South Carolina
Guide to Beachfront
Insight for Informed Decisions
Financial assistance provided under Cooperative Agreement NA12NOS4190094 by the Coastal
Zone Management Act of 1972, as amended, administered by the Office of Ocean and Coastal
Resource Management, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Table of Contents
Introduction ...........................................................................................1
Common Coastal Hazards .................................................................... 2
Long-Term Chronic Erosion .................................................................................. 2
Storm-Driven Erosion ............................................................................................ 3
Flooding ................................................................................................................... 4
Avoid Purchasing Property Prone to Hazards ........................................... 4
Understand State Laws .......................................................................................... 5
Determine if Erosion is an Issue ........................................................................... 6
Ask a Licensed Real Estate Professional .............................................................. 7
Research Resilience to Large Storms .................................................................. 7
Seek Local Knowledge ........................................................................................... 8
Investigate Insurance Options & Requirements .................................................. 8
Developing on Coastal Property ....................................................... 11
Building on an Undeveloped Beachfront Lot ........................................... 11
Construction Seaward of the Setback Line ........................................................ 11
Construction Seaward of the Baseline ............................................................... 12
Coastal Construction Features ............................................................................ 13
Waste Management .............................................................................................. 13
Upgrading or Adding to Beachfront Homes ............................................ 14
Protecting & Repairing Coastal Property ......................................... 15
Dunes and Dune Walkovers ................................................................................. 15
Relocation .............................................................................................................. 15
Safe Home Program ............................................................................................. 16
Sandbags, Sand Scraping, and Minor Renourishment .................................... 16
Erosion Control Structures ................................................................................. 17
Recovery After a Storm .............................................................................. 17
Repairing and Rebuilding ..................................................................................... 17
Additional Information & Contacts ...................................................20
Contributing Organizations ...............................................................21
ith nearly 200 miles of
oceanfront shoreline, South
Carolina is home to some of the
most spectacular beaches in the
world. The beautiful, dry sand
beaches, rolling dunes, and wildlife
attract vast numbers of tourists,
new residents, and property
investors alike. However, before
purchasing coastal property,
potential buyers should consider
a number of different factors.
Like any other coastal location,
South Carolina oceanfront and
adjacent properties may be
susceptible to an array of natural
hazards. These hazards may
increase ownership costs, including
insurance and hazard mitigation
(e.g. renourishment, building
dunes, moving the structure
more landward, or increasing
the elevation of the structure).
Federal, state, or local laws and
regulations may also affect your
decision to purchase coastal
property. Prospective buyers
and owners should be informed
of the specific laws governing
oceanfront properties and the
types of activities allowed.
This guide is designed to address
questions that arise for individuals
purchasing coastal property. It
provides guidance on topics,
such as what to consider before
buying coastal property, how to
renovate coastal property, and
how to manage the property
should it be damaged by a natural
hazard. Whether considering
an undeveloped lot or one with
an existing structure, there are
critical issues to examine.
2 South Carolina Guide to Beachfront Property
he South Carolina coastline
is dynamic and constantly
changing due to a common coastal
hazard – beach erosion. Beach
erosion can be a long-term, chronic
condition caused by a variety of
factors, or it may be short-term
as the result of a single or series
of storm events, like hurricanes,
tropical storms, or noreasters. In
addition to erosion, beachfront
homes may also be threatened
by high wind and flooding from
storm-driven waves or tides.
Long-Term Chronic Erosion
The majority of South Carolina
beaches undergo long-term
chronic erosion, often called
beach migration,” due to coastal
geological processes. Ocean
currents, prevailing winds,
proximity to inlets, locations of
nearshore sandbars, and other
natural or manmade features
will affect the long-term rate of
erosion along a beach. Chronic
erosion is also exacerbated by
gradually rising sea levels. Sea
level in the Charleston area has
risen more than one foot during
the last century, causing beaches
to migrate landward. Long-term
erosion poses a considerable risk
to beachfront properties, yet it
is often misunderstood. Many
people associate erosion with
short-term storm events and do
not contemplate the effects of
long-term chronic erosion.
