U.S. Credential
Maintenance Program
APRIL 2023
US ASCP BOC Certication
categories* under the
Credential Maintenance
Program (CMP) are accredited
by the American National
Standards Institute (ANSI).
*with the exception of MLA,
2 ASCP Board of Certification
In keeping with our ongoing commitment to assure the continued
competence of medical laboratory personnel, the ASCP Board of
Certication (BOC) developed the Credential Maintenance Program
(CMP). This booklet will acquaint you with the requirements of the
CMP and provide you with everything you need to know to com-
plete the program.
The CMP provides an opportunity to obtain a wide variety of
learning experiences that demonstrate your professional compe-
tency and dedication to excellence in the workplace. Some of the
qualifying activities include: employer offered course work, writing
journal articles, serving on committees or boards, competence as-
sessment by your employer, and participating in formal continuing
education courses.
In addition to helping you maintain your professional certication, the
CMP can help you stay current on developments in your eld and
provide opportunities for both professional and personal enrichment.
For additional information, please refer to the BOC CMP website
The Board of Certification does not discriminate among applicants as to age, gen-
der, race, religion, national origin, disability, marital status or sexual orientation.
All program requirements, processes and fees as stated in this booklet are subject
to change without prior notice. Revised 4/2023
U.S. Credential Maintenance Program 3
U.S. CMP: WHAT YOU NEED TO DO .............................................................................................. 4-6
Required CMP Participation ................................................................................................................................ 4
Voluntary Participation* ....................................................................................................................................... 5
Individuals with Multiple Certications .................................................................................................................. 5
Synchronizing Multiple Certications .................................................................................................................... 5
Point Allocation ................................................................................................................................................... 6
Steps for Completing the CMP............................................................................................................................ 6
CMP Application Fees ......................................................................................................................................... 6
Failure to Participate in CMP ............................................................................................................................... 6
Documentation for Audit ..................................................................................................................................... 6
U.S. CMP REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................................................8-9
Imporatant Information Regarding New CMP Point Requirements ....................................................................... 9
CMP COVID-RELATED CONTINUING EDUCATION (CE) ................................................................ 10
U.S. CMP POINT ALLOCATION ....................................................................................................... 11
GUIDELINES FOR EARNING CMP POINTS ...............................................................................12-13
SUGGESTED LIST OF PROVIDERS ................................................................................................. 14
DECLARATION AND COMPLETION OF CMP ................................................................................. 15
Online Declaration Form Process ...................................................................................................................... 15
Deadline Dates .................................................................................................................................................. 15
Change of Name/Address ................................................................................................................................. 15
Decient CMP Declarations ............................................................................................................................... 15
Successful Completion of CMP ......................................................................................................................... 15
AUDIT PROCESS ............................................................................................................................. 16
Required Documentation .................................................................................................................................. 16
Activity .............................................................................................................................................................. 16
Documentation ................................................................................................................................................. 16
Submission Procedure ...................................................................................................................................... 16
Sucessful Completion of CMP After Audit ......................................................................................................... 16
AUDIT APPEALS PROCESS ............................................................................................................ 17
Audit Appeals Procedure................................................................................................................................... 17
Inactive Status for Requires CMP Participation .................................................................................................. 17
Reinstatement for Expired certication .............................................................................................................. 17
Reinstatement for NCA Certicants ................................................................................................................... 17
Lapsed NCA Certicants at Time of Unication ................................................................................................. 17
FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ................................................................................................ 18
COMPLETING U.S. CMP— STEP BY STEP..................................................................................... 19
4 ASCP Board of Certification
The goal of the Credential Maintenance Program (CMP) is to
demonstrate to the public that laboratory professionals with the
“CM” designation are completing continuing education (CE) activi-
ties to stay current in their practice.
The U.S. CMP is required for all individuals who became newly ASCP
certied on or after January 1, 2004 in the following categories.
NCA certied: CMP participation is required for all NCA certicants
who are not ASCP certied in the same category prior to the CMP
start dates noted for ASCP technician, technologist and specialist
Apheresis Technician (AT)
Cytologist (CT)
Donor Phlebotomy Technician (DPT)
Histotechnician (HT)
Histotechnologist (HTL)
Medical Laboratory Assistant (MLA)
Medical Laboratory Scientist (MLS)
Medical Laboratory Technician (MLT)
Pathologists’ Assistant (PA)*
Phlebotomy Technician (PBT)
Technologist in Blood Banking (BB)
Technologist in Chemistry (C)
Technologist in Cytogenetics (CG)
Technologist in Hematology (H)
Technologist in Immunology( I )
Technologist in Microbiology (M)
Technologist in Molecular Biology (MB)
* The CMP is required for all Pathologists’ Assistants who are ASCP certied.
