March 2006
Drawdown: An Update on
Groundwater Mining on
Black Mesa
Tim Grabiel
Natural Resources Defense Council
Project Director
David Beckman
Natural Resources Defense Council
Natural Resources Defense Council
Table of Contents
Executive Summary 3
The Navajo Aquifer Shows Signs of Material Damage
and Continuing Decline 5
Flawed Modeling Obscures Evidence of Material Damage
to the Navajo Aquifer 10
Controversy Comes to a Head with Peabody’s New Request
for Increased Navajo Aquifer Access 14
Recommendations for Preserving the Navajo Aquifer 16
Appendices 19
Technical Report: Update of the CHIA Criteria Evaluation for
Peabody Western Coal Company Groundwater Withdrawals
from the N-Aquifer, Black Mesa, Arizona 19
Selected References 32
Technical Review of “A  ree-Dimensional Flow Model of the
D and N Aquifers” Prepared by HIS Geotrans and Waterstone,
for the Peabody Western Coal Company, September 1999 33
Endnotes 39
Natural Resources Defense Council
Executive Summary
or more than 40 years, billions of gallons of groundwater have been
pumped out of the Four Corners region of Arizona by Peabody Western
Coal Company before being mixed with pulverized coal to create a thick,
black substance called slurry and piped more than 270 miles to a coal- red
power plant in Laughlin, Nevada. Mining of this potable, pristine groundwater—
which serves as the primary source of drinking water for the area’s Hopi and
Navajo residents—has been connected to a variety of groundwater-related
problems. Peabody’s operations have had a range of environmental, cultural,
and religious impacts on the region’s tribal communities that make their
home in the Black Mesa plateau, and now Peabody is seeking to further erode
protections for this vital water source.
The Navajo aquifer, known as the N-aquifer, is an underground water-bearing formation that provides the
sole source of potable drinking water to many Hopi and Navajo on Black Mesa. Insulated by a barrier of
mudstone and sandstone, it naturally satisfies Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) standards for drinking
water—unlike the regions other aquifers, whose contents are brackish or otherwise contaminated. The springs
it feeds along its southern front are sacred to the Hopi people and essential to their religious practice.
In 2000, the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) released a technical report entitled Drawdown:
Groundwater Mining on Black Mesa (“Drawdown”), which assessed the conflict between the coal company
using the Navajo aquifer for coal slurry operations and the people of the Black Mesa who rely on the aquifer
for clean water. The 2000 report evaluated the data on groundwater depletion and made recommendations
about what role the federal government should play in resolving the controversy. Six years later, Drawdown:
An Update uses new data to update the hydrogeological evaluation of the impacts of Peabody’s massive water
withdrawals on the health of the Navajo aquifer.
This 2006 update finds that not only are there signs of material damage to the aquifer, but that some of
the governments failure to adequately monitor the damage can be attributed to a flawed modeling system
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that obscures on-site evidence of physical damage. Table 1 lists the criteria used to assess material damage. The
changes that have occurred in the aquifer since 2000 paint the picture of a system still in decline.
Table 1: Material damage to the N-aquifer since 2000
Criteria used to
assess material
Standard Are indications of material damage still present?
Criterion 1:
“Maintain potentiometric
head of 100 feet above
top of N-aquifer at any
point to preserve confined
state of aquifer.”
Yes. Groundwater level, a key measure of structural
stability, remains within 100 feet of the top of the aquifer in
two monitored wells and has periodically dropped below the
top elevation of the Navajo aquifer itself, indicating material
Criterion 2:
Water quality
A value of leakage from
D-aquifer not to exceed 10
percent from mine-related
Yes. Leakage is not adequately assessed. Although the
data needed for direct measurements are lacking, analysis
of related data reveals increasing trends in chemical
concentrations in some areas of the Navajo aquifer,
threatening water quality and potentially causing material
Criterion 3:
Discharge to
A discharge reduction
of 10 percent or more
caused by mine-related
withdrawals based on
results of N-aquifer
Yes. Decline in discharge of 10 percent or more was
indicated in three of four recently monitored springs and,
if the model were updated and forced to calibrate, the
conclusion that no material damage has occurred would not
be supported.
Criterion 4:
Discharge to
A discharge reduction
of 10 percent or more
caused by mining.”
Yes. Material damage is indicated by a decline in discharge
of 10 percent or more. Three of four continuously monitored
wash gauging stations show decline of at least 50%, clearly
indicating material damage; however, simulated modeling
results do not calibrate with monitoring data.
The new data show that Peabodys mining practice of drawing down the aquifer—sapping the water
pressure that has taken many centuries to build—has already caused the aquifer material harm according to
some of the U.S. governments own criteria. Now, a permit request from Peabody seeks to potentially increase
water withdrawals from the Navajo aquifer and loosen protections for this water source—despite signs of
damage and continuing decline indicated by the physical monitoring data.
NRDC recommends a number of steps that must be taken to protect this critical water source:
Peabody should permanently cease groundwater pumping from the N-aquifer, and the Office of Surface
Mining Reclamation and Enforcement must deny Peabody’s request for increased access to these waters.
The Department of the Interior should improve its monitoring of the N-aquifer and should ensure
that the Hopi tribe and Navajo Nation have a viable, long-term source of water.
With tribal consent, the Environmental Protection Agency should designate the N-aquifer a “sole
source aquifer” that is granted government protection.
Tribal sovereignty must be respected, and federal and tribal governments should work cooperatively to
manage aquifer resources.
Full text of the original 2000 technical report can be accessed online at
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The Navajo Aquifer Shows Signs of
Material Damage and Continuing Decline
quifers are like sponges, holding their groundwater in sediment or in tiny
pores, ssures, and fractures of rock such as sandstone and limestone.
Water trickles through these spaces, pulled from high pressure areas
to areas of lower pressure, but compared with surface water its ow is
imperceptible: it moves just a few inches or feet in the course of a year. Beneath
Black Mesa, water rst ows south from the exposed Shonto plateau, then
divides. Over the last few decades, however, Black Mesa and its springs have
turned increasingly dry. The physical impacts to the Navajo aquifer have become
even more pronounced since the release of the original Drawdown report.
In 2000, NRDC examined the Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement’s (OSMRE)
own standards for assessing material damage to the N-aquifer’s structural stability, its water quality, and
its discharge to both springs and washes. Drawdown: Groundwater Mining on Black Mesa concluded that
under the governments adopted criteria, material damage had clearly occurred to the N-Aquifer in at least
one respect. Drawdown further concluded that physical monitoring data belied many of the Department
of Interiors conclusions of no material damage, determinations which were often at odds with physical
monitoring results. In fact, the governments results stemmed almost exclusively from the results of incomplete
and inappropriately used models of the N-aquifer.
For Drawdown: An Update, NRDC undertook a thorough review of the most recent monitoring data
and, additionally, commissioned LFR Levine-Fricke (LFR) to update its technical review of the Cumulative
Hydrologic Impact Assessment (CHIA) criteria in light of the latest monitoring data (appended to this
publication). This section revisits OSMRE’s material damage criteria with the most current physical
monitoring data and expert review available. The results are discouraging:
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Material damage to the N-aquifer’s structural stability is further indicated by new data, and the
confined state of the N-aquifer has been potentially compromised;
Material damage to the N-aquifer’s water quality is indicated by physical monitoring data, which shows
localized increases in concentrations of sulfate, chloride, and total dissolved solids;
Simulated modeling results do not calibrate with physical monitoring data for spring discharge, with
the latter indicating that material damage has already occurred for the three springs on the southwest
side of the mesa;
Simulated modeling results do not calibrate with the physical monitoring data for wash discharge, with
the latter once again indicating that material damage has already occurred.
Cumulative Hydrologic Impact Assessment Criteria Results
Indicate Further Damage
In 1989, the Department of the Interior established Cumulative Hydrologic Impact Assessment criteria to
assess the material damage to the N-aquifer caused by Peabody pumping. Material damage was described as
any long-term or permanent change in the available quantity or quality of a water source that will preclude
its use or reduce its utility to an existing water user.
In 2000, after reviewing the data from the U.S. Geological Survey (a sister agency of OSMRE’s within the
Department of the Interior) and Peabodys own reports, NRDC concluded that based on the government’s
own criteria, material damage had occurred. Six years later, the most recent data shows that the N-aquifer
shows signs of continuing decline.
2, 3
Water withdrawals on Black Mesa clearly violated at least one criterion
for establishing material damage, with other criteria strongly indicating material damage was occurring. These
findings are particularly important due to the possibility of renewed water withdrawals at increased levels over
the next 20 years, as discussed in the following section.
CHIA Criterion One: Structural Stability
Criterion: Maintain potentiometric head (the height to which confined liquid will rise when tapped by a
well) of 100 feet above the top of N-aquifer at any point to preserve confined state of aquifer.
2000 Findings: OSMRE established material damage criterion to protect the structural stability of the
N-aquifer. Peabody was to “[m]aintain potentiometric head 100 feet above top of N-aquifer to any point
to preserve confined aquifer state.
In 2000, NRDC reported that six of the fifteen wells (Rough Rock,
10T-258, 10R-111, Sweetwater Mesa, BM3, and Kayenta West) dipped below the 100-foot potentiometric
threshold. Even if the first four sites are discounted for their proximity to the aquifer’s unconfined portion,
that still leaves two (Kayenta West and BM3) whose head fall within the signal 100 feet. As such, according to
CHIA Criterion One, material damage continues to be indicated.
2006 Findings: Since 2000, water levels at most of the monitoring wells have continued to decline,
supporting the findings of material damage made in Drawdown.
In addition, the latest monitoring data
indicates that water levels in Kayenta West and BM3 have dipped below the top of the N-aquifer, potentially
compromising the confined state of the aquifer. If, as OSMRE indicated, maintaining a potentiometric head
100 feet above the top of the N-aquifer is intended to provide a protective barrier in order to preserve the
confined state of aquifer, then these continuing declines raise two serious concerns:
First, water levels at Kayenta West and BM3 have dipped far below the 100-foot criterion, which
constitutes a violation of the CHIA requirements and an indication of material damage under
OSMRE’s adopted safety standards.
Second, because water levels at Kayenta West and BM3 have dipped below the top of the N-aquifer
itself and, therefore, have potentially compromised the confined state of the aquifer in those areas, the
violation of CHIA Criterion One is especially serious.
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The monitoring data introduce a suite of concerns regarding material damage to the N-aquifer, including
a reduction in permeability and loss of storage capacity in the area where the overdraft occurred, and raise
serious concerns about the impact of any future mine-related aquifer withdrawals.
CHIA Criterion Two: Water Quality
Criterion: A value of leakage from the Dakota Sandstone aquifer (known as the D-aquifer) not to exceed 10
percent from mine-related withdrawals.
2000 Findings: Drawdown reported that since data necessary for direct measurements is lacking, monitors
have sought to indirectly gauge the magnitude of leakage from the D-aquifer by the amount of inorganic
compounds, or total dissolved solids (TDS), in N-aquifer water. The USGS identified increased chloride and
sulfate concentrations as important indicators of increased D-aquifer leakage.
Drawdown concluded that data
from the previous 10 years had resulted in dramatic localized increases at certain wells that were discounted by
OSMRE for sampling error, mislabeling, failure of individual well seals, or changes in pumping methods.
2006 Findings: The latest physical monitoring data indicates that the trend of increased chemical
concentrations has continued. The last 15 years have seen some dramatic localized increases, such as a spike
in sulfate concentrations in a Chilchinbito well and a climb in TDS in a well at Forest Lake. Data collected at
various monitoring springs that discharge from the N-aquifer also show a marked increase in chloride.
monitoring data provide evidence of increasing trends in inorganic constituents in the N-aquifer, including
chloride and total dissolved solids, particularly in the southeast portion of near Rough Rock, Pinon, and
Keams Canyon.
Despite these trends and localized increases, OSMRE continues to conclude that material
damage has not occurred.
The sources of induced leakage have not been inadequately assessed. Leakage can occur for a number
of reasons: a shift in the vertical gradients between the D- and N-aquifers from pre-development to post-
development times, a shift in the horizontal gradient in the N-aquifer, or a combination of both.
With respect
to the vertical gradient, OSMRE makes no attempt to estimate induced leakage through water-level monitoring
of the D- and N-aquifers and changes in their vertical gradients.
With respect to the horizontal gradient,
historic horizontal gradient in the N-aquifer was toward the south. However, it appears that horizontal gradient
has reversed as a result of Peabodys pumping regime—leakage now appears to be providing a source of storage
(or recharge) to offset those pumping stresses.
OSMRE has failed to adequately assess this shift in horizontal
In short, OSMRE has failed to provide quantitative estimates of either the vertical gradient between
the D-aquifer and the N-aquifer from pre-stress to post-stress periods or the horizontal flux or vertical induced
leakage based on observed changes in the horizontal gradient in the N-aquifer.
The CHIA criteria do not address the potential for man-made conduits that may effect water quality
in the N-aquifer. In particular, wells in the Peabody well field are perforated or screened across multiple
aquifers and, as such, when the wells are not pumping, a direct vertical conduit exists between the aquifers.
Because water quality in overlaying aquifers is worse than in the lower-lying N-aquifer, contamination
conveyed through inactive wells is a possibility.
If the wells are not pumped for a significant period of time,
water that is “injected” into the N-aquifer from overlying aquifers under non-pumping conditions could
significantly impact water quality in the N-aquifer.
Peabody’s massive water withdrawals coupled with its use
of perforated well casings have created a situation in which damage to water quality may be occurring whether
Peabody is pumping or not.
CHIA Criterion Three: Discharge to Springs
Criterion: A discharge to springs reduction of 10 percent or more caused by mine-related withdrawals based
on results of N-aquifer simulation.
2000 Findings: OSMRE designed its third criterion to assess damage to the springs, finding that damage
was indicated if discharge fell by 10 percent or more as a result of Peabody’s withdrawals. Unfortunately, as
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reported in 2000, OSMRE linked this criterion to a U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) computer model of
groundwater flow that is both outdated (the last computer simulation was in 1994) and inappropriate for the
purpose of evaluation. Moreover, this model hardly reflects the on-site data reported by the USGS.
At the
time of the original Drawdown report, not only had most springs experienced a discharge reduction in excess
of 30 percent, but the majority of those appeared to have decreased by more than 50 percent (Rock Ledge,
Moenkopi School, Many Farms, Whiskey, and Pasture Canyon).
Hence, regardless of the monitoring data
deficiencies, OSMRE’s conclusion that no material damage has occurred as a result of Peabody’s pumping
was strongly challenged by the data. It was unclear why the modeling simulations had not been adjusted
(calibrated) to better represent observed decreases in spring discharges.
2006 Findings: It remains unclear how a conclusion can be made that no material damage is evident based
on simulated modeling results under both the USGS model (1994) and Peabody model (1999) while physical
monitoring data suggest otherwise.
The USGS’s most recent published monitoring data from four springs
that discharge from the N-aquifer (Pasture Canyon, Moenkopi School, Burro, and an unnamed spring near
Dennehotso) clearly shows an overall reduction in spring discharge for the three springs on the southwest
side of the mesa (Pasture Canyon, Moenkopi School, and Burro). Discharge from the unnamed spring near
Dennehotso has fluctuated over time, implying that some unknown change(s) may have occurred (e.g., new
monitoring location, nearby construction), but the two lowest measured discharges over the last decade
occurred within the last three years.
Looking at the annual data from Pasture Canyon, Moenkopi School,
and Burro springs, physical monitoring data shows reductions that far exceed the 10 percent threshold: 24
percent percent at Moenkopi, 19 percent at Pasture Canyon, and 50 percent at Burro.
Moreover, if other
historic spring discharge data were considered, observed discharge reductions would be much greater (70
percent at Moenkopi and 85 percent at Pasture Canyon).
All considered, if models used to support claims of
no material damage were updated and forced to calibrate to the physical data that has been collected, material
damage would likely be indicated. OSMRE’s analysis of this criterion is severely limited by its reliance on
computer modeling, but if physical monitoring data were given precedence over modeling, material damage
would be evident.
OSMRE continues to disregard actual monitoring data and historical accounts from Hopi elders that the
outflow from springs sacred to the tribe has been drying up.