Erosion rates are measured by
analyzing historical shoreline
positions and calculating annual
erosion rates based on beach
profile and volumetric data. Erosion
rates can be localized to a specific
area. In fact, it is possible for one
stretch of beach to show no signs of
erosion, while an adjacent stretch
of beach loses a large volume
of sand annually. Beaches along
inlets are often the most unstable
and profoundly affected. Some
migrating inlets” are constantly
moving in one direction. Others
may expand and contract in
Common Coastal Hazards
3Common Coastal Hazards
intervals. In addition to natural
causes, chronic erosion can be set
in motion by human activities. For
example, a groin built to stabilize
a portion of the beach can trap
sand on one side but increase
erosion on the other (Figure 1).
Storm-Driven Erosion
South Carolina’s beaches are
vulnerable to rapid, storm-driven
erosion. Hurricanes, or large
storms like noreasters, generate
strong waves and currents that
can intensify erosion along
the shoreline. These events,
particularly when coupled with
storm surge, can cause sudden
and widespread changes to the
shoreline and put property in
imminent danger (Figure 2). Even
if a storm does not make landfall,
beaches may still be affected.
Coastal storms also cause seasonal
fluctuations of the shoreline.
Generally, beaches erode more
in the stormy fall and winter
months than in the calm summer
months. Of course, when a beach
is impacted directly by a hurricane,
beachfront erosion can be extensive
and severe. Inlets are also affected
by seasonal storms and can change
configuration rapidly as large
volumes of water and sand flow
through them. In severe storms, it
is even possible for new inlets to
form and existing inlets to close.
Figure 1. A groin (yellow circle) can trap sand on one side but increase erosion on the other, as seen in this
example of Edisto Island (Google Map 2014).
4 South Carolina Guide to Beachfront Property
Flooding is the most common
disaster in the United States,
and can occur as a result of
storm surge, heavy rain events,
and/or anomalous high tides,
commonly known as King Tides.
Coastal flooding is a common
occurrence, as most coastal
properties are in low-lying areas
and are subject to inundation
from saltwater. In addition to
threatening property, flooding may
reduce mobility or prevent safe
evacuation due to road closures.
Purchasers of coastal property
should always research coastal
hazards, seeking information on
pertinent laws and regulations
from local governments, the South
Carolina Department of Health
and Environmental Control, Office
of Ocean and Coastal Resource
Management (DHEC-OCRM), and
a licensed real estate professional.
Uninformed decisions can lead to
unexpected costs to the property
owner. Potential buyers take on risk
from damage of a highly erosional
beach, which may result in property
damage and may require further
actions to mitigate the hazard.
Similarly, potential buyers take
on risk by purchasing property
in a flood zone, which may result
in flood damage and expensive
insurance costs if the home is not
Figure 2. Erosion at Folly Beach caused by Tropical Storm Irene in 2011 and Alberto in 2012, both storms
passed more than 100 miles offshore. Photo courtesy of DHEC.
Long Term Erosion Rates: Long term
erosion rates are determined by analyzing
historical shoreline positions and
calculating annual erosion rates based
on beach survey data. Each year, DHEC
monitors over 400 survey monuments
on state beaches to conduct analysis, in
conjunction with professional coastal
engineers or shoreline researchers
from leading academic institutions.
5Common Coastal Hazards
built to current building codes.
The following section provides
information to buyers considering
beachfront property prone to
hazards, as well as guidance for
how to protect their investment.
Understand State Laws
The South Carolina Beachfront
Management Act (SC Code Ann.
§48-39-250 et seq.) was passed
by the S.C. General Assembly in
1988 to provide a more effective
framework for the management of
South Carolina’s beaches. The Act
and associated regulations establish
the state’s jurisdictional authority
within the beachfront critical
areas. Within these areas, DHEC
regulates new construction, repair,
and reconstruction of buildings
in addition to the maintenance of
erosion control structures. However,
new erosion control devices are
strictly prohibited within the setback
area. The purpose of these laws
and regulations is to protect the
quality of the coastal environment
while affording reasonable use and
development of property. State
beachfront jurisdictional lines are
unrelated to FEMA Flood Zones,
discussed in a later section.
State Beachfront Jurisdiction
The states beachfront jurisdictional
lines are calculated by analyzing
current and historical shoreline
positions and long-term erosion
rates. DHEC is mandated by
the South Carolina Beachfront
Management Act to review the
position of the beachfront baseline
and setback line every seven
to ten years. Since the passage
the of Beachfront Management
Act, these lines have been set
and adjusted three times, with
a fourth adjustment pending
for the 2017 revision cycle.