The CMP is required for all individuals who became newly certied
on or after January 1, 2006 in the following categories:
Diplomate in Laboratory Management (DLM)
Hemapheresis Practitioner (HP)
Specialist in Blood Banking (SBB)
Specialist in Chemistry (SC)
Specialist in Cytology (SCT)
Specialist in Cytometry (SCYM)
Specialist in Hematology (SH)
Specialist in Immunology (SI)
Specialist in Laboratory Safety (SLS)
Specialist in Microbiology (SM)
Specialist in Molecular Biology (SMB)
Specialist in Virology (SV)
The required CMP as described in this booklet must be completed
every three years to maintain certication. To successfully complete
the program, documented activities demonstrating continued
competence must be completed prior to the certication expiration
date. An online declaration form documenting your required CEs,
along with the CMP application fee must be submitted at least one
month prior to the certication expiration date.
CE activities completed before your current three-year certication
cycle begins will not be accepted. For example, if your three-year
certication cycle is January 1, 2024 through January 31, 2027,
you will need to complete your continuing education between those
dates. (See FAQ3 on page 18.) CEs or CMP points may only be
used for one certication cycle.
Upon successful completion of the program, your certication is
valid for the next three-year cycle. The superscript “CM” follow-
ing your certication credential indicates you have successfully
maintained certication under the CMP. {e.g., MLS(ASCP)
} If
you do not participate in the required CMP, and your certication
expires, you are no longer permitted to use the ASCP certication
credential after your name. (See Reinstatement for Expired BOC
Certication on page 17.)
U.S. Credential Maintenance Program 5
Individuals ASCP certied prior to mandatory CMP (Refer to dates
indicated on the chart on page 8.), are not required to participate
in the program; however, voluntary participation is encouraged since
continuing education (CE) provides many personal and professional
benets. If you choose to participate in this program on a voluntary
basis, CEs completed three years prior to the date you submit your
online declaration form to the Board of Certication would qualify
for the program as long as they meet the CMP requirements for
your certication category. For example, if you submit your online
declaration form May 15, 2024, CEs must be completed between
May 15, 2021and May 15, 2024.
Upon successful completion of the program, the designation “CM”
in superscript, is added after your certication credential [e.g.,
MLS(ASCP)CM] for the three-year period your certication is valid
under the CMP cycle. If you choose not to continue your voluntary
participation in the program, you are no longer permitted to use the
superscript “CM” after your certication credential. However, your
original certication remains valid, with no expiration date
* Certication categories retired prior to required CMP are eligible for voluntary
A separate online declaration form must be completed for each
certication category that requires participation in the CMP to
demonstrate maintenance of competence. You may use the same
activities for more than one category of certication, provided they
meet the CMP requirements for the certication category and are
completed within the required time frame. For example, the same
activity (worth 1 point) in Laboratory or Patient Safety may be used
to meet that CMP requirement for more than one certication. For
multiple certications with the same expiration date or within three
months of each other, a discounted fee may apply when both dec-
laration forms are submitted online within the same 24-hour period.
If you have a lower and higher level certication in the same area
(e.g., MLT and MLS), the higher level certication supersedes the
lower level certication. In this case, you would not need to main-
tain the lower level certication under CMP. This is your choice.
Technically, the lower level certication is dropped from your
Certicants with multiple certications may be eligible to synchro-
nize the end dates of their certication cycles and the completion
of the CMP renewal process. To establish the process, it would re-
quire shortening the three-year cycle of one certication to coincide
with the end date of the other. Synching certication cycles is
by request only.
To determine if you are eligible for synchronizing your certication
cycle end dates, please follow the steps provided below.
Example: Two certications with different CMP end dates:
Medical Laboratory Scientist (MLS)
Expiration October 2025
Specialist in Blood Banking (SBB)
Expiration March 2024
1. Choose the earliest CMP expiration date of the two
certications (i.e. March 2024). This will be the expiration date
you will use for both certications. Because all CE points must
be completed within a three-year period, if you chose October
2025 in the example, the SBB would expire before then.
2. Email the BOC ofce at [email protected] with your
• Include your full name
• Customer ID number
• Credential categories / numbers
3. You will receive an e-mail response, and if eligible, you will be
provided with instructions to follow.
** If you have recently submitted a CMP Declaration online, you will not be
eligible for synching your end dates. The rst cycle for the synchronization of
two certications end dates must be submitted by email using a PDF declaration
form that will be provided to you upon approval. Thereafter, synchronizations may be
submitted online.
Continuing education activities are awarded points based on the
Guidelines on pages 12–13. It is the responsibility of the
certicant to properly assign all CMP points to the required
areas for recertication or the declaration submission will be
marked decient.
6 ASCP Board of Certification
1. Review the U.S. CMP booklet and information posted on the
ASCP website for requirements and instructions for completing
the program. Please visit
2. Within your three-year certication cycle, complete the
continuing education activities required for your certication
category. (As a courtesy, the BOC sends out CMP email
reminders, however, it is your responsibility to keep track of
your certication expiration date.* Be sure to keep your email
address up to date.)
