for Waterfront Property
December 2008
Production of this 2
edition was made possible by funding provided by the U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency Environmental Outcome Wetland Demonstration
Program grant CD 97326601-0 and Maryland Department of the Environment.
Some of the text and drawings from the first edition of this report were made possible by
funding provided by the Coastal Resources Division, Tidewater Administration, and
Maryland Department of Natural Resources through a Coastal Zone Management
Implementation Grant from the Office of Coastal Resources Management, National
Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
Some additional photographs, text and drawings were produced under a U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency State Wetland Program Development Grant CD
983379-01-0 deliverable Shore Erosion Control Guidelines: Marsh Creation (March
2006) and prepared by: Justin Bosch, Cara Foley, Lindsay Lipinski, Chad McCarthy,
James McNamara, Ashley Naimaster, Alya Raphael, Anna Yang, Andrew Baldwin
(principal investigator, University of Maryland) and Maryland Department of the
Environment. Background research was conducted by principal investigator Dr. Andrew
H. Baldwin of the University of Maryland and a research team under his direction (Team
SWAMP), and reported in Constructed Wetlands for Shoreline Erosion Control: Field
Assessment and Data Management (2006) by Bosch, Justin, and C. Foley, L. Lipinsky,
C. McCarthy, J. McNamara, A. Naimaster, A. Raphael, A. Yang, and A. Baldwin and
prepared for Maryland Department of the Environment for submittal to the U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency. Text for this guidance document was excerpted from
the University of Maryland/MDE report.
Cover photo: Team SWAMP, University of Maryland
The Department of the Environment understands and respects waterfront property
owners' rights to protect their property from erosion. It is in the best interest of waterfront
property owners and the health of the Chesapeake Bay to select the most
environmentally sensitive methods of combating shore erosion.
Protection measures which best enhance wetlands and provide for the conservation of
fish, plant, and wildlife habitat are encouraged by the State of Maryland. Erosion control
measures should be considered in the following order of preference:
• No action
• Relocation of threatened structures
• Non-structural stabilization including beach nourishment, slope grading and marsh
• Shoreline revetments
• Offshore breakwaters
• Groins
These recommendations are consistent with the objectives of Maryland's Chesapeake
and Coastal Bays Critical Area Protection Program which encourages the use of non-
structural shore protection measures in order to conserve and protect plant, fish and
wildlife habitat.
This guidebook was originally developed by the Maryland Department of Natural
Resources, Water Resources Administration, Tidal Wetlands Division, to assist
waterfront property owners in understanding the various methods of shore erosion
control and assist them in selecting the method most appropriate for their property. The
Tidal Wetlands Division is now part of the Maryland Department of the Environment,
Water Management Administration. This second edition provides updated guidance on
technical approaches and regulatory procedures to assist waterfront property owners.
The appropriate shore erosion control method should be selected by considering the
degree of erosion control needed, environmental impacts and cost.
Executive Summary ............................................................................................... 3
Preface .......................................................................................................... ......... 4
Table of Contents ................................................................................................... 5
Figures ................................................................................................................... 6
Introduction ............................................................................................................ 7
Maryland Shoreline Statistics and Characteristics ................................................. 8
Understanding Shore Erosion ................................................................................ 8
Erosion Rates …………………………………………………………………….. ......... 11
Preliminary Considerations for Erosion Control of Your Waterfront
Property ....................................................................................................... 12
Planning Considerations …………………………………………………………. ........ 12
Determining the Need for Shore Erosion Protection .............................................. 12
Erosion Control Districts ………………………………………………………….......... 12
Financial and Technical Assistance ……………………………………………. ......... 13
Permit Requirements ……………………………………………………………........... 13
Federal Permits ……………………………………………………………......... 13
State Permits …………………………………………………………….. .......... 14
How to Apply for Federal or State Permits ………………………….….......... 14
Environmental Impact …………………………………………………………….......... 15
Cost Assessment ………………………………………………………………….......... 16
Design Criteria ……………………………………………………………………. ......... 16
Types of Erosion Control …………………………………………………………......... 16
Selection of Erosion Control Measure …………………………………………. ......... 16
No Action and Relocation ……………………………………………….. ......... 17
Non-Structural/Living Shoreline ………………………………………............. 17
Beach Nourishment ……………………………………………….......... 18
Slope Grading and Terracing …………………………………............. 19
Marsh Establishment ……………………………………………. .......... 21
Sand Containment Structures …………………………………............ 34
Structural …………………………………………………………………. .......... 35
Filter-Type Structures (Stone Revetments and Similar
Structures) …………………………………………………………35
Structural – Wall Type …………………………………………............. 38
Gabions …………………………………………………………….......... 38
Bulkheads ………………………………………………………….......... 39
Structural- Other Breakwaters …………………………………............ 42
Jetties and Groins ……………………................................................ 43
Recommendations for Design and Maintenance of Shore Erosion
Control Structures ……………………………………………………….. .......... 46
Infiltration and Drainage Controls …………………………………………….............. 47
Combination Methods ………………………………………………………….. ........... 47
How to Select a Contractor ……………………………………………………............. 48
Guidelines for Completing Applications ………………………………………............ 49
Local Government Contacts ……………………………………………………........... 50
Glossary …………………………………………………………………………............. 52
References ………………………………………………………………………............ 58
1. Wave erosion and transportation of sediments along a beach ......................... 9
2. Seasonal changes in erosion and depositional patterns ……………….. .......... 10
3. The zigzag pattern of sand movement along a shoreline ……………….. ......... 10
4. The combination of wave and groundwater erosion on a high bank ……......... 11
5. The single versus community approach to shore protection ……………. ......... 13
6. Grading, planting, and terracing …………………………………………….......... 20
7. Potential role of vegetation in tidal shoreline stabilization ………………........... 22
8. Fiber logs provide temporary stabilization for a newly created marsh .............. 22
9. Shaded marsh ………………………………………………………………… ........ 24
10. Sunken marsh ………………………………………………………………… ........ 25
11. Improper fill ....................................................................................................... 26
12. Low profile sill and newly created marsh .......................................................... 27
13. Waterfowl exclusion fence ................................................................................ 28
14. Marsh and eroding cliff ……………………………………………………….......... 29
15. Marsh and stabilized cliff .......................................................................... ........ 29
16. Low energy system ………………………………………………………….. ......... 30
17. Profile of marsh creation design with low profile sill ………………………......... 31
18. Plan view of offset or staggered vented sill ………………………………........... 31
19. Staggered and vented sill ……………………………………………………......... 32
20. Plan view of linear vented sill ………………………………………………........... 32
21. Profile of linear vented sill, with rock lining at opening ............................ ......... 32
22. Marsh and vented sill placed in front of bulkhead ………………………… ........ 33
23. Failed marsh establishment project ………………………………………… ........ 33
24. Sand containment structure …………………………………………………. ........ 34
25. Profile of a stone revetment …………………………………………………. ........ 36
26. Failed revetment showing open area where rocks have shifted ………… ........ 37
27. Failed revetment showing open area where rocks have shifted ………............ 37
28. A well-constructed and stable revetment …………………………………........... 38
29. Failed gabion basket ………………………………………………………… ......... 39
30. Collapsing bulkhead with additional riprap ………………………………............ 40
31. Failed bulkhead with erosion behind structure …………………………….......... 41
32. Catastrophic bulkhead failure ……………………………………………… .......... 41
33. Breakwater exhibiting the deposition of sand on the leeward side ……............ 42
34. Large offshore breakwaters, with opening ……………………………….. .......... 43
35. View of groins ………………………………………………………………............. 45
36. View of groin .......................................................................................... ........... 45
This book provides guidance to waterfront property owners on the Chesapeake Bay and
Atlantic Coastal Bays (Atlantic shoreline and back bays) on how to protect their property
from shore erosion. Each section builds on the previous section in a logical progression
for the assessment and selection of the appropriate technique for protecting waterfront
properties from shore erosion. Descriptions, site characteristics, construction materials,
design considerations, maintenance requirements, advantages and disadvantages are
discussed for each type of protection suggested.
The guidebook provides basic information for assessing erosion problems and selecting
appropriate protection. However, the services of a qualified engineer should be
employed for designing a specific shore erosion control project.
The appendix includes a glossary of terms commonly used in describing shore erosion
problems and associated control measures.
The Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE), Water Management
Administration presents this guidebook as a public service. The methods of shore
erosion protection discussed in this guidebook are not guaranteed to be successful for a
specific site nor should regulatory approval from state or federal agencies be assumed.
Further information maybe obtained from: Department of the Environment, Water
Management Administration, Tidal Wetlands Division, 1800 Washington Boulevard,
Baltimore, Maryland 21230. Phone: (410) 537-3837.
Maryland Shoreline Statistics and Characteristics
The Chesapeake Bay, Atlantic Coastal Bays, and their tidal tributaries include 6,659
miles of shoreline. Approximately 4,579 miles of that shoreline are eroding.
Approximately 65% of the shoreline has low to moderate erosion (0-4 feet/year), while
3% of the shoreline experiences moderate to high erosion of at least 4 feet per year
(DNR). Statistics compiled by the Department of Environment show that 30 miles of
shoreline are stabilized annually. The remaining shoreline that erodes each year is a
serious economic and ecological problem because:
• Valuable structures such as homes and businesses are at risk to storm damage.
• Sediments from the eroded shoreline smother important aquatic resources, contribute
to the degradation of water quality, and fill navigation channels vital to commerce and
Understanding Shore Erosion
Erosion and sedimentation (the deposition of sediment) are natural processes, but often
are in conflict with our use of the shoreline. The most noticeable problem created by
erosion is the loss of waterfront property. Waterfront property values are high, so many
owners spend considerable time and money protecting their shoreline from erosion.
Shore erosion is caused primarily by wind driven waves and to a minor extent by wakes
from passing boats. Wind velocity, duration, and the expanse of open water over which
the wind blows (fetch) are the predominant factors generating waves that attack and
erode the shoreline. Wave height and strength are generally greater in areas exposed to
the main stem of the Chesapeake Bay than in rivers and creeks.
