Medical Power of Attorney
Designation of Health Care Agent
I, _____________________________________ (insert your name) appoint:
Phone: _______________________________________________________
as my agent to make any and all health care decisions for me, except to the
extent I state otherwise in this document. This Medical Power of Attorney takes
effect when I become unable to make my own health care decisions and this
fact is certified in writing by my physician.
FOLLOWS: ____________________________________________________
Designation of Alternate Agent
(You are not required to designate an alternate agent or agents, but you may
do so. An alternate agent may make the same health care decisions as the
designated agent if the designated agent is unable or unwilling to act as your
agent. If the agent designated is your spouse, the designation is automatically
revoked by law if your marriage is dissolved.)
If the person designated as my agent is unable or unwilling to make health
care decisions for me, I designate the following persons to serve as my agent
to make health care decisions for me as authorized by this document, who
serve in the following order:
First Alternate Agent
The original of this document is kept at:
The following individuals or institutions have signed copies in their possession:
I understand that this power of attorney exists indefinitely from the date I
execute this document unless I establish a shorter time or revoke the power of
attorney. If I am unable to make health care decisions for myself when this
power of attorney expires, the authority I have granted my agent continues to
exist until the time I become able to make health care decisions for myself.
(IF APPLICABLE) This power of attorney ends on the following date:
Prior Designations Revoked
I revoke any prior Medical Power of Attorney.
Acknowledgment of Disclosure Statement
I have been provided with a Disclosure Statement explaining the effect of this
document. I have read and understand the information contained in the
Disclosure Statement.
(You must date and sign this Medical Power of Attorney to make it effective.
You have two options. The first option is to sign and have it acknowledged
before a notary public. The second is to sign before two witnesses who also
sign. The first witness must meet the requirements described later.)
(First Option Before a Notary)
I sign my name to this Medical Power of Attorney on _____________ day of
____________________ (month, year) at
(City and State)
(Print Name)
State of Texas
County of _______________
This instrument was acknowledged before me on ________________ (date)
by _______________________________ (name of person acknowledging).
NOTARY PUBLIC, State of Texas
Notary's printed name:
My commission expires:
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – OR – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
(Second Option Before Two Competent Witnesses)
I sign my name to this Medical Power of Attorney on __________ day of
____________________ (month, year) at
(City and State)
(Print Name)
Statement and Qualifications of First Witness
I am not the person appointed as agent by this document. I am not related to
the principal by blood or marriage. I would not be entitled to any portion of the
principal's estate on the principal's death. I am not the attending physician of
the principal or an employee of the attending physician. I have no claim
against any portion of the principal's estate on the principal's death.
Furthermore, if I am an employee of a health care facility in which the principal
is a patient, I am not involved in providing direct patient care to the principal
and am not an officer, director, partner, or business office employee of the
health care facility or of any parent organization of the health care facility.
Signature: __________________________________________________
Print Name: _____________________________ Date: ______________
Address: ___________________________________________________
Signature of Second Witness
Signature: __________________________________________________
Print Name: _____________________________ Date: ______________
Address: ___________________________________________________