*Reinstatement of an expired certication is subject to a $125 reinstatement fee.
3. Up to three (3) months prior to your certication expiration
date, complete the online declaration process and pay the
application fee by credit card. Please allow up to 30 business
days to process your declaration form. Faxed/emailed
declaration forms will not be accepted. CMP fees are
PLEASE NOTE: the earliest a current (not expired)
certication cycle will update, is the rst day of the
month in which it expires.
4. Save all original certicates of attendance or any other type
of documentation of completion in the event your declaration
form is selected for audit.
5. If you receive notication that your declaration is being audited,
you will be required to submit copies of the certicates of
completion and any other documentation of completion at
that time.
6. Upon successful completion of the program, you will receive
access to an online renewal notication for your new three-year
certication cycle dates. The designation “CM” in superscript is
required after your certication credential to indicate you have
successfully maintained your certication. [e.g., MLT(ASCP)
CMP Application Fee: $95
CMP Reinstatement Fee: $125
(Reinstatement fee for expired certications is in addition to the
application fee.)
Reduced Fee for Multiple Certications: $15
For each additional certication with the same expiration date or
within three months of each other. To receive the reduced fee,
multiple declarations must be submitted separately on the same
business day.
PLEASE NOTE: CMP fees are non-refundable.
If you are required to participate in the CMP as indicated in the chart
on page 7, and do not participate, your certication will no longer
be valid after the three-year expiration date and you will no longer
be permitted to use the ASCP certication credential after your
name. Information on reinstatement for expired certication
is located on page 17.
To ensure the integrity of the CMP program, a percentage of dec-
laration forms are audited to verify completion of the program. If
your declaration form is selected for audit, you will be notied and
required to submit documentation of completion verifying all CEs
submitted on your declaration form for recertication. (See Audit
Process on page 16 for further information.)
U.S. Credential Maintenance Program 7
8 ASCP Board of Certification
MLS, MLT 2004 36
1 point in laboratory or patient safety (i.e., quality control,
quality assurance)
2 points in each of the following: blood banking, chemistry,
hematology, microbiology
Remaining points in area(s) of lab specialty, immunology,
molecular diagnostics, management, education, or other
related laboratory areas of interest
AT, BB, C, CG,
CT, H, HT, HTL, I,
2004 36
1 point in laboratory or patient safety (i.e., quality control,
quality assurance)
2 points in area in which you are certied
Remaining points in area(s) of lab specialty, immunology,
molecular diagnostics, management, education, or other
related laboratory areas of interest
DPT, PBT 2004 9
1 point in laboratory or patient safety (i.e., quality control,
quality assurance)
2 points in area in which you are certied (i.e., specimen
collection, identication, handling, transport
& processing, lab/center operations)
Remaining points in area of specialty, management,
education, or other related lab areas of interest
MLA 2004 9
1 point in laboratory or patient safety (i.e., quality control,
quality assurance)
2 points in area which you are certied
Remaining points in area(s) of lab specialty, immunology,
molecular diagnostics, management, education, or other
related laboratory areas of interest
All who are
ASCP Certied
1 point in laboratory or patient safety(i.e. quality control,
quality assurance)
20 points in anatomic pathology
15 points in advanced anatomic pathology(cancer
specimen examination/staging
1 point in medical ethics
• Remaining points in area(s) of anatomic pathology,
management, education or other clinical specialties
2006 36
1 point in laboratory or patient safety (i.e., quality control,
quality assurance)
10 points in area of specialty
Remaining points in area of lab specialty, management,
education, or other related laboratory areas of interest
* And for all active NCA certicants who are not ASCP certied in the same category prior to required CMP.
** It is the responsibility of the certicant to properly assign all CMP points to the required areas for recertication.
IMPORTANT INFORMATION: NEW in 2023 & 2024, CMP point requirements will be changing. Please see page 8 for details.
U.S. Credential Maintenance Program 9
Apheresis Technician – AT Histotechnician – HT
Technologist in Blood Banking – BB Histotechnologist – HTL
Technologist in Chemistry – C Technologist in Immunology - I
Technologist in Cytogenetics - CG Technologist in Microbiology - M
Cytologist – CT Technologist in Molecular Biology - MB
Technologist in Hematology – H
NEW IN 2023:
CMP requirements will be revised to add 1 new CMP point in
medical ethics (e.g., HIPAA, DEI (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion), sex-
ual harassment/microaggressions, compliance, condentiality, IRB,
etc.) for all certication cycles expiring beginning January 2023
and moving forward, regardless of when you submit your
completed online declaration form. This applies to all catego-
ries. This will not increase the overall total CMP points required.
*This requirement applies to ALL certication categories.