The basic progression of erosion resulting from wave action, diagramed in Figure 1,
includes: A) attack by waves, B) erosion of a bank and beach causing undercutting, C)
slumping of the bank, and D) removal, transportation, and deposition of bank sediments
along shorelines.
Fig. 1. Wave erosion and transportation of sediments along a beach.
Shallow bottoms near the shore reduce wave action. Therefore, a shoreline is likely to
receive fewer waves if there are shoals, tidal flats, offshore bars and/or a marsh near
the shore. Also a wide beach can withstand more waves than a narrow beach, therefore
reducing erosion of the shoreline.
Water level also affects the amount of erosion. Water levels are influenced by the
seasons, tides, storms, seiches (sloshing action of water in a basin, similar to a wave
set up in a bathtub), droughts, floods and the general rise of global sea level New areas
of the shoreline are exposed to erosion by these changes in water level. Seasonal
storms affect the level and movement of water, the intensity and direction of wind, and
changes in the patterns of erosion and deposition (Figure 2). Large chunks of ice may
strike shorelines and result in erosion.
Fig 2. Seasonal changes in erosion and depositional patterns due to changing wave direction
exposing new surfaces.
Often, changes in the pattern of a shoreline are mistakenly measured as an overall net
gain or loss of sand when the changes are only seasonal. Sand is carried onshore and
offshore by the action of waves. Sand is also moved along the shore. Waves most often
arrive at an angle with the shoreline creating a current along the shoreline. These
currents move sand along the shoreline in a zigzag pattern as successive waves
advance and retreat (Figure 3).
Fig. 3. The zigzag pattern of sand movement along a shoreline.
A stabilized beach is dependent on the balance between sand supplied from the bank or
transported along the shore, and sand lost to erosion. The movement of sand is
essential to maintaining beaches and deterring erosion. The velocity (speed and
direction) of water determines the amount of sand moved. Larger quantities and heavier
sands can be transported by larger waves or fast moving currents along the shoreline.
Fine grained sediments (silts and clays) are generally transported to the deeper
sections offshore while larger grained sands are deposited along the shoreline.
Groundwater discharge through cracks (joints) in sediments as well as wave action
contributes to shoreline erosion by causing the slumping of sediments from high banks
(Figure 4).
Fig 4. The combination of wave and groundwater erosion on a high bank.
Runoff of surface water also causes erosion of high and low banks and beaches. The
amount and velocity of the water, the height and slope of a bank, and the amount of
vegetation determine the amount of material eroded and deposited along the shoreline.
There are natural defenses for shoreline protection. Gently sloping shorelines, beaches
and marshes are a good defense against erosion. A beach prevents average high water
from reaching upper areas of the shore. Marsh plants decrease the rate of erosion by
breaking up waves and trapping sediment carried by currents along the shoreline.
Where these features exist they must be managed wisely.
Erosion Rates
Erosion of the shoreline in Maryland varies from less than two to greater than eight feet
per year. The rate is dependent upon the erosional forces, mentioned previously,
attacking the shoreline and the soil composition of the bank, beach or marsh. The rate is
also influenced by erosion control structures built along a shoreline. Often the protection
of a single waterfront property has a negative effect (increased erosion) on adjoining
properties. Therefore, coordinated protection of an entire segment of shoreline is highly
The Maryland Geological Survey (MGS) monitors shoreline changes both in the Bay
and along the Atlantic Coast. MGS has compiled erosion data on a series of maps,
"Shoreline Change Maps for Tidewater Maryland." Shorelines are depicted from
various maps drawn over time from the mid 1800's through the 1990's. The maps may
be viewed at various scales at
The maps can be produced at a scale of 1:24,000 and cover both the Chesapeake Bay
and the Atlantic Coast. Individual maps can be obtained from the MGS, 2300 St. Paul
Street, Baltimore, Maryland 21108-5210 from the Publications Office (410-554-5505).
Maps are not intended for legal or detailed design use.
Erosion problems are site specific. There are a variety of procedures and devices
designed to protect against erosion. Selecting an appropriate erosion control measure
for your property requires planning. A variety of erosion control practices are presented
in this document. General design and installation considerations are described, but will
be site specific. It is important for landowners to understand that all types of erosion
control practices are subject to failure, and that the success of the project is highly
dependent upon site conditions, practice selection, installation, and maintenance.
The loss of property resulting from shore erosion is a serious problem for many
waterfront property owners. It is important to determine the degree of erosion before you
or your community decides on a plan of action.
To determine if a shore erosion problem exists, you should consider the following
• Has your shoreline noticeably receded during the last two years?
• If you have marsh along your shoreline, has it been disappearing?
• Do you have to step down to walk on your beach?
• Are trees along your shoreline falling into the water?
• Is your beach submerged at high tide?
• Have your neighbors installed shore erosion control measures?
If you answer yes to one or more of these questions you should contact the Tidal
Wetlands Division in MDE at (410) 537-3745, or Shore Erosion Control Program in
DNR, at (410) 260-8909 or (410) 260-8926, the local Soil Conservation District Office or
consult the telephone directory for engineering or marine contracting firms in your area.
The Corps of Engineers and local office for building permits may also offer advice.
Erosion crosses property lines, so a community approach is often the key to successful
shore protection (Figure 5).
Fig. 5. The single versus the community approach to shore protection.
Waterfront property owners suspecting an erosion problem on their shoreline should
contact the Department of the Environment (410) 537-3837 or Department of Natural
Resources for assistance at (410) 260-8909 or (410) 260-8926. Personnel will inspect
your property and suggest options available to prevent future erosion. These inspectors
can provide a list of engineers and contractors in the area. Property owners who have
serious erosion problems may also qualify for State financial assistance.
Individual landowners, municipalities and counties may apply for grants or interest-free
loans for projects designed to control shore erosion from MDE, DNR, or other federal or
private organizations. The Department of Natural Resources has a list of potential
funding sources at Program
requirements and availability of funds is subject to change so interested persons should
check with the appropriate entity for most current information.
Federal and State governments generally require that a permit be obtained prior to the
construction of any erosion control project. The Department of the Environment and the
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers should be contacted if there is any doubt as to the
necessity of a permit. Local (county or municipal) governments should also be
contacted because permit requirements vary widely.
Federal and State permit applications are submitted on a joint application to the
Maryland Department of the Environment.
Federal Permits
Federal permits for shore erosion control measures are issued by the U.S. Army Corps
of Engineers. The Corps has responsibility for the administration of Federal laws for
protection and preservation of the waters of the United States. Whether a permit is
issued will depend upon the impact of the proposed work on:
• Navigation
• Fish and wildlife
• Water quality
• Economics
• Conservation
• Aesthetics
• Recreation
• Water supply
• Flood damage prevention
• Ecosystems
• Needs and welfare of the people
Many shore erosion control practices are automatically authorized by the Corps under a
State Programmatic General Permit, provided that they meet certain criteria and are
authorized by MDE. Federal permits will not be issued until State Water Quality
Certification and State Coastal Zone Consistency determinations have been provided to
the Corps by MDE. For more information contact:
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Baltimore District - Permit Section
P.O. 1715
Baltimore, Maryland 21203
Phone: (410) 962-4500 eastern shore
(410) 962-4252 western shore
State Permits
Shoreline protection projects usually involve construction at or channelward of the mean
high water line. Waterfront property owners must apply to the Department of the
Environment for a permit or license to alter wetlands.
Wetlands alteration includes:
• Filling
• Dredging
• Construction of bulkheads, revetments, boat ramps, piers, below-ground utilities, storm
drain structures, groins, breakwaters, jetties, and similar structures or activities.
• Marsh establishment
Permit approvals are based on an evaluation of the impact of the proposed project on
varying ecological, economic, developmental, recreational, and aesthetic values. The
law recognizes the right of waterfront property owners to control erosion on their land, to
gain access to navigable waters from their land and to reclaim land lost to erosion since
January 1, 1972.
How To Apply For Federal Or State Permits
Only one application is necessary for a license, permit or approval from both the federal
and state governments. The application form and instructions are available online at:
County offices may also have copies of the form.
This single application should be submitted to:
The Department of the Environment
Water Management Administration
Permit Service Center
1800 Washington Boulevard
Baltimore, Maryland 21230
Phone: (410) 537-3837
The Permit Service Center distributes copies of the joint application to all federal and
State wetland regulatory agencies for review and comment. A public notice is required
for certain types of projects, providing opportunity for a public hearing and submittal of
In addition to federal and State wetland permits, a sediment and erosion control plan,
approved by the Soil Conservation District, may be required before any work begins.
You should consult the local Soil Conservation District for technical advice on how to
address sediment control during construction of erosion control projects. Projects must
also be in compliance with the Chesapeake and Coastal Bays Critical Area Protection
Program. Under that Program's requirement, first preference is given to non-structural
shore erosion control measures. For more information on these requirements contact
your city or county planning and zoning office.
Shore erosion control measures can be harmful to aquatic plants, invertebrates, fish,
and wildlife. Therefore, the impact on the environment by these measures must be
minimized. Installation of shore erosion control measures should be placed landward of
all marshes. The area most impacted by shore erosion control measures is the
intertidal zone, located between high and low tide. This zone includes nearshore
shallow waters, associated marine soils, and marshes. Habitat, food and cover for many
species of fish and wildlife are the products of the intertidal zone, especially salt
marshes. Marshes also improve water quality by filtering upland runoff, absorbing
excess nutrients and trapping sediments. Selecting non-structural shore erosion control
methods, such as beach nourishment or marsh creation provide greater environmental
benefits than structural control methods. In particular, marsh creation projects not only
reduce erosion but also enhance the fisheries value of the area and reduce pollutants
entering the Bay.
Structural shore erosion control such as a bulkhead may cause erosion in front of the
structure, endangering the shallow intertidal zone and contributing to water quality
problems. These adverse impacts can be minimized by placing stone in front of the
structure to break-up waves. Also bulkheads are chemically treated to retard the growth
of many marine organisms. These chemicals may contribute to water quality
degradation. For these reasons, bulkheads are discouraged in Maryland. Stone or
riprap revetments breakup waves allowing the marsh to survive channelward of the
structure. They provide habitat and cover for small fish. The use of stone or riprap
revetments is environmentally preferable to bulkheads. Groins interrupt the natural flow
of sand along a shoreline and may adversely change the characteristics of the intertidal
zone by accumulating sand in one area of shoreline while starving another.
