Transaction System Enterprise (TSE) 4.0
Release Notes
© 2021 Transact Holdings Inc. All rights reserved.
Rev A│1
Revision History
Table 1 Revision History
Rev. Description Date
A Initial Release. 03/26/2021
Transaction System Enterprise (TSE) 4.0 Release Notes Rev A│2
Revision History 2
Overview 4
Prerequisites 4
Rollback Options 4
Certification 4
Transaction System Enterprise 4.0 Environment 5
Ingenico IPP350 Firmware Update 7
New Operating System Required - Windows Server 2019 Standard or Data-center Edition. 8
PX SCR Controller Service Version Update 9
OLCO Database User 9
Workstations 9
Upgrade Time 10
Transaction System and Oracle Critical Patch Update (CPU) Certification Policy Matrix 10
Oracle Quarterly Critical Paths Reviewed by Transact 11
Past Release History 12
Release 4.0 Features 13
Documents Changed with this Release 15
Resolved Issues 16
Known Issues 23
System Information 31
Compatible Hardware Products Including EOLAnnouncements 31
Supported Server Infrastructure 36
Supported Client Infrastructure 37
Rev A│3
Product Version
l 4.0
l All credit card transactions must be a complete state.
Rollback Options
l Once installed, this release cannot be rolled back.
l TSE no longer stores or accepts credit card data. therefore:
l This Transaction System application release has NOT been certified by a Qualified Security
Assessor for PCI PA-DSS requirements as required by the PCI Security Council. The applic-
ation release enhancements are reflected in the Transaction System Enterprise Imple-
mentation Guide.
IMPORTANT DEPLOYMENT NOTE: All components are deployed to E:\ so this drive is
required for all TSE deployments.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Please refer to the Hardware Table, Compatible Hardware Products
Including EOL Announcements and review the End of Life Hardware. Please work with your
sales representative to replace the EOL hardware.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Transact requires that all TLS protocols be version 1.2.
Transaction System Enterprise (TSE) 4.0 Release Notes Rev A│4
l Ensures that the system meets minimum requirements for the upgrade. The system pre-check
must be run and all checks passed before any components will be installed.
Note: This tool is used by Support to ensure your system meets certain upgrade require-
ments. The tool will be run by Support prior to your upgrade. Your Support Representative
will work with you on any items that do not pass during the SystemConfigurationPreCheck.
Transaction System Enterprise 4.0 Environment
Requirements for the Transaction System Release 4.8; refer to the Transact System Enterprise Imple-
mentation Guide that can be found on the Transact Client Support Portal.
Topics in this document include:
l Firewalls and Routers
l Server Installations and Configuration Requirements
l Transact Secure Remote Access Solutions
l Campus Information Security Policy
l Prior to upgrading to the Transaction System Enterprise Release 4.0, your site must perform a
full evaluation of your system and document any issues to ensure a complete system setup
after the upgrade. This evaluation should include:
l Applications running on the TSE sever
l Windows Task Scheduler items
l Evaluate devices that are in an offline state online prior to the upgrade to bring them online
l Other business processes
l Information View can only be run on the Application Server
ChefXML - Kitchen Display System (KDS)
l When using the Select Electronics ChefXML product for a Kitchen Display System (KDS) solu-
tion, you must determine if you need a new license. Transact Inc. Support can help you to
determine if a new license is necessary prior to the upgrade. Transact Inc. offers two different
types of licenses:
l SW-KDS-CHEFXML - this dongle requires physical servers.
Note: This dongle can be moved from server to server.
l SW-KDS-CHEFXMLSW - this license is required for virtual servers
Rev A│5
Note: This license is linked to one server, using the server data to generate the key. The
license needs to be evaluated to determine if it can be moved to another virtual server.
Custom Development Products to the Transaction System
l It is highly recommended to review all your Custom products your site has created or pur-
chased from Transact Inc. and confirm any changes required to these customizations prior to
your upgrade.
l The Building Blocks Manager and ID Works database objects will be merged into the
BBTS/ENVISION database during the upgrade
l Any customizations (add-ons like Meal Plan Plus or Tibet, etc.) that use/access these data-
bases will need to be evaluated on a case-by-case basis
l Database connections that use either Building Blocks or ID Works database must be recon-
ID Works Plugins
l MSIs deployed to E:\Transact\IdWorks
l Transact SD Printer Plugin deployed and versioned with TSOP
ID Works Workstation Configuration
l For each Datacard / ID Works Workstation, the following must be performed as part of the
upgrade process:
l Install the Oracle Database Client for Microsoft Windows
l Within ODBC, create a new System DSN using the Oracle client driver installed with User ID =
IdWorks and Data Source Name and TNS Service Name appropriate to your database con-
l If you use the Datacard Pull from Pool event handler, update the System DSN Name and
Database Password for the ID Works user in the Pool Setup Configuration(TRANSACT.CSV
file) by using the PoolSetupConfigUtility at each Datacard Station
l For each ID Works project, update the System DSN and Database Password.
Transaction System Enterprise (TSE) 4.0 Release Notes Rev A│6
Ingenico IPP350 Firmware Update
l The Ingenico IPP350 firmware must be updated in each Ingenico IPP350 device.
Firmware version:
l To perform the update, open a case with Support; and then Support will schedule the update
through Windcave. The updates are done by device so all devices can be updated at once or
they can be done one at a time. It is recommended that you capture all the information off of
the device model tag before calling Transact Support to open a case. Support personnel will
need to provide this information to Windcave.
