Supersedes: CAP Index 0-9, 28 OCTOBER 2014. OPR: DA
Distribution: National CAP website.
Notice: CAP publications and forms are available digitally on the National CAP website at:
MAXWELL AFB AL 36112-5937 1 MAY 2015
Numerical Index of CAP Forms, Tests, and Certificates
This is an index of forms, tests, and certificates currently in effect by classification, date, title, and office
of primary responsibility (OPR) at National Headquarters Civil Air Patrol. A pound-sign (#) denotes
previous editions may be used. It is CAP's intention that all publications be written utilizing the
concepts of gender neutrality. Therefore, except as required due to gender differences (such as in
descriptions of CAP uniforms), all references to one gender should be interpreted to apply equally to
both genders. The most up-to-date publications and forms are on the National CAP website. Note:
Shaded areas identify new or revised material.
Table of Contents Page
1. Forms .................................................................................................................................................... 2
2. Tests. ..................................................................................................................................................... 5
3. Certificates (Only available at eServices, CAP Certificates module) ................................................... 6
4. Certificates (Requisition from OPR) .................................................................................................... 6
5. Other Agency (Requisition from eServices, Material Orders) ............................................................ 7
6. Obsolete ................................................................................................................................................ 7
2 CAP INDEX 0-9 1 MAY 2015
1. Forms. Some forms are not intended to be transmitted, but are for record-keeping purposes. These forms, and copies of
other forms, (or the data they contain) may now be stored on a computer, electronically, without the need for a paper copy. If
this method is chosen as an alternative to paper, units should perform frequent backups of the data. The following describes
forms that may
be transmitted through multiple echelons, and to National Headquarters, via fax or e-mail:
a. Forms listed with an asterisk (*) may be transmitted without a person’s actual signature via e-mail only. The
electronic versions of forms in Microsoft® Word are available on the National CAP website.
(1) Complete the form and place the name, title and unit of the signing authority in the signature block of the
form and save the file.
(2) Prepare e-mail and ensure the name, title and unit of the signing authority is in body of the e-mail and
attach the file (form) to the e-mail.
b. Forms listed with a double asterisk (**) may be transmitted as a scanned document (to include the person’s actual
signature) via fax or e-mail
. Either Microsoft® Word or Portable Document File® (PDF) forms available on the National
CAP website may be used.
MS Word
(1) Complete the form, save, print, and obtain the person’s actual signature.
(2) Scan the form and save as image/picture (e.g., jpeg, tif).
(3) Prepare e-mail and attach the file (form) to the e-mail.
(1) Print, complete the form and obtain the person’s actual signature. (2) & (3) same as above.
Note 1: Forms listed without an asterisk are required to be “originals” and may not be transmitted via fax or e-mail.
Note 2: Unless specified below, forms are available on the National CAP website. A† symbol denotes you may requisition
form from eServices, Material Orders.
Date Title Prescribing Directive
*F1 Jun 11 Organizational Excellence Candidate Biography R 50-17
*F1A Jun 11 Request for Award of Organizational Excellence Program Level R 50-17