Instead, OSMRE has created a “virtual” world
that differs starkly from the reports on the ground in Black Mesa. It is not entirely clear how OSMRE could
conclude that no material damage is evident based on simulated modeling results while physical monitoring
data suggests otherwise. This finding of no material damage is particularly dubious since the groundwater
Using water levels to better assess water quality
A measure that should be used to supplement TDS sampling—one that was proposed by the Office of
Surface Mining in 1988, but was bumped from the CHIA’s final version—is water level. Under the proposed
criterion, the aquifer’s potentiometric head would be monitored for decline against a baseline altitude, which
represents how high its water would have climbed before Peabody’s operations began. Should its head drop
below 100 feet of this baseline—suggesting a sharp fall in water pressure and the formation of a pressure
gradient strong enough to pull lower-quality water from above—material damage would be indicated. (By
contrast, under CHIA Criterion One, potentiometric head is monitored for its proximity to the aquifer’s surface,
not to a predetermined baseline, and material damage is indicated where the head drops within 100 feet
of the aquifer itself.) If this proposed criterion were in use in 2000, there could be little question that water
quality was threatened. In the intervening years, water quality has worsened to the point where three of
the 11 monitored wells in the N-aquifer’s confined portion (Pinon, Keams Canyon, and BM6) have dropped
below the 100-foot mark and three additional wells (BM2, BM3, and BM5) are on the verge of crossing over.
Moreover, in the areas where the N-aquifer has dipped below the top of the N-aquifer, the introduction of air
can alter aquifer chemistry and result in damaging reactions such as the formation of iron and manganese
oxide precipitates. Such impacts would be irreparable.
Natural Resources Defense Council
model used to make that determination is admittedly incapable of resolving significant changes in spring
discharges at the level required by the CHIA criteria.
Physical monitoring data continue to show that
material damage, as defined by the CHIA criteria, is occurring.
CHIA Criterion Four: Discharge to Washes
Criterion: A decline in discharge to the N-aquifer washes by 10 percent or more, caused by mining.
2000 Findings: OSMRE designed its fourth criterion to assess damage to washes, finding that damage
was indicated when discharge to the N-aquifer’s washes declined by 10 percent as a result of mine-related
groundwater pumping. As noted in 2000, evaluation of this fourth criterion, like evaluation of the third, relies
on a “virtual” world of modeling that does not conform to physical monitoring data. Unfortunately, OSMRE
based its analysis of this criterion on the latest USGS N-aquifer model, which had last been updated by USGS
in 1994. OSMRE continues to conclude that based upon that 1994 N-aquifer simulation, material damage
has not occurred.
2006 Findings: Historical data do exist for flow in some area washes; however, the data are limited. According
to the USGS, continuous discharge data have been collected at four streamflow gauging stations since the
mid 1970s.
The average annual discharge at the four gauging stations varies during the period of record.
Nonetheless, according to USGS monitoring data, since 1995 the median winter flows for Moenkopi Wash,
Dinnebito Wash, and Polacca Wash have generally decreased.
For the four continuously monitored washes, the median winter flows in 2003 were 0.75 ft
/s for Laguna
Creek, 0.25 ft
/s for Dinnebito Wash, 0.10 ft
/s for Polacca Wash, and 3.45 ft
/s for Moenkopi Wash. By
comparison, the earliest measured median winter flows for Laguna Creek (1997), Dinnebito Wash (1994),
and Polacca Wash (1995) were 1.8 ft
/s, 0.5 ft
/s, and 0.35 ft
/s, respectively. As such, flow reductions of 50
percent or more are evident since monitoring began in those three washes, which easily surmounts the 10
percent threshold identified in the CHIA criteria (see Table 2). For Moenkopi Wash, the period of record is
much longer and shows a general decline since the highest measured value in 1988, except during the last two
years where flow has increased.
Table 2: Discharge to N-aquifer washes
Wash/Creek Earliest Median Winter
2003 Median Winter
Change in Median Flow
Laguna Creek 1.8 ft
/s (1997) 0.75 ft
/s - 58%
Dinnebito Wash 0.5 ft
/s (1994) 0.25 ft
/s - 50%
Polacca Wash 1.8 ft
/s (1995) 0.10 ft
/s - 94%
Moenkopi Wash 3.2 ft
/s (1977) 3.45 ft
/s + 8%
The physical monitoring data clearly indicates that base flow in a majority of the monitored washes
have decreased by more than 10 percent since monitoring began. Material damage to the N-aquifer is
evident; however, simulated modeling results do not calibrate with the physical monitoring data. Once again,
OSMRE’s analysis of this criterion is severely limited by its reliance on computer modeling, but if physical
monitoring data were given precedence over modeling, material damage would be evident.
As with spring discharge, to assess impacts of changes in base flow to washes this criterion depends on
simulated groundwater modeling results rather than physical monitoring data. The physical monitoring
data suggests that base flow in the majority of monitored washes have decreased by more than 10 percent
since monitoring began. As such, in accordance with the CHIA criteria, material damage to the N-aquifer
is evident; however, OSMRE continues to rely on simulated modeling results that do not calibrate with the
physical monitoring data.
Natural Resources Defense Council
Flawed Modeling Obscures Evidence of
Material Damage to the Navajo Aquifer
ince mining began on Black Mesa three decades ago, more than 44
billion gallons of pristine groundwater have been pumped from the N-
aquifer to feed the Peabody pipeline. As shown in the original Drawdown
report and again in this follow-up paper, data collected by the government often
contravene the government’s own conclusion that material damage has not
occurred. And yet, aided by aws in the Interior Department’s criteria, holes
in its monitoring program, and basic de ciencies in its hydrogeologic model,
Peabody has been able to allege that the present use of water for slurry will not
adversely affect the aquifer and those who depend on it.
Drawdown noted that perhaps the principal deficiency in the government’s program is its overreliance on
modeling projections, which tend to obscure on-site evidence of material damage as described in Drawdown
and this follow-up publication. For example, the third of OSMRE’s four material damage criteria, which
assesses the aquifer’s discharge to springs, depends entirely upon modeling, regardless of what actual data may
show. Simulations have also been used in application of criteria two and four, partly to distinguish Peabodys
impacts on water quality and washes from those of the tribes, although results there, too, fail to correspond
with on-site trends or explain their divergence.
Relying on the U.S. Geological Survey model, OSMRE has
found that material damage to Black Mesas springs has not occurred, noting how simulated flows “decreased
[due to Peabody’s withdrawals] by less than 1 percent under all pumpage scenarios,” even though seven of nine
monitored sites have already exhibited flow reductions well in excess of the governments 10 percent ceiling.
Flaws in the U.S. Geological Survey’s Two-Dimensional Model
Drawdown outlined a number of flaws in the U.S. Geological Survey model (“USGS Model”). Besides being
misapplied, the official model was based on assumptions about recharge and other hydrogeological features
that have since been called into question. Recharge is the process by which aquifers are replenished with water,
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as rainfall infiltrates the ground and percolates downward. The physical characteristics of the soil, the extent
of plant cover, the moistness of surface materials, the intensity of rainfall, the slope of the landscape, and the
presence and depth of confining layers and storage basins can all influence the recharge rate of an aquifer,
making calculation difficult.
Back in the early 1980s, the U.S. Geological Survey fixed the recharge rate of the N-aquifer at about
13,000 acre-feet per year; several later studies, including the crucial Cumulative Hydrologic Impact
Assessment completed in 1989, relied on this estimate in formulating their conclusions.
But there were
problems: the original researchers failed to provide full discussion or documentation of the aquifers
hydrodynamics, begging basic questions about the integrity of the USGS model, and they overestimated the
regions annual precipitation, which colored the results.
In response to an internal critique of the USGS model, Drawdown reported that the U.S. Geological
Survey took steps to revise its original estimate: recharge to the exposed Shonto region at the northern end
of Black Mesa, the region believed to account for much of the N-aquifers recharge, has been downgraded
on the basis of detailed geochemical and isotopic measurements to between 2,500 and 3,500 acre-feet per
year, suggesting that actual recharge to the aquifer is but a fraction of the government’s original estimate.
this revised figure is correct, then Peabody’s current withdrawals from the N-aquifer most likely surpass what
hydrogeologists would call the aquifers “safe yield,”—the difference between its annual rates of recharge and
Safe yield is like a surplus in an accounting book; it is the amount left after all the years credits (recharge)
and debits (discharge) have been logged. What happens to an aquifer when its safe yield is exceeded? As the
hydrologist C.V. Theis wrote in 1940, “a new state of dynamic equilibrium is reached only by an increase in
recharge, a decrease in discharge, or a combination of the two.
If an increase in recharge is not forthcoming,
a decrease in discharge to the washes and springs is to be expected.
Other criticisms of the USGS model have been made. The overarching issue concerning the USGS
model is the fact that it is over a decade old and has not been run by USGS since 1994. LFR Levine-Fricke
reports that if forced to update, the conclusion that no material damage has occurred would very likely not
be supported. In addition, since a complete water budget (or allocation scheme) for the N-aquifer could
not be calculated from available field data, researchers relied upon estimates in their original study; though
revisions were made in subsequent years, fundamentals of this water budget were not reconsidered and related
assumptions went unexplained.
As has also been noted, conclusions regarding the levels of potential leakage
from the overlying D-aquifer are likewise based on insubstantial evidence.
Peabody’s 1999 Three-Dimensional Flow Model Is Fundamentally Flawed
In 1999, HIS Geotrans and Waterstone prepared for Peabody A Three-Dimensional Flow Model of the D
and N Aquifers (“1999 Flow Model”) to develop estimates of N-aquifer water withdrawals. In 2002, at the
behest of NRDC, LFR Levine-Fricke provided a technical review of the 1999 Flow Model and accompanying
documentation and its application to predicting impacts on the D- and N-aquifers (appended to this
publication). This review focused on whether the new model improved the ability to assess material damage
and other disturbances to the hydrologic balance relative to CHIA criteria and whether it accurately simulated
responses to Peabody pumping on such issues as groundwater elevations, aquifer discharge, induced leakage,
and storage loss in the D- and N-aquifers.
The technical review concluded that the 1999 Flow Model is fundamentally flawed and fails to meet the
regulatory requirements. Major flaws include the following:
1. The 1999 Flow Model is inadequate to address all relevant consequences of mining on the hydrologic
balance (and associated, existing CHIA criteria).
2. the model is otherwise flawed in important ways that destroy its utility and credibility, including its
theoretic postulation of a nearly unlimited supply of water to replace water pumped by Peabody and
mask the effects of Peabody pumping.
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Each of these points is discussed in turn. First, Peabody relies heavily on the model to support its
claims that impacts to the N-aquifer are minimal. However, Peabody admits that the model has insufficient
resolution to address a critical issue: diminishment of flow at sacred and other springs in the area.
impact of Peabody’s activities on spring flow is, and has always been, a central hydrogeologic issue. For
example, one of the four CHIA criteria established by OSMRE establishes a material damage threshold of
10 percent reduction in spring flow.
Yet, the 1999 Flow Model simply does not address this issue, thereby
precluding OSMRE from assessing impacts to individual springs, many of which are religiously and culturally
integral to the Hopi in addition to serving as sources of potable water.
Second, the 1999 Flow Model is otherwise fatally flawed in important ways that destroy its utility and
credibility. As documented in the attached report from expert hydrogeologists and modelers with LFR, the
1999 Flow Model has numerous inconsistencies and significant problems. Chief among them, the 1999
Flow Model artificially creates a nearly limitless supply of water residing in the D-aquifer that “replaces
water pumped from the underlying N-aquifer by the coal company for use in its operations. This element
of the model fundamentally obscures impacts and minimizes Peabodys proportional role in those that are
identified. In short, as more fully discussed in the attached LFR report, the 1999 Flow Model is inadequate to
support the conclusions contained in Peabody’s permit application, nor is it capable of supporting a finding
by OSMRE that material damage or other disturbances to the hydrologic balance will not occur as a result of
Peabody operations.
It is instructive that an earlier 2002 permit application relying on the 1999 Flow Model contained
significant caveats about the utility of the model. For example, Peabody acknowledged that the agreement
between the model and observed water levels (alleged by Peabody) “does not necessarily mean that the
predictions will be accurate.
Peabody also noted that “[e]arlier models produced reasonably good
agreement with water-level change information available at the time of their calibration, but the agreement of
measured and simulated water-level changes degraded with increasing time.
The Significant Shortcomings of Peabody’s 2005 Supplement
In 2005, Peabody released a supplement to its Three-Dimensional Flow Model of the D and N Aquifers (“the
2005 Supplement”). The purpose of the 2005 Supplement was to simulate and evaluate five additional
pumping scenarios, provide results of additional sensitivity testing, and evaluate whether the models originally
presented in 1999 are able to accurately simulate water level changes from 1997 through 2003 in the Black
Mesa monitoring wells. At the behest of NRDC, LFR reviewed the 2005 Supplement to determine its ability
to address CHIA criteria and resolve outstanding shortcomings outlined in the 1999 Flow Model (appended
to this publication).
Peabody’s 2005 Supplement has three major flaws:
1. Previous concerns regarding the model and its ability to resolve specific CHIA criteria requirements
remain unresolved, including a failure to resolve changes in spring discharge at the level necessary to
evaluate CHIA criteria.
2. Essential statistics to support the supplement’s conclusions and facilitate peer review are not made
available; rather, only declaratory statements are provided.
3. The model fails to include D-aquifer water-level data necessary to quantify leakage from the D-aquifer
to the N-aquifer.
Each of these issues is addressed in turn. First, the previous concerns regarding the model and its ability
to resolve specific CHIA criteria requirements remain unresolved. As noted above, the 1999 Flow Model
has insufficient resolution to address a critical issue: diminishment of flow at sacred and other springs in the
As noted earlier, this critical concern is a central hydrogeologic issue, one which the 2005 Supplement
fails to address (as pointed out years ago by LFR). The supplement therefore fails to provide the necessary
information for OSMRE to assess impacts to individual springs. For example, LFR noted that to assess
discharge reductions at Pasture Canyon spring, a 10 percent reduction in spring discharge would require
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that the model accurately resolve changes in spring discharge of less than 5 gallons per minute or 8 acre-feet
per year at a minimum. The 1999 Flow Model and 2005 Supplement fail to achieve this critical indicator.
Furthermore, LFR notes, if the model were accurately calibrated, it would show a reduction in spring flow of
over 19 percent at Pasture Canyon spring since 1995.
Second, the 2005 Supplement fails to make available necessary information to support its conclusions and
facilitate peer review. LFR notes that calibration statistics typically provided in model validation reports are
not made available to the public, rather qualitative statements are provided with no statistical showing.
example, the 2005 Supplement simply states that “[t]he four models match the observed water-level changes
at the six BM monitoring wells quite well” without making available the information necessary to verify this
statement. The 2005 Supplement acknowledges this shortcoming when, comparing additional pumping data
and simulated model results to the updated pumping data, the report states: “[t]his evaluation, which is not
presented here, indicated that there were only small differences between measured and simulated drawdown
for the period 1997 through 2000” (emphasis added). The 2005 Supplement fails to conform to applicable
industry standards for demonstrating model performance.
Third, neither the 1999 Flow Model nor the 2005 Supplement include water levels for the confined
portion of the D-aquifer. In fact, Peabody does not even monitor water levels in the confined portion of the
D-aquifer as part of its monitoring efforts. This information is necessary to directly evaluate the change in
leakage from the D-aquifer to N-aquifer under the 1999 Flow Model for CHIA Criterion Three. Moreover,
it would seem necessary to calibrate a model that incorporates the D-aquifer and is intended, in part, to
quantify leakage from the D-aquifer to the N-aquifer.
Peabody’s 1999 Flow Model continues to suffer from the same fatal flaws that were left unaddressed
in the 2005 Supplement. In fact, the 2005 Supplement raises a series of additional concerns that seriously
undermine the utility and predictive accuracy of the 1999 Flow Model and 2005 Supplement for determining
material damage to the N-aquifer.
Natural Resources Defense Council
Controversy Comes to a Head with
Peabody’s New Request for Increased
Navajo Aquifer Access
he con ict is heating up between the coal company seeking to exploit the
Navajo aquifer and the tribal communities who rely on the aquifer as a
potable water source. Peabody has led a request to extend its mining
operations in Black Mesa and, despite the evidence to the contrary, claims that
this invasive mining and accompanying water withdrawals will not damage the
aquifer. But physical monitoring data as well as rsthand accounts tell a story of
groundwater depletion that can be traced to Peabody’s operations in Black Mesa.
Mohave Generating Station Closure
Since the 1960s, the Black Mesa mine has produced coal and the N-aquifer has provided water so that the
dirtiest remaining power plant in the Intermountain West, located 273 miles away in southern Nevada,
could operate.