Costs vary for different types of erosion control and from contractor to contractor. The
costs of protection, both structural and non-structural, depend upon construction details,
longevity of the type of protection considered, the risk and consequence of failure,
availability of construction materials and degree of maintenance required.
Contracts for shore protection projects should clearly identify the responsibilities of both
parties, the owner and contractor. The contract should be based on plans and
specifications and include prices for the work. It is important that both parties
understand the scope of work. The property owner is encouraged to get estimates, or
bids from several contractors to insure quality work at the lowest price.
Waterfront property owners should be aware that any method of shore protection, if
properly implemented, is expensive. Cost must be considered with respect to the
amount of erosion currently experienced and the amount of protection that will be
needed to control future erosion.
The contractor or property owner will be required to develop a final plan for an erosion
control project that includes a layout drawing, construction details, and material
specifications. Design considerations will vary for each method of shore erosion control
and are discussed in the next section. Landowners, contractors, and consultants, are
encouraged to refer to MDE's current sample drawings, but designs should be site
This section presents typical shore protection measures with a discussion of site
characteristics, construction materials, design considerations, maintenance
requirements, advantages, and disadvantages. A careful analysis of the erosion control
measures will reveal several that may be adequate to solve the specific problems on
your property. Costs should be assessed early in the planning effort, because they will
vary greatly among the methods of erosion control and the level of protection provided.
Protection measures which best provide for the conservation of fish and plant habitat
and have minimal encroachment into the channel are encouraged by the State of
Maryland law requires that a specific order of preference be followed when selecting a
shoreline stabilization practice. The first step is to determine whether or not the erosion
is severe enough that an erosion control measure must be installed, or that the problem
can be averted by moving an existing structure. If stabilization is necessary, then a non-
structural shoreline stabilization method must be used unless certain other
circumstances apply. Below is the order of preference for all types of practices:
No Action and Relocation
Relocation of threatened structures
Non-Structural Practices (“Living Shorelines”)
Non-structural stabilization including beach nourishment, slope grading and planting,
and marsh establishment, with or without additional protection elements.
Sand Containment Structures
Structural Practices
Shoreline revetments
Offshore breakwaters
These recommendations are consistent with the provisions of Maryland's Chesapeake
and Coastal Bays Critical Area Protection Program which encourages the use of non-
structural shore protection measures in order to conserve and protect plant, fish and
wildlife habitat.
A property owner should first consider taking no action. Often, a property owner's
reaction to shore erosion is to act immediately. The property owner is advised to
estimate the losses if no action is taken, especially if the land is undeveloped or
relatively inexpensive structures are at risk. In some circumstances, the property will
have only a very low erosion rate or experience erosion only during major storms. It may
be desirable under these site conditions to leave the shoreline in its natural condition. If
the encroachment of the water on the property threatens valuable structures, then
relocation should be the next alternative considered.
Site Characteristics
The shoreline is usually flat. The exposure to the forces of erosion must be minimal and
the erosion rate low to nonexistent. Sufficient land should also be present between the
water and any structures to withstand the erosion rate during the lifetime of the
The advantages of this option are saving money and avoiding accelerating erosion on
adjacent properties. The relocation of any structures could cost less than erosion control
The loss of any waterfront property maybe costly and this option provides no protection
from erosion. Relocation of structures takes special equipment and technical expertise
and could cost as much or more than an erosion control structure. The introduction of
sediment from uncontrolled erosion into the water may also be harmful to fish and
aquatic plants.
After an applicant has demonstrated to MDE’s satisfaction that the “no action” or
relocation alternatives are not sufficient to address an erosion problem, then a non-
structural shoreline stabilization method must be used. Non-structural shoreline
stabilization methods are sometimes also referred to as “Living Shoreline” practices.
Exceptions to this requirement may be granted by MDE for certain areas that have been
pre-determined to be unsuitable or impracticable for non-structural/Living Shoreline
stabilization. MDE will designate these areas on maps. Criteria for designating areas
may include:
(a) Areas that lack an adjacent natural shoreline;
(b) Proximity to navigation channels, where a nonstructural practice may
impede passage of vessels;
(c) High energy shoreline-----severely eroding shorelines where nonstructural
methods are impractical;
(d) Inaccessible shoreline-----landform characteristics such as very steep,
high banks, and nearshore shallow water that prohibits both land or barge access
necessary for the transportation of construction materials to the site; and
(e) Commercial vessel berthing-----commercial water-dependent facilities
when loading and unloading operations require a bulkheaded shoreline.
Contact MDE at (410) 537-3837 or for the most current
information on shoreline stabilization methods or available maps depicting areas where
structural stabilization practices may be permitted.
If an area is not pre-designated for allowable structural stabilization methods,
applicants have the opportunity to demonstrate that nonstructural stabilization is not
feasible by demonstrating to MDE’s satisfaction that other constraints to these methods
on a particular site cannot be overcome, including:
(f) Presence of channel width inadequate to support a nonstructural shoreline
stabilization measure;
(g) Adverse impacts on tidal flushing of waterway from establishment of a
nonstructural shoreline stabilization measure;
(h) Adverse impacts on navigation;
(i) Lack of suitable bottom elevation and slope at mean low water for
sustaining a nonstructural shoreline stabilization measure, as measured in the field;
(j) Severe tides and wave action;
(k) Bank elevation and orientation that would prevent grading and successful
establishment of vegetation;
(l) Other physical constraints to successful establishment of a nonstructural
shoreline stabilization measure; or
(m) Other environmental factors or benefits that would be adversely affected
by the proposed nonstructural shoreline stabilization practice.
The selection of any of shoreline stabilization method requires careful planning, design,
and construction considerations to withstand the erosive forces that may be
Beach nourishment is the replacement of sand along the shoreline of an eroding beach.
This method of control takes advantage of the natural protection that a beach provides
against wave attack. Beach nourishment may also be used in combination with other
methods of shore erosion control such as groin fields and breakwaters.
Site Characteristics
Beach nourishment is appropriate where a gently sloping shoreline is present. It is also
appropriate where the erosion rate is low. Beach nourishment should only be
considered where natural beaches have existed at a site and there is a natural source of
sand to help sustain the beach.
Construction Materials
The sand applied in a beach nourishment project should be identical to the original
beach. A coarser sand may erode more slowly than a finer sand. The sand may be
dredged and pumped from offshore or transported from upland sites by trucks and
Design Considerations
The erosion rate of the property is probably the most important element in designing a
beach nourishment project. The direction and rate of movement of sand along the
shoreline should be determined. If the rate is high then beach nourishment may not be
appropriate. Sand may be placed directly along the eroded shoreline or at a point
updrift, allowing natural currents to move sand downdrift. The resulting shoreline
protects the area in back of it by sacrificing the newly deposited sand. If the added
materials are eroded their eventual fate should be considered, to avoid shoaling and
filling of adjacent properties and waterways.
Maintenance Requirements
Periodic replenishment of a beach using appropriate size sand will help maintain the
beach. The need to replenish the beach depends upon the rate of erosion at the
particular site. Although the original cost of the addition of sand may be low, the cost of
periodic replenishment may rival a more permanent solution.
Beach nourishment provides effective protection without altering the recreational values
or natural integrity of a shoreline. In providing protection, beach nourishment benefits
rather than deprives adjacent areas. This option maintains access along the beach for
activities such as swimming and fishing.
Along shorelines where no beach exists or removal of the sand is rapid it may be
difficult or impracticable to maintain a beach of sufficient dimensions to protect your
property. Even well developed beaches do not provide total protection during major
The addition of sand may also result in shoaling of adjacent properties and waterways
and increase turbidity during the placement of the sand. This can cause temporary
damage to fish and submerged aquatic vegetation.
A shoreline bank may be unstable due to the steepness of the slope. Slope grading and
terracing (Figure 6) will reduce the steepness, and therefore, decrease erosion caused
by waves striking a steep slope. However, this practice may also require careful
management of vegetation on the slopes. There are typically restrictions on removing
trees. Pruning of tree limbs may be an acceptable alternative to removing trees.
Fig. 6. Grading, planting, and terracing.
Site Characteristics
The shoreline must have a steep slope where erosion is present. Grading and terracing
are undesirable when the bank is predominantly vegetated. In areas of small or
moderate erosion, planting is the preferred option.
Construction Materials
No additional materials are required for this type of shoreline protection other than top
soil, vegetation and materials for surface/subsurface water management such as
ditches or drains.
Design Considerations
First, try to identify the specific area of concern. Consider whether or not the practice
can be limited to the toe of the slope, to reduce disturbing the remainder of the slope
and its vegetation. If the slope is steep and soils are highly erodible, contact the local
Critical Areas office, Soil Conservation District and local government office as additional
review and approvals may be needed. Removal of vegetation is restricted in most
cases, as bank vegetation often provides vital shoreline protection against wave action
that may overtop adjacent marshes. If wave energies are high, the use of slope
reduction and terracing may not be enough to stop erosion. The slope of the existing
shoreline and the desired one must be determined. A recommended design is 5:1
(average for terracing), although a slope of 3:1 is often satisfactory - especially if
combined with other methods of shore protection. Regraded banks should be stabilized
with native plants.
The control of surface and sub-surface runoff is necessary to maintain slope stability
and to prevent the destruction of any grading that is performed on the site. Generally,
the cost for this procedure is low but varies. The cost rises dramatically if materials need
to be removed from the site.
Maintenance Requirements
Periodic regrading and replanting may be necessary depending upon the erosion rate.
The use of additional material may also be necessary to maintain the proper slope.
The process can also be combined with erosion control structures for increased
effectiveness at low additional cost.
Grading and terracing alone is generally not effective against intensive wave action by
itself and results in loss of a natural shoreline and habitat benefits. It cannot be done
where bulkheads or revetments are adjacent to or in the proximity of your property.