NEW IN 2024:
For equity in CMP requirements across all Technician and
Technologist categories CMP requirements will be revised as
follows. Dedicated CMP points in the areas of certication will
increase from 2 to 8 points for certication cycles listed in the
categories below expiring beginning January 2024 and moving
forward, regardless of when you submit your completed on-
line declaration form. This will not increase the overall total CMP
points required.
EXAMPLE: If your credential expires on January 31, 2023
and you submit your online declaration on November 15,
2022 (or sooner), you are required to complete and enter
the new CMP point in medical ethics for your January 31,
2023 expiration date.
EXAMPLE: If your credential expires on January 31, 2024
and you submit your online declaration on November 15,
2023 (or sooner), you are required to complete and enter
the new CMP points for your January 31, 2024 expiration
10 ASCP Board of Certification
(CE) (CE completed March 1, 2020 - December 31, 2022)
The ASCP Board of Certication (BOC) recognizes the vital work
of laboratory professionals in response to the COVID-19 pandemic
and the critical professional development it necessitated. Because
of concerns about obtaining continuing education during the pan-
demic due to increased workloads and/or limited availability of
in-person training or conferences, the BOC is offering a time-limited
opportunity to use COVID-related activities performed within the
normal scope of work or outside normal job duties for up to 12
CMP points/CEUs towards recertication. These points should be
self-entered as a single CMP activity and allocated under “related
areas of interest” only on the online declaration form (please see
criteria and instructions below).
To be accepted, COVID-Related continuing education (CE)
activities must have been completed between March 1, 2020
and December 31, 2022 (and be within your three-year CMP
Activities must be work-related and new, additional, or out-
of-specialty skills or activities.
Your Manager/Supervisor must review, verify, and sign-off on
the completed activities indicated on the CMP COVID-related
CE Claim Form.)
The maximum number of CMP points accepted on the Claim
Form = 12.
These CMP points may be used for related areas of interest
• The CMP COVID-related CE Claim Form may be used one-time
only and for a single CMP cycle.
To claim credits, CMP points must be self-recorded in your online
declaration form AND the COVID-Related CE Claim Form must be
emailed to the ASCP Board of Certication for review and approval.
Self-record the total number of COVID-Related CEs you are claim-
ing as one entry in your online declaration form and allocate the
points towards “Related Areas of Interest.”
Refer to this link for complete instructions and to access the Claim
U.S. Credential Maintenance Program 11
Formal continuing education courses: **ACCME, ASCP CMLE, AACC, professional
societies (including state, regional and ACCENT, ASCLS PACE, CE programs sponsored by
other local societies and chapters, universities and colleges or continuing education courses
sponsored by national or international professional societies)
1 contact hour
(50-60 minutes)
Employer-offered courses (in-service, instrument training, vendor-sponsored, etc.)
1 contact hour
(50-60 minutes)
College/university coursework (science, education, management or other courses
relevant to your laboratory career or lab related.) Courses must be lab related. CEs may not
exceed 50% of the total number of required CMP points
1 quarter hour
1 semester hour
15 (points
not to exceed
50% of total)
Teleconferences, subscription or online self-instructional courses for which ACCME,
CMLE, ACCENT, PACE or other professional society credits are awarded
1 contact hour
(50-60 minutes)
Completion of advanced BOC certication or qualication:
Specialist/Diplomate 25
Categorical or higher 12
Qualication 12
(These points may not be used for recertication points in the category for which they were
received. See FAQ5 on page 18.)
Competence Assessment by employer (must use ASCP BOC Employer Assessment
2 (per year/
max 4 pts.)
Documentation of Clinical Teaching: teaching students during their clinical rotation
within the scope of an accredited laboratory training program (must use ASCP BOC
Clinical Teaching Documentation Form)
1 (per year/
max 3 pts.)
Research & preparation for presentation or workshop (rst time only)
Each contact hour
of presentation
(50-60 minutes)
3 (points not
to exceed
50% of total
Authoring journal articles for peer-reviewed publications 5
Authoring a book related to the laboratory profession:
(over 300 pages) 21
(under 300 pages) 14
(chapter in a book) 7
Editing a book related to the laboratory profession 5
Doctoral dissertation 10
Master’s thesis 4
Presenting posters/exhibits 3 (per year)
Serving on an active BOC examination committee or qualication workgroup 3 (per year)
Serving on committees/boards related to the profession
(national, state, regional, local)
2 (per year)
Role of on-site inspector/paper reviewer for laboratory accreditation
(CAP, The Joint Commission, AABB, COLA, state agency) or
training program accreditation (NAACLS, CAAHEP)
2 (per year)
* Activities must be related to area of specialty and safety as indicated.
** ACCME (Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education), ASCP CMLE (American Society for Clinical Pathology–Continuing Medical Laboratory Education), AACC ACCENT
(American Association for Clinical Chemistry–ACCENT programs), ASCLS PACE (American Society of Clinical Laboratory Science–PACE programs).