During this period, tens of billions of gallons of pristine water have been removed from the
N-aquifer, causing material damage to the aquifer itself and threatening Hopi livelihood and the cultural
practices that rely on it.
In 1997, environmental groups sued the co-owners of the Mohave Generating
Station (MGS) to stop its repeated Clean Air Act violations.
According to available information, the 1,580-
megawatt MGS plant was releasing an average of 19,000 tons of nitrogen oxide, 40,000 tons of sulfur dioxide,
and 2,000 tons of fine particles a year into the air above Laughlin.
That plume of smog and soot pollution
was contributing to the haze that diminished visibility at the Grand Canyon.
In 1999, MGS co-owners
agreed to retrofit the plant, which supplied customers in California and in other states, with state-of-the-art
pollution controls by January 1, 2006.
But when the MGS co-owners failed to retrofit the power plant
and were forced to shut the plant down, most of Peabody’s water withdrawals from the N-aquifer ceased
indefinitely. To many tribal members, the shutdown of MGS and the cessation of mining activities at Black
Mesa mine were necessary steps to preserve the N-aquifer and its springs.
But the threat to the tribes and to
the balance of the N-aquifer remains.
Natural Resources Defense Council
Peabody’s Current Request for Increased Access to the N-Aquifer
Peabody is moving forward to restart its N-aquifer withdrawals. In early 2004, Peabody submitted a permit
application to OSMRE. In that application, Peabody sought regulatory authorization to extend mining
operations on Black Mesa for an additional 20 years, while discounting any negative effects previous mining
operations have had on the N-aquifer.
In its permit application, Peabody asserts that incontrovertible
evidence supports the conclusion that potential hydrologic consequences of Peabodys “past, present, and
potential future usage of the Navajo aquifer are negligible,” despite the fact that this statement does not
correlate with physical monitoring data.
The conclusory statements in Peabodys latest permit application conflict with empirical data indicating
that several of the criteria for material damage to the N-aquifer have already likely been exceeded. As noted in
the Drawdown report and this publication, major impacts to the N-aquifer include:
water levels in that have dipped below the 100-foot protective barrier and, in some locations, below the
top of the N-aquifer;
dramatic localized increases in total dissolved solids, as well as sulfate and chloride concentrations at a
number of locations;
diminishment of flow by more than 30 percent from seven of nine monitored N-aquifer springs, with
spring flow reduction of 50 percent or more from three of four annually monitored N-aquifer springs;
substantial reductions in wash discharge of more than 50 percent in three of four monitored washes, as
indicated by physical monitoring data, in excess of material damage criteria thresholds.
In apparent response to the concerns of the harm to the N-aquifer that the permit application would
raise, Peabody included a provisional plan to use an alternative water source: the Coconino Aquifer (or “C-
aquifer”). Critically, Peabody fails to show that C-aquifer water can be withdrawn consistent with OSMRE
regulations or that it is likely to be available to the mine.
Under Peabody’s latest permit application, until
C-aquifer water is available, if ever, Peabody requests increased access to the N-aquifer for all of its operations,
including production and resultant transportation of coal and its new coal washing water requirements.
Essentially, under Peabodys latest permit application, if the C-aquifer never becomes available, is substantially
delayed, or if Peabody decides it is not worthwhile to pursue, business as usual would continue on Black
As noted earlier, Peabody’s latest permit application suffers from at least two overarching shortcomings
when it comes to issues related to the N-aquifer. First, Peabody’s permit application discounts physical
monitoring data, concluding that material damage is not occurring despite monitoring data indicating
otherwise. Second, in addition to discounting physical monitoring data, Peabody crafted the permit
application to continue its right to withdraw as much N-aquifer water as required for mining and transport
operations through the life of the permit, while only making unsubstantiated assurances that it is committed
to seeking an alternative water source, much less that it will be available.
These unsubstantiated assurances
come in the face of a requested increase in the amount of water that Peabody would be allowed to withdraw—
in excess of 6,000 acre-feet a year.
In short, Peabody’s permit application, as drafted, would allow Peabody to increase water withdrawals
from the N-aquifer for the next twenty years despite the serious concerns raised by physical monitoring data
already evident at much lower levels of annual N-aquifer pumping.
Peabody’s latest permit application to OSMRE is still being examined and will have to undergo
environmental review under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969—a process that will continue
throughout 2006.
Natural Resources Defense Council
Recommendations for Preserving the
Navajo Aquifer
he U.S. government has an obligation to protect the Black Mesa water
system from groundwater mining, a practice that virtually no one defends
as an appropriate—let alone the best—use of a precious resource. To
preserve the Navajo aquifer and the sacred springs and washes it feeds, NRDC
concludes the following steps must be taken to protect the health of this vital
water source.
Peabody should permanently cease groundwater pumping from the N-aquifer. As reported in 2000,
there is ample evidence to suggest that Peabodys annual withdrawal of more than a billion gallons of potable
N-Aquifer water (which no one defends in principle) is endangering the ability of the Hopi and the Navajo
to draw on groundwater for subsistence and other needs. Given the evidence—the substantial fall of water
levels in the aquifer; mounting evidence that its recharge rates are substantially lower than originally forecast;
evidence of water-quality degradation in at least some parts of the aquifer; declines in outflow from its springs;
Peabody’s status as principal user; potential for severe, adverse consequences should pumping continue; and
the protective principles that underlie the government’s trust relationship with the tribes—it should be the
policy of the Department of the Interior that Peabody cease mining the N-aquifer and refuse Peabody rights
to any continued access of the N-aquifer as posited in Peabody’s most recent permit application.
OSMRE must deny Peabody’s life-of-mine permit application. OSMRE cannot legally authorize a life-
of-mine permit for the Kayenta and Black Mesa mines based on vague assumptions and future assurances that
an alternative water source may one day be available.
The Interior Department should renew its investigation of alternatives to the current pipeline system.
The Department of the Interior should update Phases 1 and 2 and conduct Phase 3 of the three-part study on
coal transport alternatives that it began in the early 1990s. The Environmental Protection Agency identified
a few of these alternatives in reviewing Peabody’s permit application 10 years ago: replacing water-based coal
slurry with a methanol-based slurry; substituting low-grade water for the pristine drinking water of the N-
aquifer; using reclamation technologies to reduce the total amount of water needed, regardless of the source;
Natural Resources Defense Council
and developing an alternative vehicle for coal transport.
It remains for the Interior Department to update
and complete its comparative analysis and determine which of the available options, singly or in combination,
is the most environmentally and economically sound. This analysis can be performed within the context of
the Environmental Impact Statement under the National Environmental Policy Act required for Peabody’s
latest permit application.
The Department of the Interior should consider, in addition, at least one alternative that has not yet been
named: the use of reclaimed water from existing treatment facilities as a replacement for all or part of the
pristine N-aquifer groundwater used in Peabodys slurry. Recycling wastewater is generally considered sound
environmental policy, supported by a wide range of interests in the southwestern United States, and NRDC’s
investigation has determined that recycling in this case may be technically feasible, once the needs of local
farmers are met.
The Department of the Interior should adopt safe yield as its management goal. Under the standard
known as safe yield, users of an aquifer cannot take more than the aquifers natural surplus; i.e., the difference
between what the aquifer annually acquires through recharge and what it loses through discharge to springs
and washes and other natural processes. Meeting this standard means developing policies and parameters
that will ensure the availability of groundwater long into the future. Other standards—such as sustained
yield, which sets a 100-year parameter for an aquifers sustainability—provide neither a long-term solution to
groundwater overdraft nor an appropriate way to ensure the viability of peoples that have inhabited the same
land for many hundreds of years. With tribal consent, the Department of the Interior should adopt safe yield
as its management goal for the N-aquifer.
The Department of the Interior should improve its monitoring of the N-aquifer. To ensure that safe
yield standards are met and that washes, springs, community wells, and other features are protected in the
long run, it is essential that the current monitoring regime be overhauled. The Interior Department should
improve its metering of Moenkopi and other washes, take potentiometric measurements of the D- and N-
aquifers for a more accurate assessment of contamination risk, and make whatever additional adjustments
are necessary to address the potential impacts that OSMRE has identified. At the same time, it should open
OSMRE’s material damage criteria, which help define the parameters of its monitoring program, to a public
process of reexamination and revision.
The Department of the Interior should recalibrate its hydrogeologic model of the N-aquifer. Data
compiled by OSMRE and a reassessment of the aquifers recharge rate undertaken by the U.S. Geological
Survey suggest that the department’s existing model does not reflect actual conditions. The department should
revise its model accordingly. Of course, making these revisions to its modeling and monitoring programs
should not delay the department in taking the precautionary steps we have recommended.
With tribal consent, the Environmental Protection Agency should designate the N-aquifer a “sole
source aquifer” pursuant to the Federal Sole Source Aquifer Protection Program. The federal Safe
Drinking Water Act recognizes that sole sources of regional drinking water, whose contamination “would
create a significant hazard to public health,” require special protection to ensure their long-term viability.
Once an aquifer has officially been designated a sole source under the program, no federal funding can be
committed to any project that may result in its contamination. With the tribes’ consent, the N-aquifer should
receive this designation from the Environmental Protection Agency.
Tribal sovereignty must be respected, and federal and tribal governments should work cooperatively
to manage aquifer resources. The federal government and the Hopi and Navajo tribes must work together
to develop a viable policy of groundwater management applicable to reservation lands and modeled on the
safe yield standard of zero net withdrawals. Fundamental to the plan should be self-governance for the tribes
with respect to groundwater management, enforceable limits on withdrawals from the N-aquifer to ensure
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that progress associated with diminished industrial pumping is not offset or lost by increased pumping for
other nonessential purposes, and regulations that recognize the environmental and cultural significance of the
N-aquifer and the sacred springs it feeds. As the tribes make improvements to infrastructure in the coming
decades, efforts should be made to incorporate acceptable usage levels into their water systems.
Natural Resources Defense Council
Technical Report: Update of the CHIA
Criteria Evaluation for Peabody Western
Coal Company Groundwater Withdrawals
from the N-aquifer, Black Mesa, Arizona
This report has been prepared by LFR Levine•Fricke (LFR) at the request of the Natural Resources Defense
Council (NRDC) for the purpose of updating our review of potential hydrologic impacts to the N-aquifer
caused by groundwater withdrawals associated with Peabody Western Coal Company (PWCC) mining
operations in the Black Mesa area of Northeastern, Arizona. In September 2000, LFR provided an assessment of
potential impacts to the N-aquifer based on criteria established by the U.S. Department of the Interior Office of
Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement (OSMRE), (LFR 2000). This report is intended to update LFR’s
findings based on more recently obtained monitoring data, including, but not limited to, the United States
Geologic Survey (USGS) annual reports on Groundwater, Surface Water and Water Chemistry for the Black
Mesa Area, Northeastern Arizona (Truini and Thomas, 2004; Truini and Porter 2005), and the USGS report on
the Hydrogeology of the D-aquifer and Movement and Ages of Groundwater Determined from Geochemical
and Isotopic Analysis, Black Mesa Area, Northeastern Arizona (Truini and Longsworth 2003).
Executive Summary
The objectives of this report are to determine whether material damage can be identified, based upon CHIA
criteria established by OSMRE. To accomplish the objectives, LFR compared monitoring data contained in the
annual USGS monitoring reports and other pertinent documents with the criteria as explained in the CHIA.
Additional resource material was also reviewed to establish historic conditions and evaluate current trends.
To evaluate the impact of groundwater withdrawals on the N-aquifer, CHIA criteria were established
to allow for comparison of future groundwater levels and surface water flows to baseline water levels and
flows established in the CHIA. The hydrologic concerns addressed in the CHIA are primarily related to the
diminution of the N-aquifer water resource related to potential adverse impacts on water quantity and quality.
The requirement of the first CHIA criterion is to maintain a potentiometric head 100 feet above the top
of the N-aquifer at any point to preserve the confined state of the aquifer. Since the September 2000 report,
water level declines have continued to be observed in most N-aquifer monitor wells. With respect to both
the Kayenta West and BM3 wells, monitoring data show that the water levels in those wells have periodically
dropped below not only the CHIA criteria level established to protect the aquifer, but the elevation of the top
of the N-aquifer itself. This adds additional concerns regarding potential material damage to the N-aquifer.
The failure of these wells to meet the criterion is dismissed by OSMRE as being the result of municipal
pumping in the Kayenta community, even though the total municipal pumping at Kayenta represents less
than 12 percent of the industrial pumping by PWCC a short distance south of Kayenta. Notwithstanding
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OSMRE’s exception for the BM3 well, it appears that material damage to the hydrologic balance of the N-
aquifer has occurred based upon CHIA Criterion 1.
The second CHIA criterion was established to prevent degradation of N-aquifer water quality due
to induced leakage of poor quality groundwater from the overlying D-aquifer. To date, the CHIA criteria
evaluation has relied on trends in inorganic water quality to assess whether material damage is occurring;
however, such an analysis cannot provide a quantitative result to demonstrate that induced leakage from
PWCC pumping is less than 10 percent of pre-stress leakage levels as required by the CHIA.
Documentation for a new groundwater model prepared on behalf of PWCC (GeoTrans 1999)
included a water balance for each model layer under steady state conditions. For the steady state simulation,
approximately 4,100 acre-feet per year of recharge to the upper N-aquifer layer is derived from vertical
leakage from the overlying layer (Carmel Formation); however, no discussion was provided regarding the
areal distribution of observed leakage or whether changes in vertical leakage are observed between pre-stress
and post-stress model simulations. Recent model simulations for various future pumping scenarios indicate
that the N-Aquifer southeast of Pinon represents a source of recharge (or storage) for pumping stresses to
the north. This is the same area where vertical leakage has been documented by changes in inorganic water
quality. While the CHIA criterion can not be quantitatively evaluated based on available data, indirect
evidence of material damage associated with induced leakage exists.
The remaining two CHIA criteria were established to assess whether PWCC withdrawals would result
in N-aquifer discharge reductions of 10 percent or more to springs or base flow in washes. OSMRE relies on
groundwater modeling rather than physical monitoring to assess whether material damage is occurring, and
has determined that material damage has not occurred. It remains unclear how a conclusion can be made that
no material damage is evident based on simulated modeling results while physical monitoring data suggests
otherwise. Both the USGS and PWCC groundwater models used to make that judgment are admittedly
incapable of resolving significant changes in spring discharges at the level required by the CHIA criteria.
The physical monitoring data suggests that base flow in many of the monitored springs and washes have
decreased by more than 10 percent since monitoring began. If the model were updated and forced to calibrate
to the physical data that has been collected, the conclusion that no material damage has occurred would not
be supported. As such, in accordance with the CHIA criteria, material damage to the N-aquifer is evident;
however, simulated modeling results do not calibrate with the physical monitoring data.
The Cumulative Hydrologic Impact Assessment (CHIA) criteria used were established by OSMRE in April
1989 to determine whether mine-related groundwater withdrawals resulted in material damage to the N-
aquifer. On March 8, 1991, as part of a legal settlement, OSMRE agreed to review Black Mesa N-aquifer
monitoring data against the CHIA criteria and thereafter report their findings to the Navajo Nation, Hopi
Tribe, and PWCC in annual reports.
For the September 2000 report, LFR compared Black Mesa area monitoring data against the material
damage criteria established in the 1989 CHIA. Based on our evaluation, LFR reported these findings:
Based upon groundwater modeling performed for the CHIA, OSMRE concluded that none of the
projected impacts associated with proposed mine operations exceeded the material damage criteria;
therefore, OSMRE anticipated no material damage to the hydrologic balance within the study area.
Flaws in the CHIA criteria and dependence of the criteria on an underlying groundwater flow model
hindered evaluation. These flaws raise questions regarding OSMRE’s conclusions.
Three of the four material damage criteria may not necessarily be protective of N-aquifer water
resources because they are either directly or indirectly dependent upon modeling results from a model
not specifically designed to evaluate those criteria. OSMRE bases its analysis of CHIA Criteria 3
and 4 on the latest USGS N-Aquifer model or makes no evaluative attempt. Since the final CHIA
was released in 1989, USGS has performed modeling simulations twice. The most recent modeling
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results are contained in the 1992-1993 USGS progress report released in 1995. Therefore, all OSMRE
material damage analyses are based upon pre-1995 modeling results. Analysis of N-aquifer criteria as
proposed in the 1990 CHIA has not occurred since 1994 data was evaluated.
