Pet Policies
Revised 10-18-21
The provisions noted here are to clarify condominium document section 3985 page
464 “B An owner who moves into a condominium parcel with a pet; in the event said
pet dies thereafter, the owner cannot and shall not be permitted to replace said pet.”
Section 3985 page 466 “C. The unit owner shall not permit or allow any pet to walk
upon the outside premises of the condominium unless the same is within the confines
of the walk areas as are provided and designated as a pet walking area or area.
Designated pet walking areas are: Around the kayak rack, near the pool and around
the stand containing the bags for pet waste.
A. Screening/Registration
1. Pet owner must complete a Pet Application Form before occupying the unit. If the
pet is a dog or a cat, a current photograph should be attached. The (Condominium
manager, board of directors) will present a copy of the house policies to the resident
for review and signature.
2. Notwithstanding any other provision herein, disabled individuals may keep
assistance animals in their units. Furthermore, nothing herein shall hinder full access to
the apartments (condos) and the common areas by individuals with disabilities.
3. Owners with Emotional Support Animals will adhere to the Florida Law Senate Bill
1084-Emotional Support Animals, enacted on July 1, 2020. Per the law, documentation
(provided in advance by at least two weeks) will be reviewed by the association
attorney on a case-by-case basis. The form for ESA documentation can be found
On the condo website at www.islandpointcondos.org
4. Residents are responsible to inform visiting guests that they are not allowed to have
a pet with them during their visit.
B. Permissible Pets
1. Dog
Number Allowed 1- Weight Limit 15 lbs.
2. Cat
Number Allowed 1
3. Birds
Number Allowed 2
4. Small Caged Animals (limited to guinea pigs, hamsters, gerbils, ferrets and mice)
Number Allowed 2
C. Restrictions
1. Pets shall not be kept, bred, or used for any commercial purpose.
2. All cats, dogs, rabbits, and ferrets must by spayed or neutered by six months of age.
3. Pets must be confined to the pet owner’s unit and must not be allowed to roam free
or be tethered outside of the unit. Pets must not be left unattended on patios.
4. Pets must be on a leash at all times.
5. Persons who walk pets are responsible for immediately cleaning up after their
animals and discarding securely bagged pet droppings in the designated trash areas
6. Cat litter may not be disposed of in toilets.
7. Pet waste should not be dropped down trash chutes.
8. Pet owners are responsible for any damage/repair caused by their pets, including
cleaning chemicals or other such materials used in an attempt to remedy said damage.
9. No pet shall be allowed to become a nuisance or create any unreasonable
disturbance and violations are handled by the bay House Board of Directors in a
manner that is first corrective, but if uncorrected can result in a fine or removal of the
pet. Unruly and nuisance behavior includes:
a. Behavior that causes personal injury to other residents or property damage.
b. Continuous or incessant noise for a period of 10 minutes or
Intermittently for one (1) hour or more to the disturbance of any person at any time of
night or day.
d. Pets who relieve themselves on walls or floors of common area of the condominium.
e. Pet exhibiting aggressive, threatening or potentially dangerous behavior.
f. Pets who are conspicuously unclean or parasite infested.
10. Pet caregivers shall indemnify the association and hold it harmless against loss or
liability of any kind arising from their pet(s).
11. No pet allowed in pool area.
D. Enforcement
Any resident or managing agent personnel observing an infraction of any of these rules
shall discuss the infraction in a neighborly fashion with the pet caregiver in an effort to
secure voluntary compliance. If the complaint is not resolved, it must be put in writing,
signed, and presented to the (board of directors, managing agent, resident manager,
etc.). If the board is in agreement with such complaint, the pet caregiver will receive
written notice of the violation.
If upon the second violation(s) the problem is still unresolved, arrangements will be
made for a hearing. (At the board’s discretion, immediate arrangements for a hearing
may be made if the nature of the complaint involves personal injury or the imminent
threat thereof.) The board of directors may require the permanent removal of any pet, if
such pet is determined by the board to be a nuisance or a danger to the housing
community and its residents.
If so determined, the pet caregiver will have fourteen (14) days to remove the pet from
the premises. The board of directors also has the authority to assess and collect fines
for violations of the house rules pertaining to pets and to assess and collect amounts
necessary to repair or replace damaged areas or objects.