Attaching a Notarial Certificate
An attached or “loose” certificate is filled out like any other notarial certificate, with a few
additional details. Because a loose certificate is not an integral part of a document, it is
very important to guard against its fraudulent use. The object is to make sure that the
certificate may be used with one, and only one, particular document.
Any notarial wording on the document itself that the certificate is replacing should be
crossed out and the words “SEE ATTACHED NOTARIAL CERTIFICATE” should be typed
or written on the page.
Staple the full page certificate after the signature page, so that a recorder can easily
film the certificate in sequence with the signature that goes with it.
On the certificate itself, the document’s date, type, and the number of pages should
be noted at the bottom of the certificate, e.g., “Attached to declaration, signed by
John Hancock on July 4, 1776, two pages.
Write in the notarial journal, “used loose certificate” or “attached certificate.”
You can use the notary stamping device to guard against fraudulent certificate use.
Affix the impression so that it rests partly on the certificate and partly on the
signer’s page, but make sure that the stamp does not obscure any writing or
signatures on either paper. Make sure a whole impression is also on the certificate,
so that an auditor can compare the divided impression to the whole.
Attach the certificate yourself; don’t allow someone else to do it. Sometimes a client will call
later and ask for a “corrected certificate.” If there is a mistake, the document, and often the
signer, will have to reappear before you. An unattached certificate is like a blank check; you
could be liable for its misuse.
State of Oregon Notarial Certificate (ORS Ch. 194.280, 194.285)
Acknowledgment in an Individual Capacity
State of OREGON
County of ________________
This record was acknowledged before me on (date) _______________, 20______ by
(name(s)) of individual(s) __________________________________________.
Notary Public - State of Oregon
Official Stamp
Document Description
This certificate is attached to page ____ of a ________________________ (title or
type of document), dated _____________, 20 ___ , consisting of _______ pages.
State of Oregon Notarial Certificate (ORS Ch. 194.280, 194.285)
Acknowledgment in a Representative Capacity
State of OREGON
County of ________________
This record was acknowledged before me on (date) _______________, 20______
by (name(s) of individual(s)) _____________________________________________ as
(type of authority) ___________________________ of (name of party on whose behalf
record was executed) ________________________________.
Notary Public - State of Oregon
Official Stamp
Document Description
This certificate is attached to page ____ of a ________________________ (title or
type of document), dated _____________, 20 ___ , consisting of _______ pages.
State of Oregon Notarial Certificate (ORS Ch. 194.280, 194.285)
Verification on Oath or Affirmation
State of OREGON
County of ________________
Signed and sworn to (or affirmed) before me on (date) _______________, 20______
by (name(s) of individuals making statement) _________________________________.
Notary Public - State of Oregon
Official Stamp
Document Description
This certificate is attached to page ____ of a ________________________ (title or
type of document), dated _____________, 20 ___ , consisting of _______ pages.
State of Oregon Notarial Certificate (ORS Ch. 194.280, 194.285)
Witnessing or Attesting a Signature
State of OREGON
County of ________________
Signed (or attested) before me on (date) ___________________, 20______
by (name(s) of individual(s))_______________________________________________.
Notary Public - State of Oregon
Official Stamp
Document Description
This certificate is attached to page ____ of a ________________________ (title or
type of document), dated _____________, 20 ___ , consisting of _______ pages.
State of Oregon Notarial Certificate (ORS Ch. 194.280, 194.285)
Certifying to a Copy of a Document
State of OREGON
County of ________________
I certify (or attest) that this is a true and correct copy of a record in the possession
Dated:________________, 20___.
Notary Public - State of Oregon
Official Stamp
Document Description
This certificate is attached to page ____ of a ________________________ (title or
type of document), dated _____________, 20 ___ , consisting of _______ pages.