International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences
2017, Vol. 7, No. 2
ISSN: 2222-6990
The Challenges of Employee’s Evaluation in
Asadi Rahil
Ph.D. student at ASE, Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania
DOI: 10.6007/IJARBSS/v7-i2/2021 URL:
The main purpose of this paper is to improve and enhance the quality and quantity
performance of employees in the organization to have a successful organization. This aim can
be fulfilled and achieved with the actual, genuine and accurate assessment of employee’s
performance. The evaluation of employee’s performance is the main factor for the manager to
control his workers performance and an approach to motivate and inspire them. At a next
steps in the evaluation process, can providing the ensures and right approach to manner and
reform of employee performance and in the necessary conditions must with the interview and
meeting identify their problems and issues to impalement corrective action for develop and
improve the human resources work in the organization. The lack of real evaluation and
assessment tools in organizations is one of the significant points that have been discussed in
this article.
Key words: Assessment and Evaluation-Employees Challenges In Organization-Employee
Performance-Performance Evaluation
Employee performance evaluation in most organizations, public and private companies are
known under the titles of promotions, competence evaluation and so on. Evaluation is an
effective tool in the human resource management if the organizations correctly implement it
can help to effectively reach the goals and provide the employee’s satisfaction. A manager,
during this process try to have an evaluating the employee’s performance with the comparison
their performance to pre-set criteria then records the results and inform the employee about
this measurement result. Doing accurate assessment steps and procedures, is quite difficult as
it involves some sort of judgments about the employee’s behavior and performance evaluation,
so for have an appropriate assessment process with the new method and best way by least
adverse effect is an important and vital subject for all organizations. More common methods of
evaluation are qualitative and mental ways, at some of the organizations and companies the
evaluation process is a superficial and formality work and the expected results will not achieve,
for this reason many of workers feel dissatisfaction and discontent about performance
evaluation process. During the implementation of this process , in many cases there are
multiple personal and organizational reasons, which led employees to conscious or unconscious
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences
2017, Vol. 7, No. 2
ISSN: 2222-6990
have bigotry about their work and organization and this is lead to deviation in the main
objectives of evaluation (Gary, 1994). If the employees have this feel and view which the
granting promotions and rewordings are not based on the quantity and quality of their
performance or are not based on actual assessment and evaluation, then will have negative
impacts and damaging effects on their performance.
Using the efficient evaluation performance system can overcome these problems, and help the
organization to achieve their goals and motivate the employees to increase their effort along
this way. The purpose of this article and accomplished research in this field to show the need
and importance of evaluation performance process for all organizations, persuasion them to
headquarters it in their agenda and effectively perform and accomplish it.
The Concept of Assessment
Evaluation of employees in organizations has two meanings:
1. Measuring the performance and results of it with the accurately quantitative and qualitative
and tools.
2. Evaluation of their efforts and their performance in duties and assessment their success with
the expected behavior in the work.
Criterion of evaluation process from perspective of the measurement method:
- Software Metrics:
Could not be processed numerically and mainly views and visionary, such as level of customer
satisfaction of products, which is not numerically and percentage and usually is range of
comments, views but sometimes are measure with the semi-quantitative tools, using these
criteria can be circumstances and considerations for numeric display, but still not numerical
processing capabilities.
- Hardware Metrics:
There are numerical criteria which mainly represents the definitive result, such as stock price
and amount of customer purchase.
What is performance appraisal?
- A formal way of assessment the employee’s specification from their positive feedback based
on the results of their performance.
The concept of performance evaluation
- In the employees’ performance evaluation, the evaluation will be according to the result of
their work and also on the process of their performance.
- What seems to be important in evaluating employee performance design a desired system to
give feedback and develop performance measures for its continuous improvement. (Marshall,
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences
2017, Vol. 7, No. 2
ISSN: 2222-6990
Reasons to use performance evaluation
The following reasons for the assessment of employee activities:
1. Determine an appropriate increase wages and benefits based on employee performance
2. Identify people who have moved or are moving.
3. Determination people who have move or are moving.
4. Identify the training needs programs for the staff.
5. Identify those who have ability to improve and to identify individuals who can have
appropriate placement in posts.
6. Identification capabilities and compensate employees based on the rules and regulations and
compensation their deficiency to improve employees' ability to achieve the desired standard.
7. Identify their behavioral characteristics and their mental maturity to set the optimal and
suitable connection with them.