Tidal marshes form the transition zone between open water and upland. They are
recognized as vital links in the food chain of the Chesapeake Bay. Tidal action in marsh
areas provides nutrients that are converted to plant material. The plant material is
grazed upon directly by wildlife and waterfowl, or is transported by the tide to open
water to nourish fish and other aquatic organisms.
Tidal marshes provide habitat for thousands of species of plants and animals. Many of
these species, particularly fish, shellfish, and furbearing animals are of direct
commercial and recreational importance. Marshes also provide natural shore erosion
control, better water quality, and recreation and education opportunities. Planting a
marsh along an eroding shoreline, therefore, provides shore protection and many
environmental benefits.
Some marsh establishment practices consist of a marsh, or other natural shoreline with
a supplemental structural component. These practices are designed to provide both the
habitat benefits of a natural shoreline with additional protection against erosion from
more wave action. The supplemental structural element is typically an offshore sill.
Marshes may also be placed in front of existing bulkheads to restore some habitat to the
Site Characteristics
The basic procedure for preparing and planting a marsh site is shown in Figure 7. The
vegetation planted in this procedure has the potential of trapping sediment lost from the
eroding banks as well as from sand moving along the shoreline. Over time, the band of
trapped sediments may increase, resulting in the widening of the marsh. This will cause
the mean high tide line to move away from the front of the eroding bank and the dense
buffer of vegetation.
Marshes may be created on most shorelines if there is a supplemental structural
practice, including moderate to high energy systems. However, marshes are not
recommended where they are not a natural feature along a comparable natural
shoreline. In cases where marshes are naturally absent or very limited along the
shoreline, other types of natural plantings may provide habitat and shoreline
Fig. 7. Potential role of vegetation in tidal shoreline stabilization.
Environmental factors affecting the success of the vegetative plantings on tidal beaches
include the width of the existing beach, depth and type of beach soil, shoreline
geometry, and shoreline orientation.
Construction Materials
Adding sediments similar to the existing beach may be necessary before marsh creation
can be performed. Additional stabilization may be needed from a sill made of stone or a
fiber log. Fiber logs may be installed at the landward or channelward edge of the
marsh. Fiber logs provide temporary stabilization and degrade while the marsh
Fig. 8. Fiber logs provide temporary stabilization for a newly created marsh. A fence prevents
waterfowl from eating young plants. (photo: Department of Natural Resources
The following marsh and beach grasses may be appropriate for protecting your
waterfront property and are commercially available in Maryland:
Marsh Plants:
Smooth Cordgass (Spartina alterniflora). This plant is the dominant marsh grass from
Newfoundland to central Florida This species ranges from 1.5-8 feet tall with soft and
spongy stems often more than 0.5 inch thick Smooth Cordgrass can be planted with a
better chance of success than any other coastal marsh species native to the United
States. This species will grow well in brackish or salt water (salinities Saltmeadow
Cordgrass (Spartina patens). This species is common in the irregularly flooded high
marsh areas along the Atlantic coast. It is able to withstand extended periods of both
flooding and drought, growing in spots where the surface drainage is poor and water
ponds during rainy periods. It cannot, however, tolerate the daily flooding of the intertidal
zone. Saltmeadow Cordgrass is a valuable stabilizer. Smooth and Saltmeadow
Cordgrass are strong sod formers, but relatively poor seed producers. The Smooth
Cordgrass usually grows in the area between high and low tides along brackish
streams. Saltmeadow Cordgrass is usually found between Mean High Tide and the area
above any tidal influence. Both cordgrasses tolerate a wide range of salinity and
substrate textures, from coarse sands to silty-clay sediments. Both are well adapted to
the Beach Grass (Ammophila breviliguata)American Beachgrass is native to the mid-
Atlantic coastal sand dunes from Maine to North Carolina. It may be planted above the
area commonly planted with Saltmeadow Cordgrass. Further information on planting
these and other species can be obtained from county offices of the Natural Resources
Conservation Service.
Design Considerations
Marsh establishment projects are particularly sensitive and adversely impacted by
human traffic. Marsh plants should be protected, where possible, from waterfowl
grazing. Careful selection of the varieties of plants with regard to local soil, water
(salinity), and wind conditions, is necessary to achieve successful erosion control.
Native plants are more likely to thrive than imported vegetation. Experience has shown
that Spartina alterniflora and Spartina patens will grow well along most of the shoreline
in Maryland. The width of a marsh creation project is based on characteristics of the
site including fetch, shoreline orientation and the water depth of the nearshore area to
be planted. At a minimum a marsh creation project should be 10 feet wide. Typical
marsh creation projects have widths of 20-25 feet.
Surface drainage must also be considered. Runoff from the land, gutters, or stormwater
outfalls may accumulate as concentrated flow and create small gullies and channels
that can de-stabilize and erode a marsh project.
Detailed design and construction guidance is shown below.
If a supplemental structural practice is used, the material must be placed so as not to
impede the movement of wildlife or high tides into the marsh.
The State of Maryland considers the use of vegetation for shore erosion control to be an
important part of its Chesapeake Bay and Coastal Bays restoration efforts.
Professional guidance in selecting plants for marsh creation projects is recommended to
increase the likelihood of success.
Maintenance Requirements
Plants that are removed or die during the early stages of growth must be replaced
immediately to ensure the undisturbed growth of the remaining plants. The removal of
debris and selective pruning of trees is also a good maintenance practice to ensure that
sunlight reaches plants. After significant growth has occurred only periodic inspections
may be necessary. Protection measures, such as fencing, must be taken to keep
waterfowl from eating the young plants.
Rock that is used to supplement protection must be replaced or re-installed if it breaks
away from the approved structure.
For a minimum investment, marsh creation will help bind the soil against erosion and
extend the life of erosion control structures (revetments, bulkheads etc.). Where no
structure exists it will slow down erosion. The cost for this type of protection is much
less than most other types of shore erosion control. A created marsh along the
shoreline not only reduces erosion but also enhances the fisheries value of the area. It
also provides an attractive natural shoreline. In many cases the newly created marsh
will also serve as a buffer strip. This strip can reduce the amount of sediments and
nutrients entering tidal waters by filtering upland runoff.
This method of erosion control may be used along shorelines with low to moderate
erosion rates. A supplemental structural practice may be necessary in moderate to
higher energy systems.
Detailed Design and Construction Guidance
Design the Project to Allow for Adequate Sunlight. The marsh plantings should get
sun—without sufficient sunlight, they will not be able to grow and form a healthy project.
All sites chosen for marsh creation must receive at least six hours of direct sunlight daily
throughout the growing season (April -October). Trees must be pruned to allow for the
daily minimum amount of direct sunlight. It is important, especially on cliff properties, to
trim limbs trees so that the Spartina grasses can get enough sunlight. Be certain to
contact your local Chesapeake or Coastal Bay Critical Area contacts about restrictions
on removal of vegetation in buffers to waterways. Tree removal is generally restricted.
In Figure 9, a property is
shown where shade from
trees growing on the edge of
the cliff bank behind the
marsh have stunted the
growth of Spartina
alterniflora and destroyed
much of the high marsh.
Fig. 9. Shaded Marsh. Photo:
Team SWAMP, University of
Proper Grading and Filling. Proper filling is important for the stability of the marsh and
the health of the flora and fauna. Placement of inappropriate substrate (lacking in sand)
can lead to sinkholes forming in the marsh and plants will not be able to take root.
A 10:1 slope is recommended to allow creation of both high and low marsh. Contractors
should use material such that no more than 10% of the fill substrate shall pass through
a standard number 100 sieve.
When the water depths within the proposed planting area are too deep for creating a
marsh, the addition of sand and grading may be necessary. However, if depth
increases too much with a short distance, the potential area for planting would be too
steep and the project would likely fail.
Figure 10 shows a marsh that was planted on material dredged from under a nearby
pier. The resulting substrate was not firm enough for the high marsh to take root
resulting in large patches of sunken soil covered with dead Spartina patens.
Fig. 10. Sunken Marsh. Photo: Team SWAMP, University of Maryland
In another example of improper fill, Figure 11 depicts a marsh project where the high
marsh was planted on rocky rubble that proved inhospitable to the marsh grasses or
undersized stone from the sill drifted into the marsh as a result of the high-energy
environment. It is only in predominantly sandy areas that any grasses remain.
Fig. 11. Improper Fill. Photo: Team SWAMP, University of Maryland)
Proper planting. It is important to have both high and low marsh for a successful project,
as shown in Figure 12, if high and low marsh naturally existed along the shoreline. A
50/50 split between high and low marsh helps to fully stabilize an eroding bank and
provide the desired wildlife habitat. A 50/50 split may indicate that the contractor has
successfully located the mean high water line; Spartina alterniflora thrives in the
intertidal zone, and Spartina patens lives in the high marsh zone. Both types of marsh
plants are important, although Spartina grasses are recommended for both. Where
applicable, Spartina grasses are preferred to plants such as three-square which die
during the winter, thus failing to provide erosion control benefits all year round. In
upstream areas (fresher water), Juncus effusus (soft rush) and Panicum virgatum
(switchgrass) are good substitutes for Spartina.
Fig. 12. Low profile sill and newly created marsh. Photo: Team Swamp, University of Maryland)
Use fencing if necessary to prevent waterfowl from eating new plantings. Waterfowl
such as geese may eat all plants, especially newly planted plugs. Lack of vegetation
may result in the sand fill washing away and the project to fail. Fencing as shown in
Figures 8 and 13 can prevent or limit waterfowl access to the marsh while allowing
smaller aquatic species (fish, crabs, turtles) to use the marsh for habitat.
Fig. 13. Waterfowl exclusion fence. Photo: Maryland Department of the Environment
Stabilize adjacent cliff. In properties with high cliffs, the marsh will not prevent the top of
the cliff from eroding due to run off—this erosion may ultimately bury the marsh with
eroded sediments. The cliff should be stabilized by either grading with upland plant
stabilization or by installing a structural solution such as a retaining wall or ground mesh
to hold back erosion. With the cliff stabilized, the marsh can then be used to prevent
undercutting at the base of the cliff. Figure 14 is an example of a situation in which the
marsh is doing little to prevent further erosion of the cliff behind it; rainwater run-off and
storm damage is still a threat to these properties.