Within standard erosion zones,
the baseline is established at
the location of the crest of the
primary oceanfront sand dune.
On armored beaches and areas
without a primary sand dune,
DHEC uses scientific methods to
determine where the natural dune
would be if natural or man-made
occurrences had not interfered with
nature’s dune building process. For
inlet areas that are not stabilized
by jetties, terminal groins or
other structures, the baseline is
determined as the most landward
point of erosion at anytime during
the past 40 years. Within inlet areas
that are stabilized, the baseline is
determined by the location of the
primary oceanfront sand dune.
The setback line is established
landward of the baseline at a
distance of 40 times the beach’s
annual erosion rate. The erosion
rate is calculated using the best
available historical shoreline
position and scientific monitoring
6 South Carolina Guide to Beachfront Property
data. For example, if the erosion
rate is one foot per year, the
resulting setback line will be
positioned 40 feet landward of
the baseline. Even if a beach is
gaining sand through accretion or is
otherwise not experiencing erosion,
the setback line is always located
a minimum distance of 20 feet
landward of the baseline (Figure 3).
Determine if Erosion is an Issue
Erosion rates vary from one
municipality to another, but may
also vary significantly along a
specific beach. Due to localized
differences, it is imperative to
gather information regarding
specific erosion rates for the area
in which the property is located.
The adopted long-term erosion
Figure 4. South Carolina Beachfront Jurisdiction web application.
Available at
Active Beach
Beach/Dune System
Mean Low Water
Mean HighWater
Escarpment or Line of Vegetation
Baseline = Primary Dune Crest
Setback Line = 40x Erosion Rate
Figure 3. Cross-section of beach profile, including the State’s jurisdictional baseline and setback
line in a standard zone.
7Common Coastal Hazards
rates for a specific property can be
found through the DHEC Beachfront
Jurisdiction web application
The website application is a
convenient way to locate a parcel,
identify the states beachfront
jurisdictional baselines and
setback lines, and obtain an
adopted erosion rate for the
area of interest (Figure 4).
Ask a Licensed Real
Estate Professional
South Carolina law requires that
a contract of sale or transfer of
real property contain a disclosure
statement if a property is
affected by the state’s beachfront
jurisdictional authorities. Licensed
real estate professionals have
a fiduciary responsibility to
disclose material facts, like
the adopted erosion rates of
beachfront properties (§48-39-
330). Although agents might not
always know the erosion rates for
particular oceanfront properties,
they should provide assistance
in obtaining this information.
Research Resilience
to Large Storms
South Carolina regularly
experiences impacts from
coastal storms, including
tropical storms, hurricanes and
noreasters. In 1989, Hurricane
Hugo made landfall slightly north
of Charleston, at Sullivan’s Island,
as a Category 4 hurricane, with
sustained winds of 135-140 mph.
It was the costliest storm in South
Carolina history, causing over
$7 billion in damages (National
Weather Service; Figure 5).
Even if a hurricane or other
strong storm system does not
make a direct landfall, beachfront
communities are frequently
affected by erosion caused from
storms passing offshore.
Figure 5. During Hurricane Hugo in 1989, (top) a
new inlet formed on Pawleys Island; and (bottom)
the Ben Sawyer Bridge collapsed, near Charleston,
South Carolina. Photos courtesy of NOAA.
8 South Carolina Guide to Beachfront Property
Seek Local Knowledge
Ask local residents about their
knowledge of the stability of the
beach, renourishment projects
that have been completed or
planned, flooding from storms, etc.
Their experiences and long-term
knowledge can provide valuable
insight into the area. Moreover,
archived news articles can provide
information about how the area
fared after particular storm events.
Investigate Insurance
Options & Requirements
All coastal residents should carry
homeowners insurance to protect
against the loss or damage of
personal property. It is important
to note, however, that standard
homeowners insurance does not
cover flood damage. Whether
building a home or buying property,
be sure to know the flood risk of
the area. Depending on the risk
associated with the property, it
is wise, and may be mandatory,
to purchase flood insurance. It
is important to note that flood
insurance only covers structures
and does not cover undeveloped
portions of property. To better
understand flood risks and
potentially reduce flood insurance
rates, locate flood insurance maps
of the area of interest and obtain an
elevation certificate to determine
the elevation of the structure
relative to the base flood elevation
of the flood zone. Additional
guidance can be sought from local
flood plain managers. Also note
that the presence or absence of
state beachfront jurisdictional
lines on a property do not reflect
risk associated with flooding
and do not affect homeowner
or flood insurance rates.