Note: Sites may want to wait a week or two after the upgrade to ensure the system is stable
before scheduling the upgrade.
l Based on our internal Quality Assurance testing experience, the download process can take up
to 30 minutes (the device will still be available for transaction processing). Once the download
is complete, the device will apply the updated firmware that will take about five minutes.
NCR Register RealPOS72XRT and RealPOS25 running the Transact Inc.Register Program - New
Register Image Required
l The new register image is version 3-13 R5.
l The new register image includes Microsoft POSReady 7 operating system; the POSReady 7
operating system is required for NCR registers running the Transact Inc. register program to
communicate to Transaction System.
l If you have not already been contacted by your Client Manager/Account Executive, contact
them prior to your upgrade to get a new register image for each of your registers; the register
image cost varies based on warranty and maintenance coverage. The POSReady 7 is a
Microsoft product, not an NCR product, therefore, there is a cost for the operating system.
l The Transaction System requires NCR registers running the Transact register program to be
updated with the new register image.
l Registers cannot be updated with the new register image until after your upgrade.
l If your current register image is 3.11.5 or greater your registers can be updated with the new
register image after the upgrade.
l If your current register image is below 3.11.5 you must update your registers to an image
that is 3.11.5 or greater PRIOR to your upgrade. This is because after the upgrade the register
will not connect to submit offline transactions. PCI validation requirements will not allow us to
accept new transactions from an unsupported POS and the server will signify to the register
that an upgrade is required.
l After your upgrade is complete - the register will connect to the server to upload offline trans-
actions; once all offline transactions are uploaded to the server, no new transactions will be
permitted at the register until the operating system is upgraded to POSReady 7 - new register
image version 3-13 R5 is loaded on the register.
Rev A│7
l The installation time to install the new register image will vary depending on the con-
figuration of your register, the model, and any other ancillary equipment; typically the register
image install will take anywhere between 15 and 20 minutes per register.
l With the new register image and PA_DSS requirements, startup, shutdown, and updates will
now take longer.
Note: RealPOS72XRT, RealPOS25 support POSReady 7, and do not support Microsoft Win-
dows 10 IoT Enterprise 2016. This does not apply to the XR5 registers as those are shipped
with the latest register image for that model register.
New Operating System Required - Windows Server 2019 Standard or Data-center Edition.
l Application and Database, Reporting System, and DSR servers now support Windows Server
l ALL servers used for the Transaction System 4.0 or higher solution must be installed with Win-
dows Server 2019.
l A new install of Windows Server 2019 is required for the upgrade.
l Your site is required to obtain the Windows Server 2019 license key and perform the oper-
ating system install.
l Operating system licenses for Windows Server 2019 can be obtained from Transact Inc.
l Hardware purchased from Transact is delivered with the operating system installed and
license key.
l Upgrading an existing server’s operating system is not permitted, it must be a new operating
system installation.
l As operating system upgrades have historically been problematic, earlier server versions must
be deleted from the C: drive and Server 2019 installed as a new operating system; your Trans-
action System data must be backed up prior to this event.
l Once the backup is complete and the operating system is installed the Transaction System
upgrade will be done.
l If your site is moving to new hardware or a virtual environment, the operating system install-
ation can be performed before the upgrade.
Transaction System Enterprise (TSE) 4.0 Release Notes Rev A│8
PX SCR Controller Service Version Update
Note: If you have already performed the Service Version update this does not apply.
l Applies to sites accepting credit card transaction using the Ingenico IPP350 credit card device
at Registers and/or Workstations. The PX SCR Controller Service is the Windows service that
runs on the POS (Point of Sale) that handles communication between the POS Client, Ingenico
IPP350 credit card device, and Payment Express.
l The PX SCR Controller must be updated.
l PX SCR Controller version
l The registers will continue to process credit card transactions with the previous version of the
SCR Controller, but the register will display a warning at the top of the User Interface until the
upgrade is complete.
l Sites will need to visit each Register and Workstation to run the update.
l To update the SCR Controller Service:
l Login to the Register using a Manager OS user.
l Double-click C:\Transact\Register\PESCRController.msi.
OLCO Database User
l The OLCO database user will be locked during upgrade. With the end-of-life of eCard and MyAc-
counts, the OLCO database user is no longer needed.
l If the OLCO User is being used, create a new database user with the appropriate name and per-
l All User Workstations installed with Transaction System components (TSMain, Host Monitor,
and Door Access Monitor) MUST be upgraded with TS Workstation and NET Framework 4.7.2
Users will not be able to log in until the components have been installed.
l Workstation is included in the upgrade package. Follow your normal process of updating Work-
stations with TS components.
l For example: place the Transaction System 4.0 Workstation folder on a shared network drive
for users to download or a USB for the user Workstations that do not have access to a shared
network drive.
l NET Framework 4.7.2
l Follow site policy for Microsoft product upgrades.
Rev A│9
Upgrade Time
l The upgrade will take longer than normal as a result of the new operating system and Oracle
Transaction System and Oracle Critical Patch Update (CPU) Certification Policy
The quarterly Oracle Critical Patch Update (CPU) is a collection of patches for multiple security vul-
nerabilities. It also includes non-security fixes that are required (because of interdependencies) by
those security patches. Critical Patch Updates are cumulative. Oracle CPUs correlate with a TSE.