Fig. 14. Marsh and eroding cliff. Photo: Team Swamp, University of Maryland
Figure 15 is an example of a marsh project in which the cliff has been properly
stabilized, allowing for a healthy marsh to grow at the base of the cliff.
Fig. 15. Marsh and stabilized cliff. Photo: Team SWAMP, University of Maryland
Protect shoreline from excessive wave action. One of the most serious threats to a
wetland is the action of waves. Boat wakes and waves propagated by long fetches can
slap against a shoreline and wash away all traces of a marsh. Careful design and
construction can result in a sill that both protects against erosion while allowing wildlife
to use the marsh as habitat. Marshes may be protected by an offshore structure such
as a low profile sill or breakwater, or a sand containment structure. A low profile
structure can protect the shoreline from wave action while allowing access by wildlife.
The structure should not be placed directly on the marsh, as for a revetment. The toe of
the sill should be channelward of the mean low water line so that the low marsh is
covered by open water at mean high tide. The height of the sill should extend 0 to 1
foot above mean high water.
Marsh creation projects have proven successful with or without protective structures
such as sills. Projects without protective structures are most likely to be successful on
sheltered waterways where there is low natural wave action and limited wave action
from boating activities.
Fig. 16. Low- energy system. Photo: Team SWAMP, University of Maryland)
Existing Grade
End of Sill 35 ft from original MHW line
Spartina alterniflora
18” O.C. Spacing
Spartina patens
18” O.C. Spacing
Proposed Grade
End of Filter
Proposed Stone Sill Top
Elevated -0-+1’
Proposed Grade
Marsh Creation With Sill
Fig. 17. Profile of marsh creation design with low profile sill.
Staggered or dog-legged vents in sills. While sills are often important for a successful
project, it is essential that they be constructed in such a way that allows for flushing and
wildlife access to the shore. Large obtrusive sills without vents prevent proper flushing
of marsh and trap sediment and dead vegetation, which can strangle the marsh, in
addition to blocking wildlife access. However, vents can facilitate erosion where the
wave action is persistent. Therefore, it is recommended that vents are constructed such
that they are placed in a doglegged or staggered system or contain additional stone on
a liner when sills are placed in a linear manner. Marsh creation may be placed in front
of a damaged bulkhead for additional stabilization and wildlife benefits as an alternative
to replacing the bulkhead (Figure 22).
Offset or Staggered Vented Sill
S. alterniflora
S. patens
Fig. 18. Plan view of offset or staggered vented sill.
Figure 19 shows a staggered vented sill prior to planting the marsh.
Fig. 19. Staggered and vented sill. Photo: Maryland Department of Natural Resources
End Structures at
Mean Low Water
Proposed Sand Containment Structure
Top Elevation 0-+1
5’ Minimum
Proposed Grade
and MLW
Proposed Grade
End of Filter Fabric
End of Filter Fabric
Proposed Sand ContainmentStructure
Top Elevation 0-+1
Proposed Grade
Scale 1”=4’-0”
Linear Sill Vent Detail With Armor
Linear Vented Sill
S. alterniflora
S. patens
Figs. 20 and 21. Plan and profile views for linear vented sill, with rock lining at opening.
Fig. 22. Marsh and vented sill placed in front of bulkhead. (Photo: Maryland Department of Natural
The following photograph is an example of marsh establishment project that failed due
to improper grading and a structure that was too large and close to the marsh. An
excessive amount of riprap was used, eliminating access by aquatic wildlife. The
elevation of the marsh is too high due to improper grading that limits tidal flooding of the
marsh plants.
Fig. 23. Failed marsh establishment project. (photo: Maryland Department of the Environment)
Properly maintain the marsh creation project. Proper maintenance will help ensure
that the marsh creation project remains successful at preventing erosion and
providing wildlife habitat. Maintenance suggestions:
1) Remove debris and trash.
2) Do not mow vegetation.
3) Limit use of lawn fertilizers.
4) Re-plant as necessary.
Sand containment structures are low profile structures designed to hold sand for the
purpose of creating and protecting a beach and/or marsh. Containment structures are
placed perpendicular to the shoreline and help trap sediment to maintain the marsh.
The channelward end of the structure should be at the approximate edge of the
plantings at mean low water. Sand containment structures are similar to groins.
Site Characteristics
The shoreline should be gently sloping. Sand must be naturally present in the system to
create the beach. It is important to consider the direction and amount of sand moving
along the shoreline before choosing sand containment structures as a method of shore
erosion control.
Construction Materials
See discussion on groins and marshes.
Design Considerations
See discussion on groins and marshes.
Fig. 24. Sand containment structure. Structural components placed perpendicular to the shoreline
retain sand to establish a beach. These areas may also be planted. Photo: MDE
Maintenance Requirements
See discussion on groins.
See discussion on groins. Sand containment structures also provide nesting habitat for
aquatic life that requires a beach, such as turtles and horseshoe crabs.
See discussion on groins.
Structural erosion control devices are divided into two broad groups according to their
purpose; 1) those designed to stabilize a bank or fastland, and 2) those designed to
stabilize a beach or promote accretion. Two basic types of structures are designed to
stabilize a bank: filter structures and wall structures. Filter structures reduce the level of
the wave's strength while keeping soil from passing through to the water. Wall structures
are impervious vertical walls that separate the natural shoreline from water and wave
action. The success of both types depends upon adequate design and construction.
Structural practices may only be used in areas pre-designated on maps maintained by
MDE, or unless non-structural measures are not feasible.
FILTER TYPE STRUCTURES (Stone Revetments and similar structures)
Filter type structures are designed to reduce the energy of the incoming waves as they
strike the surface of the structure, while at the same time, holding the soil beneath it in
place. Reduction of the energy of incoming waves is accomplished by the sloping shape
of the structure and by its rough surface. Filtering qualities result from the use of layers
of varying sized stone and other materials. In construction, the bank is first graded to
achieve the shape required for the structure being installed. A filter cloth is placed on
and attached to the graded bank. This cloth is similar in weave and texture to tightly
woven burlap but is made of a non-deteriorating plastic. On top of the layer of filter cloth
is placed a six to eight inch layer of stone. This layer of stone holds the filter cloth in
place and becomes the bottom layer of the actual structure. A variety of outer layers are
then placed on top of the stone. This type of structure is preferred to bulkheads where
groundwater is part of the erosion process. A stone revetment (Figure 25) is
constructed by placing progressively larger blocks or pieces of stone on filter cloth or
fine gravel.
Fig. 25. Profile of a stone revetment.
The armor layer must be stable against movement by waves. The armor layer is
typically made of rough angular rock. The underlying filter layer supports the armor
layer against settlement. It allows groundwater drainage through the structure and
prevents the soil beneath from being washed though the armor layer by waves or
groundwater seepage. Toe protection prevents settlement and protects the edge of the
revetment from washing away. In areas where large waves are expected, an
overtopping (or splash) apron is sometimes added. Generally, the apron is a layer of 10
to 12 inch stone about 10 feet wide that extends landward from the top of the revetment.
Site Characteristics
Revetments, to remain stable, must be built on gentle slopes (2:1 or better slopes).
Construction Materials
Heavy armor stones with an interlocking design or concrete rubble (in some
jurisdictions) are needed for a revetment to withstand storm waves. There are many
types of materials that are used for the construction of revetments, however, quarry
stone is the most reliable type of revetment material. Rebar must be removed from
concrete. Concrete must also be free of petroleum products that would pollute the
waters. Road or parking lost asphalt are examples of concrete sources that would not
be appropriate.
Design Considerations
Important design considerations include the proper height and width of the revetment,
protection from erosion in front of the revetment, and analysis of the supporting soil
characteristics. Revetments should be high enough to prevent overtopping by waves.
To deter erosion along the sides, additional stone should be placed perpendicular to the
revetment. Erosion in front of the revetment can be prevented by the placement of
additional stone. Filter cloth must be laid under the entire structure. Smaller chinking
stones fill in the gaps between larger stones and prevent their movement. The soils
comprising the area under the revetment must be analyzed to determine if they can
support the structure. A revetment is only suitable on a natural bank. A man-made
bank with more than minimal fill cannot be compacted sufficiently to support the
Prior to construction, the ground should be graded to a gentle slope and fill material
should be added only as needed to achieve a uniform grade. The fill should be free of
large stones and organic material and firmly compacted before revetment construction
proceeds. Organic material, when present in fill material, will decay and create voids in
the substrate that will de-stabilize the structure and cause it to fail.
If a beach is present in front of the revetment, access should be considered for
recreational activities. When access to boats in front of a revetment is desired, a pier
constructed over the revetment may need to be designed.
Maintenance Requirements
Periodic maintenance may be necessary to fill holes and maintain the height and width
of a revetment. Maintenance activities are required because individual stones
comprising revetments may be subject to movement and settling.
Toe protection should be monitored on a regular basis. The steeper a revetment the
more frequently it should be inspected because the toe is likely to erode more quickly.
Other types of erosion control should be considered in areas where movement of the
structure may occur because of unstable slopes.
Figs 26 and 27. Failed revetments showing open area where rocks have shifted. (Photos: Maryland
Department of Natural Resources)
Where the shoreline requires structural measures to control erosion, a sloping stone
revetment is strongly recommended for the following reasons:
• Stone used in this type of structure does not degrade over time.
• Waves reflecting from sloping revetments usually cause only minor disturbance and
scour of the sediment offshore and at the toe of the structure.
• This type of protection is unlikely to fail completely during a storm. There is a
possibility that stones may be dislodged if waves wash over the revetment during a
storm. However, the stones may be recovered and replaced afterwards.
• Stone generally provides a better habitat for aquatic organisms than the materials that
are used in most other types of structural shoreline protection.
• No preservatives are used in revetments such as those found in bulkheads which
discourage the growth of aquatic plants and animals.