Evaluation work performance and employees activities in organizations
Subject of employee’s evaluation in Iranian organizations is a fundamental problem as all
performance evaluations in organizations are unscientific and empiric. Basically After selecting
and recruitment the staff and subsequent training and motivating them, the next step is
personnel evaluation.
The managers with utilization the process of employee evaluation will be able to select and
employment the right person for the right place in the organization and create incentives for
them. To take advantage of this method, the first step should be to identify the problem and
then, while communicating with employees, doing the necessity thing for ameliorate it. Then
after a year
the employees’ efforts and their performance need to evaluate.
Reasons for using the assessment of the organization's activities
Application and usage the evaluation work performance in organization has several reasons:
The first, assessment the work performance, providing information upon which about
promotions, salaries and wages the manger can able to have better decision.
The second, method of evaluating the work done by the employee can provide the occasion for
the director to sit down in front of his staff and examine their actions during the work.
Most people have desire and need to know the others opinion about how to do their job. This is
particularly true about those employees which others have an affirmative comments about
their performance at work. However the employees’ evaluation provides for the managers the
possibility that do draw a sketch of the problems in organizations.
The role of managers and supervisors in evaluation
Managers and professionals’ supervisors have played an important role at various stages of
evaluation so that the managers’ role in this field is more important. In general, a direct
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences
2017, Vol. 7, No. 2
ISSN: 2222-6990
supervisor is able to have more realistic assessment of the employees’ performance and
activities at work. So supervisors are responsible for assessing employees' performance,
because they fully with the methods used to evaluate employees, familiar and well known the
problems that can disrupt the evaluation process. On the other hand, administrative staff and
office as policy-makers and advisory tasks are performing in the implementation of the
evaluation process. Unfortunately, in practice and reality, the actual evaluation of employees
by supervisors in organizations is not done properly.
In a survey of organizations and companies 80% of managers have stated that the office
workers, are responsible the consultant and assistance in the use of evaluation process, but the
final decision of the evaluation are assigned to supervision of each section in the organization,
in some organizations the office staff responsible for distributing evaluation forms, description
and guidance them for the use of these forms in the organization and are responsible for the
training of supervisors to improve the evaluation skills. Administrative affairs and subsidiaries
also have responsibility to aware the managers and leaders about the need for prolonged use
of a particular method of evaluating in the organization. (Marshall, 2002) In other research,
showed just half of the employees in organizations were aware and knows about their
evaluation reform programs, while others were on their own performance reviews and revised
responsibilities in the field of improvement evaluating programs.
Procedures and methods of assessment the employees
Assessments of working performance have three steps: Define the job, Job evaluation and the
level which is called Recycling system included.
Job definition, it means that make the managers and staff on how to perform tasks and duties
and standards used to measure and evaluate work performance are, to be agreed.
Job evaluation, it means comparison employees performance with standard on the basis of the
actual work performed, however, there are usually several ways to measure.
Renewable systems require one or more sessions, to see and discussed in which way work is
done and how employees evaluate their progress, how improve and develop their
performance, to achieve the desired goals, and see which planning and decisions should be
done for future.
Lack of employee assessment
The problems of lack the employee evaluation will be occur in the organization if any of the
three work assessment methods is not done well and properly. Some assessments process due
to the lack of use or non-use of successful methods doesn’t have correct and real
result. However, may also have problems and weaknesses in communicating with the staff and
in interviews led to have unreal result.
Techniques and methods of employee evaluation
Assess employees have different ways and methods; in below we describe the scientific and
acceptable techniques:
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences
2017, Vol. 7, No. 2
ISSN: 2222-6990
1. The linear grading method
2. The ranking system method
3. The man to man comparison method
4. The critical incidents method
5. The check list method
6. The forced distribution method
7. The forced choice method
8. The recording unexpected events method
9. The MBO (Management by Objective) method
10. The graphical scale-based rating method
11. The graphical scale based observing behavior method
12. The standard method
13. The direct Index method
14. The operations analysis method
15. The free from essay method
16. The psychological evaluation method
17. The self evaluation method
Job description and its relationship with assessment
Make clear the issue, what is the organization expectation of the employees and describe their
duties called job description. Usually the only job description that is not a sufficient way to
show employees what the organization expect from them, but not written the job description
for the job profile to determine only the occupational groups codified then employees
assessment required.