Transact Oracle Critical Patch Update Policy - Transact evaluates every Oracle CPU release. If the CPU
includes items vital to Transaction System Enterprise (TSE) or resolves critical or high-security vul-
nerabilities within Oracle, the Oracle CPU will be tested and released as a hotfix and then rolled into a
Transaction System service pack or major release. If the CPU is found to contain breaking changes to
Transaction System functionality, a service request will be opened with Oracle and the next available
CPU will be evaluated.
Moving forward with version 3.13.8.x, by default, Transact will support the April and October CPUs;
provided they contain no TSE breaking changes.
January and July CPUs will be reviewed based on current policy documented here.
IMPORTANT NOTE: The current Oracle CPU certified for TSE 4.0 is Oracle Database 19c
(19.3) Database Version: Windows Patch Level:
- Patch 31326362/31219897 - OJVM Release Update
- Patch 31326362/31281355 - Linux Database Release Update
To verify the patch level, or to find out additional information about the Oracle home, use the Opatch
lsinventory command.
Transaction System Enterprise (TSE) 4.0 Release Notes Rev A│10
Oracle Quarterly Critical Paths Reviewed by Transact
Table 2 Oracle CPU Critical Path Update Name and Certification Notes
Certification Notes
TSE Ver-
Yes This Critical Patch Update contains 19 new security patches for
the Oracle Database Server. 1 of these vulnerabilities may be
remotely exploitable without authentication, i.e., may be
exploited over a network without requiring user credentials.
None of these patches are applicable to client-only install-
ations, i.e., installations that do not have the Oracle Database
Server installed.
Note: Oracle Patches only need to be implemented in compliance with Institutional Security
Policy, The Oracle Patches are not intended to add additional functionality.
Transact's recommended upgrade policy is to apply the latest Transaction System Enterprise (TSE) ver-
sions and then apply the currently certified Oracle CPU.
Note: It is important to note that Transact Inc. Support will only install an Oracle Critical
Patch on a current version of the Transact Support System Server.
Applying an Oracle Patch to the Transact System is a complex process. It requires Complete backups
of ALL Oracle databases before and after the patch. Downtime at the Institution is typically 1 - 2
Additional information regarding Oracle Critical Patch Updates can be located on Oracle’s site.
Note: For historical information regarding Oracle Patches and TSE, please refer to the Trans-
action System Enterprise (TSE) Release Notes History document version
Rev A│11
Past Release History
Past Release History Available Information
l Past release history information has been removed from the Transaction System Enterprise
(TSE) Release Notes and is now in a separate document; this document contains an overview
list of the new features and resolved issues for past releases, including:
l Oracle supported versions.
l CPU history.
l Refer to the pertinent releases notes for release-specific data, and extended details on the
new features and resolved issues.
l You can access all historical versions of the release notes on the Transact Client Support
Portal, filed by release number.
l Document data includes information from Release 3.9 to the most current Transaction Sys-
tem Enterprise (TSE) release.
Transaction System Enterprise (TSE) 4.0 Release Notes Rev A│12
Release 4.0 Features
l New server platforms
l TSE now supports and requires Windows Server 2019 for the application server and Oracle
19c for the database.
l TSE now supports and is validated with Oracle 19c on Oracle Linux 8.x
l Server upgrade automation
l Improved upgrade process is substantially automated
l Available for self service upgrades upon request
l Management Portal improvements
l New and updated user privileges for the Management Portal
l UI framework upgrade with some enhanced UI elements and capabilities
l Customers:
l New Customer Detail actions
n New dedicated Cards section
View, add, edit, or retire card
Set card as Primary, Lost, or Frozen
Add standard, temporary, or Assa Abloy wake up card
Set card number, issue number, Card Idm number, or comment
n New dedicated Stored Value Accounts page
View, add/link, edit, or remove accounts from a customer
Standard, Group, and Joint account ownership types are supported
Supports updating Account Name and Credit Limit.
Allows conversion from individual to joint account or joint to individual account.
n New dedicated Show Transaction History page
Filter by Datetime and Denied fields
n New dedicated POS Properties and POS Message pages
l Search by any card number, not just primary card number
Rev A│13
l Updated Customer Detail
n Door Access Active selection
n Expanded Email subsection
n Board Plans & Board Plan Exclusions moved to a dedicated page
n Dedicated links & pages for other customer detail
l TSClient Application
l One-time Sign In
l Users can launch Host Monitor or Door Access Monitor from TS Main's Transaction System
Home screen under the Applications section and the user will not receive a sign-in prompt.
l This only applies to applications launched from within TS Main. It does not apply to launch-
ing other applications directly or other Transact web applications.
l Improved license expiration warnings
l When license is near expiration, the warning shown by TSMain is now only displayed to
authenticated Administrator users
l Customer Modify Tool enhancement
l Allow users to filter on customers that have null/empty Active End Date, Active Start Date, or
Birth Date
l Building Blocks new features
l Setup Integration Agents: Modify Queue has the capability to push images modified after a
specific date
l Configure Change Logging: Prevents logging when a change from one agent results in no
changes needed for all other agents. For systems where full imports are used regularly, this
saves a lot of database space.
l Visual rebranding to Transact
l TSMain and web applications have been rebranded to Transact
Transaction System Enterprise (TSE) 4.0 Release Notes Rev A│14
Documents Changed with this Release
Table 3 Documents Changed with this Release
Document Name Release
Transaction System Enterprise (TSE) Release Notes History 4.0
Transaction System Enterprise (TSE) System Administration Guide 4.0
Transaction System Enterprise (TSE) System Implementation Guide 4.0
Transaction System Enterprise (TSE) System Reporting System Guide 4.0
Transact Building Blocks Manager Administration Guide 4.0
Rev A│15
Resolved Issues
The issues listed in the table below are Resolved Issues in TSE 4.0
JIRA Reference
Issue Description Summary
Database TSOP-2601 DataArchiver - Error "System.ArgumentException: '♥', hexa-
decimal value 0x03, is an invalid character."