A large amount of stone is needed to properly build a revetment. Costs for buying and
transporting the stone may be considerable. It may be difficult to transport construction
materials to the shoreline on properties where access is limited by bridges or roads with
low load limits, high banks, or shallow nearshore areas.
Fig. 28. A well-constructed and stable revetment. (Photo: Maryland Department of Natural
Wall type erosion control structures generally form a wall to retain material on the
upland side and separate erodible land from damaging wave action. Two such
structures, gabions and bulkheads, are described below. Wall-type structures are the
least preferable alternative for shore erosion control due to the lack of habitat
benefits. These structures are also prone to failure under certain circumstances.
Waves that overtop the structure and strike the land behind it will weaken the
Gabions are rectangular wire baskets filled with stone. Figure shows gabions being
utilized as a wall type erosion control structure.
There are two types of gabions: mattresses and upper level baskets. Mattresses are
baskets which are usually 9 to 12 inches thick and provide a foundation for the upper
level baskets. Upper level baskets are available in 6, 9, and 12-foot lengths and 1, 1.5,
and 3 feet heights.
At the construction site, gabion baskets are unfolded and assembled by lacing the
basket edges together with wire. Individual baskets are then laced together, stretched,
and filled with stone. The lids are closed and then wired to other baskets. The result is a
large heavy mass that is not as easily moved by waves as single stones might be.
Site Characteristics
Generally, gabions are suitable on sites where repaired bulkheads or revetments are
Construction Materials
The baskets are made of galvanized and polyvinyl chloride (PVC) coated steel wire in a
hexagonal mesh. The stones used to fill the baskets are usually in the range of 4 to 8
Design Considerations
Gabions are only suitable in freshwater environments, where corrosion of the wire will
be minimal. The baskets should be staggered and joined, much like the courses of a
brick wall, in order to form a stronger structure. It is also
recommended that the seaward end
of the mattresses be anchored with large stones or anchor screws.
Maintenance Requirements
Damage to the gabion baskets should be repaired immediately. Missing stones should
also be replaced from time to time to maintain a tightly packed basket. This will minimize
stone movement that can cause abrasion damage to the basket wires.
The construction of gabions may be accomplished without heavy equipment. The
structure is flexible and continues to function properly even if the foundation settles.
Adding stones to the baskets is an easy maintenance procedure.
The cost of using gabions may be low compared to other protection methods depending
on the distance of the stone from the job site.
Gabion baskets may open under heavy wave action releasing the stones and scattering
them. Water borne debris, cobbles, ice, and foot-traffic can damage the baskets.
Corrosion of baskets placed in salt water begins with the smallest defect in the
protective coating. Gabion baskets are generally not recommended by MDE.
Fig. 29. Failed gabion baskets. Photo: Maryland Department of Natural Resources
BULKHEADS (Repair Only)
These structures are walls designed to protect the shoreline by providing a barrier to
waves. They are most appropriate where fishing and boating are the primary uses of the
shore, and for deep water commercial, port applications. Bulkheads are constructed
from steel, aluminum, vinyl, or timber. Note: It is generally against State policy to
authorize new bulkheads or replace failed bulkheads with a similar structure.
There are two basic types of bulkheads: sheet pile and post-supported. Sheet pile
bulkheads consist of interconnecting very tightly-spaced sheets of material driven
vertically into the ground with special pile driving equipment.
The sheet pile bulkhead maybe cantilevered or anchored. A cantilevered bulkhead is a
sheet pile wall supported solely by the depth to which it is buried in the ground. The
anchored bulkhead is supported by embedded anchors or tilted structural bracing on the
Fig. 30. Collapsing bulkhead with additional riprap. (Photo: Maryland Department of Natural
Design Considerations
Factors influencing design are: exposure to waves, depth of water, height of bank,
foundation conditions, penetration of the piling, height and alignment, and the need for
erosion protection in front of the bulkhead. Filter cloth should be placed behind the
replacement bulkhead. Figure 13 depicts a typical bulkhead cross section with many of
the necessary structural design precautions.
Construction of new bulkheads or replacement of failed bulkheads is prohibited.
Existing bulkheads that are damaged but at least 85% functional may be repaired.
Maintenance requirements
Sheet pile bulkheads should be inspected regularly to check for sheet failure and
possible loss of soil behind them. Failure may be caused by freezing and thawing,
direct wave impact, or debris impact. The protective coatings on the hardware,
sheeting, and pile tops of timber bulkheads should be maintained. Splits in the wood
need to be mended on aging bulkheads. Soil washing out from behind the bulkhead
should be replaced.
Steel bulkheads are susceptible to corrosion after a time depending upon the grade of
the steel. These structures reflect waves causing erosion at its base (toe). Timber
bulkheads are also susceptible to erosion at the base unless toe protection, such as
stone, is used. The creosote used to prevent infestations by borers and rot can cause
burns and may adversely affect other marine organisms. The structural members of
timber bulkheads can splinter. Wave reflection off the vertical face of timber and steel
bulkheads produces unsuitable habitats for marine organisms. The cost of constructing
steel sheet pile bulkheads is much higher than that for a timber bulkhead. Bulkheads
may also cause increased erosion to adjacent properties. Bulkhead failures often affect
the entire project, and subsequently require of a new stabilization practice. In contrast,
when a revetment or marsh creation/or other natural shoreline stabilization project fails,
generally only portions of the project need to be replaced at a much lesser cost
Fig. 31. Failed bulkhead with erosion behind structure. (Photo: Maryland Department of Natural
Fig. 32. Catastrophic bulkhead failure, resulting in need to replace entire structure with different
stabilization practice. (Photo: Maryland Department of the Environment)
Breakwaters are structures, made of various materials, placed offshore to reflect or
decrease wave energy, creating a low energy zone, between the structure and the
existing beach. Decreases in wave strength significantly affect the transport of sand by
a wave. Sand moving along the shoreline may be slowed or deposited on the beach
side of the structure (Figure 33). The decrease in sand moving along the shoreline may
cause increased erosion to adjacent properties. This erosion can be minimized by
adding sand between the breakwater and the beach. Breakwaters may be used to
protect selected areas of shoreline, headlands or harbors.
Fig. 33. Breakwater exhibiting the deposition of sand on the leeward side.
Landowners and/or their contractors and engineers are encouraged to call permitting
agencies if proposing a breakwater. Pre-application meetings are encouraged.
Excluding sand containment structures, these projects require a public notice.
Site Characteristics
A gently sloping beach with an unacceptable rate of erosion is the basic type of site
suitable for offshore breakwaters. Movement of sand along a shoreline is necessary to
produce the desired effect, a build up of sand between the structure and the beach. If
the movement of sand along the shoreline is not to be interrupted, then proper design of
the structure is essential. In addition, the placement of sand between the structure and
the beach may be necessary to offset erosion to adjoining properties.
Construction Materials
Breakwaters are usually constructed of large stones, concrete rubble, concrete form
structures, reef balls, or wood sheeting.
Design Considerations
The effectiveness of a breakwater depends upon its height, amount of water and sand
allowed through, distance from shore, length, spacing of each unit, type of soil under the
structure, structural weight, and foundation type. The most important of these is the
height, because it controls how much of each wave reaches the shoreline. Breakwaters
axe usually installed in shallow water (less than 4 feet deep) due to the cost. The top of
the breakwater must be at least one foot above mean high water. The service of a
professional engineer is advised for the construction of offshore breakwaters due to the
complex nature of their design. Breakwaters can be fixed or floating and must be
marked with pilings for navigation purposes.
Maintenance Requirements
The maintenance required for breakwaters is the same as that for revetments and
Protection is accomplished without the placement of a structure on the shoreline.
Recreational use of the shoreline for swimming and sunbathing is preserved and may
be improved. Minimal impact on the environment occurs when stone is used in the
construction of a breakwater.
These structures are subject to erosion at the base and physical damage from large
Fig. 34. Large offshore breakwaters, with opening. (Photo: Maryland Department of Natural
Groins are structures that interrupt the flow of sand for the purpose of widening an
already existing beach and thus provide additional protection for the beach. Jetties are
similar to groins but are much larger. Both of these structures are usually placed
perpendicular to the shoreline, but they may be offset. They are not designed for the
purpose of creating a beach. Pre-application meetings and design by certified
engineers are strongly urged for these projects.
Groins are narrow structures of varying lengths and heights that extend, fingerlike, into
the water and are usually constructed perpendicular to the shoreline
Used singularly, or in groups known as groin fields, their primary purpose is to trap and
retain sand, filling the areas of shoreline between them. Groins interrupt the movement
of sand along the shoreline. Ideally, the area between the groins is filled, then sand can
continue moving along the shoreline. Sand usually accumulates between the groins with
more accumulation on one side than the other dependent on the direction of the
movement of sand along the shoreline. The accumulation of sand between the groins
acts as a barrier that waves can attack and erode without damaging upland areas. An
adequate quantity and movement of sand along the shoreline is necessary to produce
accumulations of sand between the groins. If sand transport is equal in both directions,
groins may not be effective.
Site Characteristics
The shoreline should be a gently sloping beach. It is important to consider the direction
and amount of sand moving along the shoreline before choosing groins as a method of
shore erosion control
Construction Materials
Stone, concrete, gabions, timber and steel are the primary materials used in the
construction of groins. Many other materials are also used but are not as dependable
as these. Quarry stone should be considered where locally available. The structural
form of a stone used in construction of a groin is about the same as for a stone
revetment. Filter cloth should be installed under any stone or rubble groins.
Timber and steel groins do not require the use of filter cloth. Recommendations for
construction materials contained in the section for sheet pile bulkheads applies to groin
construction. If the movement of sand along the beach is mixed with too much clay or
silt, filling the area between the groins with sand from an outside source is necessary.
Design Considerations
Important design considerations for groins include:
• Height
• How far they should extend into the water or onto the land
• Spacing between structures, if you are constructing a groin field
• How much sand and water should be allowed to pass through the groins
Groins may be built either high or low in relation to the existing beach profile. High
groins effectively block the movement of sand along the shoreline, provided sand
cannot pass through them. Low groins, built so waves can wash over them, permit sand
to pass over the structure and nourish adjacent beaches. The extension of a groin must
be sufficient enough to create a desired beach while allowing adequate passage of sand
around the end. A groin extending beyond the area of the shoreline where the waves
break, forces sediments too far offshore to be returned to the adjacent shorelines. The
groin should extend inland far enough so that storm waves cannot erode around the
upland side, making the structure ineffective.
