BG Bucks Refund Request
BG1 Plus
112A Bowen-Thompson Student Union
Phone: 419-372-4127, Fax: 419-372-4364
Note: This form is used to request a refund of BG Bucks. This form is not used to request a refund of
Falcon Dollars or Bookstore Bucks. To inquire about Falcon Dollars, contact BGSU Dining. To inquire
about Bookstore Bucks, contact the BGSU Bookstore
Full Name:
Mailing Address:
Phone Number: BGSU E-mail
Please check one of the following reasons for your refund request::
I am graduating from BGSU as of ___________________________(Graduation Date)
I am withdrawing from BGSU as of __________________________(Withdrawal Date)
I will no longer be employed by BGSU as of __________________(Termination Date)
I am continuing with the University, however, I am requesting a refund of $__________ at this time.
Option only
available at the end of the Spring Semester.
If you are employed by BGSU and have a payroll deduction set up by the University, would you like to stop that?
Yes No
A $10.00 check processing fee will be assessed and deducted from the amount of your refund request. If the
balance on your BG Bucks account is below $10.00, you will not receive a refund.
Signature: Date:
Return this form to BG1 Card Services. Our contact methods are listed above.
For Office Use Only
BG Bucks Balance ____________________ Amount processed in BbTS _________________
Amount of Refund ____________________ Date processed in BbTS _________________
Payroll Deduction ____________________ Refund processed by _________________