*F1B Jun 11 Application for Organizational Excellence Mentor Appointment R 50-17
*F2 Aug 14 Request for Promotion Action R 35-5
*F2A Oct 08 Request for and Approval of Personnel Action R 35-1
*F2B Oct 72 Personnel Action Request-Termination of CAP Membership R 35-3
**F5 Apr 14 CAP Pilot Flight Evaluation Airplane/Glider R 60-1
**F5B Apr 14 CAP Pilot Flight Evaluation Hot Air Balloon R 60-1
F5Q-A Apr 14 Airplane Questionnaire R 60-1
F5Q-B Apr 14 Hot Air Balloon Questionnaire R 60-1
F5Q-G Apr 14 Glider Questionnaire R 60-1
F9 Apr 08 Release (For Non CAP Members) R 60-1
*F11 Jul 09 Senior Member Professional Development Program Director’s Report R 50-17
F12 Feb 14 Application for Senior Membership in the Civil Air Patrol R 39-2
F12L Mar 14 Application for Legislative Membership in the Civil Air Patrol R 39-2
F13 Nov 10 CAP Aerospace Education Membership Application R 39-2
F15 Feb 14 Application for Cadet Membership in the Civil Air Patrol R 39-2
*F17 Jul 09 Application for Senior Member Activities R 50-17
CAP INDEX 0-9 1 MAY 2015 3
*F20 Dec 10 Encampment Report (Not distributed below wing level) R 52-16
F23 #Oct 84 Civil Air Patrol General Purpose Answer Sheet R 50-4
*F24 Mar 13 Application for Senior Member Professional Development Awards R 50-17
*F25 Jan 05 The Frank G. Brewer CAP Memorial Aerospace Award R 280-2
*F27 Oct 03 Organizational Action R 20-3
*F27B Apr 79 Organization Action-Overseas Cadet Squadrons (Requisition from DP) R 35-4
**F30 Jan 11 Inspector General Personal and Fraud, Waste & Abuse Complaint Registration R123-2
**F31 Oct 13 Application for CAP Encampment or Special Activity R 52-16
F32 Oct 14 Civil Air Patrol Cadet Activity Permission Slip R52-10
*F35 Feb 12 Application for CAP Chaplain Appointment R 265-1
*F35A Apr 15 Application for CAP Character Development Instructor Appointment R 265-1
**F40 Apr 13 CAP Performance Feedback Form R 50-17
F45 Aug 09 Senior Member Master Record R 39-2
*F46 Jul 07 Professional Development Course Materials Order Form R50-17
*F48 Nov 14 Religious Interview Guide R 265-1
*F50-1 #Oct 06 Cadet Leadership Feedback Phase I R 52-16
*F50-2 #Oct 06 Cadet Leadership Feedback Phase II R 52-16
*F50-3 #Oct 06 Cadet Leadership Feedback Phase III R 52-16
*F50-4 #Oct 06 Cadet Leadership Feedback Phase IV R 52-16
*F50-5 Jun 14 CAP Encampment Program, Leadership Feedback for Students R 52-16
*F50-6 Mar 13 CAP Encampment Program, 360° Leadership Feedback for Cadre R 52-16
*F52-1 May 09 Cadet Programs Phase I Certification R52-16
*F52-2 May 09 Cadet Programs Phase II Certification R52-16
*F52-3 May 09 Cadet Programs Phase III Certification R52-16
*F52-4 May 09 Cadet Programs Phase IV Certification R52-16
*F54 Jun 11 Civil Air Patrol High Adventure Activity Request R52-16
*F56 Feb 13 Drug Demand Reduction Request R52-22
*F58 Dec 87 Nomination for Cadet of the Year R 39-3
F62 Mar 11 Standard Operational Risk Safety Briefing Card R 62-1
F66 #Oct 11 Cadet Master Record R 52-16
*F70 Dec 14 Vehicle Reimbursement Request R 77-1
F71 Feb 12 CAP Aircraft Inspection Checklist R 66-1
F71G Jul 14 CAP Glider Aircraft Inspection Checklist R 66-1
F72 May 97 CAP Military Airlift (MILAIR) Request Form R 76-1
F73 Dec 12 Vehicle Inspection Guide and Usage Data R 77-1
F76 Civil Air Patrol Radio Operator Authorization R 100-1
(Issued by region or wing DCs only)
**F80 Feb 12 Civil Air Patrol Death Benefit/Medical Expense Claim Form R 900-5
F83 Feb 04 Civil Air Patrol Counterdrug Application R 60-6
4 CAP INDEX 0-9 1 MAY 2015
**F91 Apr 12 CAP Mission Pilot Checkout R 60-1
**F99 Nov 13 CAP Flight Release Log R 60-1
F101 Specialty Qualification Card (available through Ops Quals only) R60-3
F104 Aug 09
Mission Flight Plan/Briefing Form R 60-3
F104A Aug 09
SAR Results Worksheet R 60-3
F104B Aug 09