(Edward & John, 2009)
A variety of assessment methods and organizational activities
Tables ranking method:
The simplest and yet the most popular method of work performance assessment is the
comparative ranking table. In this table, the certain characteristics such as quality and quantity
as the evaluation factors are score and rank from poor to excellent factors of working
performance to measure each of employee’s performance. (Weatherly, 2004).For measure the
performance of each employee using the symbols are accurately identified and assessed and at
the end wrap-up will be done in all factors to show the ranking of each employee.
Alternate Assessment Method:
Simple method for evaluation the staff and grading them from best to worst, based on an
evaluation factors, because this method makes it easier and simple to identify the worst and
best employee this method most common then the ranking method. In this method, the first
step is to note the name of all employees who need to rank, then all employees who are not
known to rank well marked and graded based on the highest score employee and an employee
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences
2017, Vol. 7, No. 2
ISSN: 2222-6990
down get the lowest score will be determine, the next step will chose the better and worse
employee according the ranking mark so all employees are graded accordingly.
Man to Man Comparison Method:
Comparison the employees method helps to the ranking of them, done better and more
desirable, so for each of the evaluation factors (quality of work, quantity of work, etc.) Each
employee is compared with other employees.
Percentage Distribution Method:
Percentage distribution method similar to the ranking method in the evaluated curve. In this
method the employees based on their work performance are ratio.
Recording Unexpected Events Method:
With this method of evaluation for each employee there is an option valuation (abnormally
good) or negative samples (accident or incident) on their behavior and work performance will
be considered and after six months or more their supervisor met with the staff and discuss
about things to do the next section with use the obtained samples and interlocution with them.
This method can be used to complete the initial approach and has several advantages. This
method can be used with some real character, assessment has been prepared to explain and to
evaluate staff ensures that employees at all during the year in relation to the assessment,
because in this method to crisis and survey all the events of year should register and collect, the
assessments is not done in the last few months of employees work. But on the other hand
having random sample list of what employees are doing to address their weaknesses and
shortcomings of their work will be shown. The evaluation performance models regardless the
verity of employees performance can be in two different models (Kaplan & Norton, 1992). As it
shows in bellow: 1) Direct performance evaluation 2) Indirect performance evaluation
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences
2017, Vol. 7, No. 2
ISSN: 2222-6990
It leads to
1) Direct employees’ performance evaluation (Kaplan & Norton, 1992)
2) Indirect employees’ performance evaluation (Kaplan & Norton, 1992)
The challenges of annual employee performance evaluations
According to conducted surveys there are five basic methods that can disrupt in the function
assessment process- such as drawing the ranking table- including: Unspecified standards,
considerations and observance in the assessment, personal desire, leniency or strictness, Bias
and partiality
- Unspecified standards
Unspecified standards in the work are one of the problems in the evaluating
employees. Evaluation factors and ranking the employees capability and competencies are
considered in such a way that can be interpreted at any style, the supervisors may not have the
same definition for it and same for the other evaluation factors such as the quality of work and
creativity. To solve the problems of evaluating and correcting the mistake caused by it, there
are several ways so that it was the best way to explain for each features and the evaluation
factors, in case if the responsible supervisors didn’t do it before, must be done in other suitable
methods have reflected. In this case supervisors and employees should have preparation on an
ongoing assessment and create assurance environment in the case of emergency to explain, the
Assessment and
evaluation their work
Specification employees’
More work and improve the
quality of work
Less work and decline the
quality of work
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences
2017, Vol. 7, No. 2
ISSN: 2222-6990
right method of evaluation and assessments for the staff and other applicants (Weatherly,2004)
- Considerations and observance in the assessment
Many supervisors when completed evaluation forms will follow from a general trend. Naturally,
such evaluation work seriously undermine the accuracy and take advantage of it to make
decisions on issues such as promotion, negatively affected the determination of rights or
advisory purposes can be classified evaluations of rows of the problem, considerations prevent
public evaluation because in this way, all employees should be placed in separate classification
and therefore cannot put people in one place. However, in fact this is one of the main points of
the evaluation is how to align the employees.
-Personal desire
Supervisors and managers usually evaluate employees according to their own cultural norms
and personal desire which is may be done consciously or unconsciously. For example, if the
assessor as a result of their cultural beliefs to respect older people, in which case it may be
involved in the evaluation process.
