFS). It is when an individual has been
qualified by medical authority.
120-Day Notification LetterA notification letter for termination of conditional flight pay
authorization for non-CEA aircrew.