The correct spacing of groins depends on their length, wave strengths in the area, the
amount of sand moving along the shoreline and the desired final shoreline shape.
Properly designed groins are spaced so that sand accumulates along the entire length
of the area between groins. The shoreline erodes in some areas between groins that
are positioned too far apart. Groins placed too close to one another may not allow for
sand accumulation. Generally, groins are spaced two or three groin lengths apart.
The use of groins must be carefully considered. Many of the regulating agencies do not
approve groin construction due to possible erosion of the adjacent shoreline.
Maintenance Requirements
The maintenance requirements for groins are essentially the same as discussed for
those of revetments and bulkheads. In addition, the area between groins in a groin field
should be monitored for sand loss. The addition of sand, if necessary, into the area
between groins will protect upland areas and decrease the amount of time required for
the area between the groins to fill naturally.
Increasing the size of a beach provides a buffer, where wave energy may be absorbed,
resulting in protection for upland areas. The stabilization of a beach may possibly add to
the recreational value of the beach.
Sand moving along a shoreline is interrupted by a groin, usually resulting in sand
starvation of adjacent properties. Groin placement does not necessarily guarantee sand
Fig. 35. View of groins. (Photo: Maryland Department of Natural Resources)
Fig. 36. View of groin. (Photo: Maryland Department of Natural Resources)
Several important recommendations which should be considered in the design or
maintenance of all shore erosion structures are discussed below:
1) Use of a certified engineer and experienced contractor is recommended.
2) Select the proper crest (top) elevation for any vertical structure. Consider the
combination of maximum tide and waves (run-up) that can be expected in the lifetime of
structures. The height of structures necessary to prevent overtopping by waves
depends upon the water depth and the maximum potential wave height at a site.
Increase in the height and depth of structures increases the costs for materials and
labor. The structure should be designed to withstand the forces of a storm that would
occur once every 20 to 30 years on the average. An adequately designed structure
provides protection for most storm conditions encountered without the undue higher
costs of a more elaborate structure.
3) Select the proper stone armor weight for revetments. Shore protection structures
must be strong. This can be accomplished by using heavy and massive components
unlikely to be dislodged by waves or ice. The stone for revetments should be clean,
hard, dense, durable and free of cracks and cleavages. For sloping revetments built in
Maryland's Chesapeake Bay or Coastal Bays, a minimum stone weight of 650 pounds is
recommended, unless the water depth fronting a particular structure is shallow, limiting
the wave heights attacking the shore.
4) Always include filter cloth in the design. The purpose of filter cloth is to prevent soil
from washing out behind or under the erosion control structure. The life of filter cloth is
not well established, its use is certainly recommended. Filter cloth placement is one of
the most important design and construction details. Improper installation of filter cloth
has caused more structures to fail than any other contributing factor. A properly
installed filter allows water but not sand to pass through. Water must flow through a
structure in order to eliminate the buildup of water pressure. Filtering can be provided
through the use of graded stone on gravel in a range of sizes, or through woven, or non-
woven synthetic filter cloths.
4) Use chinking stones for any stabilization projects that use rock or stone. The
chinking stone must be installed to prevent the larger stones from moving and causing
the structure to fail.
5) Provide a bedding of small stone covered with armor stone at the toe of bulkheads.
Advantages gained by providing armor stone toe protection for bulkheads include:
• Reduction in the number of waves hitting the bulkhead
• Less water will spray over the top of the bulkhead
• Erosion of the soil at the base of the bulkhead will be eliminated, therefore making it
more structurally sound
• Creation of a more favorable habitat for marine organisms
The installation of armor stone toe protection should include filter cloth and a bedding
layer of small stones. The small stones will reduce the potential for rupture of the filter
cloth. Ideally, the armor stone should be piled as high as the highest storm waves
expected. In many places the cost of using armor stone may be nearly as costly as a
revetment. Under these circumstances it may be more prudent for the property owner to
just construct a revetment instead of a bulkhead.
6) Provide erosion control structures along property lines to prevent erosion along the
side and behind the erosion control structure. If a specified reach of beach has been
protected completely, erosion on the side and behind the erosion control structures will
not occur at those properties within the reach. However, if only a segment of the
shoreline has been protected, adjacent shoreline could erode rapidly. The increased
erosion could possibly endanger the shore protection structure. To prevent this,
structures should be designed to protect the side and back of the erosion control
structure consistent with the erosion rate and design life of the structure. Lengthening
these structures may be necessary depending upon the erosional rate.
7) Finally, more frequent maintenance of many erosion control structures should be
performed. Periodic maintenance of structures is necessary due to annual storm and
winter damage. The maintenance varies with the structural type, but annual inspections
should be made by property owners. For stone revetments, the replacement of stones
that have been dislodged is necessary. For timber bulkheads, protective coatings
should be maintained on hardware, sheeting and pile tops. Splits in the wood should be
mended on aging bulkheads, and any backfill that has washed out should be replaced.
Steel bulkheads should be inspected for sheet pile deterioration and for loss of backfill.
The erosion of steep bluffs along the shoreline may require the use of infiltration and
groundwater drainage controls. Infiltration controls are designed to promote downward
percolation of surface runoff while drainage controls divert water already present on the
surface and in the soil. An example of an infiltration method: Water coming off the roof
of a structure is collected by a gutter system and then diverted into a dry well. A
drainage control could be a ditch or a swale on the surface. Subsurface drainage
controls are complex and require the assistance of an engineer to analyze site
conditions and offer a solution. The Soil Conservation District may also be able to
provide guidance on drainage control.
The erosion controls described in this document may be used in various combinations,
to complement each other and accomplish the desired protection when a single method
is not enough. The nature of the erosion and desired extent of protection suggests
which methods should be combined.
Marsh establishment and beach nourishment may be considered for use with other
methods to produce effective protection measures depending upon wave strength.
Beach nourishment maybe used in combination with groin fields and breakwaters.
Large waves can damage new marsh vegetation. Therefore, it may be necessary to
provide temporary structural protection such as groins until the vegetation becomes
All types of shore erosion control practices are subject to failure if they are not properly
designed and installed. Proper maintenance may prolong the life of your project.
Improper design and construction are the major causes of project failures. For this
reason, you should take care in selecting an engineer and contractor and consider the
following questions:
1) Is the design by a certified engineer or licensed and bonded contractor? Do they
have experience in various types of shore erosion control to advise you on the pros and
cons of different options?
2) Does the contractor have experience in construction of various shore erosion control
practices, including the type of project you are interested in? Ask for references and
photographs of successful projects.
3) Will the contractor be responsible for obtaining necessary permits and approvals?
4) Will contractor perform required maintenance? Some projects, such as marsh
creation, require 5 year monitoring period and with replanting if necessary.
5) Has all of the work received proper authorizations? As the landowner, you are
responsible for violations on your property.
6) Was the project built according to approved plan? Construction that deviates from
what is on the approved plan may be considered a violation of State/federal/local
The construction of your shoreline stabilization project may be delayed if your
application is incomplete or unclear. In addition to the information on the application
form, the following actions will help ensure a smooth application process:
1) Contact the Tidal Wetlands Division in MDE to discuss your project. Ask if a pre-
application meeting is recommended.
2) Inform your neighbors that you are proposing to stabilize your shoreline.
Notification of adjacent property owners is a requirement of the application process.
3) Send photographs of the shoreline project area from the left, right, water, and
land that accurately reflect the conditions of the shoreline and existing structures.
4) Send clear construction plans showing cross sections plan view (overhead) views
of your proposed design. You may use or adapt sample drawings provided by MDE.
Plans must show all dimensions for width, length, and height of the structure in relation
to the shoreline, mean high water, mean low water, and property lines.
Applications are available online at MDE's web page at:
Paper copies of the application are available from MDE's Wetlands and Waterways
Program, 1800 Washington Boulevard, Baltimore, MD 21230.
Local Government Contacts
Your shoreline stabilization practice will require approval from a local government
agency. You should apply for State, local, and federal approvals at the same time so
the review can be coordinated. A coordinated review reduces the need for multiple
revisions to your project.
Contact information is subject to change. Contacts as of September 2006 are:
Chesapeake and Coastal Bays Critical Areas Commission (State) (410) 260-3478
Anne Arundel County
Anne Arundel County Planning and Zoning
Environmental Review (410) 222-7548
Pier review (410) 222-7960
Soil Conservation District (410) 222-7822
Baltimore City
Office of Planning (410) 396-5902
Baltimore County
Department of Environmental Protection
and Resource Management (410) 887-4804
Soil Conservation District (410) 666-1188
Calvert County
Department of Planning and Zoning (410) 535-1600
Soil Conservation District (410) 535-1521
Caroline County
Planning & Codes Administration (410) 479-8100
Soil Conservation District (410) 479-1202
Cecil County
Department of Permits & Inspections (410) 996-5235
Soil Conservation District (410) 398-4411
Charles County
Department of Planning & Growth Management
Permits Section (301) 645-0692
Soil Conservation District (301) 934-9588
Dorchester County
Dorchester County Planning & Zoning (410) 228-9636
Soil Conservation District (410) 228-5640
Harford County
Department of Planning & Zoning
Building Permits Section or Environmental Planner (410) 638-3103
Soil Conservation District (410) 838-6181
Kent County
Kent County Environmental Planner (410) 778-7473
Soil Conservation District (410) 778-5150
Prince George's County
Department of Environmental Resources (301) 883-5919
Permit Review Division (301) 883-5900
Soil Conservation District (301) 574-5162
Queen Anne's County
Queen Anne’s Zoning Administration (410) 758-4088
Soil Conservation District (410) 758-3136
St. Mary's County
Department of Land Use & Growth Management (301) 475-4200
Soil Conservation District (301) 475-8402
Somerset Co
Department of Technical and Community Services (410) 651-1424
Soil Conservation District (410) 651-0390
Office of Planning and Zoning (410) 770-8030
Soil Conservation District (410) 822-1344
Public Works Department (410) 548-4810
Soil Conservation District (410) 546-4777
Development Review and Permitting (410) 632-1200
Soil Conservation District (410) 632-5439
While not all of these terms are used in this book, many are used by shore
erosion control professionals.