Database TSOP-5032 MF4100 Aux Output - Repeats the last known CDF value
when current customer has none assigned.
Database TSOP-5878 Event Hub Agent stops sending events if CustomerGuid is
missing for non-temp card events (4.0).
Database TSOP-6444 Web API - Reflect SV account Type availability in Device Set-
tings GET (4.0).
Database TSOP-6445 Incorrect previous control total is displayed for empty yes-
terday and empty today POS Audit Reports (4.0).
Database TSOP-6575 Report System Login gets: ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric
or value error: character string buffer too small ORA-
06512: at "ENVISION.PACKSECURITY", line 89.
Database TSOP-6789 BbTSLaunchUtility - Receive error 'Inner Exception: An error
occurred while sending the request' when processing tools
Database TSOP-6928 DataArchive utility is not archiving all transactions in the
transaction table.
Database TSOP-8592 Error editing an Access Plan Authorization Type or Assa
Abloy Doors Schedule (4.0).
Database TSOP-8802 TS Transaction History: Shows $100 denied transactions
when actual transaction amount is $1.00.
Database TSOP-9119 Configurator: Block use of localhost for Oracle Database
Connection Information.
Transaction System Enterprise (TSE) 4.0 Release Notes Rev A│16
JIRA Reference
Issue Description Summary
Database TSOP-9122 CLONE: TruCredential: Print card does not result in TSE
timestamp or time log, "The configured custom process
failed. Enrollment cannot continue".
Database TSOP-9412 DB: Update optimizer_dynamic_sampling initialization para-
meter to 11.
Database TSOP-10613 Notification queue process can have a rolling failure, fills
up audit_log.
Device TSOP-6145 MF4100/VR4100 Periodically won't read contactless
cards (4.0).
Device TSOP-6801 MF4100 believes 2020 DST begins on 03/01/2020.
Device TSOP-8756 MF4100 - Update Software button visible after software
update (4.0).
Device TSOP-9537 MF4100 In a reboot loop.
Device TSOP-9808 MF4100: Reboots on card swipe/tap in specific autonom-
ous board/auxiliary data output configurations or during an
EMV transaction + time sync.
Reporting System TSOP-309 Reporting System: CDFs/CDGs excluded from reporting in
the GUI are available within report filters and columns.
Reporting System TSOP-2569 SMTP with username and password required isn't working.
Reporting System TSOP-6455 Report 'Product Department Sales Summary by Tender'
does not show the Product Tender Tax Amt (4.0).
Reporting System TSOP-6681 RS - Board Plan Period Count by Plan by Location: Extra
Meals are counted twice in Board Net Count. (4.0).
Reporting System TSOP-8908 Door Access Transaction by Customer Report is showing
every card number for a customer (inactive or active) for
every transaction when using a DSR lock.
Reporting System TSOP-8914 Product Department Sales Summary by Tender report
shows tax being added, not subtracted, from refunds (4.0).
Rev A│17
JIRA Reference
Issue Description Summary
Reporting System TSOP-9018 RS - Report Stored Value Transaction by Location is not
enforcing User Merchant Rights.
Reporting System TSOP-9518 Reporting System: Column for CDF/CDG still available des-
pite disabling "Include in Reporting and Card Production".
Reporting System TSOP-9737 Assa Abloy: Denied transactions are missing on Door
Access Transaction by Customer report and AA AP Log.
Reporting System TSOP-3807 TSOPInstaller - Do not install the Oracle Client in a single-
server configuration.
Reporting System TSOP-10790 Reporting System: Door Access Transaction by Customer
does not have transaction for access granted to Assa Abloy
System TSOP-6826 Door Access Monitor - When the cancel button is pressed
from adding a “door group control”, the Door Status view
does not display Door State Overrides in effect. (4.0).
Building Blocks Manger TSOP-8062 Building Blocks Manager - Large amount of change history
generated by unchanged data.
Building Blocks Manger TSOP-9514 IFMAN triggers are disabled after upgrade.
Building Blocks Manger TSOP-9635 TS Install: Removes CONFIG subdirectory from Building
Blocks Manager.
System TSOP-164 POS Option: Profit Center required on Query for Product.
System TSOP-2370 Workstation - Enlarging the Tool Launch Tool window
causes the "import from batch file" link to display incor-
System TSOP-2552 Workstation gives bad error on database issue due to bad
mouse move trigger.
System TSOP-3853 POS Add - Credit Card Processing information disappears
after creating a new POS.
System TSOP-3866 S2 Global Service v1.0.0.3 broken after TSE upgrade.
Transaction System Enterprise (TSE) 4.0 Release Notes Rev A│18
JIRA Reference
Issue Description Summary
System TSOP-3961 The tsop installer throws an exception about a missing file
when the configurator is not already installed.