Modelers concede that the underlying model was not designed to evaluate impacts at individual springs
or wells. As such, the model can not adequately simulate spring discharge with the level of precision
necessary to evaluate CHIA criteria.
Issues with the CHIA evaluation methods aside, groundwater elevation monitoring data show that
material damage can be concluded based upon CHIA Criterion 1.
If actual monitoring data were given precedence over predictions based on model output, a review of
other CHIA criteria would likely support the conclusion that material damage has occurred. The Black
Mesa monitoring data indicate that excessive pumping of the N aquifer has caused groundwater level
declines and spring discharge reductions exceeding guidelines established in the CHIA. Data trends
further indicate that additional material damage is imminent.
The objectives of this report are to determine whether material damage can be identified, based upon Black
Mesa CHIA criteria. To accomplish the objectives, LFR compared monitoring data contained in the annual
USGS monitoring reports and other pertinent documents with the criteria as explained in the CHIA.
Additional resource material was also reviewed to establish historic conditions and evaluate current trends.
The scope of this evaluation is limited to impacts of pumping on the N-aquifer groundwater resource and
does not address other pertinent criteria such as surface water quality.
Hydrogeology of the Black Mesa Area
The Black Mesa region of northeastern Arizona is located in the Plateau Uplands Hydrogeologic Province
and is characterized by high, isolated mesas and steep-walled canyons. The Black Mesa, with an area of
approximately 5,400 square miles, is underlain by thick sequences of relatively flat-lying, well-lithified
sedimentary rocks. The mesa land surface rises steeply on the East Side to more than 3,000 feet above the
surrounding lowland, while it slopes gradually toward the lowland to the west.
A thin veneer of recent unconsolidated sediments covers the surface of the mesa with floodplain alluvial
deposits generally occurring in narrow bands along major drainage channels. The underlying sedimentary rock
sequence, Permian to Late Tertiary in age, is highly variable and consists of up to 10,000 feet of interbedded
sandstone, mudstone, siltstone, limestone, coal, and gypsum deposits (Lopes and Hoffman 1996).
Several water-bearing zones (aquifers) underlie the Black Mesa area. The primary aquifer in the Black
Mesa area is the Jurassic-age N-Aquifer, which includes the highly productive Navajo Sandstone and the
underlying Wingate Sandstone (Cooley et al. 1969). The N-aquifer is more than 1,200 feet thick in the
northwestern portion of the mesa and thins toward the southeast corner of the mesa. The N-aquifer is
unconfined around the margins of the mesa where it is exposed and overlying sediments have been removed
by erosion. Beneath approximately 3,500 square miles of Black Mesa, however, the N-aquifer is fully saturated
and confined by sediments of the overlying D-aquifer and Carmel Formation (Lopes and Hoffman 1996).
Recharge to the N aquifer occurs primarily in the area near Shonto, north and northwest of the mesa, where
the N-aquifer is exposed at the surface (Lopes and Hoffman 1996).
The D-aquifer generally consists of isolated thin sandstone layers of the Morrison Formation and
the Cow Springs Member of the Entrada Sandstone, separated by thick sequences of lower permeability
mudstone and siltstone (Cooley et al. 1969). The thickness of the D-aquifer varies from less than 100 feet
in the area northwest of the mesa to 1,300 feet in the central portions of the mesa (Lopes and Hoffman
1996). Groundwater occurs under both unconfined and confined conditions within the D-aquifer. Hydraulic
heads in the D-aquifer are as much as 600 feet higher than those of the underlying N-aquifer, resulting in a
significant potential downward gradient toward the N-aquifer. Recharge to the D-aquifer primarily occurs
along the eastern slope of the mesa where the unit is exposed at higher elevations (Lopes and Hoffman 1996).
Natural Resources Defense Council
The D- and N-aquifers are separated by a lower-permeability confining unit, or aquitard, consisting of the
lower Entrada Sandstone and the Carmel Formation. This confining unit consists of generally less than 300
feet of mudstone and silty sandstone, which restricts the downward flow of poor quality water from the
overlying D-aquifer into the underlying N-aquifer; however, recent studies have shown that leakage of poor
quality water from the D-aquifer to the underlying N-aquifer is evident and has occurred in the southeast
portion of the mesa (Truini and Longsworth 2003).
Groundwater flow in the N-aquifer is generally from the recharge area north of the mesa, from surface
elevations greater than 6,300 feet above sea level, toward the south-southeast beneath Black Mesa (Lopes
and Hoffman 1996). Because the thickness of the N-aquifer decreases significantly in the southern portion
of the mesa, the direction of regional groundwater flow beneath the central portion of the mesa generally
diverges toward the northeast and southwest (Lopes and Hoffman 1996). Groundwater from the N-aquifer
discharges to Laguna Creek and Moenkopi Wash, as well as to springs along the margins of the mesa where
the N-aquifer outcrops. Water withdrawn from the N aquifer takes many years to be replenished through the
recharge area; therefore, long-term impacts on springs may result from groundwater pumping.
Precipitation in the Black Mesa area ranges from 7 inches per year to 18 inches per year near Shonto
and in the higher elevations of the mesa (Lopes and Hoffman 1996). Precipitation recharging the shallow
unconsolidated sediments and the upper D-aquifer results in shallow flow outward toward the margins of the
mesa and the occurrence of springs along surface drainage-ways.
Basis of Evaluation
Pursuant to the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977, OSMRE performed a CHIA of
PWCC’s Black Mesa/Kayenta Mine in the Black Mesa Area of Northeastern Arizona. In January 1988,
OSMRE issued a copy of their CHIA for the Black Mesa area. In April 1989, a revised CHIA for the Black
Mesa was issued. Differences between the Draft and Final CHIA were discussed in Section 5.2 of LFR’s
September, 2000 report evaluating cumulative hydrologic impacts on the N Aquifer (LFR, 2000). The
purpose of the Black Mesa CHIA was to determine whether Peabody’s proposed extraction of approximately
4,000 acre-feet of water per year from the N-aquifer would cause material damage to the aquifer.
To evaluate the impact of groundwater withdrawals on the N-aquifer, CHIA criteria were established to
allow for comparison of future groundwater levels and surface water flows to baseline water levels and flows
established in the CHIA. Within the CHIA, pertinent baseline years are listed as January 1, 1980 through
December 31, 1984 for surface water quantity evaluations, and 1985 for groundwater level evaluations. The
hydrologic concerns addressed in the CHIA are primarily related to the diminution of the N-aquifer water
resource related to potential adverse impacts on water quantity and quality.
Table 1 lists the Black Mesa CHIA criteria standards that are specifically pertinent to N-aquifer groundwater
resources. The status of each of those criteria as reported in LFR’s September 2000 report and this report are
included for reference. Below is a summary of Black Mesa CHIA criteria along with associated observations
from our evaluation.
Criterion 1: Maintain potentiometric head 100 feet above top of N-aquifer at any point to preserve
con ned state of aquifer.
This criterion was established to protect the structural stability of the N-aquifer due to a reduction of
potentiometric head and water stored within the aquifer. Confined aquifers are typically dependent upon water
pressure contained within the matrix pore space to retain structural integrity; without the additional support of
pore space water pressure some aquifers can compact, causing a permanent loss of storage capacity and, in some
cases, surface land subsidence. Because the N-aquifer in the Black Mesa Area is comprised primarily of cemented
sandstone, the likelihood of aquifer compaction occurring is lessened. This likelihood of N-aquifer compaction is
recognized on pages 5 6 of the CHIA; however, “as an added insurance” the criterion is retained.
Natural Resources Defense Council
Appendix Table 1: The CHIA criteria
Standard Status in 2000 Status in 2006
Criterion 1:
“Maintain potentiometric
head of 100 feet above
top of N-aquifer at any
point to preserve confined
state of aquifer.”
Groundwater level is
within 100 feet of top
of N-aquifer in two
monitored wells.
Groundwater level is within 100 feet of
the top of N-aquifer in two monitored
wells and has periodically dropped
below the top elevation of the N-
aquifer itself.
Criterion 2:
A value of leakage from
the D-aquifer not to exceed
10 percent from mine-
related withdrawals.”
Leakage is not directly
measured; analysis of
related data suggests
that water quality is
threatened in some
Leakage is not adequately assessed;
analysis of related data reveals
increasing trends in inorganic
constituents in the N-aquifer in some
Criterion 3:
to springs
A discharge reduction
of 10 percent or more
caused by mine-related
withdrawals based on
results of N-aquifer
Seven of nine monitored
springs show a decline
in excess of 10 percent,
according to available
field data.
Three of four monitored springs
continue to show a decline in excess
of 10 percent; if the model were
updated and forced to calibrate, the
conclusion that no material damage
has occurred would not be supported.
Criterion 4:
to washes
A discharge reduction
of 10 percent or more
caused by mining.”
Moenkopi Wash shows a
decline of approximately
25 percent; status of
other washes is difficult
to ascertain.
Three of four continuously monitored
wash gauging stations show decline
of at least 50%; material damage
is evident however simulated
modeling results do not calibrate with
monitoring data.
The criteria listed here were established by OSMRE in its Cumulative Hydrologic Impact Assessment of the Peabody Coal Company Black Mesa/ Kayenta
Mine (1989), pp. 6-20 to 6-45 and 7-3 to 7-5. Assessments made in the column marked “status” are based on the analysis presented below.
Results of the September 2000 Assessment
In the September 2000 report, LFR located measuring point elevations for the N-aquifer wells listed in the
USGS progress reports and evaluated measured water levels based upon this criterion. Of the 15 wells listed as
existing within the confined portion of the N-aquifer in the USGS progress reports, six had a potentiometric
head within 100 feet of the top of the N-aquifer. Three of those six wells (10T-258, 10R-111, and Sweetwater
Mesa) are located near the aquifer boundary between confined and unconfined portions of the N-aquifer and
behave more like wells existing in the unconfined portion of the aquifer. A fourth well, the Rough Rock well,
is located in the unconfined portion of the N-aquifer.
Of the 11 wells monitored that were known to be installed in the confined portion of the aquifer, two
(Kayenta West and BM3) were found to have a potentiometric head less than 100 feet above the top of the
N-aquifer. The groundwater elevation in the Kayenta West well was reported in 1996 to be more than 11 feet
below the approximated top of the N-aquifer and in 1998 to be approximately 0.2 feet above the top of the
N-aquifer. The groundwater elevation at BM3 was reported in 1996 to be within approximately 1 foot of the
top of the N-aquifer and in 1998 to be approximately 1.6 feet above the top of the N-aquifer.
OSMRE acknowledged this criterion failure at BM3 in their material damage reviews. However, since
the static water level in this well was 99 feet above the top of the N aquifer when it was first installed (1959)
OSMRE concludes that “material damage to the hydrologic balance of the N-aquifer, caused by mining, with
respect to maintaining the potentiometric head above the top of the N-aquifer, has not occurred.” Monitoring
data indicate a water level decline in the BM3 well more than 93 feet since the pre-stress (or pre-mining)
Natural Resources Defense Council
OSMRE did not include a discussion of the Kayenta West well in its material damage reviews nor do they
include any explanation for the exclusion of Kayenta West data from their reviews. Monitoring data collected
from the Kayenta West well were included in the USGS progress reports; however, these data were omitted
from the OSMRE reviews. The USGS monitoring data indicated a water level decline in the Kayenta West
well of more than 69 feet since the pre-stress period.
CHIA Criterion 1 Update
Since the September 2000 report, water level declines have continued to be observed in most N-aquifer
monitor wells. Still, only monitor well BM3 is identified by OSMRE as not meeting the CHIA Criterion 1
objective of having a groundwater elevation of at least 100 feet above the top of the N-aquifer in the confined
portion of the aquifer. The failure of this well to meet the criterion is dismissed by OSMRE as being the result
of municipal pumping in the Kayenta community. OSMRE states in their 2004 Annual Hydrologic Data
Report that 516 acre-feet were withdrawn from the N-aquifer at Kayenta, accounting for 38% of all non-
industrial pumping from the confined portion of the aquifer. They dont mention that the total municipal
pumping at Kayenta represents less than 12% of the industrial pumping by PWCC a short distance south of
Kayenta. Furthermore, OSMRE does not include a discussion of the Kayenta West well in its material damage
reviews because the USGS reported that the well had recently been pumped and water level measurements
were not considered representative. Nevertheless, historical monitoring data collected from the Kayenta West
well show that this well would not meet the CHIA Criterion 1 objective, and it appears that material damage
to the hydrologic balance of the N-aquifer has occurred based upon CHIA Criterion 1.
For the BM3 well, water levels have fluctuated (both up and down) by approximately 10 feet from the
levels reported in the September 2000 report. The most recent monitoring data indicate that for the year
2004, groundwater elevations are approximately 2.3 feet above the top of the N-aquifer. As such, this monitor
well continues to fail CHIA Criterion 1. Notwithstanding OSMRE’s exception for the BM3 well, it appears
that material damage to the hydrologic balance of the N-aquifer has occurred based upon CHIA Criterion 1.
With respect to both the Kayenta West and BM3 wells, monitoring data show that the water levels in
those wells have periodically dropped below not only the CHIA criteria level established to protect the aquifer,
but the elevation of the top of the N-aquifer itself. This adds additional concerns regarding potential material
damage to the N-aquifer. The 100 foot threshold for CHIA Criterion 1 was intended as a buffer to protect the
confined state of the aquifer. As the water levels drop below the confining layer, the aquifer begins to dewater
and air enters the previously saturated pore spaces. Even if water levels rebound, air can become entrained
in the pore spaces and can reduce the permeability and storage capacity of the aquifer in the area where the
overdraft occurred. In addition, the introduction of air can alter aquifer chemistry and result in damaging
reactions such as the formation of iron and manganese oxide precipitates. Such impacts may be irreparable.
Criterion 2: A value of leakage from the D-aquifer not to exceed 10 percent from mine-related
Continued stresses on the N-aquifer and associated water level declines, as observed, will increase vertical
gradients and potentially induce vertical leakage of poor quality water from the overlying D-aquifer. This
criterion was established to prevent degradation of N-aquifer water quality due to induced leakage of poor
quality groundwater from the overlying D-aquifer.
In order to quantify leakage from the D-aquifer to the N-aquifer, water level elevations for both aquifers
and the vertical hydraulic conductivity of the confining unit separating the aquifers are needed. However,
since D-aquifer water level data is not regularly monitored, other approaches must be used. Other methods
of evaluating D-aquifer leakage to the N-aquifer include inorganic water quality monitoring from the D- and
N-aquifers and groundwater flow and transport modeling.
To establish and evaluate this criterion for the CHIA, OSMRE used the USGS N-aquifer model.
Specifically, the CHIA evaluated the model’s simulation of predicted changes in the annual volume of leakage
from the D-aquifer to the N-aquifer attributable to mine-related withdrawals. The CHIA predicted no
significant change in volume of D-aquifer leakage to the N-aquifer for the simulated period.
Natural Resources Defense Council
Results of the September 2000 Assessment
In its annual material damage reviews, OSMRE used inorganic water quality monitoring to analyze for
induced leakage. This approach was dependent upon historical inorganic water quality data for the area of
study. In the Black Mesa area, the N aquifer generally has lower inorganic constituent content, including
major ions and cations such as chloride and sulfate, than the D-aquifer. One measure of the presence of
inorganic constituents is the amount of Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) expressed in milligrams per liter. In
OSMRE’s analysis, where induced leakage from the D-aquifer is occurring, an increase in TDS would be
anticipated in the N-aquifer. Yet, where increases in TDS have been observed for N-aquifer wells, some
justification was made to minimize the increasing values. While increasing TDS trends were observed for
multiple monitoring locations, the trends were noted to be “small” or “statistically insignificant.” OSMRE
concluded that “material damage to the hydrologic balance of the N-aquifer, caused by mining, with respect
to leakage from the D-aquifer to the N-aquifer, has not occurred.” OSMRE based its conclusion upon
inorganic water quality analysis only; other methods of analysis were not attempted. No attempt was made to
correlate the trends of increasing TDS with the material damage criterion.
If leakage to the N-aquifer were estimated as proposed in the draft CHIA by evaluating the magnitude
of N-aquifer water level declines and associated changes in the vertical gradient between the D-aquifer and
the N-aquifer, a conclusion of material damage to the N-aquifer water quality would be more likely. The
N-aquifer potentiometric head was more than 100 feet below the baseline altitude in at least two of the
monitored wells (Pinon and Keams Canyon). Additionally, data trends for at least four additional wells (BM2,
BM3, BM5, and BM6) indicate that groundwater levels would soon be more than 100 feet lower than the
baseline altitude in those wells. Ultimately, six or more of the eleven monitored wells would likely exhibit
groundwater level declines more than 100 feet before mining operations cease.