PLEASE NOTE: Due to the large volume of continuing education programs available, the Board of Certication will not respond to requests for approval of individual programs
or courses. If the program/course meets the criteria as described above, it will be accepted for CMP points. Program provider must assign points or contact hours.
12 ASCP Board of Certification
1. Formal continuing education courses
These courses may be completed through the programs/
organizations listed on the chart as well as through other
professional societies such as those listed under Suggested
List of Providers on page 14. Courses offered by state/
regional/local societies and chapters are acceptable as
well as courses offered through the continuing education
departments of colleges and universities. Courses offered by
organizations approved by state licensing boards are also
PLEASE NOTE: Due to the large volume of
continuing education courses available, the Board of
Certication will not respond to requests for approval
of individual programs or courses. If the program/
course meets the criteria listed, it will be accepted for
CMP points. Program provider must assign points or
contact hours.
2. Employer-offered coursework
Structured programs, workshops, and in-services offered
through your employer or sponsored by a vendor will all
qualify for the CMP. (This does not include routine staff
meetings or job orientation.) Points or contact hours must be
assigned by employer/vendor.
3. College/university coursework
For example, courses in the biological/chemical/medical
sciences, computer management, or education. (Course
must be lab related.) CEs may not exceed 50% of
the total number of required CMP points for your
4. Teleconference, subscription,
or online self-instructional courses
These courses are acceptable based on any of the following
are awarded, OR
B. they are offered by a professional society
(including state, regional or local chapter), OR
C. the course is accepted by a state licensing
board, OR
D. the course is offered through a university
or college.
The CMP Requirements chart on page 8 outlines the number of points required to complete the Credential Maintenance Program.
The CMP Point Allocation chart on page 11 lists the activities for which points are awarded. The numbers listed below relate directly
to the numbered activities in the CMP Point Allocation chart.
5. Completion of advanced ASCP certication or
Achievement of a Specialist or Diplomate certication in the
following categories is acceptable for 25 CMP points:
Specialist in Blood Banking (SBB), Chemistry (SC), Cytology
(SCT), Cytometry (SCYM), Hematology (SH), Microbiology
(SM), Molecular Biology (SMB), Pathologists’ Assistant (PA)
and Dipol mate in Laboratory Management (DLM)
These points may not be used for recertication points in the category for
which they were received. (See FAQ5 on page 18.)
Categorical certication or higher level certication
Achievement of a categorical or higher level certication
is acceptable for 12 CMP points: Histotechnologist
(HTL), Technologists in Blood Banking (BB), Chemistry
(C), Cytologist (CT), Cytogenetics (CG), Hematology (H),
Microbiology (M) and Molecular Biology (MB).
Achievement of a qualication is acceptable for 12 CMP
points: Qualications in Aphereis (QIA), Biorepository Science
(QBRS), Donor Phlebotomy (QDP), Immunohistochemistry
(QIHC), Laboratory Safety (QLS).
6. Competence assessment by employer
You may receive up to 2 CMP points per year (maximum of
2 years/4 points) by submission of an Employer Assessment
Form (ASCP BOC form required). Your employer must
complete the required Employer Assessment Form to
document your continued competency in the area(s) of your
employment. The date of the assessment must be included
on this form. One form per year submitted. Form available at
7. Documentation of Clinical Teaching
You may receive up to 1 CMP point per year (maximumof
3 years/3pts) by submission of a Clinical Teaching
Documentation Form (ASCP BOC form required) for teaching
students during their clinical rotation within the scope of
an accredited laboratory training program. Documentation
form must be approved and signed to receive credit. Form
available at
U.S. Credential Maintenance Program 13
8. Research and preparation for presentation or
You may receive 3 CMP points for each contact hour of
a presentation/workshop you prepare and deliver, for the
rst time only. (Beyond the scope of your job.) Subsequent
presentations of the same workshop are not awarded any
points. Total points for presentations/workshops may
not exceed 50% of the total number of required points
for your category.
9. Authoring journal articles for peer-reviewed
Points are awarded for writing articles in peer-reviewed
journals in the laboratory field or in journals for
professional associations in the areas of education and
“I liked that the CMP
challenged me to
keep reading across
multiple disciplines
within the laboratory
sciences eld.”
-Walter Oliveira, MLS(ASCP)
12. Doctoral dissertation
13. Master’s thesis
14. Presenting a poster or exhibit
Points are awarded for posters or exhibits presented at
national, state, regional, or local laboratory professional
association meetings.
15. Serving on Committees/Boards
Points are awarded for serving on committees or Boards
related to the profession, including national, regional,
state, and local professional organizations or committee
appointments at your place of employment.
16. Serving on an active BOC Advisory Board
17. Lab inspector for CAP/The Joint Commission/
AABB/COLA/state agency, etc
10/11. Authoring a book/chapter or editing a book
related to the laboratory profession
14 ASCP Board of Certification
Below is a partial list of providers who offer continuing education
activities including workshops, teleconferences, subscription pro-
grams, online courses, etc.