System TSOP-4106 Customer history transaction detail for board transactions
show offline rather than online.
System TSOP-5282 BBTSMain - Tran Sys Option > Security Setup > Building
Area - Wrong type of information type message.
System TSOP-5379 TS Main: Mobile Credential - Restrict clearing customer
photos when mobile credentials exist.
System TSOP-5791 BBTSMain - Tran Sys Home> Product > Product Class -
Wrong type of information type message.
System TSOP-6318 DSR script GatherDsrSyncData.ps1 script fails with error
'The client and server cannot communicate, because they
do not possess a common algorithm'.
System TSOP-6886 Upgrade completed without error when CDF has Oracle
reserved word.
System TSOP-6907 Board Plan Detail: Board Equivalency Detail Values not Dis-
System TSOP-7169 Workstation - Invalid Cashier Pin being accepted using the
Retail Transaction form (4.0).
System TSOP-7353 Web API - No logic exists to process line items of type
System TSOP-7372 Management Portal: Customer - Cust number and Primary
card number fields should query on partial numbers.
System TSOP-7439 Error 'Socket error 336151570 [sslv3 alert bad certificate]
on async_handshake operation, local endpoint: ...' showing
up in Event Log after upgrade.
System TSOP-7542 QA: Bb2S2 Integration Service - When making any data or
access changes within BBTS Main the access will be
removed from the SA3032.
Rev A│19
JIRA Reference
Issue Description Summary
System TSOP-8313 TS Main: Customer Door Access Plan Tool Does Not
Assign Inactive Plans.
System TSOP-8447 MP - Not all cards are listed from some customers.
System TSOP-8470 MP - Cards added with IDm Number are not saved/updated
System TSOP-8478 POS Modifier Keypad - Copying modifier keys from another
modifier Pad Name results in an error (4.0).
System TSOP-8482 Bbtsinfo_view Active Customer Count shows blank Campus
Name in the GUI, present in the saved file.
System TSOP-8487 Tool Fixes (4.0) - aka Access violation at address 00BB9A1
in module 'BbTSShared.bpl'....
System TSOP-8529 Correct errorMessage response when customer is outside
active start/end dates and customer not active.
System TSOP-8543 Workstation - Retail transaction tool throws non-specific
error message when customer has no card number and
"override card status" is selected - 4.0.
System TSOP-8588 Customer Retail Transaction Tool - Access Violation.
System TSOP-8586 Unable to run Customer Retail Transaction Tool using
BbTSLaunchUtility on TSE (4.0).
System TSOP-8610 Meal Plan Purchase - Board Plan assigned and counts SV
deposit fails.
System TSOP-8684 MP: Click to 'view' customer detail does not bring up detail.
System TSOP-8685 Error installing agent plugin service - failed to create file
while expanding archive. use -force to overwrite.
System TSOP-8734 POS Option - Fix Merchant selection (remove automatic
Profitcenter selection).
System TSOP-8748 TIA - Default Tender 0 gives 207 error on Balance Inquiry
and Authorization Limit Transactions.
Transaction System Enterprise (TSE) 4.0 Release Notes Rev A│20
JIRA Reference
Issue Description Summary
System TSOP-8755 User Record Unlock Button Shows 'Active' When User is
System TSOP-8779 Global Stored Value API - 500 error (4.0).
System TSOP-8888 MP - Receive error 'The remote server returned an error:
(403) Forbidden.." when trying to save changes to Black-
board Door Settings (v4.0.0).
System TSOP-8980 BBTSMAIN: Login with non-existent user shows Web API
System TSOP-9027 MealPlanPurchase - RequestId is being overwritten when
logging to MealPlanPurchase table.
System TSOP-9044 TSMain: ProfitCenter Retail Periods must resolve to a com-
plete 24h cycle.
System TSOP-9120 BBTSMAIN: Customer, adding board plan results in Access
Violation sometimes.
System TSOP-9187 MP: Cards - Does not display and removes leading zeros
from issue codes despite making no changes.
System TSOP-9223 MP - Event Plan: Fix sort order to match Workstation cli-
System TSOP-9331 TSMain: Fix "User name cannot not be empty" statement.
System TSOP-9235 TSMain: No confirm prompt for new User without Set Pass-
word, and 500 error occurs upon login attempt.
System TSOP-9339 BBTSMAIN: Access Plan - Cannot remove any Assa Abloy
door from any plan (v4.0.0).
System TSOP-9433 Management Portal: Customer Add - Customer Active value
is not initially enabled.
System TSOP-9552 Board Transaction Tool doesn't clear the boardplan_id para-
System TSOP-9590 Tool Launch Tool: Renamed tool does not run and error
occurs with Detail.
Rev A│21
JIRA Reference
Issue Description Summary
System TSOP-9636 Web API: MealPlanPurchase - Instances of Select * in the
Resource Layer must be changed to enumerate column
System TSOP-9644 API: Verify v2 Transaction is returning Transaction Ter-
minal Display Name instead of StoredValueAccountName.
System TSOP-9702 Web API - Policy Evaluate throws an exception when load-
ing policy that contains time period conditions having start
or end date set.
System TSOP-9755 Board Plan Detail: Profit Center selections not saved when
updating multiple Period or Day row or columns.
System TSOP-10013 Data cleanup of Customer_Def_Field_Value is truncating
System TSOP-10108 Workstation: User Groups - Cannot be updated due to error
when client does not have Door Access.