Flood Insurance Rate Maps
FEMA produces flood insurance rate
maps (FIRMs) that identify coastal
flood risk areas. FIRMs delineate
flood risk zones, Special Flood
Hazard Areas (SFHAs; Figure 6), and
identify Coastal Barrier Resources
Act (COBRA) zones. SFHAs include
Zone VE and Zone AE and have
at least a 1% chance of flooding
in any given year and a one-in-
four chance of flooding during a
typical 30-year mortgage period.
These areas take into account the
risk from storm surge and wind-
driven waves and often require
the owner to have flood insurance.
Zone X is considered a low risk
area for flooding. Purchasing flood
insurance for Zone X is usually not
required, but provides property
owners with additional protection.
9Common Coastal Hazards
As a way to minimize loss of
human life and limit damage
to natural resources within
undeveloped coastal areas,
Congress enacted the Coastal
Barrier Resources Act. The Act
identifies particular coastal barrier
resources system (CBRS) units
and Otherwise Protected Areas
(OPA), collectively called COBRA
zones. Development within COBRA
zones is permitted; however,
federal financial assistance,
including flood insurance, is not
available in COBRA zones.
Information on the flood risk
and COBRA status for a specific
property can be found on the
FEMA website (www.fema.
Figure 6. Flood Risk Zones, courtesy of FEMA
Zone VE—a high-risk area where storms
drive waves at heights of 3 feet or more.
Coastal Zone AE—a high-risk area subject
to wave heights of 1.5 to 3 feet. For flood
insurance purposes, this zone is treated
as Zone AE; however, communities are
encouraged to regulate construction
to include Zone VE standards as
these waves can still cause significant
damage to coastal structures.
Zone AE—a high-risk area subject to waves
less than 1.5 feet in height. This will be
separated from the Coastal AE zone by the
Limit of Moderate Wave Action (LiMWA).
A LiMWA may not always be present, in
which case, only Zone AE is shown.
Zone X—areas of moderate risk (shown
as a shaded zone X) or low risk (zone X).
While the risk is reduced, nearly 25% of
all flood claims come from these zones.
10 South Carolina Guide to Beachfront Property
If the property falls into a SFHA,
an insurance agent should be
contacted to discuss purchasing
a flood insurance policy.
Elevation Certificate
The elevation of a structure
compared to the estimated Base
Flood Elevation (BFE), or the
elevation to which floodwater is
anticipated to rise during a 1%
storm event, can have a major
impact on the costs of flood
insurance. The BFE of an area can
be found in the FIRM. If a current
elevation certificate is not available
for the structure, a state-licensed
surveyor will need to complete
one. To learn more about elevation
certificates, access FEMAs
Homeowner’s Guide to Elevation
Certificates Fact Sheet
Changes to the National
Flood Insurance Program
Under the National Flood Insurance
Program (NFIP), many flood
insurance policy holders have
been paying federally-subsidized
rates for flood insurance that do
not reflect the true risk associated
with property and homes in flood-
prone areas. In July 2012, Congress
passed the Biggert-Waters Flood
Insurance Reform Act to make the
NFIP more financially stable by
phasing in rate increases until the
policy holder reaches the actuarial,
or non-subsidized rate. However, in
response to rapidly increasing flood
insurance costs, the Homeowner
Flood Insurance Affordability Act
was subsequently signed into law
in March 2014 to repeal and modify
some provisions of the Biggert-
Waters Flood Insurance Reform
Act. However, many provisions of
the Biggert-Waters Flood Insurance
Reform Act continue to be
implemented, affecting insurance
options for property owners.
When purchasing a home, it is
important to understand not only
what the insurance rate is at the
time of purchase, but what the full
actuarial rate will be in the future.
Contact a reputable insurance
agency and the local planning
department for more information.