CHIA Criterion 2 Update
The CHIA criteria set a 10 percent increase in induced leakage attributed to mine-related withdrawals as
the basis for determining material damage to the N-aquifer. While physically quantifying the amount of
induced leakage associated with mine-related withdrawals may not be possible, estimates could be based
on the fact that the amount of leakage induced by groundwater withdrawals would increase proportionally
to the increased vertical gradient resulting from those withdrawals [i.e., from Darcys Law: Q (flux) = K
(hydraulic conductivity) x I (gradient) x A (area)]. In other words, everything else being equal, an increase in
the vertical gradient by 10 percent would increase the vertical flux of leakage by 10 percent. However, rather
than attempting to estimate induced leakage through water-level monitoring and changes in vertical gradients
or using water balance results from groundwater modeling, OSMRE looks at inorganic water quality as an
indirect indicator of induced leakage to make the conclusion that material damage has not occurred.
Recent monitoring data provide evidence of increasing trends in inorganic constituents in the N-
aquifer, including chloride and total dissolved solids, particularly in the southeast portion of Black Mesa near
Rough Rock, Pinon, and Keams Canyon. Induced leakage resulting from groundwater withdrawals does
not necessarily occur in the immediate vicinity of the pumping stresses, rather it can occur at some distance
away where resistance to vertical flow is reduced and leakage can provide a source of recharge to offset those
pumping stresses. As such, evidence of induced leakage from the D-aquifer to the N-aquifer in the southern
portion of Black Mesa may potentially be related to groundwater withdrawals by PWCC further to the north.
In 2003, the USGS issued a report on the Hydrogeology of the D-aquifer and Movement and Ages of
Groundwater Determined from Geochemical and Isotopic Analysis, Black Mesa Area, Northeastern Arizona
(Truini and Longsworth 2003). That report included a discussion on groundwater leakage from the D-aquifer
to the N-aquifer based on geochemical and isotopic data analysis and concluded that leakage has occurred
from the D-aquifer to the N-aquifer for thousands of years, and most likely occurs in the southern part of
Black Mesa. Unfortunately, the report avoids any quantitative discussion of the change in vertical gradients
between the D- and N-aquifers from pre-development to post development times. A separate USGS report
(Thomas 2002) states that groundwater monitoring of the N-aquifer has shown that vertical drawdowns have
increased the differences between the potentiometric surfaces of the D- and N-aquifers by greater than one-
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third in the area of most apparent leakage.
The 2003 USGS report suggests that a more quantitative answer to observed changes will require
additional information on the Carmel Formation (the aquitard separating the D-aquifer and the n-Aquifer)
and simulation modeling. Historically, the CHIA evaluation relied on the original USGS N-aquifer
groundwater model and concluded that no significant change in leakage was evident for the simulation
period. Since then, PWCC has developed a new model that incorporates both the D-aquifer and the N-
aquifer. Documentation for the new model included a water balance for each model layer under steady state
conditions. For the steady state simulation, approximately 4,100 acre-feet per year of recharge to the upper
N-aquifer layer is derived from vertical leakage from the overlying layer (Carmel Formation); however, no
discussion was provided regarding the areal distribution of observed leakage or whether changes in vertical
leakage is observed between pre-stress and post-stress model simulations. This would seem like a logical and
necessary evaluation to include considering the specific requirements of the CHIA criteria.
Regardless of the modeling and water-quality monitoring efforts that have been done to date, there
have been no attempts to provide quantitative estimates of either horizontal flux or vertical induced leakage
based on observed changes in the horizontal gradient in the N-aquifer or the vertical gradient between the
D-aquifer and the N-aquifer from pre-stress to post-stress periods. Horizontal groundwater gradients in the
N-aquifer have changed significantly in the southern portion of Black Mesa since the introduction of PWCC
withdrawals. The most recent model simulations indicate that groundwater flow in the N-aquifer southeast
of Pinon is to the north and represents a source of storage (or recharge) for pumping stresses to the north.
This area is also where vertical leakage has been documented by changes in inorganic water quality. While the
CHIA criteria cannot be quantitatively evaluated based on available data, indirect evidence of material damage
associated with induced leakage exists. In short, based upon the information provided, the impact of increased
vertical gradients on the potential for increased induced leakage from the D-aquifer as a result of PWCC
withdrawals from the N-aquifer has not been adequately assessed.
In addition to concerns about induced leakage, available reports do not address the potential for man-
made conduits that locally may impact water quality in the N-aquifer. In particular, wells in the PWCC
well field are screened across multiple aquifers and, as such, when the wells are not pumping a direct vertical
conduit exists between the units. If the wells are not pumped for a significant period of time, water that is
“injected” into the N-aquifer from overlying aquifers under non-pumping conditions could significantly
impact water quality in the N-aquifer.
Criterion 3: A discharge (from N-aquifer springs) reduction of 10 percent or more, caused
by mine-related withdrawals based on results of N-aquifer simulation.
This criterion was established to protect the natural springs in the Black Mesa area. Well capture generally results
in reduced discharge from the aquifer, induced leakage to the aquifer, or some combination of those two.
OSMRE used the N-aquifer groundwater model to establish and evaluate this criterion for the CHIA.
They base the criterion on present and future N-aquifer simulations. Apparently, when model updates are
unavailable this criterion is based upon the most recent model results or no material damage evaluation is
attempted. Within the CHIA, only one spring area (Pasture Canyon) appears to have been evaluated. The
CHIA predicted “outflow to the springs in Pasture Canyon would not be affected by the duration of pumping
at the mine.” However, later in the same paragraph (page 6-39) OSMRE states that the simulated outflow
numbers for Pasture Canyon “should be used with caution because the model does not adequately represent
important details of the local geology in this area.They also state “reliable estimation of changes in flow of
the Pasture Canyon springs would require detailed study and modeling of that local area.
Results of the September 2000 Assessment
In its annual material damage reviews, OSMRE based its analysis of this criterion on the latest USGS N-
aquifer model or made no evaluative attempt. Since the final CHIA was released in 1989, the USGS had
performed modeling simulations twice. The most recent modeling results were presented in the 1992-1993
USGS progress report released in 1995. Therefore, all OSMRE material damage analyses were based upon
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pre-1995 modeling results. OSMRE concluded either that based upon “the most recent N aquifer computer
model simulation, material damage to the hydrologic balance of the N-aquifer, caused by mining, with respect
to N-aquifer discharge has not occurred” or that it “could not determine whether or not material damage to
the hydrologic balance of the N-aquifer has occurred” due to a lack of modeling results. Either way, analysis of
this criterion as proposed in the 1990 CHIA had not occurred since 1994 data was evaluated.
Discharges for multiple springs located in the Black Mesa area have been monitored and the USGS
progress reports contain some of this data. LFR searched the progress reports and other USGS water use
reports to obtain spring discharge data for analysis. Of the nine springs for which discharge data were
available, seven showed a decline of 30 percent or more. Flows had apparently increased in two springs
(Dennehotso, Hard Rocks); however, original flows at Hard Rocks were only estimated, and the magnitude
of change in flow from the spring near Dennehotso tended to imply that some unknown change(s) may
have occurred (e.g., new monitoring location, nearby construction). Some of the monitoring data were
questionable due to variable monitoring locations and the lack of any attempt by the USGS to correlate them.
Not only had most springs experienced a discharge reduction in excess of 30 percent, but the majority of those
appeared to have decreased by more than 50 percent (Rock Ledge, Moenkopi School, Many Farms, Whiskey,
and Pasture Canyon). Hence, regardless of the monitoring data deficiencies, material damage appeared
obvious based upon actual conditions. It was unclear why the modeling simulations had not been adjusted
(calibrated) to better represent observed decreases in spring discharges.
CHIA Criterion 3 Update
The USGS report “Ground-Water, Surface-Water, and Water Chemistry Data, Black Mesa Area, Northeastern
Arizona—2003-2004” (Truini and Porter 2005) contains recent data for four springs that discharge from the
N-aquifer. Of the four springs, three are located on the southwestern side of Black Mesa (Pasture Canyon,
Moenkopi School, and Burro) and the other is on the northeastern side of Black Mesa (unnamed spring
near Dennehotso). Annual discharge data dating back to at least the early 1990s are provided. Some historic
discharge data (pre-development) are also provided. A graph showing trends in discharge for all four springs
is presented, although the data is plotted on a logarithmic scale making interpretation difficult. A closer look
at the data clearly shows an overall reduction in spring discharge for the three springs on the southwest side of
the mesa. Discharge from the unnamed spring near Dennehotso has fluctuated over time making a definitive
analysis of the overall trend more difficult; however, the two lowest measured discharges observed since annual
measurements commenced in 1992 occurred within the last three years. Using only the annual data collected
at the same location for each spring, estimates of discharge reduction since monitoring began are 24 percent
at Moenkopi, 19 percent at Pasture Canyon, and 50 percent at Burro. Considering that industrial pumping
at PWCC represents the single largest stress on the N-aquifer (roughly 75 percent of withdrawals from the
confined portion of the N-aquifer in 2003), monitoring data shows that material damage has occurred based
on the CHIA criteria (a reduction of discharge of 10 percent or more). If other historic spring discharge data
were considered, observed discharge reductions would be much greater (70 percent at Moenkopi and 85
percent at Pasture Canyon).
It remains unclear how a conclusion can be made that no material damage is evident based on simulated
modeling results under both the USGS model and PWCC model while physical monitoring data suggests
otherwise. The groundwater model used to make that judgment is admittedly incapable of resolving
significant changes in spring discharges at the level required by the CHIA criteria. Physical monitoring data
continue to show that material damage, as defined by the CHIA criteria, is occurring. If the model were
updated and forced to calibrate to the physical data that has been collected, the conclusion that no material
damage has occurred would not be supported.
Criterion 4: A discharge (from N-aquifer to washes) reduction of 10 percent or more,
caused by mining.
This criterion was established to prevent excessive reduction of flow in the Black Mesa area washes due to
reduction of N-aquifer discharge to the washes. When a stream is in communication with an aquifer and the
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hydraulic head of the aquifer is greater than the relative elevation of the stream, water will discharge from the
aquifer into the stream (gaining stream). As head potentials within the aquifer decrease, the discharge to the
gaining stream will diminish. If the head potential within the aquifer decreases below the relative elevation of
the stream channel, the stream will begin to lose water to the aquifer (losing stream).
Within the CHIA, the N-aquifer model was again used to evaluate the potential for material damage due to
reduced baseflow discharge from the N-aquifer to area washes. Predicted baseflow discharges along Moenkopi
wash and Laguna Creek are discussed. By using various pumping scenarios in multiple model simulations,
the USGS was able to attribute approximate baseflow discharge reductions to industrial and/or municipal
withdrawals. The CHIA concluded that mine-related withdrawals would have a minor impact on baseflow
discharges in some instances based upon model results, but never to exceed the material damage criterion.
Results of the September 2000 Assessment
As with Criterion 3, OSMRE based their analysis of this criterion on the latest USGS N aquifer model,
which had last been updated in 1994. OSMRE again concluded that based upon “the most recent N-aquifer
computer model simulation, material damage to the hydrologic balance of the N-aquifer, caused by mining,
with respect to N-aquifer discharge has not occurred” or that it “could not determine whether or not material
damage to the hydrologic balance of the N-Aquifer has occurred” due to a lack of modeling results.
Historical data do exist for flow in some area washes; however, the data are limited. For the baseline years
(1980-1984), data were only collected for the Moenkopi and Laguna Creek washes. The Dinnebito wash
had a monitoring station established in June 1993. Prior to establishing the 10 percent reduction criteria, the
CHIA noted that the Moenkopi gauge had been rated as having poor accuracy. As such, the margin of error in
measurement of more than 15 percent exceeds the criterion range of 10 percent.
The USGS monitoring reports use low-flow data for comparing wash flows. Low-flow data are based
upon daily stream discharges for the months of November through February of a water year. Discharge data
collected during these months are considered representative of low flow because the effect of stream loss due
to evapotranspiration (losses due to evaporation and transpiration, or the transfer of water to the atmosphere
by vegetation) and gain from snowmelt and rainfall (which generally occurs during temperate months) is
The Dinnebito wash had a mean daily discharge (as low-flow) of approximately 0.50 cubic feet per
second (ft
/s), based upon 1994-1997 continuous-record data. The Dinnebito wash gauging station became
operational in June 1993. In 1998, the low-flow discharge measurements for the Dinnebito wash ranged
from 0.32 ft
/s to 0.44 ft
/s, a reduction of at least12 percent. The average mean daily discharge (as low-flow)
for the baseline years on Moenkopi wash was reported to be about 3.2 ft
/s. From 1992 through 1998, the
average mean daily discharge (as low-flow) on Moenkopi wash was reported to be about 2.4 ft
/s. Therefore,
there had been a discharge reduction of approximately 25 percent in the Moenkopi wash according to the
USGS progress reports. The Laguna Creek monitoring station had been moved to a new location since
readings were taken for the baseline years making evaluation of that data difficult.
CHIA Criterion 4 Update
According to the USGS report “Ground-Water, Surface-Water, and Water Chemistry Data, Black Mesa Area,
Northeastern Arizona—2003-2004” (Truini and Porter 2005), continuous discharge data have been collected
at four streamflow gauging stations since the mid-1970s. The average annual discharge at the four gauging
stations vary considerably during the period of record and no long-term trends are apparent. Groundwater
discharge to the washes is assumed to be constant throughout the year, and the median winter flow is assumed
to represent the constant annual groundwater discharge. According to the report, since 1995 the median
winter flows for Moenkopi Wash, Dinnebito Wash, and Polacca Wash have generally decreased and there is no
consistent trend in flows for Laguna Creek.
For the four continuously monitored washes, the median winter flows in 2003 were 3.45ft3/s for
Moenkopi Wash, 0.75ft3/s for Laguna Creek, 0.25 ft
/s for Dinnebito Wash, and 0.10 ft
/s for Polacca Wash.
By comparison, the earliest measured median winter flows for Laguna Creek (1997), Dinnebito Wash (1994),
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and Polacca Wash (1995) were 1.8 ft
/s, 0.5 ft
/s, and 0.35 ft
/s, respectively. As such, flow reductions of 50
percent or more are evident since monitoring began in those three washes: 58 percent reduction at Laguna
Creek; 50 percent reduction at Dinnebito Wash; and 71 percent reduction at Polacca Wash . For Moenkopi
Wash, the period of record is much longer and shows a general decline since the highest measured value in
1988, except during the last two years where flow has increased.
As with spring discharge, the CHIA criteria depends on simulated groundwater modeling results rather
than physical monitoring data to assess impacts of changes in base flow to washes and creeks. The physical
monitoring data suggest that base flow in the monitored washes have decreased by more than 10 percent
since monitoring began. As such, in accordance with the CHIA criteria, material damage to the N-aquifer is
evident; however, simulated modeling results do not calibrate with the physical monitoring data.
Of the four N-aquifer groundwater resource criteria identified in the Black Mesa CHIA, only one (Criterion
1) is written such that material damage can be readily determined through physical monitoring data. The
other three criteria are written such that material damage can only be determined if attributed to mine-
related groundwater withdrawals through hypothetical modeling efforts. While municipal withdrawals have
grown over time, mine-related withdrawals still represent the single largest consumptive use of groundwater
at Black Mesa, accounting for about 62 percent of the total groundwater withdrawals and about 77 percent
of the groundwater withdrawals from the confined portion of the N-aquifer (Truini and Porter 2005).
Compounding the issue, most mine-related withdrawals are used to transport coal as slurry to Nevada. As
such, extracted groundwater is exported from the region, precluding any potential for conservation measures
that might be employed, such as treatment and re-use, if the water were used locally.
Evaluation of Criterion 3 is based solely on computer groundwater modeling simulations and Criteria 2
and 4 are directly dependent upon the modeling results. Since the modeling simulations are not performed
regularly, OSMRE does not annually review the criteria based upon the simulation results, making it
impossible for them to ascertain whether material damage has occurred. Concluding material damage is
therefore problematic based upon the final CHIA criteria irrespective of data evaluation. However, in light
of available monitoring data, it is not possible to support OSMRE’s conclusion that material damage has not
occurred, made in its annual analyses of Peabody and USGS hydrological data monitoring reports.