System TSOP-10184 Management Portal: EMV Reconciliation Page returns a
HTTP 403.
Transaction System Enterprise (TSE) 4.0 Release Notes Rev A│22
Known Issues
The issues listed in the table below are Known Issues in TSE 4.0
Table 4 Known Issues
JIRA Reference
Issue Description Summary
Database TSOP-333 Credit Card Payment Gateway Detail throws ORA error while
adding a new EMV Group Account.
Database TSOP-334 Denied "Invalid Issue Code" if issue code is in the DB but not
encoded and not in card format.
Database TSOP-3214 Payment Express - Credit card transaction time out issues -
Transactions not appearing in BBTS .
Database TSOP-5713 DataArchiver - SV Denial archive doesn't work on days without a
successful retail tran.
Database TSOP-7757 OracleDbHelpher- Receive 'ORA-01936: cannot specify owner
when creating users or roles' when importing a dump file.
Database TSOP-9406 POST Meal Plan Purchase generates generic error for invalid
customer number/format, cannot run report.
Database TSOP-10158 InstallDBUI: Prior logs get overwritten instead of appended.
Device TSOP-913 PR5000 POS - Meals Left on Meal Plan Transaction receipts
always contains value 'Day' when POS Option 'Display Meals
Left by' is set to Auto.
Device TSOP-924 PR5000 - Drawer Audit Report - Managers should be able to
view all cashier/manager sessions.
Device TSOP-1458 MF4100 - Entering board count of 9999 causes Database
Access Error.
Device TSOP-1459 Register - Receive "Database Access error #3027âwhen per-
forming board transactions.
Device TSOP-2391 MF4100 in Autonomous mode changes from regular to guest
entry mode after .Net UNHANDLED Exception.
Rev A│23
JIRA Reference
Issue Description Summary
Device TSOP-6890 NCR Register - The API indicator will not turn green unless
credit cards are enabled on the POS.
Device TSOP-6654 MF4100 POS - Hard crash occurs if an enrichment account is
not in the list of SV account types in Transaction Terminal
Device TSOP-7825 POS Register skips important code when an exception is
thrown in certain transaction scenarios.
Device TSOP-9563 Transactions and PR5000: NZD does not round to nearest 10
cents with retailer discretion at 5 cents.
Device TSOP-9743 Workstation: POS Laundry - Cannot add definition for
SpeedQuen Type 2-EDC Stack Dryer or Washer.
Device TSOP-10559 Register Session Drawer Audit Report - Control total breakdown
incorrect after offline transaction was rejected on upload.
Device TSOP-10638 Register Session Drawer Audit Report - Control total breakdown
incorrect after offline transaction was rejected on upload.
Reporting Sys-
TSOP-254 Reporting System: Offline SV TIA transactions denied for '212'
'Privilege Unassigned' (No SV Account) are included in reports
with a Transaction Status of 'Successful'.
Reporting Sys-
TSOP-280 Reporting System: Error Writing to Report Schedule Execution
Log: ORA-01461: can bind a LONG value only for insert into a
LONG column.
Reporting Sys-
TSOP-1861 Board Plan Meal Use by Customer Report: Adding Reuse Delay
as a selected column results in no data found.
Reporting Sys-
TSOP-1946 Reporting System - Zero-dollar transactions are excluded from
the 'Stored Value Transactions by Customer' report.
Reporting Sys-
TSOP-2606 Event Viewer warning from"Reporting System Website".
Reporting Sys-
TSOP-3642 Reporting System: Form Can Be Manipulated with Cross-Site
Request Forgery - CWE-352.
Transaction System Enterprise (TSE) 4.0 Release Notes Rev A│24
JIRA Reference
Issue Description Summary
Reporting Sys-
TSOP-3643 Reporting System - Authentication: Session Cookie Does Not
Contain The "secure" Attribute - CWE-614.
Reporting Sys-
TSOP-6016 Reporting System: Warning messages are showing up in the
Application Event Log though no reports are being run or exist
in scheduler.
Reporting Sys-
TSOP-6268 Reporting System: Users locked out of application when forced
to change password past the number of Max Number of Con-
secutive Failed Login Attempts.
Reporting Sys-
TSOP-6911 RS: SV Trans by Location times out when filter set to 6 months.
Reporting Sys-
TSOP-7618 When logging into Reporting System with a user that doesn't
exist the wrong message is displayed.
Reporting Sys-
TSOP-8170 RS: Report SV Acct Type Transaction Summary by Location is
not summarizing SV Tran Amount by Retail Tran Post Date.
Reporting Sys-
TSOP-8311 Reporting System: Stored Value Transaction by Customer
report times out.
Reporting Sys-
TSOP-8758 Reporting System: When a report is created, saved, set up as a
scheduled run, then report config is changed, the change does
not reflect on the reports ran on the schedule unless schedule
is recreated.
Reporting Sys-
TSOP-10159 Reporting System: SV Transaction by Customer report, Cus-
tomer Filter not available.
Reporting Sys-
TSOP-10790 Reporting System: Door Access Transaction by Customer does
not have transaction for access granted to Assa Abloy door.
System TSOP-147 Implement a more performant method of determining when a
User's account should be locked and last login date.
System TSOP-224 User History incorrectly shows the Transact API server as the
login workstation but records the correct workstation for the
logoff operation.
System TSOP-270 IDWorks - Batch pull from pool saves a new ISO but encodes
the old for each card in the batch.