11Developing on Coastal Property
he South Carolina Beachfront
Management Act establishes
a jurisdictional area along
South Carolina’s coast where
certain activities are regulated
or prohibited. Regulations
outline specific standards for the
construction of a new home, the
repair or replacement of an existing
home, routine maintenance of an
erosion control device, and the
construction or replacement of a
swimming pool within the state’s
beachfront jurisdictional area.
Construction Seaward
of the Setback Line
The state beachfront jurisdictional
setback area is not a no-build
zone. All construction seaward of
the setback line requires a written
authorization or permit from DHEC-
OCRM before work begins. Prior to
the commencement of activities,
property owners must certify
to DHEC that any construction
meets specific conditions and
provide construction plans for
review. Within the setback area,
new habitable structures must be
built as far landward as possible
and are limited to a maximum
of 5,000 square feet of heated
space. New swimming pools may
be constructed if located behind
a functioning erosion control
device. No construction may alter
the beach’s primary sand dune or
active beach zone. Construction
of new erosion control devices
is strictly prohibited within the
setback area. To notify DHEC
of your development plans, the
Beachfront Notification Form
pdf) should be submitted prior
to construction activities.
Developing on Coastal Property
If any portion of a property falls
seaward of the jurisdictional setback
line, be sure to contact DHEC Ocean
and Coastal Resource Management
before beginning construction. Failure
to do so may result in penalties and/
or require the removal of the structure
at the property owners expense.
12 South Carolina Guide to Beachfront Property
Construction Seaward
of the Baseline
Special Permits must be obtained
from DHEC to build seaward
of the baseline. Among other
requirements, the structure (usually
a house) must be built as far
landward as possible and have no
impact on the primary sand dune
or active beach area. Construction
of new homes seaward of the
baseline is limited to a maximum of
5,000 square feet of heated space.
Other nonhabitable structures
built seaward of the baseline
require permits, with the exception
of wooden dune walkovers less
than six feet wide. Permits are
required for wooden decks (144
square feet maximum allowed),
public fishing piers, golf courses,
and normal landscaping. If the
beach erodes and the permitted
structure becomes situated on
the active beach, the property
owner, at his or her own expense,
must remove the structure if
so ordered by DHEC. Again,
construction of new erosion control
devices within state beachfront
jurisdiction is strictly prohibited.
To obtain Special Permit
application and Beachfront
Notification Form information,
please visit our website
13Developing on Coastal Property
Coastal Construction Features
Several features can prevent or
substantially reduce the likelihood
of damage from severe storms and
erosion. Pilings can be used to raise
the first floor above expected flood
elevations and storm-driven waves.
In many areas, embedding the tip of
pilings deeper than ten feet below
sea level can help to reinforce a
building to withstand the impacts of
severe erosion. Any first floor walls
constructed between pilings should
be designed to break away when hit
by waves to prevent damage to the
elevated portion of the building.
Elevating a building may
protect it from storm surge and
flooding, but it also increases its
exposure to storm winds. The
key to reducing wind damage is
in the quality of the design and
construction of the building. If
building a new home adjacent to
the beach, consider employing
the services of a professional
engineer to help ensure an
adequate structural design.
Remember, however, that no
home is disaster-proof. There
are inherent and unavoidable
dangers associated with building
homes along the beach. Because
of the substantial costs of coastal
property, a professional engineering
analysis could be a wise
investment. The Federal Emergency
Management Agency (FEMA)
also provides a comprehensive
approach to planning, siting,
designing, constructing, and
maintaining coastal property
in the Coastal Construction
Manual (FEMA P-55 - 8/2011)
Waste Management
When building new construction,
the placement of the septic system
takes priority over location of
other structures (including the
house) and improvements. The
septic system must be set back
a minimum of 50 feet from mean
high water. Proper maintenance of
septic tanks is essential, especially
along the immediate beachfront
where spills or leaks can have
significant impacts on water quality
and the environment. Additional
information on proper waste
management can be obtained
by contacting DHEC’s Bureau of
Sand dunes are natural features
that provide significant protection
during the most severe storms. It is
important to protect and enhance
dunes by keeping vehicles and people
off them, planting additional dune
grasses, and installing sand fences.
14 South Carolina Guide to Beachfront Property
Environmental Health or visiting
this website at www.scdhec.