- Leniency or strictness in the assessment
Some supervisors tend to rank very high for the staff or lower their valuation in this leniency or
strictness in the evaluation is very important and serious in the table because the administrator
can easily ranks very high in all employees or lower if the grading evaluate employees must
distinguish between good and bad, but the way the leniency and rigor in assessing the problem
or limitation of distributive row, but in fact if the force in the table of the evaluation it's better
that a distribution of evaluation work practices considered normal and not try to employees in
a specified category and their assessment in the category of distribution of according to the
quality and quantity of work as the unless the kidney feeling employees should be in a
period. Easier way to use that method, is the method of distribution limited and mandatory
assessment of where the name of each employee in a separate folder and then put card for
each of the assessment and percentage of the employees give the high rank and the rest of
them rank based on it in the next categories based on this method the assessment table of each
employee evaluation can be completed.
- Bias and partiality
Staff individual characteristics such as age, race and gender, regardless of their performance in
the organization is effective in their evaluation, according of the survey was the assessment
methods used evaluate the employees performance, most of the women evaluation rating
were higher of the man and in some case the evaluation of the work done by some beautiful
were higher than ugly employees and its indication bias in the evaluation process.
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences
2017, Vol. 7, No. 2
ISSN: 2222-6990
Overcoming evaluation challenges
To combat and overcoming the evaluation problems in the first step should be aware of all the
problems and challenges, generally knowledge and awareness of the problems is the big step in
order to avoid any mistake in the evaluation process, second phase is to choose the proper
suitable method of evaluation because each of the methods is for some reason has its own
disadvantages and advantages and should be trying to solve these problems. (Edward & John,
When all employees are at a high level of performance the graphical grading table and the
method of man to man comparing employees for the evaluation them to take decisions in
relation to determine the rights, wages and their promotion are the good and useful methods.
Use the employee’s opinion in the evaluation
Before the using the employee’s opinion the in evaluation process should consider and be sure
about four4 things:
1) At first need to be sure, that if the assessment is repeated if only once a year even in the
formal evaluation should be done properly Also, if the personal and individual
performance evaluate good and correctly can provide a good feedback for the
evaluation. Otherwise if there is any mistake or not optimal manner in the individual
evaluation, the employee has time to correct his or her mistakes and when a formal
evaluation is carried out, such a person will not be surprised of the outcome of their
2) Ensure that supervisors will be familiar perfectly with the style and performance of the
person who evaluated. Using the recording event methods can help in this case.
3) Ensure that managers and employees about job and duties assigned to them have
4) Once the plans and programs address to resolve the weaknesses and problems of staff
to assist and cooperate with them in the implementation phase is also need to prepare.
Training of evaluators
Supervisor training is important cases in this process. Training the evaluator will decrease the
mistake such as: discrimination, prejudice, leniency or strictness considerations and observance
or personal desire. In traditional evaluation methods, through training and work experience of
workers trained evaluators and the evaluators are asked to evaluate their employees in this
way. So by any of the participants in the ranking done thoughtfully and faults explained that
overtake assessment and training. The evaluator training will not be done just to reduce or to
correct errors and mistake during the evaluation process, but in practical terms, is based on
many factors including the payment is realized dedicated evaluation. Review evaluations done
and limitations at the time of evaluation and assessment may also need to justify been the
subject of training in evaluation methods is important. However, reform is more important
evaluation method. On the other hand it is also correction of the evaluation process does not
depend only on the education and training the assessor but also on external factors such as
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences
2017, Vol. 7, No. 2
ISSN: 2222-6990
pressure and public emergency remedy should also be taken into account.
Evaluation and treatment of employees
In some cases, personnel evaluation in the workplace can create a lot of conflict because the
result in issues ranging from the promotion, dismissal and compensation of employees plays a
crucial role. In such cases, employees are evaluated in the personnel evaluation system failure,
is the root of many discriminatory factors in the promotion, dismissal or be rewarded and
In general, evaluating the performance should be based on a thorough analysis of jobs and
work to be done according to specific standards and it is necessary to follow the process below.
(Kaplan & Norton, 2000)
1. Job analysis = work performance standards = evaluating work performance.
2. The assessment only logical when the work standards for employees understandable and
3. Various aspects of work performance, such as quantity and quality, must be separating from
the incomprehensible evaluating factors and general factors such as the way of performance
and judged and evaluate them.
4. The various aspects of work activities should be considered to all the assessment factors are
visible and objective concept.
5. In the ranking table adjustment a description of the unquantifiable and impractical factors
like honesty and integrity should be avoided.
6. Evaluation systems should be considered as valid.
7. Objective observation of the work performance can only be use as a factor in the evaluation
8. Evaluators must be familiar with the methods and techniques of personnel evaluation and
9. The evaluators should be in conjunction contact and communication with staff that are in
evaluation process.