Rev A│25
JIRA Reference
Issue Description Summary
System TSOP-284 Register - Offline transaction taxation results in tax exempt SV
accounts being taxed.
System TSOP-335 User account inactivity lock does not result in Locked=Yes on
Query for User screen.
System TSOP-336 Event Access - Incorrect denied message after exceeding max-
imum access for a regular entry.
System TSOP-338 Stored Value Transaction Limit - Inconsistent handling & report-
ing of denied transactions against a Transaction Limit.
System TSOP-523 Configurator - Media File Upload Location should be defaulted
to E:\Media directory on the application server.
System TSOP-773 Web API: Mobile Credential - running PATCH with a non-existing
CustomerGuid unassigns the Card.
System TSOP-883 DSR Sync Service - service is throwing messages as error-level
rather than warning-level for when attempting to delete a user
from a lock who is already deleted.
System TSOP-962 The Event transaction fails instead of succeed when the user
runs tracked as Swipe Out required Regular after Reverse Event
System TSOP-961 Attendance is counted incorrectly when the user run tracked as
Re-Entry Regular after Reverse Event Transaction.
System TSOP-1004 DSR - Replacing an access point requires it to be removed and
added-back to the access plan in order for users to be sent.
System TSOP-1295 BbTS.API event logs require updated documentation.
System TSOP-1296 BbIS event logs are unclear whether they require atten-
System TSOP-1515 HostEventTracing - HostEventTracingEnableDisable.ps1 script
defaults to disabled every time one opens the script.
Transaction System Enterprise (TSE) 4.0 Release Notes Rev A│26
JIRA Reference
Issue Description Summary
System TSOP-2041 Apple: Customer receives error "Image not found. We were
unable to find an image associated with your campus ID.
Please contact your system administrator." when attempting to
provision a mobile credential with very large image file.
System TSOP-2288 Changes made to an Access Plan Name are not automatically
updated in saved Tool configurations.
System TSOP-2422 Web API - ValidationType field allows invalid values.
System TSOP-2438 WebAPI - ProcessTransaction - ForcePost - Duplicate_Trans-
action_Number is not skipped.
System TSOP-2454 Message 'TimedPermissionTest mismatch custid: xxxxx Door
Id: xxx test Date: xxxx. appearing in Autoprocessing History
after upgrade to when Door Access Builder runs after
System TSOP-2779 Web API - Address performance issues with Stored Value pur-
chase workflow.
System TSOP-2783 Display Meals Served - Large number of meals selected will
cause ORA errors.
System TSOP-2900 DSAC HOST - Registers create a new host connection after a
network interruption but fail to come online because the host
is continuing to reply on the old (severed) connection.
System TSOP-3298 Web API - Receive error "Exception WebSer-
viceCommunicationFailedException: Communication to the
external service failed with code 477. Duplicate request." in
Event Log.
System TSOP-3639 SSL/TLS Server supports TLSv1.0.
System TSOP-3640 SSL/TLS use of weak RC4 cipher - CVE-2013-2566, CVE-2015-
System TSOP-3826 Host Monitor - Application freezes, throws error "Pro-
cessRXData: Error = Access violation at address 0044D777 in
module ‘HostMonitor.exe’. Read of Address xxxxxxxxx".
System TSOP-3903 TIA Proxy tool displaing incorrect data.
Rev A│27
JIRA Reference
Issue Description Summary
System TSOP-3917 Managment Portal - POS Software Install Time - COA's specify
12 hour clock, 24 hour clock is used instead.
System TSOP-3939 POS Option - Minutes Before Screen Saver Starts is not over-
riding the POSReady7 OS screensaver settings.
System TSOP-4139 Denied transactions do not store the transaction comment.
System TSOP-4443 TIA Host issues 121 ( Vendor and/or Terminal not defined)
error to all transactions when no SV tender defined.
System TSOP-4525 BB2S2: When customer has one access level assigned to in
Transact and its removed, the access level does not get
removed from S2.
System TSOP-4536 Host Monitor - SSL certificate expiration date validation does
not account for UTC offset.
System TSOP-5023 Powershell output being displayed running tsopinstaller.
System TSOP-5963 BbTSMain - Standardize Message Types across application.
System TSOP-6057 Transact API: Service errors should be error not informational.
System TSOP-6267 Management Portal - Receive error ' System.IO.IOException:
The file 'Temp\087FEAB9-D5B9-4B98-9F0D--
7E5920F2992\' already
exists' when trying to install a plugin.
System TSOP-6884 DSR: Does not Sync When License Limit for Locks is
System TSOP-6924 DSR: Unable to delete Assa Abloy locks in an Auto-Discovered
System TSOP-6926 Replace Lock Function (Assa Abloy) Does not load Users or
System TSOP-7323 BbTSMain: Saving Policy with non-supported characters results
in error “Record not found or changed by another user”.
Transaction System Enterprise (TSE) 4.0 Release Notes Rev A│28
JIRA Reference
Issue Description Summary
System TSOP-7373 Management Portal - Cancelling from Customer Detail should
return user to original search list.
System TSOP-7896 TIA Host allows future dated transactions.
System TSOP-8064 Management Portal - Unable to update customer record due to
international date format in open date/time field.
System TSOP-8353 BbTSMain - When running a Tool, the 'status' shown while run-
ning is "Opening Files" whether the tool has log files determ-
ined or not, and while the tool is actually processing items in
the background.