Reconnaissance Summary R 60-3
*F105 Feb 14 CAP Radio Message Form R 100-3
**F106 Sep 71 Ground Interrogation Form R 60-3
**F107 #Feb 84 Flight Operations Log R 60-3
**F108 Apr 07 Reimbursement for Individual CAP Member Expenses R 173-3
*F109 Feb 96 Ground Team Clearance R 60-3
*F110 Sep 14 Communications Log R 100-1
*F112 May 01 Single Task Evaluation R 60-3
*F113 May 01 Field Expedient Team Task Book R 60-3
**F114 May 01 CAP ES Qualification Record R 60-3
**F115 May 01 CAP ES Mission Folder R 60-3
*F120 Dec 08 Recommendation for Decoration R 39-3
*F122 Mar 82 Search and Rescue (SAR) Mission Report R 60-3
F124 Dec 89 AEPSM AE Examination Control Log R 50-4
*F126 Jun 93 Unit AE Examination Administration Record and Report Form R 280-2
*F127 #Aug 02 Monthly Certification Report (Not distributed below wing level) R 280-2
F128 Jan 09 The Civil Air Patrol Aerospace Education Teacher of the Year Award R 280-2
F129 Jan 09 The Civil Air Patrol Aerospace Education Officer of the Year Award R 280-2
**F160 Jun 13 CAP Member Health History Form R 160-1
F161 Jun 13 Emergency Information R 160-1
**F162 Jun 13 CAP Member Physical Exam Form R 160-1
**F163 Jun 13 Permission for Provision of Minor Cadet Over-The-Counter Medication R 160-1
F164 Dec 14 Donation Receipt R 173-4
F170 Apr 12 Business Meals and Entertainment Form R 173-1
F172 Jul 14 Consolidated Finance Authorizations R 173-1
F173 Part I May 13 Internal Financial Review Worksheet Part I R 173-1
*F173 Part II Dec 11 Internal Financial Review Sample Checklist Part II R 173-1
F175 Aug 10 Vehicle Justification R 77-1
F176 Jan 06 Aircraft Major Maintenance Reimbursement Request R 66-1
F177 Mar 13 Nondisclosure Declaration R 1-3
F178 May 13 Conflict Of Interest Statement R 1-4
F179 Jul 13 Direct Deposit Sign Up - CAP Members R 173-3
F180 Jul 14 Civil Air Patrol Personal Property Deed of Gift R 210-3
F181 Jul 14 Civil Air Patrol Non-Exclusive Copyright License R 210-3
F182 Jul 14 Civil Air Patrol Transfer of Historical Materials R 210-3
CAP INDEX 0-9 1 MAY 2015 5
2. Tests: Available/requisition as indicated below.
Date Title Prescribing Directive
T46 Mar 10 Examination for AEO 215 Specialty Track-Technician Rating (requisition from AE or test can be taken online at eServices, CAP Utilities, CAP Online
Courses & Exams) P 215
T47 Mar 10 Examination for AEO 215 Specialty Track-Senior Rating (requisition from AE
[email protected] or test can be taken online at eServices, CAP Utilities, CAP Online
Courses & Exams) P 215
T48 Mar 10 Examination for AEO 215 Specialty Track-Master Rating (requisition from AE or test can be taken online at eServices, CAP Utilities, CAP Online
Courses & Exams) P 215
T49A Dec 09 Aerospace Education Program for Senior MembersYeager Test 1 (requisition from AE or test can be taken online at eServices, CAP Utilities, CAP Online
Courses & Exams) R 280-2
T49B Dec 09 Aerospace Education Program for Senior MembersYeager Test 2 (requisition from AE or test can be taken online at eServices, CAP Utilities, CAP Online
Courses & Exams) R 280-2
T50 Oct 03 Model Rocketry Program Written Examinations (requisition from AE or
can be taken online at eServices, CAP Utilities, CAP Online Courses & Exams) P 15
T60 Apr 03 The Wright Brothers Award (Leadership for the 21st Century) Comprehensive Examination
with Answer Key (requisition from R 52-16
T61 Jan 05 Aerospace Dimensions Achievement Tests (requisition from or can be
taken online at eServices, Cadet Online Testing, Admin) R52-16
T63 Oct 08 Aerospace: The Journey of Flight Achievement Tests (requisition from
[email protected] or can be taken online at eServices, Cadet Online Testing, Admin)
R 52-16
T65-3A Mar 12 Earhart Award (Learn to Lead) Exam Leadership Test A with Answer Key (requisition from