Replacement, renovations, or
additions to habitable structures
located entirely or partially in
the setback area are allowed,
subject to the criteria established
in the South Carolina Beachfront
Management Act and associated
regulations. Laws require that:
the completed structure within
the setback area must not exceed
5,000 square feet of heated space;
• new additions must not
extend any further seaward
than the existing structure;
• the linear footage of a replaced
structure, parallel to the coast,
must not be increased.
If structural additions are entirely
landward of the setback line, notice
to DHEC-OCRM is not required
prior to construction. Contact the
local floodplain administrator and
building permit official for local
floodplain management regulations
and code requirements. It is
important to note that if the cost of
modifying a structure exceeds 50%
of the value of the structure, the
entire structure must be brought
up to current code requirements.
15Protecting & Repairing Coastal Property
eachfront property is vulnerable
to erosion, flooding, and
high winds. When developing a
property, being proactive by using
coastal construction features can
help reduce potential damages.
However, once a property is
developed, protecting it from
harsh beachfront conditions can
be challenging. The following
options may help protect hazard-
prone beachfront properties.
Dunes and Dune Walkovers
Beachfront property owners can
mimic and support nature by
creating sand dunes. Vegetated
sand dunes, through direct planting
or use of sand fencing, provide
some of the best protection
against high tides and minor
storms. You can learn how to
create or preserve sand dunes by
reading DHEC-OCRMs guide, How
to Build a Dune (www.scdhec.
Preserving established sand dunes
is also important. Walking on dunes
can permanently damage or destroy
them. Unnecessary wear and tear of
dunes can be prevented by building
dune walkovers. A dune walkover
may be constructed without a
permit from DHEC-OCRM if it meets
the following criteria (§48 39 290):
• constructed of wood
• no wider than 6 feet
follows the existing dune contours
with a 2 ft. vertical clearance
• does not displace sand
constructed with as little
environmental damage as possible
If space allows, a structure may be
moved landward on the same lot;
otherwise, it can be relocated to
new property. Regardless of where
the building is moved, it must meet
any existing setback requirements.
Protecting & Repairing Coastal Property
16 South Carolina Guide to Beachfront Property
Safe Home Program
South Carolina has a program in
place to help property owners
mitigate for wind damage
associated with storms. The South
Carolina Safe Home Program
Home/) is funded through the state
wind pool and provides grants
to property owners that allow
retrofitting, or improvements
during construction of a home.
Some options for funding include
storm resistant exterior doors
(including garage doors), roof ties
and roof water barriers, bracing
gable ends, and storm shutters.
Sandbags, Sand Scraping,
and Minor Renourishment
Sandbags, sand scraping, and
minor renourishment can provide
temporary protection to structures
that are imminently threatened,
but are only allowed pursuant
to the issuance of Emergency
Orders by DHEC or authorized
municipal government officials
acting to protect public health
and safety (§48 39 130(D)(1)). A
structure is determined to be in
imminent danger when the erosion
comes within twenty feet.
Current regulations require
sandbags to be no larger than five
gallons (or 0.66 cubic feet), unless
otherwise approved by DHEC-
OCRM. Sandbags may not be
placed any farther seaward than
necessary to protect the structure
and must be stacked at a 45 degree
angle. Most importantly, sandbags
may only be filled with clean
beach-compatible sand that can be
returned back to the beach when
the bags are removed. The property
owner is responsible for the day-to-
day maintenance of the sandbags,
as well as removal (R.30-15(H)(1)).
Sand Scraping
Property owners may also protect
their homes by bulldozing sand, or
sand scraping, to create temporary
dunes. Sand may only be scraped
from the intertidal beach and
only between extended property
lines of the structure receiving
the sand. The depth of scraping
may not exceed one foot below
existing beach level. Sand may
be placed against an eroded
escarpment or to replace an eroded
dune, but may not be placed
in front of a functional erosion
control structure (R.30-15(H)(2)).
17Protecting & Repairing Coastal Property
Minor Renourishment
Minor beach renourishment can
protect a structure in imminent
danger and potentially slow
erosion. When renourishing,
property owners must use sand that
originates from an upland source
and is approved by DHEC-OCRM as
being beach compatible. Sand must
be placed between the extended
property lines of the affected
property, and may be stabilized
with sand fencing and beach
vegetation pursuant to permitting
requirements (R.30-15(H)(3)).