With respect to physical monitoring data for the N-aquifer, an evaluation of the more recently collected data
shows that the concerning trends previously observed and reported by LFR in September 2000 continue to
persist. The median average annual decline in groundwater elevations in the confined portion of the N-
Aquifer was reported to be approximately 2 feet per year since 1983. The median overall decline in water
levels in the confined portion of the aquifer from pre-stress period (1965) to 2004 is 72 feet with a maximum
decline of more than 205 feet at one location. Spring monitoring data show reductions in discharge of
between 19 percent and 50 percent in three of the four monitored springs since around 1990, and by more
than 70 percent if historical (pre-development) data are considered. Similarly, the USGS concluded that
median winter flows in washes, used to approximate base flow attributed to groundwater discharge, have
been observed to be decreasing in excess of the CHIA criterion threshold for material damage in at least three
of four washes that have been monitored since 1995. Since a majority of groundwater withdrawals from the
N-aquifer are industrial and associated with the mine (particularly in the confined portion of the aquifer) the
observed impacts must be attributed in large part to those mine-related withdrawals and, therefore, physical
monitoring data confirms that material damage is still occurring as a result of Peabody withdrawals.
Technical Review of “A Three-dimensional Flow Model of the D- and
N-aquifers” and “A Three-dimensional Flow Model of the D- and N-
aquifers Supplement 1”
LFR provided a review of the model developed by PWCC for the combined D-aquifer and N-aquifer and
determined that:
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The model, because of its nature, resolution, and data density, is not well suited to the task of assessing
potential material damage or other disturbance to the hydrologic balance as it was intended to do.
A surface boundary condition putting, in effect, an infinite amount of water on top of the aquifer
system is inappropriate in an arid to semi-arid climate setting.
The model includes both the D- and N-aquifers. The CHIA has been developed for the N-aquifer
only. By including groundwater storage of the D-aquifer to the model, more than 43 percent of stored
water is added to the system. By adding storage to a system where “most of the groundwater pumped is
released from storage,” the effects of withdrawals are effectively diluted.
Overall, the new model provided for recharge levels that greatly exceed the latest estimates provided by the
USGS. In the PWCC model, approximately 11,000 acre-feet per year of recharge is applied in the unconfined
portion of the N-aquifer. In addition, an estimated 5,400 acre-feet per year of recharge is derived from the river
recharge boundary condition applied to the upper surface of the model as an initial condition (pre-pumping).
The upper boundary condition represents an infinite supply of water, thus aquifer withdrawals will yield
additional recharge from the river recharge boundary condition due to increased vertical gradients. It is estimated
that more than 15,000 acre-feet per year of recharge could be derived from the theorized river recharge boundary
condition if pumping stresses lowered groundwater elevations to the top of the N-aquifer. The impact of the river
recharge boundary condition was not assessed in the sensitivity analysis.
The PWCC model did not address the resolution problems that have precluded modeling as an accurate method
to assess material damages in the form of reduced discharge from the N-aquifer. The PWCC model is unable to
resolve changes in spring discharge from the N-aquifer or reduced flow in washes at the 10 percent level specified
by the CHIA criteria. Actual monitoring data regarding spring discharges continue to contradict predictions
based on modeling.
In July 2005, Supplement 1 of the Three-Dimensional Flow Model of the D- and N-aquifers was released.
The purpose of the supplement was to simulate and evaluate five additional pumping scenarios, provide results
of additional sensitivity testing, and evaluate whether the models originally presented in 1999 are able to
accurately simulate water level changes from 1997 through 2003 in the Black Mesa monitoring wells. Based on
our review of the supplemental report, LFR concludes as follows:
Previous concerns regarding the model and its ability to resolve specific CHIA criteria requirements
remain unresolved.
Calibration statistics typically provided in model validation reports (e.g., American Society for
Testing and Materials [ASTM] guidance for documenting and calibrating groundwater flow model
applications) are not made available, but rather qualitative statements are provided. For example, the
supplement simply offers us this evaluation: “The four models match the observed water-level changes
at the six BM monitoring wells quite well.The report further states that the model was updated to
include additional pumping data and simulated model results were compared to the updated pumping
data. The report states, “This evaluation, which is not presented here, indicated that there were only
small differences between measured and simulated drawdown for the period 1997 through 2000.
Subjective and unsupported narrative does not constitute technical support for the conclusion reached.
It would be more appropriate to provide quantitative analyses of model validation that demonstrate
model performance within applicable industry standards.
For the additional pumping scenarios, the report states that “predicted impact on discharge to streams
was almost negligible, and would not be measureable.The question that more appropriately should
be addressed is whether the model would be able to resolve changes in spring discharge at the level
necessary to evaluate the CHIA criteria. For example, to assess discharge reductions at Pasture Canyon
Spring, a 10 percent reduction in spring discharge (CHIA Criterion 3) would require that the model
accurately resolve changes in spring discharge of less than 5 gallons per minute or 8 acre-feet per year at
a minimum. Furthermore, if the model were accurately calibrated, it would show a reduction in spring
flow of more than 19 percent at Pasture Canyon Spring since 1995 (Truini, Macy, and Porter 2005).
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It is reported that neither the USGS nor PWCC monitors water levels in the confined portion of
the D-aquifer as part of its monitoring effort. D-aquifer water level information would be needed to
directly evaluate the change in leakage from the D-aquifer to the N-aquifer under CHIA Criterion 2
(OSM 2005). D-aquifer water level data would also be necessary to calibrate a model that incorporates
the D-aquifer and is intended, in part, to quantify leakage from the D-aquifer to the N-aquifer.
To determine whether Peabodys extraction of more than 4,000 acre-feet of water per year from the N-Aquifer
would cause material damage to the aquifer, OSRME prepared a CHIA report dated April 1989 (4,000 acre-
feet is typically used for estimation of mine-related groundwater withdrawals). Actual annual withdrawals
have ranged from 2,520 acre-feet to 4,740 acre-feet since mine-related withdrawals began in earnest in the
early 1970s. The average mine-related withdrawal over that same period has been approximately 3,950 acre-
feet. In the CHIA, OSMRE established specific criteria used to determine whether material damage would
occur. Based upon groundwater modeling performed for the CHIA, OSRME concluded that none of the
projected impacts associated with proposed mine operations exceeded the material damage criteria; therefore,
it anticipated no material damage to the hydrologic balance within the study area.
In September 2000, LFR evaluated groundwater, surface water, and water quality data from the Black
Mesa monitoring program contained in USGS Progress Reports to determine if material damage to the N
aquifer could be detected or appeared imminent. Flaws in the CHIA criteria and dependence of some criteria
on an underlying model that was not specifically designed to evaluate those criteria made the evaluation
difficult. It was determined that while the model may reasonably predict regional N-aquifer groundwater
conditions in the Black Mesa vicinity, the model does not adequately represent geologic detail to enable
conclusions regarding vertical leakage, spring discharge, and base flow in washes at the scale required by the
final CHIA criteria. LFR concluded that, issues with the final CHIA aside, material damage was evident based
upon CHIA Criterion 1. Additionally, if monitoring data were given precedence over modeling predictions,
it could be determined that excessive pumping of the N aquifer has caused groundwater discharge reductions
to springs and washes that exceed the guidelines established in CHIA Criterion 3 and CHIA Criterion 4. The
most recent physical monitoring data indicates that the 2000 LFR Report conclusions are still valid.
Since LFR’s September 2000 report, physical monitoring data show excessive drawdown in many Black
Mesa area groundwater monitoring wells and continued declines in discharge to springs and washes. Based
on the latest physical monitoring data, LFR concludes that additional negative impacts resulting in material
damage have occurred and further material damage to the N-aquifer is imminent. Material damage is still
indicated under CHIA Criterion 1 and, if physical monitoring data is given precedence over hypothetical
modeling results, material damage is also clearly indicated for CHIA Criteria 3 and 4. With respect to
CHIA Criterion 2, leakage is not adequately assessed but indirect evidence of material damage associated
with induced leakage exists. LFR continues to believe that the Black Mesa CHIA criteria are not necessarily
protective of the N-aquifer water resources due to their dependence upon simulated computer modeling
results and disregard of actual monitoring data. Damage to the hydrologic balance of the N-aquifer may
be compounding over time due to the lack of protection provided based upon the CHIA criteria and
the disregard of actual monitoring data. Nevertheless, groundwater modeling results, rather than actual
monitoring data, remain the primary tool for assessing material damage to the N-aquifer. As such, a detailed
and quantitative analysis of model performance, based on standard industry practices for model calibration
and documentation, and considering the rigorous requirements of the CHIA criteria, is needed.
Natural Resources Defense Council
GeoTrans, Inc. 1999. A Three-Dimensional Flow Model of the D and N Aquifers, Black Mesa, Arizona.
GeoTrans, Inc. 2005. A Three-Dimensional Flow Model of the D and N Aquifers, Black Mesa, Arizona,
Supplement 1. July.
LFR Levine•Fricke. 1997. Evaluation of Impacts of Groundwater Pumping from the N Aquifer, Black Mesa Area,
Arizona. August.
LFR Levine•Fricke. 2000. Evaluation of Cumulative Hydrologic Impacts on N-Aquifer, Black Mesa, Arizona.
LFR Levine•Fricke, 2002. Technical Review of “A Three-Dimensional Flow Model of the D and N Aquifers
Prepared by HIS Geotrans and Waterstone for the Peabody Western Coal Company, September 1999. April.
The Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcements. 2004. Report on its Review and Analysis of
Peabody Western Coal Companys 2003 “Annual Hydrological Data Report” and the U.S. Geological Surveys
“Ground-Water, Surface-Water, And Water-Chemistry Data, Black Mesa Area, Northeastern Arizona—2002-
03.” September.
The Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcements. 2005. Report on its Review and Analysis of
Peabody Western Coal Companys 2004 “Annual Hydrological Data Report” and the U.S. Geological Surveys
“Ground-Water, Surface-Water, And Water-Chemistry Data, Black Mesa Area, Northeastern Arizona—2003-
04.” August.
Thomas, B.E. 2002. “Ground-Water, Surface-Water, and Water-Chemistry Data, Black Mesa Area,
Northeastern Arizona-2000-2001, and Performance and Sensitivity of the 1988 USGS Numerical Model of
the N Aquifer.” U.S. Geologic Survey Water Resources Investigations Report 02-4211.
Truini, M. and S.A. Longsworth. 2003. “Hydrogeology of the D Aquifer and Movement and Ages of Ground
Water Determined from Geochemical and Isotopic Analysis, Black Mesa Area, Northeastern Arizona.” Water
Resources Investigations Report 03-4189_Version 1.1.
Truini, M. and T.J. Porter. 2005. “Ground-Water, Surface-Water, and Water-Chemistry Data, Black Mesa
Area, Northeastern Arizona-2003-2004.” U.S. Geologic Survey Open File Report 2005-1080.
Natural Resources Defense Council
Technical Review of “A Three-
Dimensional Flow Model of the D and N
Aquifers” Prepared by HIS Geotrans and
Waterstone, for the Peabody Western
Coal Company, September 1999
April 24, 2002 (LFR 014-10002-00)
Three-dimensional flow models of the N Aquifer in the Black Mesa Basin of Arizona have been developed and
used to evaluate effects from Peabody Western Coal Company (PWCC), and Navajo Nation and Hopi Tribe
community pumping centers on the N Aquifer. Those modeling efforts have been applied to assess potential
impacts to the N Aquifer.
The Department of Interior has previously established Cumulative Hydraulic Impact Assessment (CHIA)
criteria to assess the presence of material damage to the N Aquifer caused by PWCC pumping. The four main
CHIA criteria included:
1. Maintain potentiometric head of 100 feet above the top of N Aquifer at any point to preserve confined
state of aquifer.
2. A value of leakage from the D Aquifer not to exceed 10% from mine related withdrawals.
3. A discharge to springs reduction of 10% or more caused by mine-related withdrawals based on results
of N Aquifer simulation.
4. A decline in discharge to the N Aquifer washes by 10% or more caused by mining.
Evaluation of the four CHIA criteria relies heavily or almost entirely on model simulation results. In fact,
the very terms of some of the criteria directly refer to a modeling analysis. Unfortunately, available models
generally lack the necessary resolution and/or were not developed for the specific purpose of evaluating CHIA
criteria. Thus there has been a large degree of uncertainty in conclusions derived from model predictions.
In September 1999, PWCC issued a report summarizing the development of a new three-dimensional
flow model that simulated aquifer conditions and groundwater flow in both the D and N aquifers. One stated
objective of this modeling effort was to help assess probable hydrologic consequences of the life- of-mine
mining plan upon the quality and quantity of surface and groundwater for the proposed permit and adjacent
areas. More specifically, the model was used to estimate future impacts of PWCC and tribal pumping on the
D and N aquifers.
Natural Resources Defense Council
LFR was asked to provide a technical review of the model and accompanying documentation, and its
application to predicting impacts on the D and N aquifers. This review focused on whether the new model
improved the ability to assess material damage and other disturbances to the hydrologic balance relative
to CHIA criteria and whether it accurately simulated responses to PWCC pumping on such things as
groundwater elevations, aquifer discharge, induced leakage, and storage loss in the D and N aquifers.
Model Review
The results of our review of the most recent model developed by PWCC are summarized in the following
comments. Major technical issues and other inconsistencies are discussed with reference to the model
documentation, where available. Overall, LFR’s comments can be condensed into the following three
i. The model, because of its nature, resolution, and data density, is not well suited to the task of assessing
potential material damage or other disturbance to the hydrologic balance as it was intended to do.
ii. A surface boundary condition putting in effect an infinite amount of water on top of the aquifer
system is inappropriate in an arid to semi-arid climate setting.
iii. The model includes both the D and N aquifers. The CHIA have been developed for the N Aquifer
only. By including groundwater storage of the D Aquifer to the model, over 43% of stored water
is added to the system. By adding storage to a system where “most of the groundwater pumped is
released from storage,” the effects of withdrawals are effectively diluted.
Major Issues
A. Surface boundary condition
The model consists of seven layers, the top three representing various members of the D Aquifer. Layer
four represents the thin Carmel Aquitard, and layers five through seven represent members of the N Aquifer.
Peabody states that water budgets provided in the model documentation are based on the combined
inflows and outflows of both the D Aquifer and N Aquifer. In the Black Mesa Area, the Mancos shale and
other unconsolidated deposits overlie the D Aquifer. Those units are not explicitly defined in the model
because they are thin and usually unsaturated (page 5-1). On page 5-12, it is stated that “Water primarily
moves into the Dakota aquifer from leakage of water through the Mancos shale overlying the Dakota
sandstone.This leakage is simulated in the model by a river boundary condition which, in effect, places an
infinite amount of water on top of the model. A “riverbed” conductance of 0.00026 ft/d and a thickness of
600 feet is used for the Mancos shale, and a “river stage” is assumed to be 100 feet above the top of the
Mancos, or 700 ft above the top of the D Aquifer (p. 513). This vertical conductance, albeit small, is
theorized to yield a significant amount of inflow when considered over the area of the aquifer system modeled.
When combined with data on the aerial extent of the D Aquifer (Surface statistics, Table 4.3-1) and
evaporation (section 5.4.2, page 5-16), this simulated “river recharge” yields an estimated 5,400 acre-feet/year
or more to the combined aquifer systems, or nearly the equivalent of the documented withdrawals (Peabody
mine and Indian Communities are estimated to withdraw 4,000 and 2,800 ac-ft/yr, respectively). Note that
this boundary condition influx is an initial (pre-pumping) source of recharge in addition to the precipitation
recharge of 11,000 ac-ft/year in the unconfined areas, discussed in the recharge boundary condition, section
4.6.9, and used extensively as a variable in calibration runs (ES-3 and page 4-36).
The river boundary condition on top of the model domain in itself contributes an inflow of equal
magnitude as the groundwater withdrawals. With increasing drawdown in the underlying aquifers, the surface
boundary condition, as theorized in the model, will yield more water due to increased vertical gradients.
As such, the impact of the surface boundary condition is that sufficient water is always available as vertical
leakage to the D and N aquifers to offset pumping stresses applied in the simulations. Impacts to spring
discharge and baseflow in washes are minimized, the boundary between the confined and unconfined portion
of the N-Aquifer is unaffected, and the confined portion of the N-Aquifer remains fully saturated. Yet, the
Natural Resources Defense Council
modelers conclude that “Because of the limited flow through the Mancos and the further isolation from the N
Aquifer provided by the D Aquifer and Carmel Formation, more extensive characterization was not believed
to be worthwhile for the objectives of the model. Further, these parameters [river conductance and river stage]
were not adjusted during the calibration.