10. If possible, the assessment process should be doing with more than an evaluator and all
assessments are also done independently.
11- To when an employee is dissatisfied with their assessment process, forecast a solution and
strategy to revise it.
- Evaluate the work performance, has a crucial role to motivate the employees. People want
and need to know what others think about how to do their jobs and evaluation provides an
opportunity to achieve their demands. If evaluation does not achieve this aim, the interview
assessment as an opportunity to review their progress and promote employees and provides a
plan to fix the flaws and weaknesses of employees and their performance.
- Needs the evaluators before the evaluation process, to quite clear what is their expectation of
employees so, they know exactly what to do to have a correct action and perform it.
- Any of the techniques and methods of assessment, including the linear grading method, the
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences
2017, Vol. 7, No. 2
ISSN: 2222-6990
ranking system method, the man to man comparison method, the critical incidents method,
The check list method, the forced distribution method, the forced choice method, the
recording unexpected events method has advantages and privileges and weaknesses and
shortcomings and problems and failure assessment staff include: vague and unclear standards,
unaffected by considerations of public illogical leniency or strictness and flexibility in evaluation
and applied problems of prejudice and discriminating in the evaluation.
- Most employees tend to know about good or bad the outcome of its assessment, the assessor
will collect comments received critical and critical events can be used in such cases. Doing this
can be used to show portfolio and specific measures that are favorable and unfavorable
employees in activities of their employees, officials expect it to be effective. Especially when
the organization expects to have the evaluation result of the employees are concise and
outlined in a set form to maintenance of a roster of those individuals may when there is
opportunity to discuss with employees, use it.
- Comments and opinions of staff regarding the evaluation methods is important and in this
respect there are four issues that must be considered: employees performance and activates
should frequently and continually assessed and ensured that the evaluators know to how do
the evaluation work of the staff also ensure that in the context of description of their duties
bilateral agreements have created with the staff and finally to overcome and resolve the
weaknesses of the staff, they are ready to help.
- Interview evaluation done in three ways, each of these followed the specific aims. The first
method is used when the employee is weak but evaluation showed it has possibility to revising
and improving. The purpose of the interview was drawing up a plan in which the employee
correcting his/her performance. Second interviews with employees who approach and perform
their work is satisfactory, but there is no possibility of granting promotions to them, here are
the purpose of the interview is not to correct or reform the employees performance, it is to
maintain them in good condition and is considered satisfactory. Finally, the interview
employees who do their jobs the way they are satisfactory and the possibility of promotion, the
third method is use. The main purpose of the issue and exchange views on the regulation plan
special operation to education and training and professional development of employees. It will
provide and upgrade him/her in his job and improve employee for better and higher levels
facing in the future.
- To prepare for the evaluation interview need a three pre-requisite evaluation methods, data
collection, preparation and selection of employee , chose right time and place to discuss in the
conditions that led to the correction and revision employee performance.
- Essentials points for managing the evaluation interview: setting the right tone and attitude in
the beginning of the interview, the positive conversations as far as possible, summarizing their
views and design the practical plan.
- In order to make the necessary changes in behavior and performance of their employees be
encouraged to provide feedback to deceleration their opinion: Nevertheless, to achieve this
goal attempts during the interview and the interviewer when negotiating with employees to
remain silent and also ask disputable and argue questions with focused on the employees
problems in some cases and the use of questions that can help employees understand the
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences
2017, Vol. 7, No. 2
ISSN: 2222-6990
problem. Understand employees' feelings and opinions expressed again his opinion, don’t
speak unilateral or use limited and closed questions, judgment, giving advice, using impolite
words, derisive should be avoid too.
- Accuracy in action is the best way to deal with an employee who takes a defensive
posture. Adopt a defensive position, which is natural, so do not attack the defender and
patiently entirely focused on adequately known the range of action with such kind of
- If the managers sincerely want to be interviewed assess their employees and working to
correct and reform their wrong performance, it should be noted that the most important factor
in an employee's career to clear that the difficulty and problems of their work and the main
objectives of the correction to proper planning to provide them to gain access.
- Another significant issue is the lack of efficiency of staff in most organizations, which generally
reduces efficiency and the production efficiency and gross national income rate. That is why in
most organization in Iran, including the oil industry and petroleum organizations cannot find
the true meaning of the employees evaluation and its often the formality depends on the
relationship between managers and employees are at work.
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences
2017, Vol. 7, No. 2
ISSN: 2222-6990
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