Accretion Accumulation of sand or other beach material at a point due to the
natural action of waves, currents and wind. A build-up of the beach
(see Deposition).
Alongshore Parallel to and near the shoreline; same as longshore (see Littoral
drift, Longshore Current).
Apron Predominantly used in stone revetments, referred to as "splash
apron," to prevent loss of earth materials supporting the structure.
Bank The rising ground landward of a beach, whether it be a bluff, bank,
or gentle slope.
Bar A fully or partly submerged mound of sand, gravel, or other
unconsolidated sediment built on the bottom in shallow water by
waves and currents.
Batterpile Generally a timber pile; driven into the bottom to provide lateral
support to a vertical protective structure.
Beach A shoreline of unconsolidated material; extending from the low
water line to a point landward where either the topography abruptly
changes or permanent vegetation first appears.
Bluff High, steep, broad-face bank at the water's edge (see Cliff).
Boulders Large stones with diameters greater than 10 inches. Larger than
Breaker A wave as it spills, plunges or collapses on a shore.
Breaker Zone Area offshore where waves break.
Breakwater A structure aligned parallel to shore, designed to protect any
landform or water area behind them from the direct assault of
Bulkhead A vertical structure composed of wood, stone, concrete, plastic or
other similar material designed to retain land or to prevent land from
wave damage.
Clay Extremely fine-grained soil with individual particles less than
0.00015 inches in diameter.
Cliff High steep face of rock at the water's edge (see Bluff).
Cobbles Rounded stones with diameters ranging from 3-10 inches. Cobbles
are larger than gravel but smaller than boulders.
Crest Upper edge or limit of a shore protection structure.
Current The flow of water in a given direction.
Deposition An accumulation of sediment on a beach, same as accretion.
Design Life The minimum period of time a structure is expected to function,
commonly established through an engineering design procedure.
Diurnal Period or cycle lasting approximately one day. A diurnal tide has
one high and one low in each cycle.
Dune A hill or mound of loose, wind-blown material, usually sand.
Erosion The wearing away of land by the action of natural forces.
Fastland Land that is not regularly inundated by high water.
Fetch The linear distance of open water where waves are generated by
the wind of a certain direction, speed and duration.
Filter Cloth Synthetic textile with openings for water to escape, but prevents the
passage of soil particles.
Gravel Small, rounded granules of rock with individual diameters ranging
from 0.18-3 inches. Gravel is larger than sand but smaller than
Groin A shore protection structure built perpendicular to the shore to trap
sand and retard shore erosion.
Groin field Series of groins acting together to protect a section of the beach.
Also called a groin system.
High Water Line Intersection of the level of mean high water with the shore.
Shorelines on navigation charts show approximations of the high
water line.
Impermeable Not having openings large enough to permit water to freely pass.
Intertidal Zone The land area alternately inundated and uncovered by tides.
Usually considered to extend form mean low to mean high water.
Jetty Structures used at inlets to stabilize the position of the navigational
channel, to shield vessels from wave forces, and to control the
movement of sand along the adjacent beaches so as to minimize
the movement of sand into the channel.
Lee Sheltered, the area located on the side facing away from the wind.
Leeward Direction toward which wind is blowing or waves are traveling.
Littoral Off, on, or along the shore. The region along the shore.
Littoral Drift The sediments moved along the shore by waves and longshore
Littoral Transport The movement of sediments in the nearshore zone by waves and
currents. Transport of sediments can be, either parallel or
perpendicular to the shoreline.
Living shoreline An erosion control practice that uses natural components alone or
in combination with other structures for stabilization and wildlife
habitat. Natural components or natural components in combination
with other structures include sand, plant materials, or sand and
plant materials with a sill, breakwater, or other structural erosion
control practice.
Longshore Parallel to and near the shoreline; same as alongshore.
Longshore Current Current in the breaker zone moving essentially parallel to the shore
and usually caused by waves breaking at an angle to the shore
(also called alongshore current).
Transport The rate of the transport of littoral drift parallel to shore; usually
expressed in cubic yards per year (see Littoral Drift).
Low tide The minimum elevation reached by each falling tide.
Marsh An area of soft, wet, or periodically inundated land, generally
treeless, and usually characterized by grasses and other low
Mean High Water Average height of the daily high waters over a 19-year period. For
semidiurnal or mixed tides, the two high waters of each tidal day
are included in the mean. For diurnal tides, a single daily high water
is used to compute the mean.
Mean Low Water Average height of the daily low waters over a 19-year period. For
semidiurnal and mixed tides, the two low waters of each tidal day
are included in the mean. For diurnal tides, the one low water of
each tidal day is used in the mean.
Nourishment The process of replenishing an existing beach either naturally, by
longshore transport or artificially by materials dredged or excavated
Overtopping The passing of water over a structure from wave run-up or surge
Peat Residual product of partial decomposition of organic matter in
marshes and bogs.
Permeable Having openings large enough to permit free passage of
appreciable quantities of sand or water.
Pile Long, heavy section of lumber, concrete or metal driven or jetted
into the earth or seabed as support or protection (see pile
Pile Sheeting Pile with a generally slender, flat cross-section driven into the
ground or seabed and meshed or interlocked with like members to
form a diaphragm, wall, or bulkhead.
Piling A group of piles.
Polyvinyl Chloride
(PVC) Plastic material that forms a resilient coating suitable for protecting
metal from corrosion.
Revetment A facing of stone, concrete, etc., built to protect a scarp, eroding
bank or shore structure against erosion by waves or currents.
Riprap Layer, facing, or protective mound of stones randomly placed to
prevent erosion, scour, or sloughing of a structure of embankment;
also, the stone so used.
Rubble Loose, angular, stones along a beach. Rough, irregular fragments
of broken rock or concrete.
Sand Particles with diameters between 0.003-0.18 inches. Sand is larger
than silt but smaller than gravel.
Sand Containment
Structure A low profile structure build perpendicular to the shoreline to
contain sand emplaced to establish a living shoreline project.
Sand Fillet The accretion of sediments trapped by a groin or other protrusion in
the littoral zone
Scour The removal of underwater material by waves or currents,
especially at the base or toe of the shore structure.
Seawall A structure separating land and water areas primarily to prevent
erosion and other damage by heavy wave action (see Bulkhead).
Seiche An occasional rhythmical movement from side to side c the water of
an enclosed basin, with fluctuations in water level.
Semidiurnal Tide A tide with two high and two low water in a tidal day, each high and
low approximately equal in stage (see Mixed Tide).
Sill A low profile offshore structure whose crest is at or slightly above
the elevation of mean high water, designed to retain sand and
marsh on its landward side.
Shore The narrow strip of land in immediate contact with the sea,
including the zone between high and low water lines (see Beach).
Shoreline The intersection of a specified plane of water with the shore or
beach (e.g., the high water shoreline would be the intersection of
the plane of the mean high water with the shore or beach). A line
delineating the shoreline on National Ocean Survey nautical charts
and surveys approximates the mean high water line.
Sill Low offshore barrier structure whose crest is usually submerged,
designed to retain sand on its landward side.
Silt Generally refers to particles having diameters between 0.00015-
0.003 inches. Silt is larger than clay but smaller than sand.
Specifications Detailed description of particulars, such as the size of stone, quality
of materials, contractor performance, terms, and quality control.
Storm Surge The rise above normal water level on the open coast due to the
action of wind on the water surface. The storm surge resulting from
a hurricane also includes the rise in level due to the atmospheric
pressure reduction as well as that due to wind stress.
Tide The periodic rising and falling of water resulting from gravitational
attraction of the moon, sun and other astronomical bodies acting
upon the rotating earth. Although the accompanying horizontal
movement of the water resulting from the same cause is also
sometimes called tide, it is preferable to designate the latter as tidal
current, reserving the name Tide for vertical movement.
Tie Backs Refers to piles and rods set in the backfill area to provide lateral
support to a vertical protective structure.
Tie Rods Steel rod used to tie back the top of a bulkhead or a seawall.
Toe The channel ward base of a structure.
Topography The configuration of a surface, including relief, position of streams,
roads, buildings, etc.
Water line Juncture of land and sea. This line migrates with the changing of
the tides or other fluctuations in water level. Where waves are
present on the beach, this line is also known as the limit of
backrush (approximately the intersection of land and the stillwater
Wave A ridge, deformation, or undulation of the surface of a liquid.
Wave Direction Direction from which a wave approaches.
Windward Direction from which the wind blows.
Bosch, Justin, and C. Foley, L. Lipinsky, C. McCarthy, J. McNamara, A. Naimaster, A.
Raphael, A. Yang, and A. Baldwin. 2006. Constructed Wetlands for Shoreline Erosion
Control: Field Assessment and Data Management. Prepared for Maryland Department
of the Environment for submittal to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
Maryland Department of Natural Resources, Water Resources Administration. (1992).
Shore Erosion Control Guidelines for Waterfront Property Owners.
Maryland Department of Natural Resources.
Maryland Geological Survey.
Rogers, Golden and Halpern, Inc., 1981, Low Cost Shore Protection, Philadelphia, Pa.,
contract DACW 61-81 D0012 by United States Army Corps of Engineers, 36 p.
United States Army Corps of Engineers, 1981, Shore Protection Manual, 4 Vols.l-2
(Vicksburg, Mississippi: United States Army Corps of Engineers Coastal Engineering
Research Center).
United Sates Army Corps of Engineers, 1973, Shore Protection Guidelines, in National
Shoreline Study, Vol. 1, Washington D.C., United States Government Printing Office.
United States Army Corps of Engineers, Low Cost Shore Protection...A Guide for Local
Government Officials, 108 pp.
United States Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, Vegetation for Tidal
Shoreline Stabilization in the Mid Atlantic States, 18 p.