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This material is provided for informational purposes only. It is not intended to constitute legal advice, nor does it create a
client lawyer relationship between Fisher & Phillips LLP and any recipient. Recipients should consult with counsel before
taking any actions based on the information contained within this material.
© Fisher & Philips LLP | fisherphillips.com
NOTE: This policy is designed to address your employees’ use of third-party generative AI tools like
ChatGPT, Google’s Bard, Microsoft Bing, and DALL-E 2 to perform their dutieswith or without your
knowledgewhere the tools being used are not made available by the Company. This policy is not
intended to establish guidelines for other, approved AI or GenAI tools made available by the Company
for employee use.
Acceptable Use of Generative AI Tools [Sample Policy]
Publicly available applications driven by generative artificial intelligence (GenAI), such as chatbots (ChatGPT,
Google’s Bard, Microsoft Bing) or image generators (DALL-E 2, Midjourney) are impressive and widely
popular. But while these content-generating tools may offer attractive opportunities to streamline work
functions and increase our efficiency, they come with serious security, accuracy, and intellectual property risks.
This policy highlights the unique issues raised by GenAI, helps employees understand the guidelines for its
acceptable use, and protects the Company’s confidential or sensitive information, trade secrets, intellectual
property, workplace culture, commitment to diversity, and brand.
This policy applies to the use of any third-party or publicly available GenAI tools, including ChatGPT, Google
Bard, DALL-E, Midjourney, and other similar applications that mimic human intelligence to generate answers,
work product, or perform certain tasks. (This policy does not cover other GenAI or AI tools formally approved or
installed for your use by the Company.) Optional: list any GenAI tools that you have approved or installed.
Understand that GenAI tools may be useful but are not a substitute for human judgment and
Understand that many GenAI tools are prone to “hallucinations,” false answers or information, or
information that is stale, and therefore responses must always be carefully verified by a human.
Treat every bit of information you provide to an GenAI tool as if it will go viral on the Internet,
attributed to you or the Company, regardless of the settings you have selected within the tool (or the
assurances made by its creators).
Inform your supervisor when you have used a GenAI tool to help perform a task.
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This material is provided for informational purposes only. It is not intended to constitute legal advice, nor does it create a
client lawyer relationship between Fisher & Phillips LLP and any recipient. Recipients should consult with counsel before
taking any actions based on the information contained within this material.
© Fisher & Philips LLP | fisherphillips.com
Verify that any response from an GenAI tool that you intend to rely on or use is accurate, appropriate,
not biased, not a violation of any other individual or entity’s intellectual property or privacy, and
consistent with Company policies and applicable laws.
Do not use GenAI tools to make or help you make employment decisions about applicants or
employees, including recruitment, hiring, retention, promotions, transfers, performance monitoring,
discipline, demotion, or terminations.
Do not upload or input any confidential, proprietary, or sensitive Company information into any
GenAI tool. Examples include passwords and other credentials, protected health information, personnel
material, information from documents marked Confidential, Sensitive, or Proprietary, or any other non-
public Company information that might be of use to competitors or harmful to the Company if disclosed.
This may breach your or the Company’s obligations to keep certain information confidential and secure,
risks widespread disclosure, and may cause the Company’s rights to that information to be challenged.
Do not upload or input any personal information (names, addresses, likenesses, etc.) about any
person into any GenAI tool.
Do not represent work generated by a GenAI tool as being your own original work.
Do not integrate any GenAI tool with internal Company software without first receiving specific written
permission from your supervisor and the IT Department.
[If applicable] Do not use GenAI tools other than those on the approved list from the IT Department.
Malicious chatbots can be designed to steal or convince you to divulge information.
Violating this policy may result in disciplinary action, up to and including immediate termination, and could
result in legal action. If you are concerned that someone has violated this policy, report this behavior to your
supervisor or any member of Human Resources.
Nothing in this policy is designed or intended to interfere with, restrain, or prevent employee communications
regarding wages, hours, or other terms and conditions of employment or any other rights protected by the
National Labor Relations Act.
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This material is provided for informational purposes only. It is not intended to constitute legal advice, nor does it create a
client lawyer relationship between Fisher & Phillips LLP and any recipient. Recipients should consult with counsel before
taking any actions based on the information contained within this material.
© Fisher & Philips LLP | fisherphillips.com
NOTE: Before implementing this policy, coordinate with your Fisher Phillips attorney to determine if you need
to integrate this policy with your specific circumstances and any possible related policies, such as:
Confidentiality and Trade Secrets
Data Security
Acceptable Use of Computers and Electronic Media
Equal Employment Opportunity
Discrimination and Harassment
Workplace Code of Ethics
If your company is regulated by HIPAA/HITECH, GLBA, or FCRA, or you are federal contractor subject to
affirmative action laws, contact your Fisher Phillips attorney to determine the extent to which you need to
integrate this policy into your existing policies. Additional customizations may be also warranted for certain
industries and/or workplaces.