B. Horizontal and vertical resolution
The horizontal cell dimensions of the finite difference grid range from 500 to 4,200 meters (1,640 to
13,780 feet). This spatial resolution is not adequate to evaluate impacts at individual washes and springs
(CHIA 3 and 4). This is because MODFLOW treats streams (a line feature) and wells and springs (point
features) as three-dimensional cells or cell blocks. For example, the lateral dimensions of one drain cell at
Moenkopi School is 3,000 by 2,100 meters (9,840 by 6,890 feet) while in the actual scenario is a spring
area approximately 50 feet wide discharging anywhere between 12 to 40 gpm only. Such discrepancy in
representation of a drain feature will effect the calibration that can either be aimed at water levels or discharge,
but not both. This is an inherent and well-known problem of MODFLOW and finite different models in
general. The alternative would be the use of a finite element model.
In the vertical dimension, the report states that the contact elevations of the seven hydrostratigraphic units
(HSUs) is generally accurate within 100 feet in moderately sloping terrains and up to 300 feet in steeper areas
(Appendix F, page F-2 and F-6). This too, precludes an accurate representation of springs and intersects of
HSUs by streams which are critical to the natural drainage of the aquifer system. These shortcomings related
to grid resolution have been recognized by the authors on page 1-5: “The model grid, although optimized to
address flow issues [stream discharge, recharge, leakance], was not designed to evaluate impacts at individual
springs or wells.” Yet, the impact on springs is acknowledged to be a significant issue of concern, and is exactly
the goal of CHIA criterion #3.
C. Confined and unconfined storage
The model combines the water budget (Table 5.8-4) for the D and N aquifers, thereby obscuring the
CHIA that have been developed for the N Aquifer only. The combined volume of the two aquifers increases
the predicted amount of groundwater in storage by 43% (Table 4.3-1). Because most of the groundwater
pumped is released from storage (page ES-6), the effects of withdrawals on the N Aquifer are diluted.
When unconfined storage is depleted, air enters the pore space to replace the extracted groundwater.
When the groundwater is confined, storage depletion results in pressure drops that extend over very large
distances (in the order of miles) to draw replacement water from the surrounding aquifer over long
periods of time (decades).
Under unconfined conditions the amount of storage is determined by the storage coefficient which equals
the specific yield (Sy), or drainable porosity at the water table. For confined conditions the storage coefficient
is expressed as specific storativity (Ss) and is described as the volume of water released per unit volume of
aquifer per unit change in head. Both these coefficients, and the respective condition that the groundwater in
a HSU is exposed to, have a significant effect on the amounts of water recharged, stored and pumped.
However, from the nine calibration steps, only one (step 6, page 5-36) adjusted the specific storage while
the remaining steps controlled the hydraulic conductivity and flow rates, specifically recharge. This does not
agree with the conclusion that the hydrologic system is “only mildly” sensitive to recharge (page 8-4). In the
transient model run, a large contrast exists between the values of Sy (0.1) and Ss (3.05·10-7 ft-1). These values
are assumed constant throughout the vertical layering and the lateral extent (page 5-39, and Table 5.6-1). This
is puzzling, since over 50 pumping tests have been performed over the area and storage coefficient is an output
from such analyses. Furthermore, a change from confined to unconfined condition results in the release of
large amounts of water, albeit irreversible. Once air enters a previously confined aquifer, its recovery will not
be complete because of air entrapment and possible settling. The scenario shown in Figure 5.6-3 with the
new 3-D model showing a larger confined area than the 2-D model and virtually no effect on the confined/
unconfined boundary by the year 2033 cannot be justified with the storage data used.
Natural Resources Defense Council
Other inconsistencies:
Page 1-1: reads that the projected recovery of the water levels, 20 years after pumping ceases, is 94%.
The same recovery appears in the conclusions, page 8-4, to be 70%.
Page ES-3: “Model calibration was intended to be used to improve basin-wide recharge”. Section 5.4
(page 5-12), on the other hand, reads: “The plan to estimate the recharge rate using the model was
not successful because of uncertainty in the discharge rates”. Model calibration, as defined by ASTM,
should focus on the match between model simulation and observed data.
Page ES-4: The values of “full” and “half” recharge stated here differ more than by round-off errors
from those listed in Table 5.8-4. It is unclear which values were input and which were “calibrated to
improve estimates of recharge”. It does not appear that a recharge rate representative of Lopes and
Hoffmans work was used.
Page ES-4: It is unclear why four models had to be calibrated in order to estimate the effects of PWCC
and community pumping on the D and N aquifers. If the difference between these four models is only
in recharge and discharge rates, one calibrated model and three “what-if” scenarios would seem more
Page 5-33: The standard guide to model verification (ASTM, 1994), is referenced but does not appear
in Section 9, References and Bibliography. It is also unclear from the mass balance, Table 5.8-4, how
this verification relates to stream discharges which, in Tables 6.3-7 to 6.3-9, show no effect to pumping
Page 5-38: The units used in the model are meters and days, while the report is written in, and
the figures of contours show, units of feet. Reason for this inconsistency is unclear and it makes
comparisons of calculations to reported graphs difficult.
Figures 5.6-4 and 5.5-5: An anomalous geological feature with a contrasting hydraulic conductivity
connecting wells BM-1, BM-2 and BM-3 is shown in the three lowermost formations, but its origin is
not explained.
Figure 6.1-1: First part of the curve, historical pumpage, is different in the presented scenarios. If based
on existing data, the six curves from 1960 to 1998 should be identical.
Figures 6.3-14, 6.3-21, 6.3-28, and 6.3-41. Problem in the legend of the drawdown contour: the
subtraction is not that of scenario A – E, shown in Figure 6.3-7.
Summary of the Model’s Applicability to N Aquifer Issues
LFR has reviewed previous reports and modeling applications used to assess potential impacts to the N
Aquifer from mine-related groundwater withdrawals. The most significant issues previously identified by LFR
that are relevant to the current model review include:
Most recharge to the N Aquifer occurs in the Shonto area north of the mesa where the N Aquifer is
The quantity of recharge to the N Aquifer has been overestimated in previous modeling exercises.
Many early models included as much as 13,000 ac-ft/yr of N-aquifer recharge. More recent studies
conducted by the U.S. Geological Service (USGS; Lopes and Hoffman, 1996) incorporating detailed
geochemical and isotope measurements suggest that the average rate of recharge to the N Aquifer
during the past several thousand years may be as low as 3,100 ac-ft/yr in the primary recharge area
along the northern margin of the mesa.
USGS studies by Brown and Eychaner (1988) estimate that only 3% of the N Aquifer water budget is
attributed to leakage from the overlying D Aquifer.
CHIA criteria were developed by the Department of Interior, Office of Surface Mining Reclamation
and Enforcement to establish if material damage to the N Aquifer has or may occur as a result of
mine-related withdrawals. Those criteria may not be protective because many depend either directly
or indirectly on simulations using ground water models that were not specifically designed to evaluate
those criteria.
Natural Resources Defense Council
Monitoring data indicate that excessive pumping of the N Aquifer has caused groundwater level
declines and spring discharge reductions exceeding guidelines established in the CHIA.
The latest model developed by PWCC does little, if anything, to resolve the previously identified issues
associated with the N Aquifer, and incorporates the D Aquifer, which is generally of poor quality and not a
drinking water source.
Overall, the new model provides for recharge levels that greatly exceed the latest estimates provided by the
USGS. In the PWCC model, approximately 11,000 acft/yr of recharge is applied in the unconfined portion
of the N-aquifer. In addition, an estimated 5,400 ac-ft/yr of recharge is derived from the river recharge
boundary condition applied to the upper surface of the model as an initial condition (pre-pumping). The
upper boundary condition represents an infinite supply of water, thus aquifer withdrawals will yield additional
recharge from the river recharge boundary condition due to increased vertical gradients. It is estimated that
more than 15,000 ac-ft/yr of recharge could be derived from the theorized river recharge boundary condition
if pumping stresses lowered groundwater elevations to the top of the N Aquifer. The impact of the river
recharge boundary condition was not assessed in the sensitivity analysis.
The PWCC model does not address the resolution problems that have precluded modeling as an accurate
method to assess material damages in the form of reduced discharge from the N Aquifer. The PWCC model is
unable to resolve changes in spring discharge from the N Aquifer or reduced flow in washes at the 10% level
specified by the CHIA criteria. Actual monitoring data regarding spring discharges continue to contradict
predictions based on modeling.
It does not appear that changes incorporated in the PWCC model improve the ability to assess the CHIA
criteria or to assess any similar criteria that may be developed. The N Aquifer was the primary subject of
the CHIA because, among other things, it represents a sole-source drinking water supply for the Hopi Tribe
and many members of the Navajo Nation. Water quality in the D Aquifer is generally too poor for human
Applicability of the Model to Other Groundwater Issues
PWCC used their model to assess a broader range of impacts as defined by their report on Probable
Hydrologic Consequences, Chapter 18 of Peabody’s Revised Mining Application. Previous reports in defense
of PWCC groundwater withdrawals include community withdrawals when discussing potential damages to
the N Aquifer. However, the community wells are not used for calibration in the PWCC model due to “a lack
of detailed information on pumping in community wells”. Considerable information has been collected by
the USGS on annual pumping and/or water use, and on water levels in wells used by the various communities
and it is not apparent why simulation results were not calibrated to available community pumping center
The reports provided by PWCC suggest that past (45+ years) as well as future groundwater extraction (an
additional 20+ years) at the mine will only capture water from aquifer storage (rather than recharge). Water
is captured from aquifer storage under transient conditions when wells are initially pumped. Equilibrium
conditions are reached when the cone of influence extends to (and captures) some source of recharge. This
will result in reduced discharge from the aquifer (as springs or baseflow in washes) and/or an inducement of
additional recharge as leakage from overlying units to offset the withdrawals. If withdrawals exceed available
recharge, then transient conditions persist and groundwater again is removed from aquifer storage. Under that
scenario, groundwater elevations will continue to decline and dewatering of the aquifer can occur. PWCC
suggests that the process of reaching equilibrium with groundwater withdrawals never occurs over the 65+
years of continuous pumping from the aquifer.
In contrast to previous studies that suggest only 3% of the N Aquifer water budget is attributed to leakage
from the overlying D Aquifer, the inclusion of the D Aquifer and use of a river recharge boundary in the
model provides far greater aquifer storage and recharge to offset mine-related withdrawals. It is not surprising
that impacts to N Aquifer discharges are minimized in the model.
Natural Resources Defense Council
Based on our review of the PWCC model documentation the following conclusions are provided:
The new PWCC model attempts to characterize a broader range of impacts of groundwater
withdrawals by incorporating the D Aquifer in addition to the N Aquifer. However, the PWCC model
does not resolve problems identified with previous models used to evaluate potential impacts to the N
Previously established CHIA criteria focus on impacts to the N Aquifer primarily because it is a sole-
source drinking water supply and spiritual resource for the Hopi Tribe. The D Aquifer is generally not
suitable for human consumption.
Incorporation of the D Aquifer and river recharge boundary condition, along with N Aquifer recharge
in the unconfined areas, results in recharge assumptions that are substantially higher than any other
known estimate and are inconsistent with recharge evaluations in both unconfined and confined
portions of the N Aquifer provided by the USGS and others.
The inclusion of the D Aquifer and use of a river recharge boundary in the PWCC model
inappropriately provides far greater aquifer storage and recharge to offset mine-related withdrawals. As
such, conclusions regarding impacts to N Aquifer cannot be substantiated.
The model, because of its nature, resolution, and data density, is not well suited to the task of assessing
potential material damage or other disturbance to the hydrologic balance as it was intended to do.
LFR Levine Fricke (LFR) is an environmental consulting and engineering firm headquartered in the San
Francisco Bay Area with approximately 400 employees in 20 offices nationwide. LFR provides assessment,
visualization, and practical solutions to engineering and environmental problems associated with resource
management, infrastructure development and improvement, and hazardous waste management.
Dr. Vit Kuhnel, Ph.D., has over 15 years of experience in environmental engineering and water resource
management on projects throughout the United States, Europe, and the Middle East. His expertise in
hydrogeology and geochemistry includes groundwater exploration and modeling, contaminant fate
and transport modeling, remedial systems analysis, and design and implementation of corrective actions. Dr.
Kuhnel’s primary focus is on the acquisition, interpretation, trend analysis, and presentation of hydrologic
data using groundwater flow and transport models ranging from simple analytical codes to sophisticated,
three-dimensional, multi-phase and transient models. Dr. Kuhnel works within LFR’s Water Resources and
Quantitative Services Group which provides state-of-the-art modeling and three-dimensional visualization of
surface, unsaturated sub-surface, and groundwater flow and transport phenomenon.
Bradley Cross, R.G., is a Principal Hydrogeologist and the Manager of Operations for the Southwest
Region at LFR. Mr. Cross has 15 years of experience in groundwater resource evaluation and resource
damage assessment, hazardous waste investigation, soil and groundwater characterization and remediation,
environmental assessment, and regulatory compliance. Mr. Cross is experienced in local to basin-wide
characterization of groundwater flow systems, field investigative methods, data analysis, remediation, litigation
support, project management, and report preparation. Specific areas of expertise include hydrogeology,
stratigraphy, sedimentology, and geochemistry including organic and inorganic transport and fate analysis.
Natural Resources Defense Council
e Offi ce of Surface Mining Recla-
mation and Enforcement, Managing
Hydrologic Information, A Resource for
Development of the Probable Hydrologic
Consequences (PHC) and Cumulative
Hydrologic Impact Assessments (CHIA),
Jan. 31, 1997, p. 40.
Data taken from USGS annual
reports published between 1998-2004,
refl ecting the latest available monitor-
ing data; Peabody’s Annual Hydro-
logical Data Reports from 2000-2004,
refl ecting Peabody’s monitoring data
during the calendar year and including
summary data from previous years;
and OSMRE’s annual reviews of both
USGS and Peabody’s annual reports,
which determine if available Peabody
and USGS data indicate material dam-
age has occurred as a result of Peabody’s
N-aquifer water use.
e following discussion of material
damage criteria is largely based on LFR
Levine-Fricke-Revon, “Evaluation of
Cumulative Hydrologic Impacts on the
N-Aquifer, Black Mesa Area, Arizona,
September 2000 (prepared for NRDC
and appended to the Drawdown
report); and LFR Levine-Fricke,
“Report: Update of the CHIA Criteria
Evaluation for Peabody Western Coal
Company Groundwater Withdraw-
als from the N-Aquifer, Black Mesa,
Arizona,” March 2006 (prepared for
NRDC and appended to this report).
Offi ce of Surface Mining “Reclama-
tion and Enforcement, Cumulative
Hydrologic Impact Assessment of the
Peabody Coal Company Black Mesa/
Kayenta Mine,” Jan. 1988, p. 5-11.
See the U.S. Geological Surveys
“Ground-water, Surface-water, and
Water-chemistry Data, Black Mesa
Area, Northeastern Arizona—2003-
04,” Sept. 2004; and the Offi ce of
Surface Mining Reclamation and
Enforcement, Report on Its Review
and Analysis of Peabody Western Coal
Company’s 2004 “Annual Hydrological
Data Report” and  e U.S. Geological
Surveys “Ground-water, Surface-water,
and Water-chemistry Data, Black Mesa
Area, Northeastern Arizona—2003-
04,” Aug. 2005.
Offi ce of Surface Mining Reclama-
tion and Enforcement, “Cumulative
Hydrologic Impact Assessment of the
Peabody Coal Company Black Mesa/
Kayenta Mine,” Jan. 1988, p. 5-11.
e Offi ce of Surface Mining
Reclamation and Enforcement, Report
on Its Review and Analysis of Peabody
Western Coal Company’s 2004
Annual Hydrological Data Report”
and the U.S. Geological Surveys
“Ground-Water, Surface-water, and
Water-chemistry Data, Black Mesa
Area, Northeastern Arizona—2003-
04,” August 2005, p. 7.
For accounts of these events, see
the following sections of OSMRE’s
progress reports: Report on Its Review
and Analysis (2000), pp. 7–9; Report
on Its Review and Analysis of Peabody
Western Coal Company’s “1996
Annual Hydrological Report—Black
Mesa and Kayenta Mines” and the U.S.