Erosion Control Structures
Hard erosion control structures
represent the greatest threat to
the preservation of the beach.
On an eroding beach, seawalls
and rock revetments actually
accelerate erosion by reflecting
wave energy and scouring sand
away from the active beach. South
Carolina applies a strict regulatory
position where these structures are
concerned; no new erosion control
structures may be constructed
seaward of the setback line.
Although new erosion control
devices cannot be constructed,
existing functional devices may
be maintained and repaired in
certain circumstances. Functional
erosion control structures may
not be enlarged, strengthened or
rebuilt, but may be maintained in
their present condition. Notably,
if destroyed more than 50%, the
entire structure must be removed at
the owner’s expense (§48 39 290).
Repairing and Rebuilding
Following a storm event,
habitable structures within
the state’s jurisdiction may be
repaired or rebuilt in accordance
with the following criteria:
• the square footage of the
replacement structure seaward
of the setback line cannot exceed
the total square footage of the
original seaward structure
• the linear feet parallel to the
coast must not exceed the
original linear footprint
• where possible, the replacement
structure must be moved
landward of the setback line,
or if not possible, must be
moved as far landward as
practical, considering zoning
and parking regulations
• the structure must meet locally
defined ordinances required
for flood damage prevention
as required by the NFIP
18 South Carolina Guide to Beachfront Property
• the entire structure must be
brought up to code if the cost
of repairs/replacement exceeds
50% of the structure’s value
• Pools that are damaged or
destroyed may be rebuilt to
preexisting dimensions with
authorization from DHEC.
Destroyed Beyond Repair
Following a major storm event,
structure(s) located along the
shoreline may be severely damaged
and declared “Destroyed Beyond
Repair” (DBR). For habitable
structures and pools, destroyed
beyond repair means more than
66 2/3% of the replacement value
of the habitable structure or pool
has been destroyed (R.30-14(D)(3)
(a)). A structure that is destroyed
beyond repair due to man-made
causes can be rebuilt provided the
new structure is no larger than the
original structure it replaces, and
is constructed as far landward as
possible. The new structure must
not be farther seaward than the
original structure (R.30-13(E)(6)).
For seawalls, bulkheads, and
revetments, damage must be
judged on the percentage of the
structure remaining intact, above
grade, at the time of the damage
assessment. If more than 50% of the
erosion control structure or device
has been destroyed, it must not be
repaired or replaced (R.30-14(D)
(3)(c)). For additional information
regarding the evaluation of
damage and requirements for
rebuilding, see the Coastal
Division Regulations 30-14(D).
In summary, this guide is
designed to provide general, yet
important information regarding
the purchase and ownership of
beachfront property in South
Carolina. However, it does not
address all situations that may
impact a particular property. It is
important to obtain all pertinent
information from federal,
state, and local authorities.
20 South Carolina Guide to Beachfront Property
Additional Information & Contacts
DHEC Office of Ocean and Coastal
Resource Management
1362 McMillan Ave., Suite 400
Charleston, SC 29405
(843) 953-0200
Myrtle Beach
927 Shine Ave.
Myrtle Beach, SC 29577
(843) 238-4528
104 Parker Drive
Beaufort, SC 29906
(843) 846-9810
Federal Emergency Management
Agency (FEMA)
(202) 646-4600
National Flood Insurance Program
SC Department of Natural
Resources Flood Mitigation
(803) 734-9120
SC Sea Grant Consortium
(843) 953-2078
SC Department of Insurance,
Consumer Services Division
(803) 737-6180
SC Wind and Hail Underwriting
(803) 779-8373
SC Safe Home
SC Real Estate Commission
(803) 896-4400
US Army Corps of Engineers/
Charleston District, Public Affairs
(843) 329-8123
US Geological Survey – South
Carolina Earthquake Information
The information in this publication is intended to be a helpful guide for purchasing coastal real estate.
Since every property is unique and local codes may vary, be sure to consult your real estate professional before
making a decision. Also, if you have questions about particular aspects of a property, be sure to contact the
appropriate state and federal agencies.
Contributing Organizations
ACE Basin National Estuarine Research
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control
South Carolina Department of Natural Resources
S.C. Sea Grant Consortium
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