This list is only a partial list to assist you in planning your activities.
State/regional/local professional societies and other organizations
recognized by state licensing boards may not be represented on
this list; however, courses provided by these groups are acceptable
for CMP points.
ASCP CMLE—American Society for Clinical Pathology
AABB - Association for the Advancement of Blood &
AACC “ACCENT”—American Association
for Clinical Chemistry
AAPA — American Association of Pathologists’ Assistants
AGT—Association of Genetic Technologists
AMA—American Medical Association
ASCLS PACE—American Society
of Clinical Laboratory Science
ASC—American Society of Cytopathology
ASCT—American Society for Cytotechnology
ASFA—American Society for Apheresis
ASH—American Society of Hematology
ASM—American Society of Microbiology
CACMLE—Colorado Association for
Continuing Medical Laboratory Education
CAP—College of American Pathologists
CLMA—Clinical Laboratory Management Association
CMEA—Continuing Medical Education Association
CSMLS—Canadian Society for Medical
Laboratory Science
Florida Excell
The Joint Commission
ISBER - International Society for Biological and Environmental
NSH—National Society for Histotechnology
The American Red Cross
PLEASE NOTE: Due to the large volume of continuing
education programs available, the Board of Certication will
not respond to requests for approval of individual programs or
courses. If the program/course meets the criteria described
under Guidelines for Earning CMP Points, it will be acceptable
for CMP Points. Program provider must assign points or
contact hours.
U.S. Credential Maintenance Program 15
The CMP points, required to complete the program, must be ob-
tained within the valid three-year period of certication. Copies of
certicates of participation, program syllabi, copies of publications,
or any other type of documentation of your continuing competence
activities, should be retained and only be submitted if requested
for audit.
Within your current three-year cycle you may enter your com-
pleted non-ASCP credits in your online ASCP transcript. Any
continuing education courses completed through the ASCP will
automatically be recorded in your online ASCP transcript. Non-
ASCP courses must be properly categorized (i.e., specialty area,
title, date, credits awarded).
All courses that have been previously added to your ASCP tran-
script (provided they are in your three-year cycle) will automatically
populate into your online CMP Declaration Form. You will then be
able to add more credits as necessary or re-categorize any credits
to meet your recertication requirements. All CEs must be translat-
ed and provided in the English language.
Only after your recertication requirements have been met will you
be able to submit your online CMP declaration form and application
fee. Refer to the website at for current CMP
fee information. CMP fees are non-refundable.
Up to three (3) months prior to your certication expiration date,
complete the online CMP declaration process and submit with the
application fee payable by credit card. Please allow up to 30 busi-
ness days for the processing of your declaration form.
PLEASE NOTE: The earliest a current (not expired)
certication cycle will update, is the rst day of the month in
which it expires.
The Credential Maintenance Program is required for newly
certied individuals and active NCA certicants who are not
ASCP certied prior to January 1, 2004, in the same category.
(Note: If ASCP certied prior to 2004, CMP is voluntary)
The Board of Certication requires a copy of ofcial documentation
to make a name change (e.g., marriage license or court order.)
Go to
Click on "Prole & Settings" link
Click on "Request Name Change" button
Complete the form, upload documentation and submit
Go to
Click on “Proles & Settings” Icon
Update information and save
If you receive notication that the status of your declaration submis-
sion has been marked decient (points are not properly assigned,
CE requirements have not been met, etc.) you will have 30 days
within to which to resolve the deciency. Instructions will be provid-
ed with the notication on how to submit the required information
by email.
If your declaration form is selected for audit, you will be notied by
email. See detailed information on the auditing procedures
on the next page.
Upon successful completion of the Credential Maintenance Program
(CMP), you will receive access to an online renewal notication of
your new valid three-year certication cycle dates.
The designation “CM”, as a superscript, is required after your cer-
tication credential to indicate that you have successfully main-
tained your certication [e.g., MLS(ASCP)
16 ASCP Board of Certification
You will be notied if your declaration form is selected for audit.
You will be requested to submit copies of the documents listed
for all of the continuing competence activities you completed to
acquire the necessary CMP points. If your documentation is pro-
vided in a language other than English, translated English copies
will be required. DO NOT SUBMIT original documents. Copies of
documentation are accepted by email. Instructions will be provid-
ed in the audit notication.
To ensure the integrity of the U.S. Credential Maintenance Program, the ASCP Board of Certication will review and
audit a percentage of declaration forms each year. If your declaration is selected for audit, you will be notied and
requested to submit supporting documentation of all activities submitted for the program.
The following documents are required to verify your continuing competence activities. If your documentation is provided in a language
other than English, translated English copies will be required.