System TSOP-8847 BbTSMain - Retail Transaction Query does not show amount for
denied transactions.
System TSOP-8893 BBTSMAIN: TIA POS - Stored Value Account Type Mapping Error.
System TSOP-8925 BBTSMAIN: CDG - Bad characters such as double hyphen/figure
dash do not generate an error.
System TSOP-9034 Bb2S2 Integration Service - When making any data or access
changes within BBTS Main the access will be removed from the
SA3032. (3.13.X backport).
System TSOP-9434 Customer Add: Active Start Date and Active End Date initial val-
System TSOP-9563 Transactions and PR5000: NZD does not round to nearest 10
cents with retailer discretion at 5 cents
System TSOP-9643 MP: Customer - Cards, cannot view retired card detail.
System TSOP-9685 Customer Defined Field - Cannot create new CDF without
Reporting and Card Production flag.
System TSOP-9712 Workstation: Customer Detail - Door Access Overrides does not
limit config by merchant.
System TSOP-9757 Door Access Monitor: Login or logout does not update/impact
user inactivity.
Rev A│29
JIRA Reference
Issue Description Summary
System TSOP-10177 Workstation: Profit Center - Cannot edit after creation with spe-
cial character in name.
System TSOP-10336 MP: Customer Detail - Assa Abloy, Extend Door Unlock Duration
option is not available.
System TSOP-10373 Customer: Delete - Generic error message when customer has
any SV transactions.
System TSOP-10548 SA3000 Door Access Plan expiration works differently online
and offline.
System TSOP-10748 Assa Abloy Hardware Settings: View APs with Hardware settings
- Shows no Access Points when selected merchant is None.
Transaction System Enterprise (TSE) 4.0 Release Notes Rev A│30
System Information
This section outlines the server platforms supported by the Transact System. Covered are the sup-
ported database and workstation configurations and the compatible software products.
Compatible Hardware Products Including EOLAnnouncements
Note: We announced the End-of-Life (EOL) dates for the following products listed and noted
in the appropriately dated columns on the right side of the table. Transact no longer sup-
ports devices listed under the EOLcolumns. These devices will no longer be repaired under
Time and Materials. There will be no hotfixes or patches for these devices.
Table 5 Compatible Hardware Product
in 4.0
Not sup-
ported in 4.0
ber 31,
ber, 31,
st, 2018
Account Man-
agement Center
AC3000 via
IP Con-
verter (IPC)
AC3000 via
IPC - If using
Credit Card
this con-
figuration is
not sup-
ported. If
using Ban-
ners this
figuration is
not recom-
VTS AC3000 via
IP Con-
verter (IPC)
Activity Reader AT3000,
Rev A│31
in 4.0
Not sup-
ported in 4.0
ber 31,
ber, 31,
st, 2018
Copy Reader MF4100
with Copy
is not sup-
ported in TS
CR3000 via
IP Con-
verter (IPC)
Door Access
SA2023 via
IP Con-
verter (IPC)
SA3032 via
IP Con-
verter (IPC)
Prox readers
are not sup-
ported on
SA20xx read-
ers, only
EMV Terminal Ingenico
and Work-
only). Pay-
Transaction System Enterprise (TSE) 4.0 Release Notes Rev A│32
in 4.0
Not sup-
ported in 4.0
ber 31,
ber, 31,
st, 2018
IP Converter
Laundry Reader LC3000,
with Laun-
dry Client
MW901- 0,
MW901- 2
LC3000 via
IP Con-
verter (IPC)
Mobile Cre-
dential Reader
Point of Sale -
with POS
with POS
Point of Sale -
XR5, CX7
45- 3, 7454
21 (7443)
RealPOS 70
not sup-
ported in
serial com-
Rev A│33
in 4.0
Not sup-
ported in 4.0
ber 31,
ber, 31,
st, 2018
Remote Printer RDR-
via IP RDR-
E-RPRT via
Security Monitor
Security Mul-
actionTerminal -
Vx570 via
Serial TIA
Omni 395,
Omni 396,
Client for
Transaction Ter-
minal - IP
VX610 via
Client for
Transaction Ter-
minal Cellular
VX680 via
Only (TIA)
Client for
Transaction System Enterprise (TSE) 4.0 Release Notes Rev A│34
in 4.0
Not sup-
ported in 4.0
ber 31,
ber, 31,
st, 2018
Vending Reader VR-
via IP Con-
verter (IPC)
Vending Reader
with Interface
Rev A│35
Supported Server Infrastructure
Publisher Family Edition Min Version Processor
Microsoft Windows Server All 2019 x64
Transact System Client Application for Managing Transact System Server Application
English (United States)
Transaction System Enterprise (TSE) 4.0 Release Notes Rev A│36
Supported Client Infrastructure
Table 6 Transact System Client Application for Managing Transact System Server Application
Publisher Family Edition Min Version Processor
Microsoft, Windows 10, All, 10, x86, x64
Microsoft, Windows Server, All, 2019, x86, x64
Browsers tested with this release:
Table 7 Reporting System and Transact Management Portal
Browser Version
Google Chrome 88
Microsoft Edge 88
Firefox 80
Table 8 NPOS - NCR Point of Sale
Publisher Family Edition Min Version Processor
Microsoft, Windows, POS, POSReady 7, x86
Microsoft, Windows, Enterprise LTSC, 2016
English (United States)
Rev A│37