Geological Surveys “Ground-Water,
Surface-Water, and Water-Chemistry
Data, Black Mesa Area, Northeastern
Arizona—1996,” “Ground-Water,
Surface-Water, and Water-Chemistry
Data, Black Mesa Area, Northeastern
Arizona—1995,” “Results of Ground-
water, Surface-Water, and Water-
Chemistry Monitoring, Black Mesa
Area, Northeastern Arizona—1994,
“Results of Ground-Water, Surface-
Water, and Water-Quality Monitor-
ing, Black Mesa Area, Northeastern
Arizona—1992–93” (June 1998), pp.
7–9; Report on Its Review of Analysis
of Peabody Western Coal Company’s
1992 “Hydrological Data Report” and
the U.S. Geological Surveys “Results
of Ground-Water, Surface-Water and
Water-Quality Monitoring, Black Mesa
Area, Northeastern Arizona—1991–
92” (March 1994), pp. 6–8; Report
on Its Review and Analysis of Peabody
Coal Company’s 1991 “Hydrological
Data Report” and the U.S. Geological
Surveys “Results of Ground-Water,
Surface-Water, and Water-Qual-
ity Monitoring, Black Mesa Area,
Northeastern Arizona—1990–91”
(June 1993), pp. 6–8; Review and
Analysis of Peabody Coal Company’s
1990 “Hydrological Data Report” and
the U.S. Geological Surveys “Results
of Ground-Water, Surface-Water, and
Water-Quality Monitoring, Black Mesa
Area, Northeastern Arizona—1989-
90” (December 1992), pp. 5–6.
e U.S. Geological Surveys “Ground-
Water, Surface-Water, and Water-Chem-
istry Data, Black Mesa Area, North-
eastern Arizona—2003-04,” September
2004 p. 35-36 (Table 15).
LFR Levine-Fricke, “Report: Update
of the CHIA Criteria Evaluation for
Peabody Western Coal Company
Groundwater Withdrawals from the
N-Aquifer, Black Mesa, Arizona,
2006, p. 10.
See the Offi ce of Surface Mining
Reclamation and Enforcement, Report
on its Review and Analysis of Peabody
Western Coal Company’s 2004
Annual Hydrological Data Report”
and the U.S. Geological Surveys
“Ground-Water, Surface-Water, and
Water-Chemistry Data, Black Mesa
Area, Northeastern Arizona—2003-
04,” Aug. 2005, p. 7-8.
LFR Levine-Fricke, “Report: Update
of the CHIA Criteria Evaluation for
Peabody Western Coal Company
Groundwater Withdrawals from the
N-Aquifer, Black Mesa, Arizona,
2006, p. 10-11.
LFR Levine-Fricke, “Report: Update
of the CHIA Criteria Evaluation for
Peabody Western Coal Company
Groundwater Withdrawals from the
N-Aquifer, Black Mesa, Arizona,
2006, p. 11.
LFR Levine-Fricke, “Report: Update
of the CHIA Criteria Evaluation for
Peabody Western Coal Company
Groundwater Withdrawals from the
N-Aquifer, Black Mesa, Arizona,” 2006
p. 11.
LFR Levine-Fricke, “Report: Update
of the CHIA Criteria Evaluation for
Peabody Western Coal Company
Groundwater Withdrawals from the
N-Aquifer, Black Mesa, Arizona,
2006, p. 11.
Memorandum from Masud Uz Za-
man, Director of Water Management
Department, to Mike Nelson, Staff
Assistant of Offi ce of the Chairman/
Vice-Chairman, Evaluation and Analy-
sis of Peabody Coal’s Groundwater
Withdrawals and Recommendations
Pertinent to Full Exercise of the Navajo
Water Code (Oct. 4, 1984).
Memorandum from Masud Uz Za-
man, Director of Water Management
Department, to Mike Nelson, Staff
Assistant of Offi ce of the Chairman/
Vice-Chairman, Evaluation and Analy-
sis of Peabody Coal’s Groundwater
Withdrawals and Recommendations
Pertinent to Full Exercise of the Navajo
Water Code (Oct. 4, 1984).
Memorandum from Masud Uz Za-
man, Director of Water Management
Department, to Mike Nelson, Staff
Assistant of Offi ce of the Chairman/
Vice-Chairman, Evaluation and Analy-
sis of Peabody Coal’s Groundwater
Withdrawals and Recommendations
Pertinent to Full Exercise of the Navajo
Water Code (Oct. 4, 1984).
Offi ce of Surface Mining Reclama-
tion and Enforcement, Cumulative
Hydrologic Impact Statement, pp.
5-6, 5-11.
Although monitored springs at Den-
nehotso and Hard Rocks are reported
to have increased in fl ow, data in both
cases are questionable.  e baseline
discharge of Hard Rocks Spring has
only been estimated; discharge at
Dennehotso has increased so dramati-
cally that some extrinsic cause such as
nearby construction is implied. For
fuller treatment of these issues, see
“Evaluation of Cumulative Hydrologic
Impacts on the N-aquifer,” appended
to this report.
e Offi ce of Surface Mining
Reclamation and Enforcements, 2005,
Report on its Review And Analysis
of Peabody Western Coal Company’s
2004 “Annual Hydrological Data Re-
port” and the U.S. Geological Surveys
“Ground-Water, Surface-Water, And
Water-Chemistry Data, Black Mesa
Area, Northeastern Arizona—2003-
04” (August), p. 9.
See LFR Levine-Fricke, “Report: Up-
date of the CHIA Criteria Evaluation
for Peabody Western Coal Company
Groundwater Withdrawals from the
N-Aquifer, Black Mesa, Arizona,” pp.
e Offi ce of Surface Mining
Reclamation and Enforcements, 2005
Report On Its Review And Analysis
of Peabody Western Coal Company’s
2004 “Annual Hydrological Data Re-
port” and the U.S. Geological Surveys
“Ground-Water, Surface-Water, And
Water-Chemistry Data, Black Mesa
Area, Northeastern Arizona—2003-
04,” August, Appendix G.
See LFR Levine-Fricke, “Report: Up-
date of the CHIA Criteria Evaluation
for Peabody Western Coal Company
Groundwater Withdrawals from the
N-Aquifer, Black Mesa, Arizona,” pp.
See the discussion of Black Mesa
hydrogeology in “Evaluation of
Cumulative Hydrologic Impacts on
the N-Aquifer,” appended to this
report (citing Survey records); Foster
Associates, Inc., Study of Alternatives to
Transport Coal, p. E-9 (reporting 1993
See CHIA Criteria Section
Truini, M. and T.J. Porter, 2005,
“Ground-Water, Surface-Water, and
Water-Chemistry Data, Black Mesa
Area, Northeastern Arizona—2003-
Truini, M. and T.J. Porter, 2005,
“Ground-Water, Surface-Water, and
Water-Chemistry Data, Black Mesa
Area, Northeastern Arizona—2003-
2004”; U.S. Geologic Survey Open
File Report 2005-1080.
e Offi ce of Surface Mining
Reclamation and Enforcement, Report
on its Review and Analysis of Peabody
Western Coal Company’s 2003 “Annual
Natural Resources Defense Council
Hydrological Data Report” and the U.S.
Geological Surveys “Ground-Water,
Surface-water, and Water-chemistry
Data, Black Mesa Area, Northeastern
Arizona—2002-03,” Sept. 2004; and
“Ground-Water, Surface-Water, and
Water-Chemistry Data, Black Mesa
Area, Northeastern Arizona—2003-
2004” (Truini and Porter 2005).
Again, see our earlier discussion of
OSMRE’s material damage criteria in
“Signs of Decline,” which appears in
Chapter 1 of the Drawdown report,
and LFR Levine-Fricke “Report: Up-
date of the CHIA Criteria Evaluation
for Peabody Western Coal Company
Groundwater Withdrawals from the
N-Aquifer, Black Mesa, Arizona.
Compare Offi ce of Surface Mining
Reclamation and Enforcement Western
Regional Coordinating Center, Report
on its Review and Analysis (2000), pp.
9–10 with Table 3 in the Drawdown
report; the Offi ce of Surface Mining
Reclamation and Enforcements, 2005,
Report on its Review and Analysis of
Peabody Western Coal Company’s
2004 “Annual Hydrological Data Re-
port”; and the U.S. Geological Surveys
“Ground-Water, Surface-Water, and
Water-Chemistry Data, Black Mesa
Area, Northeastern Arizona—2003-
04” (2005), p. 9.
Offi ce of Surface Mining Reclama-
tion and Enforcement, Cumulative
Hydrologic Impact Assessment, p. 3-36
(citing the USGS model as presented
in J.H. Eychaner, “Simulation of Five
Ground-Water Withdrawal Projections
for the Black Mesa Area, Navajo and
Hopi Indian Reservations, Arizona,
1983 (USGS Water Resources Inves-
tigations Report 83-4000)).  e Final
Environmental Impact Statement
prepared for Peabody’s life-of-the-
mine permit sets an even estimate of
recharge: between 13,000 and 16,000
acre-feet per year. See the Offi ce of
Surface Mining Reclamation and
Enforcement, Proposed Permit Ap-
plication FEIS, vol. I, p. III-4.
See letter from William D. Nichols
to Chief of the Offi ce of Groundwater
(Oct. 28, 1993), pp. 3–4. Nichols
notes that Brown and Eychaner, who
conducted the initial studies of the N-
aquifer, relied on estimates of precipita-
tion levels of 18 inches in the Shonto
area and less than 12 inches in most
outcrop areas.  ey then estimated re-
charge to be 3 percent of the 18 inches
near Shonto, and 1 percent of the 12
inches elsewhere. As Nichols points
out, however, a map of mean annual
precipitation for 1931–1960 published
by the State of Arizona shows that the
maximum mean annual precipita-
tion rate in the Shonto area is only
12–14 inches, and a more appropriate
average for the outcrop areas would be
10 inches. Nichols also observed that
the original model did not justify the
percentage of precipitation it allocated
to recharge. Ibid., p. 4.
Following a critique by William
D. Nichols, of the USGS Water
Resources Department, researchers
omas J. Lopes and John P. Hoff man
recalibrated the recharge rate for the
all-important Shonto region. See letter
from William D. Nichols to Chief of
the Offi ce of Groundwater (Oct. 28,
1993), pp. 2–4; Lopes and Hoff man,
“Geochemical Analyses,” p. 30.
See Lopes and Hoff man, “Geo-
chemical Analyses,” p. 7; Levine-
Fricke-Recon, “Evaluation of Impacts
of Groundwater Pumping,” p. 7.
C.V.  eis, “ e Source of Water
Derived from Wells: Essential Factors
Controlling the Response of an Aquifer
to Development,Civil Engineering, 10
(1940), p. 277.
Letter from William D. Nichols to
Chief of the Offi ce of Groundwater
(Oct. 28, 1993), p. 3.
Letter from William D. Nichols to
Chief of the Offi ce of Groundwater
(Oct. 28, 1993), p. 4.
2002 Mining Application, Chapter
18 p. 39 (“the models are not of suf-
cient resolution to simulate fl ow at
individual springs . . . ”).
“Cumulative Hydrogeologic Impact
Assessment of Peabody Coal Company
Black Mesa Mine/Kayenta Mine,” 1989.
Drawdown p. 24.
See Kuhnel and Cross, “A Technical
Review of ‘A  ree-Dimensional Flow
Model of the D and N Aquifers’”
prepared by HIS Geotrans and Water-
stone, for the Peabody Western Coal
Company, Sept. 1999 (LFR 2002).
2002 Mining Application, Chapter
18, p. 46.
2002 Mining Application, Chapter
18, p. 46.
2002 Mining Application, Chapter
18, p. 39 (“the models are not of suf-
cient resolution to simulate fl ow at
individual springs . . . ”).
Truini, M. and T.J Porter, 2005,
“Ground-Water, Surface-Water, and
Water-Chemistry Data, Black Mesa
Area, Northeastern Arizona—2003-
2004,” U.S. Geologic Survey Open File
Report 2005-1080.
For calibration statistics typically
provided in model calibration reports,
see, e.g., ASTM guidance for docu-
menting and calibrating groundwater
ow model applications.
Environmental Integrity Project,
“Dirty Kilowatts: Americas most Pol-
luting Power Plants,” May 2005.
U.S. Geological Surveys “Ground-
Water, Surface-Water, and Water-
Chemistry Data, Black Mesa Area,
Northeastern Arizona—2003-04,
Sept. 2004, p. 3.
Grand Canyon Trust, Inc. et al. v.
Southern California Edison Co. et al.,
United States District Court, District
of Nevada Judicial District, Case No.
CV-S-98-00305-LDG (RJJ).
Miguel Bustillo, Edison to Shut
Down Polluting Coal Plant, Los Angeles
Times, Dec. 30, 2005.
Grand Canyon Trust, Inc. et al. v.
Southern California Edison Co. et al.,
United States District Court, District
of Nevada Judicial District, Case No.
CV-S-98-00305-LDG (RJJ).
Grand Canyon Trust, Inc. et al. v.
Southern California Edison Co. et al.,
United States District Court, District
of Nevada Judicial District, Case No.
CV-S-98-00305-LDG (RJJ).
Daniel Kraker,  e End of an Era on
the Colorado Plateau, High Country
News, Vol. 38, No. 1, Jan. 23, 2006.
Black Mesa Mine Permanent
Program Permit and Kayenta Mine
Permanent Program Permit AZ-0001D
(Feb. 12, 2004) (submitted to Mr.
Jerry Gavette, OSMRE)
Peabody February 12, 2004 letter p. 3.
NRDC comment letter to OSMRE
on April 26, 2002, citing USGS
regional monitoring reports and relying
on data published therein.
ere is simply not enough evidence
in the record to support Peabody’s
assumption that an alternative water
source is available. In fact, what evi-
dence does exist points to the signifi cant
potential for C-aquifer withdrawals to
upset the local hydrological balance.
OSMRE has previously found the
C-aquifer not to be a viable option.
See Drawdown Chapter 1, footnote
11.  is nding is further supported
by the dependence of the burgeoning
populations of the Coconino Plateau
on the C-aquifer—from Flagstaff to
Tusayan—which increasingly rely on the
C-aquifer to fulfi ll their water needs.
Peabody acknowledges that “[t]he
existing Navajo aquifer wellfi eld would
continue to be used until the new
source becomes available.” Peabody fur-
ther claims that “[a]fter the new source
is available, the Navajo aquifer wellfi eld
would continue to be maintained in a
fully operational status for emergency
use if, for any reason, the new source
becomes unavailable.” Aside from fail-
ing to show that C-aquifer water would
be available, Peabody does not defi ne
emergency use.” See Peabody Feb. 12,
2004 letter, p. 4.
Black Mesa and Kayenta Life-of-
Mine Plan Extension (hereinafter
“2004 Plan Extension”), p. 5.
Phases I and II of the governments
study appear under the titles: Foster
Associates, Inc., Errol Montgomery
& Associates, and Ryley, Carlock &
Applewhite, “Phase I Final Report:
Study of Alternatives to Transport
Coal from the Black Mesa Mine
to the Mohave Power Generating
Station,” Dec. 22, 1992 (literature
review produced by consultants to
the Interior Department); “Phase II
Final Report: Study of Alternatives to
Transport Coal from the Black Mesa
Mine to the Mohave Power Generating
Station,” Nov. 17, 1993 (fi rst half
of alternatives analysis produced by
consultants to the Interior Depart-
ment); and Environmental Protection
Agency Region IX, “EPA Comments:
DEIS on Proposed Permit Application,
Black Mesa-Kayenta Mine, Navajo and
Hopi Indian Reservations, Arizona,
Sept. 1989, pp. 2–3 (attached to letter
from Deanna M. Wieman, Director of
External Aff airs for EPA Region IX, to
Peter A. Rutledge, Chief of OSMRE’s
Federal Programs Division, Sept. 14,
1989). See also Bureau of Indian Af-
fairs, Memorandum from BIA Acting
Deputy to the Assistant Secretary of
Indian Aff airs to the Offi ce of Surface
Mining Reclamation and Enforce-
ment’s Western Field Operations, Sept.
18, 1989, p. 1 (on the “Draft Environ-
mental Impact Statement (DEIS) for
the Proposed Permit Application, Black
Mesa-Kayenta Mine, Navajo and Hopi
Reservations, Arizona”).
42 U.S.C. § 4321 et seq.
Drawdown p. 31.
See United States Code 42 (1998):
§ 1424.