Formal continuing education courses,
teleconferences, subscription or online
courses where formal continuing educa-
tion credits are awarded
Certicate of Participation including: Name of participant, title of program, name of
provider, date of program, number of contact hours/CMLE
Employer-offered courses, in-service
programs, sponsored courses
Letter on original letterhead signed and dated by employer/certicate/signed attendance
from vendor-employer containing above information
Formal college/university coursework University Transcript/Mark Sheet
Competence assessment by employer
Employer Assessment Form completed by the employer documenting competence in
particular laboratory specialty(ies) and date of assessment (form available at
Documentation of Clinical Teaching
Completed Clinical Teaching Documentation Form documenting Academic Institution,
dates of instruction and instructional areas covered, signed and dated by employer.
(form available at
Research & preparation for presentation
or workshop
Copy of syllabus, program or letter from organization that indicates content, length of
teaching time and name of the organization
Authoring a book or book chapter,
doctoral dissertation
Title page of publication and table of contents containing author name
Editing a book Copy of cover or inside page containing editor names
Presenting posters/exhibits
Abstract identifying poster session, meeting program
or brochure identifying presentation
Journal articles, master thesis Copy of publication with authors name
Serving on committees or boards
related to the profession
Letter from organization verifying participation, in what capacity and dates of service
Role of on-site inspector/paper reviewer
for laboratory accreditation
Letter from organization (The Joint Commission, Cap, etc.) verifying your role as an
inspector and the dates of inspection
Upon successful completion of the audit process, you will receive
access to an online renewal notication of your new valid three-year
certication cycle dates. The designation “CM”, in superscript, is
required after your certication credential to indicate that you have
successfully maintained your certication [e.g., MLS(ASCP)
U.S. Credential Maintenance Program 17
If your declaration is under audit and you are unable to submit
documentation of completed CEs, you may complete new points
within the last month of certication to meet the CMP requirements.
If you were unable to complete the required CMP points due to
extenuating circumstances, you may submit a letter of appeal to the
ASCP Board of Certication.
To appeal an unsuccessful audit, you must submit a letter to the
Board of Certication. This letter must describe in detail the reasons
for your inability to complete the program and include documenta-
tion supporting your request.
Extenuating circumstances likely to be considered include: serious,
incapacitating illness over one year in duration; or military assign-
ment overseas over a one-year duration in a location with no access
to online workshops. Financial hardship and personal/family-related
responsibilities are not considered extenuating circumstances.
Your letter of appeal and all supporting documentation will be re-
viewed and you will be notied of the decision.
If you wish to request inactive status for a period of time, you must
submit a $40 fee,* a letter describing in detail the reasons for your
inactive status and documentation. Extenuating circumstances
likely to be considered include: serious, incapacitating illness over
one year in duration; or military assignment overseas over a one-
year duration in a location with no access to online workshops.
Financial hardship and personal/family-related responsibilities are
not considered extenuating circumstances.
* The inactive status fee will be waived for individuals residing in countries requiring
mandatory military service when that is the basis for inactive status. Documentation
is required.
To be reinstated after inactive status has expired, you must submit
a completed online declaration form documenting all points earned
within the extended period granted to you as required for your cer-
tication category. You will also be required to pay the current CMP
fee(s) (available at
At the end of the extended period, if you fail to participate and do
not submit compelling reasons for continuing inactive status as
described under the Appeals Procedure, your certication will no
longer be valid and you may no longer use the ASCP certication
credential after your name.
“Having the BOC
credentials after my
name makes me
feel proud. I worked
hard for that.”
-Tammy Butler, PBT(ASCP)
If you allow your certication to expire and then seek reinstatement,
you must submit a completed declaration form documenting all
points earned within the previous three years as required by your
certication category. You must also pay a $125 reinstatement fee
in addition to the application fee. CMP fees are non-refundable.
The BOC will not grant extensions or waive the reinstatement fee
due to the non-receipt of emailed CMP reminder notications. The
certicant is responsible for keeping their email address up to date
in their ASCP customer record.
If your certication has lapsed for ten (10) or more years, you will
be required to retake and pass the certication examination for
reinstatement of your certication. If this applies to you, contact
Lapsed NCA Certicants at Time of Unication
Effective 1/1/2019, NCA certicants whose certication was
lapsed at the time of the unication and did not transfer to the
ASCP as an active certication, will be required to retake the ASCP
exam to reinstate their certication. If this applies to you, contact
18 ASCP Board of Certification
Q1: If I become certied but fail to complete or participate
in the required Credential Maintenance Program (CMP),
what happens? Will my ASCP certication be revoked?
A: Certications under required CMP are valid for three years.
If someone fails to participate in the required CMP, their
certication will no longer be valid after the three-year
certication expiration date. They are no longer permitted to
use the certication credential [e.g., MLS(ASCP)
] after their
name since their certication is no longer valid.
Q2: How do I reinstate an expired certication?
A: If you have a time-limited certication and you allow your
certication to expire and then seek reinstatement, you must
submit a completed online declaration form documenting all
continuing education earned within the previous three years
as required by your certication category. You must also pay a
$125 reinstatement fee in addition to the application fee.