[email protected]) (cadets need only take and pass one of the two choices for the Earhart
exam) R 52-16
T65-3B Mar 12 Earhart Award (Learn to Lead) Exam Leadership Test B with Answer Key (requisition from
[email protected]) (cadets need only take and pass one of the two choices for the Earhart
exam) R 52-16
T69-1 Mar 12 Leadership (Learn to Lead) Achievement Tests for Chapters 1-8 (requisition online at
eServices, Cadet Online Testing, Admin) R 52-16
T70 Jul 10 The Wright Brothers Award (Learn to Lead) Comprehensive Examination R 52-16
with Answer Key (requisition from reg[email protected])
T74-1 Aug 10 Billy Mitchell Award (Learn to Lead) Exam Leadership Test R 52-16
with Answer Key (requisition from reg[email protected])
T78-2 Feb 11 Drill and Ceremonies (Learn to Lead) Achievement Tests for Chapters 1-8 with Answer Key
(requisition online at Cadet Programs Library) R 52-16
6 CAP INDEX 0-9 1 MAY 2015
T117 Jun 04 Emergency Services Continuing Education Examinations with Answer Keys R 60-3
(requisition from or can be taken online at eServices, CAP Utilities, CAP
Online Courses & Exams)
3. Certificates (Only available at eServices, CAP Certificates module). Permissions automatically granted based on
duty assignment and level of authority required to issue certificate:
C4 Meritorious Service Award (Region)
C5 The Exceptional Service Award (Region)
C13 Level One Certificate of Achievement (Region/Wing/Group/Unit)
C18 Achievement Award (Region/Wing/Group)
C19 Commander’s Commendation Award (Region/Wing)
C20 Charles E. “Chuck” Yeager Aerospace Education Achievement Award AE
C22 Corporate Learning Course Diploma (Region/Wing)
C23 Unit Commanders Course Certificate (Region/Wing)
C29 Wright Brothers Award (Region/Wing/Group/Unit)
C34 Squadron Leadership Award (Region/Wing)
C35 Certificate of Appreciation (Region/Wing/Group/Unit)
C44 Certificate of Accomplishment (Region/Wing level)
C53 Certificate of Recognition for Lifesaving (Region/Wing)
C71 CAP Membership Certificate (20 Years) (Region/Wing/Group/Unit)
C72 CAP Membership Certificate (30 Years) (Region/Wing/Group/Unit)
C73 CAP Membership Certificate (40 Years) (Region/Wing/Group/Unit)
C77 Certificate of First Flight (Region/Wing/Group/Unit)
4. Certificates (Requisition from OPR):
Title OPR
C1 The Distinguished Service Medal DP
C2 The Bronze Medal of Valor DP
C3 The Silver Medal of Valor DP
C4 Master Finance Officer FM
C6 Certificate of Completion Aerospace Education Workshop AE
C7 Certificate of Retirement DP
C9 Mentoring Award PD
C10 Squadron of Distinction CP
C11 Squadron of Merit CP
C12 Certificate of Appointment Chaplain Service HCA
C14 Certificate of Partnership Chaplain Service HCA
C15 A. Scott Crossfield Award AE
C16 Certificate of Completion National Cadet Special Activities CP
C17 General Benjamin O. Davis, Jr. Award DP
C19A National Commander’s Commendation Awards (Issued by NHQ) DP
C21 Chaplain Service Region Staff College HCA
C24 Certificate of Appointment (Region or Wing Commander) DP
C25 Frank G. Brewer CAP Memorial Aerospace Award Regional AE
CAP INDEX 0-9 1 MAY 2015 7
C28 Carl A. Spaatz Award CP
C30 Amelia Earhart Award CP
C31 Billy Mitchell Award CP
C32 Ira C. Eaker Award CP
C33 Unit Citation Award DP
C36 Certificate of Appreciation PA
C37 Honorary Member PA
C45 Business Member PA
C46 Congressional Member DP
C48 Safety Mishap-Free Certificate (Issued by NHQ) SE
C50 Gill Robb Wilson Award PD
C51 National Staff College PD
C52 Grover Loening Award PD
C61 Paul E. Garber Award PD
C64 Region Staff College PD
C65 Commander’s Course PD
C215 Aerospace Education Specialist AE
5. Other Agency (Requisition from eServices, Material Orders):
Date Title
FD258 Fingerprint Card
6. Obsolete:
Date Remarks
F35A Feb 13 Superseded by CAPF 35A, Apr 15
F48 Oct 09 Superseded by CAPF 48, Nov 14
F70 Mar 12 Superseded by CAPF 79, Dec 14