PLEASE NOTE: Individuals who allow their ASCP credential
to expire for ten or more years will be required to retake and
pass the certication examination in order to reinstate their
credential. Effective 11/1/2019, lapsed NCA certicants will
be required to retake and pass the certication examination in
order to reinstate their certication.
Q3: Will individuals be allowed to start the program before
the initial certication or re-certication date?
A: Points accumulated toward meeting the CMP requirements
must be obtained within the three-year certication cycle. If the
three-year certication cycle is January 2023 through January
2026, all CE points must be completed within this three-year
period. Continuing education completed before your re-
certication validation period begins will not be accepted.
Q4: Cytologists in California must document 24 hours of
approved CE every two years in order to maintain their
California CT license. Will all California CTs also be
required to document and submit the same hours to
ASCP in order to maintain their ASCP CT certication?
A: Cytologists certied in January 2004 and beyond are required
to complete 36 points of continued competency activities every
three years. Activities accepted by the California State Licensure
Board will be considered acceptable activities for the CMP.
Q5: Can I use the 25 points I received for earning my
specialist SBB certication from the BOC towards my
SBB CMP requirements?
A: The BOC awards CMP points for the completion of an
advanced BOC certication or qualication. These points may
be used one-time towards recertication for any certication
other than the one for which the points were awarded.
For example, if an MLS certicant earns a specialty certication
such as an SBB certication, 25 points will be awarded and
can be used to meet the MLS recertication requirements.
Likewise, if an HT certicant earns a specialty certication such
as a PA, the 25 points earned cannot be used to meet the PA
recertication require .
Q6: I am interested in why the CMP was initiated when
every place I have been employed requires us to have
yearly continuing education and regulatory agencies
require continuing proof of our competency.
A: Many places do not require employees to participate
in completing continuing education courses and the
requirements are inconsistent among those that do.
Additionally, not all states require that medical laboratory
professionals obtain a state license to work in the laboratory.
We feel that this program will demonstrate on a national
level that everyone who is awarded the CMP designation is
assuring the public and their peers that they are maintaining
their competence throughout their career. Nearly all of the
continuing education courses required by employers and
regulatory agencies are accepted by the BOC for the CMP.
Q7: Please provide some clarication regarding BOC
certication, ASCP membership and the Credential
Maintenance Program (CMP). What is the difference
between certication and membership? There seems
to be some confusion and perhaps a misperception
that paying ASCP membership dues will go towards
renewing BOC certication.
A: Certication by the ASCP Board of Certication (BOC) requires
meeting specic eligibility requirements and successful
completion of the certication examination. Individuals who
became US certied beginning January 2004 and beyond
are required to maintain their certication through completion
of the Credential Maintenance Program (CMP) every three
years. ASCP Membership is voluntary, separate and apart
from certication. Certication and maintenance of certication
are not contingent upon membership in any professional
Q8: If I have further questions regarding the Credential
Maintenance Program (CMP), whom do I contact?
A: Contact ASCP Customer Relations
Monday through Friday, 8:30 am to 5:00 PM CT
Phone: 800.267.2727
U.S. Credential Maintenance Program 19
Review the U.S. CMP booklet and ASCP website for de-
tails and instructions for completing the program. Please visit
Complete the continuing education activities required for your
certication category and save documentation of completion for
these activities during the three-year period following certication/
Up to three (3) months prior to your certication expiration date,
complete the online CMP declaration process and pay the current
application fee by credit card. Please allow up to 30 business days
for processing your declaration form. CMP fees are non-refundable.
PLEASE NOTE: The earliest a current (not expired)
certication cycle will update is the rst day of the month in
which it expires.
Expired Certication: If your certication has expired, you will be
required to pay a $125 reinstatement fee in addition to the CMP
application fee.
DO NOT SUBMIT any documentation of your continuing compe-
tence activities when you submit your declaration form. This docu-
mentation will only be required if your declaration form is selected
for audit.
You will receive email notications regarding the status of the process-
ing of your declaration form. You may login to your account at any
time to follow and view the status of your recertication application.
If you receive notication that your declaration form is decient or
under audit, you will have 30 business days within which to resolve
your deciency/audit. Instructions will be provided in your notication.
Upon successful completion of the Credential Maintenance Program
(CMP), you will receive access to an online renewal notication of
your new, valid three-year certication cycle dates.
The designation “CM”, in superscript, is required after your certi-
cation credential to indicate that you have successfully maintained
your certication [e.g., MLS(ASCP)
ASCP Board of Certication | 33 W. Monroe St., Suite 1600, Chicago, IL 60603 | 800.267.2727
Revised 4/2023
Our mission is to provide
excellence in certication
of laboratory professionals on
behalf of patients worldwide.
Our vision is to be
the gold standard in
global certication for all
laboratory professionals.